Android Update Engine分析(七) DownloadAction之FileWriter

本系列到现在为止的共有六篇,分别分析分析了Makefile,Update Engine的客户端、服务端及Action机制的细节:

  • Android Update Engine分析(一)Makefile
  • Android Update Engine分析(二)Protobuf和AIDL文件
  • Android Update Engine分析(三)客户端进程
  • Android Update Engine分析(四)服务端进程
  • Android Update Engine分析(五)服务端核心之Action机制
  • Android Update Engine分析(六)服务端核心之Action详解

在最新的一篇里详细分析了AOSP版Update Engine使用的4个Action细节。所有的Action中,DownloadAction需要完成的事情最多,包括升级数据的下载和更新。具体实现上,DownloadAction一边下载数据一边对收到的数据进行解析并更新到相应分区。但该篇只分析了Download中如何下载数据,对下载后的数据如何解析和写入一带而过。本篇将带大家一起看看接收到的数据是如何进行解析并更新到指定分区的。

上一篇《Android Update Engine分析(六)服务端核心之Action详解》由于分析了所有的4个Action,所以整个文章显得很长。意外的是本篇针对DownloadAction中数据写入部分的分析比上一篇更长,真是所料未及啊~~想精简一些,但又担心说不清楚,最后啰啰嗦嗦一大篇,大家凑合着看吧。因此,把话说清楚或者文章写清楚但又不啰嗦真是一门学问。


  • 1. DownloadAction何时写入接收到的数据?
    • 1.1 FileWriter的初始化
    • 1.2 HttpFetcher的初始化
    • 1.3 DownloadAction是如何接收到数据传输通知的?
  • 2. 升级文件的数据结构
    • 2.1 升级文件的数据结构
      • 元数据
      • 具体的更新数据
      • 升级包的签名
    • 2.2 DeltaArchiveManifest
  • 3. DeltaPerformer的Write操作
    • 3.1 更新数据接收进度信息
    • 3.2 解析升级包的头部数据,得到DeltaArchiveManifest数据
      • ParsePayloadMetadata()函数
      • ValidateMetadataSignature()函数
    • 3.3 对DeltaArchiveManifest结构进行检查
    • 3.4 从DeltaArchiveManifest中提取分区信息
      • VerifySourcePartitions()函数
    • 3.5 更新升级的状态信息
    • 3.6 提取各分区的InstallOperation,并检查payload数据的hash
    • 3.7 执行InstallOperation的更新操作
    • 3.8 提取升级数据的signature
  • 4. 完整的Write()操作注释
    • Write()代码注释
    • Write()操作总结

本文涉及的Android代码版本:android‐7.1.1_r23 (NMF27D)

1. DownloadAction何时写入接收到的数据?

1.1 FileWriter的初始化



  • DownloadAction构造函数
DownloadAction::DownloadAction(PrefsInterface* prefs,                               BootControlInterface* boot_control,                               HardwareInterface* hardware,                               SystemState* system_state,                               HttpFetcher* http_fetcher)    : prefs_(prefs),      boot_control_(boot_control),      hardware_(hardware),      system_state_(system_state),      http_fetcher_(http_fetcher),      writer_(nullptr),            /* 构造时,writer_被初始化为nullptr */      code_(ErrorCode::kSuccess),      delegate_(nullptr),      bytes_received_(0),      p2p_sharing_fd_(-1),      p2p_visible_(true) {}
  • PerformAction()函数
void DownloadAction::PerformAction() {  // download_action将自己设置为http_fetcher_的委托对象  http_fetcher_->set_delegate(this);  ...  // 检查write_是否已经初始化,构造函数中write_被初始化为nullptr  if (writer_) {    LOG(INFO) << "Using writer for test.";  } else {    // 构造DeltaPerformer的类对象,并传递给指针delta_performer_    // 构造中,最重要的参数包括download_action的delegate_(实际上是"update_attempter_")和install_plan_    delta_performer_.reset(new DeltaPerformer(        prefs_, boot_control_, hardware_, delegate_, &install_plan_));    //    // 重要:    //   将write_指针指向delta_performer_,所以writer_实际就是delta_performer_    //    writer_ = delta_performer_.get();  }    ...    // 数据获取器http_fetcher_开始工作,后续接收到数据后会通知DownloadAction进行处理  http_fetcher_->BeginTransfer(install_plan_.download_url);}

1.2 HttpFetcher的初始化



void UpdateAttempterAndroid::BuildUpdateActions(const string& url) {  ...  HttpFetcher* download_fetcher = nullptr;  //  // 如果是"file:///"协议,使用FileFetcher构造download_fetcher  //  if (FileFetcher::SupportedUrl(url)) {    DLOG(INFO) << "Using FileFetcher for file URL.";    download_fetcher = new FileFetcher();  } else {#ifdef _UE_SIDELOAD    LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported sideload URI: " << url;#else    //    // 除"file:///"协议外,使用LibcurlHttpFetcher构造download_fetcher    //    LibcurlHttpFetcher* libcurl_fetcher =        new LibcurlHttpFetcher(&proxy_resolver_, hardware_);    libcurl_fetcher->set_server_to_check(ServerToCheck::kDownload);    download_fetcher = libcurl_fetcher;#endif  // _UE_SIDELOAD  }  //  // 前面构造的download_fetcher会进一步被包装为MultiRangeHttpFetcher,  // 用于初始化DownloadAction类的http_fetcher_成员  //  shared_ptr download_action(new DownloadAction(      prefs_,      boot_control_,      hardware_,      nullptr,                                        // system_state, not used.      new MultiRangeHttpFetcher(download_fetcher)));  // passes ownership  ...}

1.3 DownloadAction是如何接收到数据传输通知的?



BeginTransfer()操作中,http_fetcher_会将自身设置为为FileFetcherLibcurlHttpFetcher的委托对象, 如下:

void MultiRangeHttpFetcher::BeginTransfer(const std::string& url) {  ...  LOG(INFO) << "starting first transfer";  //  // !!! 这里,http_fetcher_将自己设置为`FileFetcher`或`LibcurlHttpFetcher`的委托对象  //  base_fetcher_->set_delegate(this);  StartTransfer();}




  • FileFetcher成功收取数据操作
void FileFetcher::OnReadDoneCallback(size_t bytes_read) {  ongoing_read_ = false;  if (bytes_read == 0) {    CleanUp();    //    // 通知MultiRangeHttpFetcher,传输完成啦!    //    if (delegate_)      delegate_->TransferComplete(this, true);  } else {    bytes_copied_ += bytes_read;    //    // 通知MultiRangeHttpFetcher,收到了bytes_read字节的数据    //    if (delegate_)      delegate_->ReceivedBytes(this,, bytes_read);    ScheduleRead();  }}
  • LibcurlHttpFetcher成功收取数据操作
size_t LibcurlHttpFetcher::LibcurlWrite(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) {  ...  bytes_downloaded_ += payload_size;  in_write_callback_ = true;  //  // 通知MultiRangeHttpFetcher,收到了bytes_read字节的数据  //  if (delegate_)    delegate_->ReceivedBytes(this, ptr, payload_size);  in_write_callback_ = false;  return payload_size;}
  • MultiRangeHttpFetcher收到通知后进一步向外传递
void MultiRangeHttpFetcher::ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,                                          const void* bytes,                                          size_t length) {  ...  //  // 进一步向外通知download_action, 收到了next_size字节数据  //  if (delegate_) {    delegate_->ReceivedBytes(this, bytes, next_size);  }  ...}
  • DownloadAction对接收到的数据进行处理


void DownloadAction::ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,                                   const void* bytes,                                   size_t length) {  ...  //  // 进一步通知外层的代理对象(即update_attempter_)新接收到length字节的数据  //  bytes_received_ += length;  if (delegate_ && download_active_) {    // 这里传递给外层BytesReceived函数的参数,全都是size或length相关的数据,没有指针    delegate_->BytesReceived(        length, bytes_received_, install_plan_.payload_size);  }    //  // 重点在这里:调用write_成员的Write操作对接收到的数据进行处理并写入到相应位置  //  if (writer_ && !writer_->Write(bytes, length, &code_)) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Error " << code_ << " in DeltaPerformer's Write method when "               << "processing the received payload -- Terminating processing";    ...  }  ...}


  1. 进一步通知外层的代理对象(这里是update_attempter_),新收到length字节的数据。注意这里传递的参数全部都是整型数据,并没有传递缓冲区的指针,所以外层不再也不能处理缓冲区的数据。
  2. 调用write_成员的Write操作对接收到的数据进行处理并写入到相应位置。


