
1 添加注册ConnectivityService连接服务,它跟所有手机的无线通信都有联系,包括wifi,蓝牙,2g网络,3g网络等。


private void startOtherServices() {    ...    try {        connectivity = new ConnectivityService(                context, networkManagement, networkStats, networkPolicy);        ServiceManager.addService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE, connectivity,                /* allowIsolated= */ false,                DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_HIGH | DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_NORMAL);        networkStats.bindConnectivityManager(connectivity);        networkPolicy.bindConnectivityManager(connectivity);    } catch (Throwable e) {        reportWtf("starting Connectivity Service", e);    }    ...}


2 管理开机wifi开启与否。


@Overridepublic void onBootPhase(int phase) {    if (phase == SystemService.PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY) {        mImpl.checkAndStartWifi();    }}


/*** Check if we are ready to start wifi.** First check if we will be restarting system services to decrypt the device. If the device is* not encrypted, check if Wi-Fi needs to be enabled and start if needed** This function is used only at boot time.*/public void checkAndStartWifi() {    // First check if we will end up restarting WifiService    if (mFrameworkFacade.inStorageManagerCryptKeeperBounce()) {        Log.d(TAG, "Device still encrypted. Need to restart SystemServer.  Do not start wifi.");        return;    }    // Check if wi-fi needs to be enabled    boolean wifiEnabled = mSettingsStore.isWifiToggleEnabled();    Slog.i(TAG, "WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi " +                (wifiEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"));    registerForScanModeChange();    mContext.registerReceiver(            new BroadcastReceiver() {                @Override                public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {                    if (mSettingsStore.handleAirplaneModeToggled()) {                        mWifiController.sendMessage(CMD_AIRPLANE_TOGGLED);                    }                    if (mSettingsStore.isAirplaneModeOn()) {                        Log.d(TAG, "resetting country code because Airplane mode is ON");                        mCountryCode.airplaneModeEnabled();                    }                }            },            new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED));    mContext.registerReceiver(            new BroadcastReceiver() {                @Override                public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {                    String state = intent.getStringExtra(IccCardConstants.INTENT_KEY_ICC_STATE);                    if (IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_ABSENT.equals(state)) {                        Log.d(TAG, "resetting networks because SIM was removed");                        mWifiStateMachine.resetSimAuthNetworks(false);                    } else if (IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED.equals(state)) {                        Log.d(TAG, "resetting networks because SIM was loaded");                        mWifiStateMachine.resetSimAuthNetworks(true);                    }                }            },            new IntentFilter(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED));    mContext.registerReceiver(            new BroadcastReceiver() {                @Override                public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {                    final int currState = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_WIFI_AP_STATE,                                                                    WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED);                    final int prevState = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_PREVIOUS_WIFI_AP_STATE,                                                                 WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED);                    final int errorCode = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_WIFI_AP_FAILURE_REASON,                                                                 HOTSPOT_NO_ERROR);                    final String ifaceName =                                intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_WIFI_AP_INTERFACE_NAME);                    final int mode = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_WIFI_AP_MODE,                                                            WifiManager.IFACE_IP_MODE_UNSPECIFIED);                    handleWifiApStateChange(currState, prevState, errorCode, ifaceName, mode);                }            },            new IntentFilter(WifiManager.WIFI_AP_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION));    // Adding optimizations of only receiving broadcasts when wifi is enabled    // can result in race conditions when apps toggle wifi in the background    // without active user involvement. Always receive broadcasts.    registerForBroadcasts();    mInIdleMode = mPowerManager.isDeviceIdleMode();    if (!mWifiStateMachine.syncInitialize(mWifiStateMachineChannel)) {        Log.wtf(TAG, "Failed to initialize WifiStateMachine");    }    mWifiController.start();    // If we are already disabled (could be due to airplane mode), avoid changing persist    // state here    if (wifiEnabled) {        try {            setWifiEnabled(mContext.getPackageName(), wifiEnabled);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            /* ignore - local call */        }    }}


3 添加注册wifi的核心服务wifiservice。


@Overridepublic void onStart() {    Log.i(TAG, "Registering " + Context.WIFI_SERVICE);    publishBinderService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE, mImpl);}



/*** Publish the service so it is accessible to other services and apps.** @param name the name of the new service* @param service the service object*/protected final void publishBinderService(String name, IBinder service) {    publishBinderService(name, service, false);}/*** Publish the service so it is accessible to other services and apps.** @param name the name of the new service* @param service the service object* @param allowIsolated set to true to allow isolated sandboxed processes* to access this service*/protected final void publishBinderService(String name, IBinder service,        boolean allowIsolated) {    publishBinderService(name, service, allowIsolated, DUMP_FLAG_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);}/*** Publish the service so it is accessible to other services and apps.** @param name the name of the new service* @param service the service object* @param allowIsolated set to true to allow isolated sandboxed processes* to access this service* @param dumpPriority supported dump priority levels as a bitmask*/protected final void publishBinderService(String name, IBinder service,        boolean allowIsolated, int dumpPriority) {    ServiceManager.addService(name, service, allowIsolated, dumpPriority);}




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