

    void startSpecificActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r,            boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig) {        // Is this activity's application already running?        ProcessRecord app = mService.getProcessRecordLocked(r.processName,                r.info.applicationInfo.uid, true);        r.task.stack.setLaunchTime(r);        if (app != null && app.thread != null) {            try {                ......                realStartActivityLocked(r, app, andResume, checkConfig);                return;            } catch (RemoteException e) {                ......            }            ......        }        mService.startProcessLocked(r.processName, r.info.applicationInfo, true, 0,                "activity", r.intent.getComponent(), false, false, true);    }
         mService.startProcessLocked进入AMS处理流程,最终会进入AMS内部私有函数private final void startProcessLocked(ProcessRecord app,
            String hostingType, String hostingNameStr),如下:
    private final void startProcessLocked(ProcessRecord app,            String hostingType, String hostingNameStr) {        ......        try {            ......            // Start the process.  It will either succeed and return a result containing            // the PID of the new process, or else throw a RuntimeException.            Process.ProcessStartResult startResult = Process.start("android.app.ActivityThread",                    app.processName, uid, uid, gids, debugFlags, mountExternal,                    app.info.targetSdkVersion, app.info.seinfo, null);            ......            if (app.persistent) {                Watchdog.getInstance().processStarted(app.processName, startResult.pid);            }            ......            }        } catch (RuntimeException e) {            // XXX do better error recovery.            app.setPid(0);            Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting process " + app.processName, e);        }    }
    public static final ProcessStartResult start(final String processClass,                                  final String niceName,                                  int uid, int gid, int[] gids,                                  int debugFlags, int mountExternal,                                  int targetSdkVersion,                                  String seInfo,                                  String[] zygoteArgs) {        try {            return startViaZygote(processClass, niceName, uid, gid, gids,                    debugFlags, mountExternal, targetSdkVersion, seInfo, zygoteArgs);        } catch (ZygoteStartFailedEx ex) {            Log.e(LOG_TAG,                    "Starting VM process through Zygote failed");            throw new RuntimeException(                    "Starting VM process through Zygote failed", ex);        }    }
    private static ProcessStartResult startViaZygote(final String processClass,                                  final String niceName,                                  final int uid, final int gid,                                  final int[] gids,                                  int debugFlags, int mountExternal,                                  int targetSdkVersion,                                  String seInfo,                                  String[] extraArgs)                                  throws ZygoteStartFailedEx {        synchronized(Process.class) {            ArrayList argsForZygote = new ArrayList();            // --runtime-init, --setuid=, --setgid=,            // and --setgroups= must go first            argsForZygote.add("--runtime-init");            argsForZygote.add("--setuid=" + uid);            argsForZygote.add("--setgid=" + gid);            if ((debugFlags & Zygote.DEBUG_ENABLE_JNI_LOGGING) != 0) {                argsForZygote.add("--enable-jni-logging");            }            if ((debugFlags & Zygote.DEBUG_ENABLE_SAFEMODE) != 0) {                argsForZygote.add("--enable-safemode");            }            if ((debugFlags & Zygote.DEBUG_ENABLE_DEBUGGER) != 0) {                argsForZygote.add("--enable-debugger");            }            if ((debugFlags & Zygote.DEBUG_ENABLE_CHECKJNI) != 0) {                argsForZygote.add("--enable-checkjni");            }            if ((debugFlags & Zygote.DEBUG_ENABLE_ASSERT) != 0) {                argsForZygote.add("--enable-assert");            }            if (mountExternal == Zygote.MOUNT_EXTERNAL_MULTIUSER) {                argsForZygote.add("--mount-external-multiuser");            } else if (mountExternal == Zygote.MOUNT_EXTERNAL_MULTIUSER_ALL) {                argsForZygote.add("--mount-external-multiuser-all");            }            argsForZygote.add("--target-sdk-version=" + targetSdkVersion);            //TODO optionally enable debuger            //argsForZygote.add("--enable-debugger");            // --setgroups is a comma-separated list            if (gids != null && gids.length > 0) {                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();                sb.append("--setgroups=");                int sz = gids.length;                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {                    if (i != 0) {                        sb.append(',');                    }                    sb.append(gids[i]);                }                argsForZygote.add(sb.toString());            }            if (niceName != null) {                argsForZygote.add("--nice-name=" + niceName);            }            if (seInfo != null) {                argsForZygote.add("--seinfo=" + seInfo);            }            argsForZygote.add(processClass);            if (extraArgs != null) {                for (String arg : extraArgs) {                    argsForZygote.add(arg);                }            }            return zygoteSendArgsAndGetResult(argsForZygote);        }    }
    private static ProcessStartResult zygoteSendArgsAndGetResult(ArrayList args)            throws ZygoteStartFailedEx {        openZygoteSocketIfNeeded();        try {            /**             * See com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.readArgumentList()             * Presently the wire format to the zygote process is:             * a) a count of arguments (argc, in essence)             * b) a number of newline-separated argument strings equal to count             *             * After the zygote process reads these it will write the pid of             * the child or -1 on failure, followed by boolean to             * indicate whether a wrapper process was used.             */            sZygoteWriter.write(Integer.toString(args.size()));            sZygoteWriter.newLine();            int sz = args.size();            for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {                String arg = args.get(i);                if (arg.indexOf('\n') >= 0) {                    throw new ZygoteStartFailedEx(                            "embedded newlines not allowed");                }                sZygoteWriter.write(arg);                sZygoteWriter.newLine();            }            sZygoteWriter.flush();            // Should there be a timeout on this?            ProcessStartResult result = new ProcessStartResult();            result.pid = sZygoteInputStream.readInt();            if (result.pid < 0) {                throw new ZygoteStartFailedEx("fork() failed");            }            result.usingWrapper = sZygoteInputStream.readBoolean();            return result;        } catch (IOException ex) {            try {                if (sZygoteSocket != null) {                    sZygoteSocket.close();                }            } catch (IOException ex2) {                // we're going to fail anyway                Log.e(LOG_TAG,"I/O exception on routine close", ex2);            }            sZygoteSocket = null;            throw new ZygoteStartFailedEx(ex);        }    }
    private static void openZygoteSocketIfNeeded()             throws ZygoteStartFailedEx {        ......        for (int retry = 0                ; (sZygoteSocket == null) && (retry < (retryCount + 1))                ; retry++ ) {            ......            try {                sZygoteSocket = new LocalSocket();                sZygoteSocket.connect(new LocalSocketAddress(ZYGOTE_SOCKET,                         LocalSocketAddress.Namespace.RESERVED));                sZygoteInputStream                        = new DataInputStream(sZygoteSocket.getInputStream());                sZygoteWriter =                    new BufferedWriter(                            new OutputStreamWriter(                                    sZygoteSocket.getOutputStream()),                            256);                Log.i("Zygote", "Process: zygote socket opened");                sPreviousZygoteOpenFailed = false;                break;            } catch (IOException ex) {                if (sZygoteSocket != null) {                    try {                        sZygoteSocket.close();                    } catch (IOException ex2) {                        Log.e(LOG_TAG,"I/O exception on close after exception",                                ex2);                    }                }                sZygoteSocket = null;            }        }        if (sZygoteSocket == null) {            sPreviousZygoteOpenFailed = true;            throw new ZygoteStartFailedEx("connect failed");                         }    }
其中“ZYGOTE_SOCKET”为"zygote",创建通道后,对应设备文件“/dev/socket/zygote”,接着就使用sZygoteWriter将信息发送给服务端,服务端接手到后就会创建新进程,最后通过sZygoteInputStream分别获取pid(=sZygoteInputStream.readInt()),usingWrapper(= sZygoteInputStream.readBoolean())。