2. 升级文件的数据结构


Update Engine对Android系统的更新也是如此,在数据下载后需要对升级包的数据进行解析。

因此,在进一步对Update Engine获取到的升级数据进行解析前,有必要介绍下升级文件的数据结构。

2.1 升级文件的数据结构


// Update file format: A delta update file contains all the deltas needed// to update a system from one specific version to another specific// version. The update format is represented by this struct pseudocode:struct delta_update_file {  char magic[4] = "CrAU";  uint64 file_format_version;  uint64 manifest_size;  // Size of protobuf DeltaArchiveManifest  // Only present if format_version > 1:  uint32 metadata_signature_size;  // The Bzip2 compressed DeltaArchiveManifest  char manifest[];  // The signature of the metadata (from the beginning of the payload up to  // this location, not including the signature itself). This is a serialized  // Signatures message.  char medatada_signature_message[metadata_signature_size];  // Data blobs for files, no specific format. The specific offset  // and length of each data blob is recorded in the DeltaArchiveManifest.  struct {    char data[];  } blobs[];  // These two are not signed:  uint64 payload_signatures_message_size;  char payload_signatures_message[];};




//// 1. 24字节的Header数据,包括://                      magic, 4 bytes//        file_format_version, 8 bytes//              manifest_size, 8 bytes//    metadata_signature_size, 4 bytes (present if format_version > 1)// char magic[4] = "CrAU";uint64 file_format_version;uint64 manifest_size;  // Size of protobuf DeltaArchiveManifest// Only present if format_version > 1:uint32 metadata_signature_size;//// 2. 压缩后的DeltaArchiveManifest//// The Bzip2 compressed DeltaArchiveManifestchar manifest[];//// 3. 元数据的签名(不包含自身)//// The signature of the metadata (from the beginning of the payload up to// this location, not including the signature itself). This is a serialized// Signatures message.char medatada_signature_message[metadata_signature_size];





// Data blobs for files, no specific format. The specific offset// and length of each data blob is recorded in the DeltaArchiveManifest.struct {char data[];} blobs[];




// These two are not signed:uint64 payload_signatures_message_size;char payload_signatures_message[];

2.2 DeltaArchiveManifest






例如,最左边的delta_update_file外层方框中包含了若干跟内层方框,其中一个内层方框是"char manifest[]",而这个方框指向了另外一个名为"DeltaArchiveManifest"的方框,箭头上标识的是Parse,意思是前者通过解析操作,可以得到DeltaArchiveManifest结构。当然,DeltaArchiveManifest结构又包含很多子结构。






3. DeltaPerformer的Write操作




  • 输入参数包括数据缓冲区地址和缓冲数据的大小
  • 输出参数为操作执行的ErrorCode




  1. 更新数据接收进度信息;
  2. 解析升级包的头部数据,得到DeltaArchiveManifest数据;
  3. 对DeltaArchiveManifest结构进行检查;
  4. 从DeltaArchiveManifest中提取分区信息;
  5. 更新升级的状态信息
  6. 提取各分区的InstallOperation,并检查payload数据的hash
  7. 执行InstallOperation的更新操作;
  8. 提取升级数据的signature;

3.1 更新数据接收进度信息


  *error = ErrorCode::kSuccess;  const char* c_bytes = reinterpret_cast(bytes);  //  // 1. 更新数据接收进度信息  //    logcat中抓取到的打印信息如下:  //    ...  //    Completed 0/? operations, 14169/282164983 bytes downloaded (0%), overall progress 0%  //    Completed 23/377 operations (6%), 40302425/282164983 bytes downloaded (14%), overall progress 10%  //    ...  //    Completed 377/377 operations (100%), 282164983/282164983 bytes downloaded (100%), overall progress 100%  //    ...  //  // Update the total byte downloaded count and the progress logs.  total_bytes_received_ += count;  UpdateOverallProgress(false, "Completed ");

使用传入参数count更新已经收到的字节数total_bytes_received_, 然后调用UpdateOverallProgress()计算进度信息,包括数据下载进度,更新操作operations的完成进度等。


3.2 解析升级包的头部数据,得到DeltaArchiveManifest数据


  // 检查manifest_valid_标志是否有效  // 如果为false,表示没有解析过manifest数据,则此处进行解析  while (!manifest_valid_) {    // Read data up to the needed limit; this is either maximium payload header    // size, or the full metadata size (once it becomes known).    // 检查是否已经解析了Header数据    const bool do_read_header = !IsHeaderParsed();    // 根据是否已经解析Header决定复制的字节数    // 如果连Header都没解析过,那就先复制23字节的Header数据进行接卸    CopyDataToBuffer(&c_bytes, &count,                     (do_read_header ? kMaxPayloadHeaderSize :                      metadata_size_ + metadata_signature_size_));    //    // 2. 解析升级包的头部数据,得到DeltaArchiveManifest信息;    //    这里的数据分为两部分:    //    1). Header数据: 前24字节    //    2). MetaData数据: 包括前24字节的Header数据,Manifest数据,以及这二者数据的Signature    //    MetadataParseResult result = ParsePayloadMetadata(buffer_, error);    if (result == kMetadataParseError) // 解析错误,则返回      return false;    // 解析MetaData返回数据不够的情况下,继续等待更多数据    if (result == kMetadataParseInsufficientData) {      // If we just processed the header, make an attempt on the manifest.      // 如果刚解析完Header,继续解析MetaData需要复制更多数据      if (do_read_header && IsHeaderParsed())        continue;      return true;    }        ...  }






