40 Android Business Models

While trying to figure out how to get access to paid apps on the Android Market in Canada (come on, Google… you know you want to, the Canadian dollar is strong nowadays), I stumbled on a blog series listing possible Android business models. There is probably nothing revolutionary, but the ideas are short, sweet, and to the point. The best part is only the first one (”Model #1: Build the App, Sell the App to Individuals”) relies on being in a country with full access to the Android Market, so for the rest of us in less developed countries, the other models are worth a thought.




  1. Android(安卓)KeyCode(官方)
  2. android踩坑记(1)java.lang.RuntimeException
  3. Android(安卓)7.0 Launcher3的启动和加载流程分析----转载
  4. Android(安卓)为按键添加声音(转载)
  5. Android-ksoap2与NuSOAP的交互(原创)
  6. 颜色对应的码
  7. 转载:重新签名,修改系统时间,android.uid.system
  8. Android(安卓)Database
  9. android FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread


  1. AIDL介绍和实例讲解
  2. Android 中支持的几种传感器(加速度、陀
  3. Android学习笔记(33):Android对话框
  4. Android加壳
  5. android.net.LocalSocket
  6. android工具之TraceView学习笔记
  7. 【总结】Android消息机制
  8. [置顶] Android中的dispatchTouchEvent()
  9. android httpclient localhost Connectio
  10. Android之Room