平台:qcom msm8953 android7.1







首先找到一篇文章https://blog.csdn.net/jinzhuojun/article/details/50085491,大家可以结合这个阅读下源码,我在PMS,和WMS中分别加了点打印,然后抓取打开会出现问题的app,找到了一些信息,发现 在我打开app的时候产生屏幕旋转的现象在WMS中会进入



 @Override    public int rotationForOrientationLw(int orientation, int lastRotation) {        if (true) {            Slog.v(TAG, "rotationForOrientationLw(orient="                    + orientation + ", last=" + lastRotation                    + "); user=" + mUserRotation + " "                    + ((mUserRotationMode == WindowManagerPolicy.USER_ROTATION_LOCKED)                    ? "USER_ROTATION_LOCKED" : "")            );        }        .......            if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.i(TAG, "orientation: " + orientation);            if (getScreenWidth(mContext) < getScreenHeight(mContext)) {  //Determine the physical screen direction                Slog.v(TAG, "width < height");                switch (lastRotation) //Make the app direction follow system                {                    case Surface.ROTATION_0:                        mPortraitRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;  //shu  portrait                        mUpsideDownRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180; // fan shu                        mLandscapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90; // heng  landscape                        mSeascapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270; //fan heng                        break;                    case Surface.ROTATION_90:                        mPortraitRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;  //shu  portrait                        mUpsideDownRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270; // fan shu                        mLandscapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0; // heng  landscape                        mSeascapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180; //fan heng                        break;                    case Surface.ROTATION_180:                        mPortraitRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180;  //shu  portrait                        mUpsideDownRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0; // fan shu                        mLandscapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270; // heng  landscape                        mSeascapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90; //fan heng                        break;                    case Surface.ROTATION_270:                        mPortraitRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270;  //shu  portrait                        mUpsideDownRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90; // fan shu                        mLandscapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180; // heng  landscape                        mSeascapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0; //fan heng                        break;                }            } else {                Slog.v(TAG, "width > height");                switch (lastRotation)//Make the app direction follow system                {                    case Surface.ROTATION_0:                        mPortraitRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;  //shu  portrait                        mUpsideDownRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180; // fan shu                        mLandscapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90; // heng  landscape                        mSeascapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270; //fan heng                        break;                    case Surface.ROTATION_90:                        mPortraitRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;  //shu  portrait                        mUpsideDownRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270; // fan shu                        mLandscapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0; // heng  landscape                        mSeascapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180; //fan heng                        break;                    case Surface.ROTATION_180:                        mPortraitRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180;  //shu  portrait                        mUpsideDownRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0; // fan shu                        mLandscapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270; // heng  landscape                        mSeascapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90; //fan heng                        break;                    case Surface.ROTATION_270:                        mPortraitRotation = Surface.ROTATION_270;                        mUpsideDownRotation = Surface.ROTATION_90;                        mLandscapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_180;                        mSeascapeRotation = Surface.ROTATION_0;                        break;                }            }            switch (orientation) {                case ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT:  //portrait                    // Return portrait unless overridden.                    if (isAnyPortrait(preferredRotation)) {                        Slog.v(TAG, "preferredRotation:" + preferredRotation);                        return preferredRotation;                    }                    Slog.v(TAG, "mPortraitRotation:" + mPortraitRotation);                    return mPortraitRotation;                case ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: //landscape                    // Return landscape unless overridden.                    if (isLandscapeOrSeascape(preferredRotation)) {                        return preferredRotation;                    }                    return mLandscapeRotation;                case ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT: //reversePortrait >= api 9                    // Return reverse portrait unless overridden.                    if (isAnyPortrait(preferredRotation)) {                        return preferredRotation;                    }                    return mUpsideDownRotation;                case ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE: //reverseLandscape >= api 9                    // Return seascape unless overridden.                    if (isLandscapeOrSeascape(preferredRotation)) {                        return preferredRotation;                    }                    return mSeascapeRotation;                case ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE:                case ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_LANDSCAPE:                    // Return either landscape rotation.                    if (isLandscapeOrSeascape(preferredRotation)) {                        return preferredRotation;                    }                    if (isLandscapeOrSeascape(lastRotation)) {                        return lastRotation;                    }                    return mLandscapeRotation;                case ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAIT:                case ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_USER_PORTRAIT:                    // Return either portrait rotation.                    if (isAnyPortrait(preferredRotation)) {                        return preferredRotation;                    }                    if (isAnyPortrait(lastRotation)) {                        return lastRotation;                    }                    return mPortraitRotation;                default:                    // For USER, UNSPECIFIED, NOSENSOR, SENSOR and FULL_SENSOR,                    // just return the preferred orientation we already calculated.                    if (preferredRotation >= 0) {                        return preferredRotation;                    }                    //return Surface.ROTATION_0;                    return mDefaultOrientation;            }        }    }

代码略长,省略部分,只看重点,在这个方法中添加一些打印发现,这里正是对app 通过设置xml配置屏幕方向的一些分类情况处理,我们可以看到图中 switch (orientation) 处,这里分别对应了应用层的一些设置,如:“portrait”,"landscape"等,



PS:  横屏好像还有点问题,后面再细查。




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