

compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.3.0'    compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.3.0'
  1. 首先创建业务接口,代码如下
public interface LoginService {    @POST("user/auth")    Call login(@Query("username") String username, @Query("password") String password);}

@GET 和@POST分别对应get和post请求


Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()                .baseUrl(baseUrl)                .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create())                .build();   LoginService loginService = retrofit.create(LoginService.class);


Call<User> call = loginService.login("nanguangtailang","123");        call.enqueue(new Callback<User>() {            @Override            public void onResponse(Call<User> call, Response<User> response) {                Log.d("d",response.body().toString());            }           @Override            public void onFailure(Call<User> call, Throwable t) {                Log.d("f",t.getMessage());            }        });


public static final class Builder {    private final Platform platform;    private @Nullable okhttp3.Call.Factory callFactory;    private HttpUrl baseUrl;    private final List converterFactories = new ArrayList<>();    private final List adapterFactories = new ArrayList<>();    private @Nullable Executor callbackExecutor;    private boolean validateEagerly;    Builder(Platform platform) {      this.platform = platform;      // Add the built-in converter factory first. This prevents overriding its behavior but also      // ensures correct behavior when using converters that consume all types.      converterFactories.add(new BuiltInConverters());    }    public Builder() {      this(Platform.get());    }

可以看到这个类中的几个重要属性 Platform、okhttp3.Call.Factory、List< Converter.Factory >、List< CallAdapter.Factory > 、Executor
platform 代表我们目前使用的平台,Android、iOS等 ,okhttp3.Call.Factory 是我们传入的 okhttpClient,作用是代理Retrofit发出http请求


 LoginService loginService = retrofit.create(LoginService.class);


public  T create(final Class service) {    Utils.validateServiceInterface(service);    if (validateEagerly) {      eagerlyValidateMethods(service);    }    return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { service },        new InvocationHandler() {          private final Platform platform = Platform.get();          @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, @Nullable Object[] args)              throws Throwable {            // If the method is a method from Object then defer to normal invocation.            if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {              return method.invoke(this, args);            }            if (platform.isDefaultMethod(method)) {              return platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args);            }            ServiceMethod serviceMethod =                (ServiceMethod) loadServiceMethod(method);            OkHttpCall okHttpCall = new OkHttpCall<>(serviceMethod, args);            return serviceMethod.callAdapter.adapt(okHttpCall);          }        });  }   


Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { service },new InvocationHandler() {···})




@Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, @Nullable Object[] args)              throws Throwable {            // If the method is a method from Object then defer to normal invocation.            if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {              return method.invoke(this, args);            }            if (platform.isDefaultMethod(method)) {              return platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args);            }            ServiceMethod<Object, Object> serviceMethod =                (ServiceMethod) loadServiceMethod(method);            OkHttpCall okHttpCall = new OkHttpCall<>(serviceMethod, args);            return serviceMethod.callAdapter.adapt(okHttpCall);          }   