DeltaPerformer::MetadataParseResult DeltaPerformer::ParsePayloadMetadata(    const brillo::Blob& payload, ErrorCode* error) {  *error = ErrorCode::kSuccess;  uint64_t manifest_offset;  //  // 1. 解析Metadata前面的24字节Header数据  //  //    Header数据包括:  //                   magic[4], 4 bytes  //        file_format_version, 8 bytes  //              manifest_size, 8 bytes  //    metadata_signature_size, 4 bytes (present if format_version > 1)  //   if (!IsHeaderParsed()) {    // 想解析头部的24字节,结果payload中buffer大小还不足,返回InsufficientData信息    // Ensure we have data to cover the major payload version.    if (payload.size() < kDeltaManifestSizeOffset)      return kMetadataParseInsufficientData;    //    // 1.1 检查magic字段    //    // 整个校验就是比较magic字段是否为字符串"CrAU",可是为什么是这么个怪怪的字符串啊?    // Validate the magic string.    if (memcmp(, kDeltaMagic /*"CrAU"*/, sizeof(kDeltaMagic)) != 0) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Bad payload format -- invalid delta magic.";      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataMagicString;      return kMetadataParseError;    }    //    // 1.2 提取file_format_version字段    //     //     只有 file_format_version > 1 的情况下,metadata_signature_size字段才存在    //    // Extract the payload version from the metadata.    static_assert(sizeof(major_payload_version_) == kDeltaVersionSize,                  "Major payload version size mismatch");    memcpy(&major_payload_version_,           &payload[kDeltaVersionOffset],           kDeltaVersionSize);    // switch big endian to host    major_payload_version_ = be64toh(major_payload_version_);    // 检查 major_payload_version_    // 代码中各个版本变量的定义:    //     supported_major_version_ = 2    // kChromeOSMajorPayloadVersion = 1    //   kBrilloMajorPayloadVersion = 2    //    if (major_payload_version_ != supported_major_version_ &&        major_payload_version_ != kChromeOSMajorPayloadVersion) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Bad payload format -- unsupported payload version: "          << major_payload_version_;      *error = ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMajorPayloadVersion;      return kMetadataParseError;    }    //    // 1.3 提取manifest_size字段    //    //     由于manifest[]数据位于metadata_signature_size字段之后,后者依赖于file_format_version版本,    //     所以这里先计算manifest[]数据的偏移 manifest_offset    //    // Get the manifest offset now that we have payload version.    if (!GetManifestOffset(&manifest_offset)) {      *error = ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMajorPayloadVersion;      return kMetadataParseError;    }    // Check again with the manifest offset.    if (payload.size() < manifest_offset)      return kMetadataParseInsufficientData;    //    // 提取 manifest_size, 存放到manifest_size_    //    // Next, parse the manifest size.    static_assert(sizeof(manifest_size_) == kDeltaManifestSizeSize,                  "manifest_size size mismatch");    memcpy(&manifest_size_,           &payload[kDeltaManifestSizeOffset],           kDeltaManifestSizeSize);    manifest_size_ = be64toh(manifest_size_);  // switch big endian to host    //    // 1.4 提取metadata_signature_size字段    //    if (GetMajorVersion() == kBrilloMajorPayloadVersion) {      // Parse the metadata signature size.      static_assert(sizeof(metadata_signature_size_) ==                    kDeltaMetadataSignatureSizeSize,                    "metadata_signature_size size mismatch");      uint64_t metadata_signature_size_offset;      // 获取 metadata_signature_size 字段的 offset      if (!GetMetadataSignatureSizeOffset(&metadata_signature_size_offset)) {        *error = ErrorCode::kError;        return kMetadataParseError;      }      memcpy(&metadata_signature_size_,             &payload[metadata_signature_size_offset],             kDeltaMetadataSignatureSizeSize);      metadata_signature_size_ = be32toh(metadata_signature_size_);    }    //    // 1.5 计算并检查metadata size    //    // 计算metadata_size, 检查 install_plan中的metadata_size同解析Header数据得到的值是否一致    // 实际上metadata由24字节的Header数据和随后压缩的manifest数据组成, 即:    // metadata = magic[4] + file_format_version + manifest_size + metadata_signature_size + manifest[]    //    // If the metadata size is present in install plan, check for it immediately    // even before waiting for that many number of bytes to be downloaded in the    // payload. This will prevent any attack which relies on us downloading data    // beyond the expected metadata size.    metadata_size_ = manifest_offset + manifest_size_;    // 只有当当前为Official Build的时候,hash_checks_mandatory才为真    if (install_plan_->hash_checks_mandatory) {      // 升级数据相应的payload_properties.txt文件包含METADATA_SIZE数据,在升级时作为参数,最终传递给install_plan_      // 将其同这里解析得到的metadata_size_比较      if (install_plan_->metadata_size != metadata_size_) {        LOG(ERROR) << "Mandatory metadata size in Omaha response ("                   << install_plan_->metadata_size                   << ") is missing/incorrect, actual = " << metadata_size_;        *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataSize;        return kMetadataParseError;      }    }  }  //  // 验证过metadata size以后,确认是否已经接收到完整的metadata和metadata signature数据  // 如果没有,则需要等待收集齐数据后才能进一步操作;  // Now that we have validated the metadata size, we should wait for the full  // metadata and its signature (if exist) to be read in before we can parse it.  if (payload.size() < metadata_size_ + metadata_signature_size_)    return kMetadataParseInsufficientData;  // 再次检查metadata size  // 检查install_plan中的metadata_size数据和解析得到的metadata_size数据是否一致  //  // Log whether we validated the size or simply trusting what's in the payload  // here. This is logged here (after we received the full metadata data) so  // that we just log once (instead of logging n times) if it takes n  // DeltaPerformer::Write calls to download the full manifest.  if (install_plan_->metadata_size == metadata_size_) {    LOG(INFO) << "Manifest size in payload matches expected value from Omaha";  } else {    // For mandatory-cases, we'd have already returned a kMetadataParseError    // above. We'll be here only for non-mandatory cases. Just send a UMA stat.    LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring missing/incorrect metadata size ("                 << install_plan_->metadata_size                 << ") in Omaha response as validation is not mandatory. "                 << "Trusting metadata size in payload = " << metadata_size_;  }  //  // 2. 校验metadata数据的签名  //  //    前面的步骤已经确认当前已经收到了完整的metadata以及metadata signature  //    所以这里检查metdata的签名  //  // We have the full metadata in |payload|. Verify its integrity  // and authenticity based on the information we have in Omaha response.  *error = ValidateMetadataSignature(payload);  // 签名校验失败  if (*error != ErrorCode::kSuccess) {    // 如果需要强制检查签名,则这里退出    if (install_plan_->hash_checks_mandatory) {      // The autoupdate_CatchBadSignatures test checks for this string      // in log-files. Keep in sync.      LOG(ERROR) << "Mandatory metadata signature validation failed";      return kMetadataParseError;    }    // 不需要强制检查签名的情况下,签名检查失败只显示提示信息    // For non-mandatory cases, just send a UMA stat.    LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring metadata signature validation failures";    *error = ErrorCode::kSuccess;  }  //  // 3. 解析manifest[]数据,存放到manifest_成员中  //  // 先获取manifest[]数据的offset  if (!GetManifestOffset(&manifest_offset)) {    *error = ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMajorPayloadVersion;    return kMetadataParseError;  }  // 解析manifest数据并保存到manifest_中  // The payload metadata is deemed valid, it's safe to parse the protobuf.  if (!manifest_.ParseFromArray(&payload[manifest_offset], manifest_size_)) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse manifest in update file.";    *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadManifestParseError;    return kMetadataParseError;  }  // 设置manifest_parsed_标识为true,这样在调用GetManifest()时直接使用已经解析好的manifest数据  manifest_parsed_ = true;  return kMetadataParseSuccess;}


  1. 解析Metadata前面的24字节Header数据
  • 1.1 检查magic字段
  • 1.2 提取file_format_version字段
  • 1.3 提取manifest_size字段
  • 1.4 提取metadata_signature_size字段
  • 1.5 计算并检查metadata size
  1. 校验metadata数据的签名
  2. 解析manifest[]数据,存放到manifest_成员中




ErrorCode DeltaPerformer::ValidateMetadataSignature(    const brillo::Blob& payload) {  //  // 1. 检查用于签名的数据长度是否满足要求  //  // metadata签名校验包括metadata数据本身和metadata signature  // 这里再次检查用于校验的数据长度上是否包含metadata和signature  if (payload.size() < metadata_size_ + metadata_signature_size_)    return ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureError;  //  // 2. 从install_plan或待验证数据中提取metadata signature  //  brillo::Blob metadata_signature_blob, metadata_signature_protobuf_blob;  //  // 如果install_plan_中包含metadata_signature,那这个数据需要先经过Base64解码;  // 如果install_plan_不包含metadata_signature, 则从验证的数据中提取签名数据;  //  // 默认情况下install_plan_不包含metadata_signature,所以这里会从待验证的数据中提取签名  if (!install_plan_->metadata_signature.empty()) {    // 对install_plan_包含的metadata_signature进行Base64解码    // Convert base64-encoded signature to raw bytes.    if (!brillo::data_encoding::Base64Decode(        install_plan_->metadata_signature, &metadata_signature_blob)) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to decode base64 metadata signature: "                 << install_plan_->metadata_signature;      return ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureError;    }  } else if (major_payload_version_ == kBrilloMajorPayloadVersion) {    // 从待验证的数据中提取签名    metadata_signature_protobuf_blob.assign(payload.begin() + metadata_size_,                                            payload.begin() + metadata_size_ +                                            metadata_signature_size_);  }  // 如果install_plan_的metadata_signature或待解析数据中没有metadata_signature_protobuf  // 没有签名数据,验证自然就无法往下走了,报错吧  if (metadata_signature_blob.empty() &&      metadata_signature_protobuf_blob.empty()) {    if (install_plan_->hash_checks_mandatory) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Missing mandatory metadata signature in both Omaha "                 << "response and payload.";      return ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMissingError;    }    LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot validate metadata as the signature is empty";    return ErrorCode::kSuccess;  }  //  // 3. 生成用于签名验证的的公钥  //  // 先指定用于验证的key:   //   默认使用path_to_public_key,同时检查检查升级参数中有没有指定验证的key,如果有,则用指定的key。  //  // path_to_public_key使用public_key_path_指定的文件初始化。   // public_key_path_在delta_performer.h中定义时被设置为:kUpdatePayloadPublicKeyPath  // kUpdatePayloadPublicKeyPath在platform_constants_android.c中的定义为:"/etc/update_engine/"  //   // See if we should use the public RSA key in the Omaha response.  base::FilePath path_to_public_key(public_key_path_);  base::FilePath tmp_key;  // 调用GetPublicKeyFromResponse()检查升级参数中指定的key  if (GetPublicKeyFromResponse(&tmp_key))    path_to_public_key = tmp_key;  ScopedPathUnlinker tmp_key_remover(tmp_key.value());  // 如果升级参数中没有指定key,则销毁tmp_key_remover  if (tmp_key.empty())    tmp_key_remover.set_should_remove(false);  LOG(INFO) << "Verifying metadata hash signature using public key: "            << path_to_public_key.value();  //  // 4. 计算metadata的hash  //  // 根据metadata计算hash  HashCalculator metadata_hasher;  metadata_hasher.Update(, metadata_size_);  if (!metadata_hasher.Finalize()) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to compute actual hash of manifest";    return ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureVerificationError;  }  // 对metadata的hash进行填充  brillo::Blob calculated_metadata_hash = metadata_hasher.raw_hash();  PayloadVerifier::PadRSA2048SHA256Hash(&calculated_metadata_hash);  if (calculated_metadata_hash.empty()) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Computed actual hash of metadata is empty.";    return ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureVerificationError;  }  //  // 5. 使用第2步提取的signature验证第4步生成的hash  //  // 如果从install_plan_中解析的metadata signature不为空  // 说明可以从metadata signature提取hash  if (!metadata_signature_blob.empty()) {    brillo::Blob expected_metadata_hash;    // 从签名数据提取raw hash数据    if (!PayloadVerifier::GetRawHashFromSignature(metadata_signature_blob,                                                  path_to_public_key.value(),                                                  &expected_metadata_hash)) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to compute expected hash from metadata signature";      return ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureError;    }    // 比较通过数据计算的hash和通过签名得到的hash    // 比较失败则退出    if (calculated_metadata_hash != expected_metadata_hash) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Manifest hash verification failed. Expected hash = ";      utils::HexDumpVector(expected_metadata_hash);      LOG(ERROR) << "Calculated hash = ";      utils::HexDumpVector(calculated_metadata_hash);      return ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMismatch;    }  } else { // install_plan_中没有metadata signature,那就只能从待验证数据提取metadata_signature进行验证    // 检查通过计算得到的hash,和待验证数据中signature对应的hash是否一致    // 验证失败则退出    if (!PayloadVerifier::VerifySignature(metadata_signature_protobuf_blob,                                          path_to_public_key.value(),                                          calculated_metadata_hash)) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Manifest hash verification failed.";      return ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMismatch;    }  }  // 成功检查hash会从这里返回,否则在这之前就已经退出了  // The autoupdate_CatchBadSignatures test checks for this string in  // log-files. Keep in sync.  LOG(INFO) << "Metadata hash signature matches value in Omaha response.";  return ErrorCode::kSuccess;}


