
There is a bug in FlushedInputStream(is). it fails on slow connections but you can try my magical code to fix it.

Bitmap b =BitmapFactory.decodeStream(newFlushedInputStream(is)); imageView.setImageBitmap(b);

create a static class outside your method

staticclassFlushedInputStreamextendsFilterInputStream{     publicFlushedInputStream(InputStream inputStream){       super(inputStream);     }     @Override     publiclong skip(long n)throwsIOException{       long totalBytesSkipped =0L;       while(totalBytesSkipped < n){         long bytesSkipped =in.skip(n - totalBytesSkipped);         if(bytesSkipped ==0L){           int b = read();           if(b <0){             break; // we reached EOF           }else{             bytesSkipped =1;// we read one byte           }         }         totalBytesSkipped += bytesSkipped;       }       return totalBytesSkipped;     }   }

and here you go.. now you will not have any problem.


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