短信 sms
文件 /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db

public static final Uri CONTENT_URI =

0 _id
1 thread_id 在短信界面里显示在第几组( 相同联系人的短信在同意行),英文名叫话题。
2 address 电话好吗
3 person ? 存在电话簿里的名字 。 可能吧
4 date 日期
5 protocol ?..
6 read ? 1- 已读 0-未读
7 status ?
8 type ? 2 我发送
9 reply_path_present ?
10 subject
11 body 短信内容
12 service_center ...



* The thread ID of the message
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String THREAD_ID = "thread_id";

* The address of the other party
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String ADDRESS = "address";

* The person ID of the sender
* <P>Type: INTEGER (long)</P>
public static final String PERSON_ID = "person";

* The date the message was sent
* <P>Type: INTEGER (long)</P>
public static final String DATE = "date";

* The protocol identifier code
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String PROTOCOL = "protocol";

* Has the message been read
* <P>Type: INTEGER (boolean)</P>
public static final String READ = "read";

* The TP-Status value for the message, or -1 if no status has
* been received
public static final String STATUS = "status";
us 举例:
public static final int STATUS_NONE = -1;
public static final int STATUS_COMPLETE = 0;
public static final int STATUS_PENDING = 64;
public static final int STATUS_FAILED = 128;

* The type of the message
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String TYPE = "type";
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_ALL = 0;
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX = 1;
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT = 2;
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_DRAFT = 3;
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTBOX = 4;
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILED = 5; // for failed outgoing messages
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_QUEUED = 6; // for messages to send later

* Whether the <code>TP-Reply-Path</code> bit was set on this message
* <P>Type: BOOLEAN</P>
public static final String REPLY_PATH_PRESENT = "reply_path_present";

* The subject of the message, if present
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String SUBJECT = "subject";

* The body of the message
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String BODY = "body";

* The service center (SC) through which to send the message, if present
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String SERVICE_CENTER = "service_center";

* Has the message been locked?
* <P>Type: INTEGER (boolean)</P>
public static final String LOCKED = "locked";

* The id of the sender of the conversation, if present
* <P>Type: INTEGER (reference to item in content://contacts/people)</P>
public static final String PERSON = "person";



pdu 表源码
* Base columns for tables that contain MMSs.
public interface BaseMmsColumns extends BaseColumns {

public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_ALL = 0;
public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_INBOX = 1;
public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_SENT = 2;
public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_DRAFTS = 3;
public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_OUTBOX = 4;

* The date the message was sent.
* <P>Type: INTEGER (long)</P>
public static final String DATE = "date";

* The box which the message belong to, for example, MESSAGE_BOX_INBOX.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MESSAGE_BOX = "msg_box";

* Has the message been read.
* <P>Type: INTEGER (boolean)</P>
public static final String READ = "read";

* The Message-ID of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String MESSAGE_ID = "m_id";

* The subject of the message, if present.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String SUBJECT = "sub";

* The character set of the subject, if present.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String SUBJECT_CHARSET = "sub_cs";

* The Content-Type of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "ct_t";

* The Content-Location of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String CONTENT_LOCATION = "ct_l";

* The address of the sender.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String FROM = "from";

* The address of the recipients.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String TO = "to";

* The address of the cc. recipients.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String CC = "cc";

* The address of the bcc. recipients.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String BCC = "bcc";

* The expiry time of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String EXPIRY = "exp";

* The class of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String MESSAGE_CLASS = "m_cls";

* The type of the message defined by MMS spec.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MESSAGE_TYPE = "m_type";

* The version of specification that this message conform.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MMS_VERSION = "v";

* The size of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MESSAGE_SIZE = "m_size";

* The priority of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String PRIORITY = "pri";

* The read-report of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String READ_REPORT = "rr";

* Whether the report is allowed.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String REPORT_ALLOWED = "rpt_a";

* The response-status of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String RESPONSE_STATUS = "resp_st";

* The status of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String STATUS = "st";

* The transaction-id of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String TRANSACTION_ID = "tr_id";

* The retrieve-status of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String RETRIEVE_STATUS = "retr_st";

* The retrieve-text of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String RETRIEVE_TEXT = "retr_txt";