  1. 检查用于签名的数据长度是否满足要求
  2. install_plan或待验证数据中提取metadata signature
  3. 生成用于签名验证的的公钥
  4. 计算metadata的hash
  5. 使用第2步提取的signature验证第4步生成的hash

补充一下,这里第2步提取metadata signature的来源有两个,install_plan或待验证数据。如果install_plan中包含metadata signature,那就优先使用install_plan中的signature进行验证。其次才使用待验证数据中包含的signature。




  1. 计算原始数据的SHA256哈希;
  2. 对SHA256哈希的结果进行BER编码;
  3. 将BER编码后的哈希填充为256字节数据;
  4. 对填充后的数据使用私钥进行加密,加密的输出结果就是256字节的签名;


  1. 使用公钥解密256字节的签名数据,得到的是哈希经过BER编码并填充为256字节的数据;
  2. 去掉填充数据,得到经过BER编码的哈希;
  3. 从BER编码数据中提取哈希;
  4. 计算原始数据的哈希;
  5. 比较第3步中提取的和第4步中计算得到的哈希;

关于如何使用RSA Key进行数据签名和校验的细节,请参考我的另外一篇文章:《OpenSSL和Python实现RSA Key数字签名和验证》

3.3 对DeltaArchiveManifest结构进行检查



    //    // 3. 对DeltaArchiveManifest结构进行检查     //    // 验证DeltaArchiveManifest的结构,确定升级类型是Full还是Delta    // 如:    //    Detected a 'full' payload.    //    // Checks the integrity of the payload manifest.    if ((*error = ValidateManifest()) != ErrorCode::kSuccess)      return false;    // 设置Manifest为有效    manifest_valid_ = true;    // 已经完成了MetaData的解析,所以可以抛弃已经解析的数据    // Clear the download buffer.    DiscardBuffer(false, metadata_size_);


ErrorCode DeltaPerformer::ValidateManifest() {  // Perform assorted checks to sanity check the manifest, make sure it  // matches data from other sources, and that it is a supported version.  // 检查是否包含用于对比的 old 分区信息,因为增量升级需要new和old分区进行对比  // 1). 检查manifest数据是否存在 old_kernel_info 和 old_rootfs_info  // 2). 检查manifest的分区更新信息中是否包含 old_partition_info  bool has_old_fields =      (manifest_.has_old_kernel_info() || manifest_.has_old_rootfs_info());  for (const PartitionUpdate& partition : manifest_.partitions()) {    has_old_fields = has_old_fields || partition.has_old_partition_info();  }  // 根据manifest数据中是否包含对比的 old 分区信息来确定升级类型  // 1. 不包含old分区信息,则全量升级(Full);  // 2. 包含old分区信息,则增量升级(Delta)  // The presence of an old partition hash is the sole indicator for a delta  // update.  InstallPayloadType actual_payload_type =      has_old_fields ? InstallPayloadType::kDelta : InstallPayloadType::kFull;  // logcat日志显示升级类型信息, 如:Detected a 'full' payload.  if (install_plan_->payload_type == InstallPayloadType::kUnknown) {    LOG(INFO) << "Detected a '"              << InstallPayloadTypeToString(actual_payload_type)              << "' payload.";    install_plan_->payload_type = actual_payload_type;  // 检查install_plan中指示的升级类型和解析升级包得到的升级类型是否匹配  } else if (install_plan_->payload_type != actual_payload_type) {    LOG(ERROR) << "InstallPlan expected a '"               << InstallPayloadTypeToString(install_plan_->payload_type)               << "' payload but the downloaded manifest contains a '"               << InstallPayloadTypeToString(actual_payload_type)               << "' payload.";    return ErrorCode::kPayloadMismatchedType;  }  // 检查升级版本的兼容性  // 即制作数据包时指定的minor version和代码运行时需要的minor version是否匹配  // Check that the minor version is compatible.  if (actual_payload_type == InstallPayloadType::kFull) {    if (manifest_.minor_version() != kFullPayloadMinorVersion) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Manifest contains minor version "                 << manifest_.minor_version()                 << ", but all full payloads should have version "                 << kFullPayloadMinorVersion << ".";      return ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMinorPayloadVersion;    }  } else {    if (manifest_.minor_version() != supported_minor_version_) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Manifest contains minor version "                 << manifest_.minor_version()                 << " not the supported "                 << supported_minor_version_;      return ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMinorPayloadVersion;    }  }  if (major_payload_version_ != kChromeOSMajorPayloadVersion) {    if (manifest_.has_old_rootfs_info() ||        manifest_.has_new_rootfs_info() ||        manifest_.has_old_kernel_info() ||        manifest_.has_new_kernel_info() ||        manifest_.install_operations_size() != 0 ||        manifest_.kernel_install_operations_size() != 0) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Manifest contains deprecated field only supported in "                 << "major payload version 1, but the payload major version is "                 << major_payload_version_;      return ErrorCode::kPayloadMismatchedType;    }  }  // TODO(garnold) we should be adding more and more manifest checks, such as  // partition boundaries etc (see chromium-os:37661).  return ErrorCode::kSuccess;}


  • 如果有old分区的信息,属于增量升级(Delta)
  • 如果没有old分区的信息,属于全量升级(Full)

3.4 从DeltaArchiveManifest中提取分区信息


    // 提取Manifest中的partitions信息,    // This populates |partitions_| and the |install_plan.partitions| with the    // list of partitions from the manifest.    if (!ParseManifestPartitions(error))      return false;    // partitions_的每个分区都包含一个operations数组,里面存放的是InstallOperation数据    // 所有分区的operations数组大小累加到num_total_operations_    // 所以最后num_total_operations_是所有InstallOperation的总数    //    // 这里的acc_num_operations_计算比较特别:    // 如果有三个分区,第1个分区的operations大小为10,第2个分区为15,第3个分区为8    // 则acc_num_operations_应该为{10, 25, 33},    // 这里25=10+15, 33=10+15+8,即后面的数据是前面数据的累加结果    num_total_operations_ = 0;    for (const auto& partition : partitions_) {      num_total_operations_ += partition.operations_size();      acc_num_operations_.push_back(num_total_operations_);    }



