1. Parcel类


public byte[] writeValue() {    Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();    try {        data.writeInt(12);        data.writeDouble(34.5);        data.writeString("This is a string");        return data.marshall();    } finally {        data.recycle();    }}public void readValue(byte[] bytes) {    Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();    try {        reply.unmarshall(bytes, 0, bytes.length);        reply.setDataPosition(0);        reply.readInt();        reply.readDouble();        reply.readString();    } finally {        reply.recycle();    }}

2. Parcelable类

Parcel中,存储Parcelable数据,调用Parcelable.writeToParcel(Parcel, int)方法。

public final void writeParcelable(Parcelable p, int parcelableFlags) {    if (p == null) {        writeString(null);        return;    }    writeParcelableCreator(p);    // Parcelable.writeToParcel方法    p.writeToParcel(this, parcelableFlags);}


public final  T readParcelable(ClassLoader loader) {    // 获得Parcelable中的CREATOR类    Parcelable.Creator<?> creator = readParcelableCreator(loader);    if (creator == null) {        return null;    }    if (creator instanceof Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<?>) {      Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<?> classLoaderCreator =          (Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<?>) creator;      return (T) classLoaderCreator.createFromParcel(this, loader);    }    return (T) creator.createFromParcel(this);}public final Parcelable.Creator<?> readParcelableCreator(ClassLoader loader) {    String name = readString();    if (name == null) {        return null;    }    Parcelable.Creator<?> creator;    synchronized (mCreators) {        HashMap> map = mCreators.get(loader);        if (map == null) {            map = new HashMap<>();            mCreators.put(loader, map);        }        // 如果有缓存,直接读取create        creator = map.get(name);        if (creator == null) {            try {                // If loader == null, explicitly emulate Class.forName(String) "caller                // classloader" behavior.                ClassLoader parcelableClassLoader =                        (loader == null ? getClass().getClassLoader() : loader);                // Avoid initializing the Parcelable class until we know it implements                // Parcelable and has the necessary CREATOR field. http://b/1171613.                Class<?> parcelableClass = Class.forName(name, false /* initialize */,                        parcelableClassLoader);                if (!Parcelable.class.isAssignableFrom(parcelableClass)) {                    throw new BadParcelableException("Parcelable protocol requires that the "                            + "class implements Parcelable");                }                // 查看是否存在名字为CREATOR的静态属性                Field f = parcelableClass.getField("CREATOR");                if ((f.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) {                    throw new BadParcelableException("Parcelable protocol requires "                            + "the CREATOR object to be static on class " + name);                }                Class<?> creatorType = f.getType();                if (!Parcelable.Creator.class.isAssignableFrom(creatorType)) {                    // Fail before calling Field.get(), not after, to avoid initializing                    // parcelableClass unnecessarily.                    throw new BadParcelableException("Parcelable protocol requires a "                            + "Parcelable.Creator object called "                            + "CREATOR on class " + name);                }                creator = (Parcelable.Creator<?>) f.get(null);            }            catch (IllegalAccessException e) {                Log.e(TAG, "Illegal access when unmarshalling: " + name, e);                throw new BadParcelableException(                        "IllegalAccessException when unmarshalling: " + name);            }            catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                Log.e(TAG, "Class not found when unmarshalling: " + name, e);                throw new BadParcelableException(                        "ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling: " + name);            }            catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {                throw new BadParcelableException("Parcelable protocol requires a "                        + "Parcelable.Creator object called "                        + "CREATOR on class " + name);            }            if (creator == null) {                throw new BadParcelableException("Parcelable protocol requires a "                        + "non-null Parcelable.Creator object called "                        + "CREATOR on class " + name);            }            map.put(name, creator);        }    }    return creator;}


  • 必须要 implement Parcelable
  • 重写describeContents()方法。
  • 重写writeToParcel(Parcel, int)方法。
  • 实例化静态内部对象CREATOR实现接口Parcelable.Creator


public class ParcelableValue implements Parcelable {    private int i;    private double d;    private String s;    public ParcelableValue(int i, double d, String s) {        this.i = i;        this.d = d;        this.s = s;    }    public ParcelableValue(Parcel data) {        i = data.readInt();        d = data.readDouble();        s = data.readString();    }    @Override    public int describeContents() {        return 0;    }    @Override    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {        dest.writeInt(i);        dest.writeDouble(d);        dest.writeString(s);    }    public static final Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() {        @Override        public ParcelableValue createFromParcel(Parcel source) {            return new ParcelableValue(source);        }        @Override        public ParcelableValue[] newArray(int size) {            return new ParcelableValue[size];        }    };}

3. 与Serializable序列化比较

  • 在使用内存的时候,ParcelableSerializable性能高。
  • Parcelable不能使用在要将数据存储在磁盘上的情况


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