    boolean runOnce() throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller {        String args[];        Arguments parsedArgs = null;        FileDescriptor[] descriptors;        try {            args = readArgumentList();            descriptors = mSocket.getAncillaryFileDescriptors();        } catch (IOException ex) {            Log.w(TAG, "IOException on command socket " + ex.getMessage());            closeSocket();            return true;        }        if (args == null) {            // EOF reached.            closeSocket();            return true;        }        /** the stderr of the most recent request, if avail */        PrintStream newStderr = null;        if (descriptors != null && descriptors.length >= 3) {            newStderr = new PrintStream(                    new FileOutputStream(descriptors[2]));        }        int pid = -1;        FileDescriptor childPipeFd = null;        FileDescriptor serverPipeFd = null;        try {            parsedArgs = new Arguments(args);            applyUidSecurityPolicy(parsedArgs, peer, peerSecurityContext);            applyRlimitSecurityPolicy(parsedArgs, peer, peerSecurityContext);            applyCapabilitiesSecurityPolicy(parsedArgs, peer, peerSecurityContext);            applyInvokeWithSecurityPolicy(parsedArgs, peer, peerSecurityContext);            applyseInfoSecurityPolicy(parsedArgs, peer, peerSecurityContext);            applyDebuggerSystemProperty(parsedArgs);            applyInvokeWithSystemProperty(parsedArgs);            int[][] rlimits = null;            if (parsedArgs.rlimits != null) {                rlimits = parsedArgs.rlimits.toArray(intArray2d);            }            if (parsedArgs.runtimeInit && parsedArgs.invokeWith != null) {                FileDescriptor[] pipeFds = Libcore.os.pipe();                childPipeFd = pipeFds[1];                serverPipeFd = pipeFds[0];                ZygoteInit.setCloseOnExec(serverPipeFd, true);            }            pid = Zygote.forkAndSpecialize(parsedArgs.uid, parsedArgs.gid, parsedArgs.gids,                    parsedArgs.debugFlags, rlimits, parsedArgs.mountExternal, parsedArgs.seInfo,                    parsedArgs.niceName);        } catch (IOException ex) {            logAndPrintError(newStderr, "Exception creating pipe", ex);        } catch (ErrnoException ex) {            logAndPrintError(newStderr, "Exception creating pipe", ex);        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {            logAndPrintError(newStderr, "Invalid zygote arguments", ex);        } catch (ZygoteSecurityException ex) {            logAndPrintError(newStderr,                    "Zygote security policy prevents request: ", ex);        }        try {            if (pid == 0) {                // in child                IoUtils.closeQuietly(serverPipeFd);                serverPipeFd = null;                handleChildProc(parsedArgs, descriptors, childPipeFd, newStderr);                // should never get here, the child is expected to either                // throw ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller or exec().                return true;            } else {                // in parent...pid of < 0 means failure                IoUtils.closeQuietly(childPipeFd);                childPipeFd = null;                return handleParentProc(pid, descriptors, serverPipeFd, parsedArgs);            }        } finally {            IoUtils.closeQuietly(childPipeFd);            IoUtils.closeQuietly(serverPipeFd);        }    }


    private boolean handleParentProc(int pid,            FileDescriptor[] descriptors, FileDescriptor pipeFd, Arguments parsedArgs) {        if (pid > 0) {            setChildPgid(pid);        }        if (descriptors != null) {            for (FileDescriptor fd: descriptors) {                IoUtils.closeQuietly(fd);            }        }        boolean usingWrapper = false;        if (pipeFd != null && pid > 0) {            DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(pipeFd));            int innerPid = -1;            try {                innerPid = is.readInt();            } catch (IOException ex) {                Log.w(TAG, "Error reading pid from wrapped process, child may have died", ex);            } finally {                try {                    is.close();                } catch (IOException ex) {                }            }            // Ensure that the pid reported by the wrapped process is either the            // child process that we forked, or a descendant of it.            if (innerPid > 0) {                int parentPid = innerPid;                while (parentPid > 0 && parentPid != pid) {                    parentPid = Process.getParentPid(parentPid);                }                if (parentPid > 0) {                    Log.i(TAG, "Wrapped process has pid " + innerPid);                    pid = innerPid;                    usingWrapper = true;                } else {                    Log.w(TAG, "Wrapped process reported a pid that is not a child of "                            + "the process that we forked: childPid=" + pid                            + " innerPid=" + innerPid);                }            }        }        try {            mSocketOutStream.writeInt(pid);            mSocketOutStream.writeBoolean(usingWrapper);        } catch (IOException ex) {            Log.e(TAG, "Error reading from command socket", ex);            return true;        }        return false;    }