bool DeltaPerformer::ParseManifestPartitions(ErrorCode* error) {  // 我手上基于r7.1.1版本制作的payload.bin中解析得到的major_payload_version_为2:  // $ hexdump -Cv -s 0x04 -n 8 payload.bin   // 00000004  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02                           |........|  // 0000000c  //  // 由于kBrilloMajorPayloadVersion为0,所以这里的条件成立  if (major_payload_version_ == kBrilloMajorPayloadVersion) {    // 清空原有分区信息    partitions_.clear();    // 将manifest_中的PartitionUpdate数据依次存放到partitions_成员中去    for (const PartitionUpdate& partition : manifest_.partitions()) {      partitions_.push_back(partition);    }    // 我去,提取了分区信息后,竟然把原有的信息clear了,为什么要clear啊?不懂。    manifest_.clear_partitions();  // 由于if条件已经成立,else if这一大段代码跳过     // 这里的分区提取信息比if条件下的复杂一些,但是不用去看了,哈哈,开心  } else if (major_payload_version_ == kChromeOSMajorPayloadVersion) {    LOG(INFO) << "Converting update information from old format.";    PartitionUpdate root_part;    root_part.set_partition_name(kLegacyPartitionNameRoot);#ifdef __ANDROID__    LOG(WARNING) << "Legacy payload major version provided to an Android "                    "build. Assuming no post-install. Please use major version "                    "2 or newer.";    root_part.set_run_postinstall(false);#else    root_part.set_run_postinstall(true);#endif  // __ANDROID__    if (manifest_.has_old_rootfs_info()) {      *root_part.mutable_old_partition_info() = manifest_.old_rootfs_info();      manifest_.clear_old_rootfs_info();    }    if (manifest_.has_new_rootfs_info()) {      *root_part.mutable_new_partition_info() = manifest_.new_rootfs_info();      manifest_.clear_new_rootfs_info();    }    *root_part.mutable_operations() = manifest_.install_operations();    manifest_.clear_install_operations();    partitions_.push_back(std::move(root_part));    PartitionUpdate kern_part;    kern_part.set_partition_name(kLegacyPartitionNameKernel);    kern_part.set_run_postinstall(false);    if (manifest_.has_old_kernel_info()) {      *kern_part.mutable_old_partition_info() = manifest_.old_kernel_info();      manifest_.clear_old_kernel_info();    }    if (manifest_.has_new_kernel_info()) {      *kern_part.mutable_new_partition_info() = manifest_.new_kernel_info();      manifest_.clear_new_kernel_info();    }    *kern_part.mutable_operations() = manifest_.kernel_install_operations();    manifest_.clear_kernel_install_operations();    partitions_.push_back(std::move(kern_part));  }  // 如果install_plan_的partitions有数据的话,那就验证partitions数据对应分区的source分区Hash  // 从英文注释看,这段代码后面可能会被拿掉。  // TODO(deymo): Remove this block of code once we switched to optional  // source partition verification. This list of partitions in the InstallPlan  // is initialized with the expected hashes in the payload major version 1,  // so we need to check those now if already set. See b/23182225.  if (!install_plan_->partitions.empty()) {    if (!VerifySourcePartitions()) {      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError;      return false;    }  }  // partitions_中的信息来自manifest_, 而后者通过解析升级包数据得到  // 逐个提取partitions_成员中的数据,用于构建install_plan_中的分区数据  // Fill in the InstallPlan::partitions based on the partitions from the  // payload.  install_plan_->partitions.clear();  for (const auto& partition : partitions_) {    // 新建的install_part变量用于提取partitons_成员的分区信息    InstallPlan::Partition install_part;    // 提取partition_name信息 = partition.partition_name();    // 提取run_postinstall信息    install_part.run_postinstall =        partition.has_run_postinstall() && partition.run_postinstall();    if (install_part.run_postinstall) {      // 在有run_postinstall信息存在的情况下,提取postinstall_path信息      install_part.postinstall_path =          (partition.has_postinstall_path() ? partition.postinstall_path()                                            : kPostinstallDefaultScript);      // 提取filesystem_type信息      install_part.filesystem_type = partition.filesystem_type();      // 提取postinstall_optional信息      install_part.postinstall_optional = partition.postinstall_optional();    }    // 所谓的old分区,在升级时对应于source分区    // 所谓的new分区,在升级时对应于target分区    // 提取old_partition_info信息,实际上就是提取了size和hash信息    if (partition.has_old_partition_info()) {      const PartitionInfo& info = partition.old_partition_info();      install_part.source_size = info.size();      install_part.source_hash.assign(info.hash().begin(), info.hash().end());    }    // 升级数据包必须有new_partition_info才行,不然那就那就真是扯淡了    // 为什么?没有为什么,升级后就是新分区,需要用这个数据检查升级后的hash和size啊    if (!partition.has_new_partition_info()) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get new partition hash info on partition "                 << << ".";      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadNewPartitionInfoError;      return false;    }    // 提取new_partition_info信息,实际上也就是提取了size和hash信息    const PartitionInfo& info = partition.new_partition_info();    install_part.target_size = info.size();    install_part.target_hash.assign(info.hash().begin(), info.hash().end());    // 将构建的分区信息install_part添加到install_plan_的分区数组中    install_plan_->partitions.push_back(install_part);  }  // 根据partition的name,提取source和target对应的source_path和target_path  if (!install_plan_->LoadPartitionsFromSlots(boot_control_)) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to determine all the partition devices.";    *error = ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError;    return false;  }  LogPartitionInfo(partitions_);  return true;}






  // TODO(deymo): Remove this block of code once we switched to optional  // source partition verification. This list of partitions in the InstallPlan  // is initialized with the expected hashes in the payload major version 1,  // so we need to check those now if already set. See b/23182225.  if (!install_plan_->partitions.empty()) {    if (!VerifySourcePartitions()) {      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError;      return false;    }  }


  • 《Android A/B System OTA 升级以及报错处理》
  • 《Android OTA差分包升级失败》



bool DeltaPerformer::VerifySourcePartitions() {  LOG(INFO) << "Verifying source partitions.";  CHECK(manifest_valid_);  CHECK(install_plan_);  //  // 检查分区数  //   // 比较install_plan_->partitions和partitions_中的分区数  if (install_plan_->partitions.size() != partitions_.size()) {    DLOG(ERROR) << "The list of partitions in the InstallPlan doesn't match the "                   "list received in the payload. The InstallPlan has "                << install_plan_->partitions.size()                << " partitions while the payload has " << partitions_.size()                << " partitions.";    return false;  }    //  // 先检查分区名,然后检查相同分区名的hash是否一致  //  for (size_t i = 0; i < partitions_.size(); ++i) {    // 逐个将install_plan_中分区的name同提取到的partitions_成员中分区的name进行比较    if (partitions_[i].partition_name() != install_plan_->partitions[i].name) {      DLOG(ERROR) << "The InstallPlan's partition " << i << " is \""                  << install_plan_->partitions[i].name                  << "\" but the payload expects it to be \""                  << partitions_[i].partition_name()                  << "\". This is an error in the DeltaPerformer setup.";      return false;    }    // 如果partitions_中没有用于对比的old分区的信息,那继续比较下一个分区    // 因为有old信息,说明该分区是增量升级(Delta)方式    if (!partitions_[i].has_old_partition_info())      continue;    // 有old信息才会到这里,先提取用于old信息    const PartitionInfo& info = partitions_[i].old_partition_info();    // 取得install_plan_中相应分区的指针    const InstallPlan::Partition& plan_part = install_plan_->partitions[i];    bool valid =        !plan_part.source_hash.empty() &&                       // plan_part中存在source_hash信息        plan_part.source_hash.size() == info.hash().size() &&   // plan_part中source_hash信息的长度同待检查的hash信息长度进行比较        memcmp(,                    // 逐字比较二者的hash数据是否一致               info.hash().data(),               plan_part.source_hash.size()) == 0;    // 升级包中旧分区的hash同install_plan_中分区的hash不一致,提示错误信息               if (!valid) {      LogVerifyError(partitions_[i].partition_name(),                     plan_part.source_path,                     info.hash().size(),                     StringForHashBytes(,                                        plan_part.source_hash.size()),                     StringForHashBytes(info.hash().data(),                                        info.hash().size()));      return false;    }  }  return true;}


理论上,如果做增量升级的话,增量升级的基线版本应该是当前正在运行的版本。举个例子,对于增量升级,如果需要在system分区的block A上进行某个增量操作,应该是基于当前分区的block A 进行操作。先把当前分区的block A写到目标分区,然后再打上增量补丁就是期望的结果了。