* The character set of the retrieve-text.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String RETRIEVE_TEXT_CHARSET = "retr_txt_cs";

* The read-status of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String READ_STATUS = "read_status";

* The content-class of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String CONTENT_CLASS = "ct_cls";

* The delivery-report of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String DELIVERY_REPORT = "d_rpt";

* The delivery-time-token of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String DELIVERY_TIME_TOKEN = "d_tm_tok";

* The delivery-time of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String DELIVERY_TIME = "d_tm";

* The response-text of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String RESPONSE_TEXT = "resp_txt";

* The sender-visibility of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String SENDER_VISIBILITY = "s_vis";

* The reply-charging of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String REPLY_CHARGING = "r_chg";

* The reply-charging-deadline-token of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String REPLY_CHARGING_DEADLINE_TOKEN = "r_chg_dl_tok";

* The reply-charging-deadline of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String REPLY_CHARGING_DEADLINE = "r_chg_dl";

* The reply-charging-id of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String REPLY_CHARGING_ID = "r_chg_id";

* The reply-charging-size of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String REPLY_CHARGING_SIZE = "r_chg_sz";

* The previously-sent-by of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String PREVIOUSLY_SENT_BY = "p_s_by";

* The previously-sent-date of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String PREVIOUSLY_SENT_DATE = "p_s_d";

* The store of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String STORE = "store";

* The mm-state of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MM_STATE = "mm_st";

* The mm-flags-token of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MM_FLAGS_TOKEN = "mm_flg_tok";

* The mm-flags of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String MM_FLAGS = "mm_flg";

* The store-status of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String STORE_STATUS = "store_st";

* The store-status-text of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String STORE_STATUS_TEXT = "store_st_txt";

* The stored of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String STORED = "stored";

* The totals of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String TOTALS = "totals";

* The mbox-totals of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String MBOX_TOTALS = "mb_t";

* The mbox-totals-token of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MBOX_TOTALS_TOKEN = "mb_t_tok";

* The quotas of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String QUOTAS = "qt";

* The mbox-quotas of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String MBOX_QUOTAS = "mb_qt";

* The mbox-quotas-token of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MBOX_QUOTAS_TOKEN = "mb_qt_tok";

* The message-count of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String MESSAGE_COUNT = "m_cnt";

* The start of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String START = "start";

* The distribution-indicator of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String DISTRIBUTION_INDICATOR = "d_ind";

* The element-descriptor of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String ELEMENT_DESCRIPTOR = "e_des";

* The limit of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String LIMIT = "limit";

* The recommended-retrieval-mode of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE = "r_r_mod";

* The recommended-retrieval-mode-text of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE_TEXT = "r_r_mod_txt";

* The status-text of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String STATUS_TEXT = "st_txt";

* The applic-id of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String APPLIC_ID = "apl_id";

* The reply-applic-id of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String REPLY_APPLIC_ID = "r_apl_id";

* The aux-applic-id of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String AUX_APPLIC_ID = "aux_apl_id";

* The drm-content of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String DRM_CONTENT = "drm_c";

* The adaptation-allowed of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String ADAPTATION_ALLOWED = "adp_a";

* The replace-id of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String REPLACE_ID = "repl_id";

* The cancel-id of the message.
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String CANCEL_ID = "cl_id";

* The cancel-status of the message.
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String CANCEL_STATUS = "cl_st";

* The thread ID of the message
* <P>Type: INTEGER</P>
public static final String THREAD_ID = "thread_id";

* Has the message been locked?
* <P>Type: INTEGER (boolean)</P>
public static final String LOCKED = "locked";


3 。 彩信文件读取

String selection = new String("mid='" + key + "'");//这个key就是pdu里面的_id。
Cursor cur = getContentResolver().query(Uri.parse("content://mms/part"), null, selection, null, null);

if (cur.moveToFirst())
do {
int _partID = cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndex("_id"));
String partID = String.valueOf(_partID);
Uri partURI = Uri.parse("content://mms/part/" + partID);

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
InputStream is = null;

try {
is = getContentResolver().openInputStream(partURI);
byte[] buffer = new byte[256];
int len = is.read(buffer);
while (len >= 0)
baos.write(buffer, 0, len);
len = is.read(buffer);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {



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