    private void handleChildProc(Arguments parsedArgs,            FileDescriptor[] descriptors, FileDescriptor pipeFd, PrintStream newStderr)            throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller {        closeSocket();        ZygoteInit.closeServerSocket();        if (descriptors != null) {            try {                ZygoteInit.reopenStdio(descriptors[0],                        descriptors[1], descriptors[2]);                for (FileDescriptor fd: descriptors) {                    IoUtils.closeQuietly(fd);                }                newStderr = System.err;            } catch (IOException ex) {                Log.e(TAG, "Error reopening stdio", ex);            }        }        if (parsedArgs.niceName != null) {            Process.setArgV0(parsedArgs.niceName);        }        if (parsedArgs.runtimeInit) {            if (parsedArgs.invokeWith != null) {                WrapperInit.execApplication(parsedArgs.invokeWith,                        parsedArgs.niceName, parsedArgs.targetSdkVersion,                        pipeFd, parsedArgs.remainingArgs);            } else {                RuntimeInit.zygoteInit(parsedArgs.targetSdkVersion,                        parsedArgs.remainingArgs);            }        } else {            String className;            try {                className = parsedArgs.remainingArgs[0];            } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {                logAndPrintError(newStderr,                        "Missing required class name argument", null);                return;            }            String[] mainArgs = new String[parsedArgs.remainingArgs.length - 1];            System.arraycopy(parsedArgs.remainingArgs, 1,                    mainArgs, 0, mainArgs.length);            if (parsedArgs.invokeWith != null) {                WrapperInit.execStandalone(parsedArgs.invokeWith,                        parsedArgs.classpath, className, mainArgs);            } else {                ClassLoader cloader;                if (parsedArgs.classpath != null) {                    cloader = new PathClassLoader(parsedArgs.classpath,                            ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());                } else {                    cloader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();                }                try {                    ZygoteInit.invokeStaticMain(cloader, className, mainArgs);                } catch (RuntimeException ex) {                    logAndPrintError(newStderr, "Error starting.", ex);                }            }        }    }
    static void invokeStaticMain(ClassLoader loader,            String className, String[] argv)            throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller {        Class<?> cl;        try {            cl = loader.loadClass(className);        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {            throw new RuntimeException(                    "Missing class when invoking static main " + className,                    ex);        }        Method m;        try {            m = cl.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class });        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {            throw new RuntimeException(                    "Missing static main on " + className, ex);        } catch (SecurityException ex) {            throw new RuntimeException(                    "Problem getting static main on " + className, ex);        }        int modifiers = m.getModifiers();        if (! (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))) {            throw new RuntimeException(                    "Main method is not public and static on " + className);        }        /*         * This throw gets caught in ZygoteInit.main(), which responds         * by invoking the exception's run() method. This arrangement         * clears up all the stack frames that were required in setting         * up the process.         */        throw new ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller(m, argv);    }
调完ActivityThread.main方法之后,应用的进程的启动也就完成了。Activity在主线程ActivityThread创建之后,进程空间就准备完毕,后续就call  onCreate,onResume来完成界面布局。


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