3.5 更新升级的状态信息



    // 保存 metadata_size和metadata_signature_size数据到磁盘    // 保存这些数据是因为如果升级暂停(pause)了,下次恢复(resume)时传输的数据和可能就不再包含metadata了    LOG_IF(WARNING, !prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsManifestMetadataSize,                                      metadata_size_))        << "Unable to save the manifest metadata size.";    LOG_IF(WARNING, !prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsManifestSignatureSize,                                      metadata_signature_size_))        << "Unable to save the manifest signature size.";    // 如果之前暂停(pause),现在恢复(resume)继续升级,获取暂停时保存的状态数据    // 上一次升级的信息可能已经丢失(例如暂停后系统重启过),所以需要通过prefs_机制重新从磁盘获取这些信息    // 如果没有取得上一次的升级信息,说明当前是全新升级    if (!PrimeUpdateState()) {      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError;      LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to prime the update state.";      return false;    }    // 打开第1个分区    if (!OpenCurrentPartition()) {      *error = ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError;      return false;    }    // 如果开始操作的不是InstallOperation索引大于0,说明这次是恢复(resume)升级操作    if (next_operation_num_ > 0)      UpdateOverallProgress(true, "Resuming after ");    LOG(INFO) << "Starting to apply update payload operations";


bool DeltaPerformer::PrimeUpdateState() {  CHECK(manifest_valid_);  block_size_ = manifest_.block_size();  //  // 1. 取得即将执行的InstallOperation  //  // 读取上次升级即将执行的InstallOperation  int64_t next_operation = kUpdateStateOperationInvalid;  if (!prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsUpdateStateNextOperation, &next_operation) ||      next_operation == kUpdateStateOperationInvalid ||      next_operation <= 0) {    // Initiating a new update, no more state needs to be initialized.    return true;  }  // 将上次升级即将执行的操作作为此次升级的第一个操作  // 例如上次升级执行了5步,即将执行第6步,那这次升级需要从第6步起开始执行  next_operation_num_ = next_operation;  //  // 2. 取得下一步操作的data offset  //  // 读取上次升级时下一步操作的data offset  // Resuming an update -- load the rest of the update state.  int64_t next_data_offset = -1;  TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsUpdateStateNextDataOffset,                                         &next_data_offset) &&                        next_data_offset >= 0);  // 恢复操作需要的data offset  buffer_offset_ = next_data_offset;  //  // 3. 取得InstallOperation对应数据的hash上下文  //  // The signed hash context and the signature blob may be empty if the  // interrupted update didn't reach the signature.  string signed_hash_context;  if (prefs_->GetString(kPrefsUpdateStateSignedSHA256Context,                        &signed_hash_context)) {    TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(        signed_hash_calculator_.SetContext(signed_hash_context));  }  string signature_blob;  if (prefs_->GetString(kPrefsUpdateStateSignatureBlob, &signature_blob)) {    signatures_message_data_.assign(signature_blob.begin(),                                    signature_blob.end());  }  string hash_context;  TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(prefs_->GetString(kPrefsUpdateStateSHA256Context,                                          &hash_context) &&                        payload_hash_calculator_.SetContext(hash_context));  int64_t manifest_metadata_size = 0;  TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsManifestMetadataSize,                                         &manifest_metadata_size) &&                        manifest_metadata_size > 0);  metadata_size_ = manifest_metadata_size;  int64_t manifest_signature_size = 0;  TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(      prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsManifestSignatureSize, &manifest_signature_size) &&      manifest_signature_size >= 0);  metadata_signature_size_ = manifest_signature_size;  // Advance the download progress to reflect what doesn't need to be  // re-downloaded.  total_bytes_received_ += buffer_offset_;  // Speculatively count the resume as a failure.  int64_t resumed_update_failures;  if (prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsResumedUpdateFailures, &resumed_update_failures)) {    resumed_update_failures++;  } else {    resumed_update_failures = 1;  }  prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsResumedUpdateFailures, resumed_update_failures);  return true;}

这个代码较长,总之,就是恢复上次中断保存的状态。如果这次是全新升级,那函数最开始就无法获取next operation而返回。

3.6 提取各分区的InstallOperation,并检查payload数据的hash


  // num_total_operations_用于指示manifest中所有InstallOperation的总数  // 因此通过(next_operation_num_ < num_total_operations_)比较来确定是否执行完了所有的InstallOperation  while (next_operation_num_ < num_total_operations_) {    // Check if we should cancel the current attempt for any reason.    // In this case, *error will have already been populated with the reason    // why we're canceling.    if (download_delegate_ && download_delegate_->ShouldCancel(error))      return false;    //    // 1. 打开下一个要操作的分区    //    // 前面已经打开了第一个操作的分区,这里根据下一个要操作的InstallOperation的索引值next_operation_num_,确定需要打开哪一个分区    // 例如,前面的例子,更新包需要更新有三个分区,第1个分区的operations大小为10,第2个分区为15,第3个分区为8,因此acc_num_operations_数组为{10,25,8}    // 下一个要执行的InstallOperation的索引值next_operation_num_的值为17,那刚好位于第2个分区中,所以此时需要关闭第1个分区,打开第2个分区。    // 所以这里通过next_operation_num_的比较,确保要操作的分区已经打开    // We know there are more operations to perform because we didn't reach the    // |num_total_operations_| limit yet.    while (next_operation_num_ >= acc_num_operations_[current_partition_]) {      CloseCurrentPartition();      current_partition_++;      if (!OpenCurrentPartition()) {        *error = ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError;        return false;      }    }        //    // 2. 提取分区中下一个要操作的InstallOperation    //        // 通过nexus_operation_num_和acc_num_operations_数组,来查找下一个InstallOperation在某个partition更新的Operation的所以值    // 简单说来,将下一个InstallOperation操作在全部操作中的索引值转化为相应分区内的索引值。    const size_t partition_operation_num = next_operation_num_ - (        current_partition_ ? acc_num_operations_[current_partition_ - 1] : 0);    // 根据分区内InstallOperation的索引值partition_operation_num, 来从当前操作的分区中提取InstallOperation    const InstallOperation& op =        partitions_[current_partition_].operations(partition_operation_num);    //    // 3. 根据InstallOperation指示的长度将操作数据存放到缓冲区中    //        // 当前要操作的InstallOperation的数据从接收数据的缓冲区复制到DeltaPerformer内部操作的缓冲区buffer_中去    CopyDataToBuffer(&c_bytes, &count, op.data_length());    // 检查确保已经接收到当前要操作的InstallOperationd的数据    // Check whether we received all of the next operation's data payload.    if (!CanPerformInstallOperation(op))      return true;    //    // 4. 检查InstallOperation对应操作数据的hash    //        // 在metadata signature存在的情况下,校验InstallOperation对应数据的hash    // Validate the operation only if the metadata signature is present.    // Otherwise, keep the old behavior. This serves as a knob to disable    // the validation logic in case we find some regression after rollout.    // NOTE: If hash checks are mandatory and if metadata_signature is empty,    // we would have already failed in ParsePayloadMetadata method and thus not    // even be here. So no need to handle that case again here.    if (!install_plan_->metadata_signature.empty()) {      // Note: Validate must be called only if CanPerformInstallOperation is      // called. Otherwise, we might be failing operations before even if there      // isn't sufficient data to compute the proper hash.      // 计算当前InstallOperation数据的hash,并将其同预先计算的hash进行比较      *error = ValidateOperationHash(op);      if (*error != ErrorCode::kSuccess) {        if (install_plan_->hash_checks_mandatory) {          LOG(ERROR) << "Mandatory operation hash check failed";          return false;        }        // For non-mandatory cases, just send a UMA stat.        LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring operation validation errors";        *error = ErrorCode::kSuccess;      }    }


ErrorCode DeltaPerformer::ValidateOperationHash(    const InstallOperation& operation) {  // InstallOperation没有Hash数据的情况  // 注释里面提到,在HTTP/HTTPS下可能存在没有data blob的operation, 这样的operation也就没有hash  if (!operation.data_sha256_hash().size()) {    if (!operation.data_length()) {      // Operations that do not have any data blob won't have any operation hash      // either. So, these operations are always considered validated since the      // metadata that contains all the non-data-blob portions of the operation      // has already been validated. This is true for both HTTP and HTTPS cases.      return ErrorCode::kSuccess;    }    // No hash is present for an operation that has data blobs. This shouldn't    // happen normally for any client that has this code, because the    // corresponding update should have been produced with the operation    // hashes. So if it happens it means either we've turned operation hash    // generation off in DeltaDiffGenerator or it's a regression of some sort.    // One caveat though: The last operation is a dummy signature operation    // that doesn't have a hash at the time the manifest is created. So we    // should not complaint about that operation. This operation can be    // recognized by the fact that it's offset is mentioned in the manifest.    if (manifest_.signatures_offset() &&        manifest_.signatures_offset() == operation.data_offset()) {      LOG(INFO) << "Skipping hash verification for signature operation "                << next_operation_num_ + 1;    } else {      if (install_plan_->hash_checks_mandatory) {        LOG(ERROR) << "Missing mandatory operation hash for operation "                   << next_operation_num_ + 1;        return ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashMissingError;      }      LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot validate operation " << next_operation_num_ + 1                   << " as there's no operation hash in manifest";    }    return ErrorCode::kSuccess;  }    //  // 检查InstallOperation数据的hash  //    // 对每一个InstallOperation来说,  // 其type, data_offset, data_length, hash等数据保存在Manifest中  // 但真正的payload数据则保存在manifest后面的"struct blobs[]"结构中。    // 所以这里取出InstallOperation在Manifest中的hash,  // 同时计算"struct blobs[]"结构中对应operation数据的hash,  // 将预存的hash同计算的hash进行比较  // 存储operation自带的data hash到expected_op_hash  brillo::Blob expected_op_hash;  expected_op_hash.assign(operation.data_sha256_hash().data(),                          (operation.data_sha256_hash().data() +                           operation.data_sha256_hash().size()));  // 根据当前InstallOperation对应的数据,计算Hash  HashCalculator operation_hasher;  operation_hasher.Update(, operation.data_length());  if (!operation_hasher.Finalize()) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to compute actual hash of operation "               << next_operation_num_;    return ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashVerificationError;  }  // 将重新计算出来的hash值calculated_op_hash同operation自带的Hash数据进行比较  brillo::Blob calculated_op_hash = operation_hasher.raw_hash();  if (calculated_op_hash != expected_op_hash) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Hash verification failed for operation "               << next_operation_num_ << ". Expected hash = ";    utils::HexDumpVector(expected_op_hash);    LOG(ERROR) << "Calculated hash over " << operation.data_length()               << " bytes at offset: " << operation.data_offset() << " = ";    utils::HexDumpVector(calculated_op_hash);    return ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashMismatch;  }  return ErrorCode::kSuccess;}


3.7 执行InstallOperation的更新操作


    // Makes sure we unblock exit when this operation completes.    ScopedTerminatorExitUnblocker exit_unblocker =        ScopedTerminatorExitUnblocker();  // Avoids a compiler unused var bug.    // 根据InstallOperation具体的操作类型,执行相应的操作    bool op_result;    switch (op.type()) {      case InstallOperation::REPLACE:      case InstallOperation::REPLACE_BZ:      case InstallOperation::REPLACE_XZ:        op_result = PerformReplaceOperation(op);        break;      case InstallOperation::ZERO:      case InstallOperation::DISCARD:        op_result = PerformZeroOrDiscardOperation(op);        break;      case InstallOperation::MOVE:        op_result = PerformMoveOperation(op);        break;      case InstallOperation::BSDIFF:        op_result = PerformBsdiffOperation(op);        break;      case InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY:        op_result = PerformSourceCopyOperation(op, error);        break;      case InstallOperation::SOURCE_BSDIFF:        op_result = PerformSourceBsdiffOperation(op, error);        break;      default:       op_result = false;    }    // 如果当前InstallOperation执行错误,显示相应的错误信息,    if (!HandleOpResult(op_result, InstallOperationTypeName(op.type()), error))      return false;    // 递增下一个操作的InstallOperation的索引next_operation_num_    next_operation_num_++;    UpdateOverallProgress(false, "Completed ");    // 保存当前更新的进度和数据状态信息,以放中间挂了,下次仍然可以从当前点开始继续升级    CheckpointUpdateProgress();




3.8 提取升级数据的signature



  //  // 检查payload_signatures_message数据存在的合理性  // 如果各种条件指示存在payload_signatures_message,但最后却没有实际数据,这就搞笑了,报错!  //  // In major version 2, we don't add dummy operation to the payload.  // If we already extracted the signature we should skip this step.  if (major_payload_version_ == kBrilloMajorPayloadVersion &&      manifest_.has_signatures_offset() && manifest_.has_signatures_size() &&      signatures_message_data_.empty()) {    if (manifest_.signatures_offset() != buffer_offset_) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Payload signatures offset points to blob offset "                 << manifest_.signatures_offset()                 << " but signatures are expected at offset "                 << buffer_offset_;      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadVerificationError;      return false;    }    // 将signature数据复制到buffer_    CopyDataToBuffer(&c_bytes, &count, manifest_.signatures_size());    // Needs more data to cover entire signature.    if (buffer_.size() < manifest_.signatures_size())      return true;    //    // 提取signatrue数据,并通过perf机制将其保存起来    //    if (!ExtractSignatureMessage()) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Extract payload signature failed.";      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadVerificationError;      return false;    }    DiscardBuffer(true, 0);    //    // 接收到signature数据后更新检查点(check point),这样下次就不需要再处理signature数据了    //    // Since we extracted the SignatureMessage we need to advance the    // checkpoint, otherwise we would reload the signature and try to extract    // it again.    CheckpointUpdateProgress();  }



此时会计算升级文件数据(即payload)的hash, 并同install_plan_传递下来的payload_hash进行比较,二者一致的情况下,再使用payload_signatures_message去校验这个hash是否真的合法。


4. 完整的Write()操作注释



// Wrapper around write. Returns true if all requested bytes// were written, or false on any error, regardless of progress// and stores an action exit code in |error|.bool DeltaPerformer::Write(const void* bytes, size_t count, ErrorCode *error) {  *error = ErrorCode::kSuccess;  const char* c_bytes = reinterpret_cast(bytes);  //  // 1. 更新数据接收进度信息  //    logcat中抓取到的打印信息如下:  //    ...  //    Completed 0/? operations, 14169/282164983 bytes downloaded (0%), overall progress 0%  //    Completed 23/377 operations (6%), 40302425/282164983 bytes downloaded (14%), overall progress 10%  //    ...  //    Completed 377/377 operations (100%), 282164983/282164983 bytes downloaded (100%), overall progress 100%  //    ...  //  // Update the total byte downloaded count and the progress logs.  total_bytes_received_ += count;  UpdateOverallProgress(false, "Completed ");  // 检查manifest_valid_标志是否有效  // 如果为false,表示没有解析过manifest数据,则此处进行解析  while (!manifest_valid_) {    // Read data up to the needed limit; this is either maximium payload header    // size, or the full metadata size (once it becomes known).    // 检查是否已经解析了Header数据    const bool do_read_header = !IsHeaderParsed();    // 根据是否已经解析Header决定复制的字节数    // 如果连Header都没解析过,那就先复制23字节的Header数据进行接卸    CopyDataToBuffer(&c_bytes, &count,                     (do_read_header ? kMaxPayloadHeaderSize :                      metadata_size_ + metadata_signature_size_));    //    // 2. 解析升级包的头部数据,得到DeltaArchiveManifest信息;    //    这里的数据分为两部分:    //    1). Header数据: 前24字节    //    2). MetaData数据: 包括前24字节的Header数据,Manifest数据,以及这二者数据的Signature    //    MetadataParseResult result = ParsePayloadMetadata(buffer_, error);    if (result == kMetadataParseError) // 解析错误,则返回      return false;    // 解析MetaData返回数据不够的情况下,继续等待更多数据    if (result == kMetadataParseInsufficientData) {      // If we just processed the header, make an attempt on the manifest.      // 如果刚解析完Header,继续解析MetaData需要复制更多数据      if (do_read_header && IsHeaderParsed())        continue;      return true;    }    //    // 3. 对DeltaArchiveManifest结构进行检查     //    // 验证DeltaArchiveManifest的结构,确定升级类型是Full还是Delta    // 如:    //    Detected a 'full' payload.    //    // Checks the integrity of the payload manifest.    if ((*error = ValidateManifest()) != ErrorCode::kSuccess)      return false;    // 设置Manifest为有效    manifest_valid_ = true;    // 已经完成了MetaData的解析,所以可以抛弃已经解析的数据    // Clear the download buffer.    DiscardBuffer(false, metadata_size_);    // 提取Manifest中的partitions信息,    // This populates |partitions_| and the |install_plan.partitions| with the    // list of partitions from the manifest.    if (!ParseManifestPartitions(error))      return false;    // partitions_的每个分区都包含一个operations数组,里面存放的是InstallOperation数据    // 所有分区的operations数组大小累加到num_total_operations_    // 所以最后num_total_operations_是所有InstallOperation的总数    //    // 这里的acc_num_operations_计算比较特别:    // 如果有三个分区,第1个分区的operations大小为10,第2个分区为15,第3个分区为8    // 则acc_num_operations_应该为{10, 25, 33},    // 这里25=10+15, 33=10+15+8,即后面的数据是前面数据的累加结果    num_total_operations_ = 0;    for (const auto& partition : partitions_) {      num_total_operations_ += partition.operations_size();      acc_num_operations_.push_back(num_total_operations_);    }    // 保存 metadata_size和metadata_signature_size数据到磁盘    // 保存这些数据是因为如果升级暂停(pause)了,下次恢复(resume)时传输的数据和可能就不再包含metadata了    LOG_IF(WARNING, !prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsManifestMetadataSize,                                      metadata_size_))        << "Unable to save the manifest metadata size.";    LOG_IF(WARNING, !prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsManifestSignatureSize,                                      metadata_signature_size_))        << "Unable to save the manifest signature size.";    // 如果之前暂停(pause),现在恢复(resume)继续升级,获取暂停时保存的状态数据    // 上一次升级的信息可能已经丢失(例如暂停后系统重启过),所以需要通过prefs_机制重新从磁盘获取这些信息    // 如果没有取得上一次的升级信息,说明当前是全新升级    if (!PrimeUpdateState()) {      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError;      LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to prime the update state.";      return false;    }    // 打开第1个分区    if (!OpenCurrentPartition()) {      *error = ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError;      return false;    }    // 如果开始操作的不是InstallOperation索引大于0,说明这次是恢复(resume)升级操作    if (next_operation_num_ > 0)      UpdateOverallProgress(true, "Resuming after ");    LOG(INFO) << "Starting to apply update payload operations";  }  // num_total_operations_用于指示manifest中所有InstallOperation的总数  // 因此通过(next_operation_num_ < num_total_operations_)比较来确定是否执行完了所有的InstallOperation  while (next_operation_num_ < num_total_operations_) {    // Check if we should cancel the current attempt for any reason.    // In this case, *error will have already been populated with the reason    // why we're canceling.    if (download_delegate_ && download_delegate_->ShouldCancel(error))      return false;    //    // 1. 打开下一个要操作的分区    //    // 前面已经打开了第一个操作的分区,这里根据下一个要操作的InstallOperation的索引值next_operation_num_,确定需要打开哪一个分区    // 例如,前面的例子,更新包需要更新有三个分区,第1个分区的operations大小为10,第2个分区为15,第3个分区为8,因此acc_num_operations_数组为{10,25,8}    // 下一个要执行的InstallOperation的索引值next_operation_num_的值为17,那刚好位于第2个分区中,所以此时需要关闭第1个分区,打开第2个分区。    // 所以这里通过next_operation_num_的比较,确保要操作的分区已经打开    // We know there are more operations to perform because we didn't reach the    // |num_total_operations_| limit yet.    while (next_operation_num_ >= acc_num_operations_[current_partition_]) {      CloseCurrentPartition();      current_partition_++;      if (!OpenCurrentPartition()) {        *error = ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError;        return false;      }    }        //    // 2. 提取分区中下一个要操作的InstallOperation    //        // 通过nexus_operation_num_和acc_num_operations_数组,来查找下一个InstallOperation在某个partition更新的Operation的所以值    // 简单说来,将下一个InstallOperation操作在全部操作中的索引值转化为相应分区内的索引值。    const size_t partition_operation_num = next_operation_num_ - (        current_partition_ ? acc_num_operations_[current_partition_ - 1] : 0);    // 根据分区内InstallOperation的索引值partition_operation_num, 来从当前操作的分区中提取InstallOperation    const InstallOperation& op =        partitions_[current_partition_].operations(partition_operation_num);    //    // 3. 根据InstallOperation指示的长度将操作数据存放到缓冲区中    //        // 当前要操作的InstallOperation的数据从接收数据的缓冲区复制到DeltaPerformer内部操作的缓冲区buffer_中去    CopyDataToBuffer(&c_bytes, &count, op.data_length());    // 检查确保已经接收到当前要操作的InstallOperationd的数据    // Check whether we received all of the next operation's data payload.    if (!CanPerformInstallOperation(op))      return true;    //    // 4. 检查InstallOperation对应操作数据的hash    //        // 在metadata signature存在的情况下,校验InstallOperation对应数据的hash    // Validate the operation only if the metadata signature is present.    // Otherwise, keep the old behavior. This serves as a knob to disable    // the validation logic in case we find some regression after rollout.    // NOTE: If hash checks are mandatory and if metadata_signature is empty,    // we would have already failed in ParsePayloadMetadata method and thus not    // even be here. So no need to handle that case again here.    if (!install_plan_->metadata_signature.empty()) {      // Note: Validate must be called only if CanPerformInstallOperation is      // called. Otherwise, we might be failing operations before even if there      // isn't sufficient data to compute the proper hash.      // 计算当前InstallOperation数据的hash,并将其同预先计算的hash进行比较      *error = ValidateOperationHash(op);      if (*error != ErrorCode::kSuccess) {        if (install_plan_->hash_checks_mandatory) {          LOG(ERROR) << "Mandatory operation hash check failed";          return false;        }        // For non-mandatory cases, just send a UMA stat.        LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring operation validation errors";        *error = ErrorCode::kSuccess;      }    }    // Makes sure we unblock exit when this operation completes.    ScopedTerminatorExitUnblocker exit_unblocker =        ScopedTerminatorExitUnblocker();  // Avoids a compiler unused var bug.    // 根据InstallOperation具体的操作类型,执行相应的操作    bool op_result;    switch (op.type()) {      case InstallOperation::REPLACE:      case InstallOperation::REPLACE_BZ:      case InstallOperation::REPLACE_XZ:        op_result = PerformReplaceOperation(op);        break;      case InstallOperation::ZERO:      case InstallOperation::DISCARD:        op_result = PerformZeroOrDiscardOperation(op);        break;      case InstallOperation::MOVE:        op_result = PerformMoveOperation(op);        break;      case InstallOperation::BSDIFF:        op_result = PerformBsdiffOperation(op);        break;      case InstallOperation::SOURCE_COPY:        op_result = PerformSourceCopyOperation(op, error);        break;      case InstallOperation::SOURCE_BSDIFF:        op_result = PerformSourceBsdiffOperation(op, error);        break;      default:       op_result = false;    }    // 如果当前InstallOperation执行错误,显示相应的错误信息,    if (!HandleOpResult(op_result, InstallOperationTypeName(op.type()), error))      return false;    // 递增下一个操作的InstallOperation的索引next_operation_num_    next_operation_num_++;    UpdateOverallProgress(false, "Completed ");    // 保存当前更新的进度和数据状态信息,以放中间挂了,下次仍然可以从当前点开始继续升级    CheckpointUpdateProgress();  }  //  // 检查payload_signatures_message数据存在的合理性  // 如果各种条件指示存在payload_signatures_message,但最后却没有实际数据,这就搞笑了,报错!  //  // In major version 2, we don't add dummy operation to the payload.  // If we already extracted the signature we should skip this step.  if (major_payload_version_ == kBrilloMajorPayloadVersion &&      manifest_.has_signatures_offset() && manifest_.has_signatures_size() &&      signatures_message_data_.empty()) {    if (manifest_.signatures_offset() != buffer_offset_) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Payload signatures offset points to blob offset "                 << manifest_.signatures_offset()                 << " but signatures are expected at offset "                 << buffer_offset_;      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadVerificationError;      return false;    }    // 将signature数据复制到buffer_    CopyDataToBuffer(&c_bytes, &count, manifest_.signatures_size());    // Needs more data to cover entire signature.    if (buffer_.size() < manifest_.signatures_size())      return true;    //    // 提取signatrue数据,并通过perf机制将其保存起来    //    if (!ExtractSignatureMessage()) {      LOG(ERROR) << "Extract payload signature failed.";      *error = ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadVerificationError;      return false;    }    DiscardBuffer(true, 0);    //    // 接收到signature数据后更新检查点(check point),这样下次就不需要再处理signature数据了    //    // Since we extracted the SignatureMessage we need to advance the    // checkpoint, otherwise we would reload the signature and try to extract    // it again.    CheckpointUpdateProgress();  }  return true;}


  1. 更新数据接收进度信息;
  2. 解析升级包的头部数据,得到DeltaArchiveManifest数据;
  3. 对DeltaArchiveManifest结构进行检查;
  4. 从DeltaArchiveManifest中提取分区信息;
  5. 更新升级的状态信息
  6. 提取各分区的InstallOperation,并检查payload数据的hash
  7. 依次提取各分区的InstallOperation,提取数据,并进行相应的更新操作;
  8. 保存整个升级文件的signature

5. 联系和福利

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