final class OkHttpCall implements Call {  private final ServiceMethod serviceMethod;  private final @Nullable Object[] args;  private volatile boolean canceled;  @GuardedBy("this")  private @Nullable okhttp3.Call rawCall;  @GuardedBy("this")  private @Nullable Throwable creationFailure; // Either a RuntimeException or IOException.  @GuardedBy("this")  private boolean executed;  OkHttpCall(ServiceMethod serviceMethod, @Nullable Object[] args) {    this.serviceMethod = serviceMethod;    this.args = args;  }  @SuppressWarnings("CloneDoesntCallSuperClone") // We are a final type & this saves clearing state.  @Override public OkHttpCall clone() {    return new OkHttpCall<>(serviceMethod, args);  }  @Override public synchronized Request request() {    okhttp3.Call call = rawCall;    if (call != null) {      return call.request();    }    if (creationFailure != null) {      if (creationFailure instanceof IOException) {        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create request.", creationFailure);      } else {        throw (RuntimeException) creationFailure;      }    }    try {      return (rawCall = createRawCall()).request();    } catch (RuntimeException e) {      creationFailure = e;      throw e;    } catch (IOException e) {      creationFailure = e;      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create request.", e);    }  }  @Override public void enqueue(final Callback callback) {    checkNotNull(callback, "callback == null");    okhttp3.Call call;    Throwable failure;    synchronized (this) {      if (executed) throw new IllegalStateException("Already executed.");      executed = true;      call = rawCall;      failure = creationFailure;      if (call == null && failure == null) {        try {          call = rawCall = createRawCall();        } catch (Throwable t) {          failure = creationFailure = t;        }      }    }    if (failure != null) {      callback.onFailure(this, failure);      return;    }    if (canceled) {      call.cancel();    }    call.enqueue(new okhttp3.Callback() {      @Override public void onResponse(okhttp3.Call call, okhttp3.Response rawResponse)          throws IOException {        Response response;        try {          response = parseResponse(rawResponse);        } catch (Throwable e) {          callFailure(e);          return;        }        callSuccess(response);      }      @Override public void onFailure(okhttp3.Call call, IOException e) {        try {          callback.onFailure(OkHttpCall.this, e);        } catch (Throwable t) {          t.printStackTrace();        }      }      private void callFailure(Throwable e) {        try {          callback.onFailure(OkHttpCall.this, e);        } catch (Throwable t) {          t.printStackTrace();        }      }      private void callSuccess(Response response) {        try {          callback.onResponse(OkHttpCall.this, response);        } catch (Throwable t) {          t.printStackTrace();        }      }    });  }  @Override public synchronized boolean isExecuted() {    return executed;  }  @Override public Response execute() throws IOException {    okhttp3.Call call;    synchronized (this) {      if (executed) throw new IllegalStateException("Already executed.");      executed = true;      if (creationFailure != null) {        if (creationFailure instanceof IOException) {          throw (IOException) creationFailure;        } else {          throw (RuntimeException) creationFailure;        }      }      call = rawCall;      if (call == null) {        try {          call = rawCall = createRawCall();        } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {          creationFailure = e;          throw e;        }      }    }    if (canceled) {      call.cancel();    }    return parseResponse(call.execute());  }  private okhttp3.Call createRawCall() throws IOException {    Request request = serviceMethod.toRequest(args);    okhttp3.Call call = serviceMethod.callFactory.newCall(request);    if (call == null) {      throw new NullPointerException("Call.Factory returned null.");    }    return call;  }  Response parseResponse(okhttp3.Response rawResponse) throws IOException {    ResponseBody rawBody = rawResponse.body();    // Remove the body's source (the only stateful object) so we can pass the response along.    rawResponse = rawResponse.newBuilder()        .body(new NoContentResponseBody(rawBody.contentType(), rawBody.contentLength()))        .build();    int code = rawResponse.code();    if (code < 200 || code >= 300) {      try {        // Buffer the entire body to avoid future I/O.        ResponseBody bufferedBody = Utils.buffer(rawBody);        return Response.error(bufferedBody, rawResponse);      } finally {        rawBody.close();      }    }    if (code == 204 || code == 205) {      rawBody.close();      return Response.success(null, rawResponse);    }    ExceptionCatchingRequestBody catchingBody = new ExceptionCatchingRequestBody(rawBody);    try {      T body = serviceMethod.toResponse(catchingBody);      return Response.success(body, rawResponse);    } catch (RuntimeException e) {      // If the underlying source threw an exception, propagate that rather than indicating it was      // a runtime exception.      catchingBody.throwIfCaught();      throw e;    }  }  public void cancel() {    canceled = true;    okhttp3.Call call;    synchronized (this) {      call = rawCall;    }    if (call != null) {      call.cancel();    }  }  @Override public boolean isCanceled() {    if (canceled) {      return true;    }    synchronized (this) {      return rawCall != null && rawCall.isCanceled();    }  }  static final class NoContentResponseBody extends ResponseBody {    private final MediaType contentType;    private final long contentLength;    NoContentResponseBody(MediaType contentType, long contentLength) {      this.contentType = contentType;      this.contentLength = contentLength;    }    @Override public MediaType contentType() {      return contentType;    }    @Override public long contentLength() {      return contentLength;    }    @Override public BufferedSource source() {      throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot read raw response body of a converted body.");    }  }  static final class ExceptionCatchingRequestBody extends ResponseBody {    private final ResponseBody delegate;    IOException thrownException;    ExceptionCatchingRequestBody(ResponseBody delegate) {      this.delegate = delegate;    }    @Override public MediaType contentType() {      return delegate.contentType();    }    @Override public long contentLength() {      return delegate.contentLength();    }    @Override public BufferedSource source() {      return Okio.buffer(new ForwardingSource(delegate.source()) {        @Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException {          try {            return super.read(sink, byteCount);          } catch (IOException e) {            thrownException = e;            throw e;          }        }      });    }    @Override public void close() {      delegate.close();    }    void throwIfCaught() throws IOException {      if (thrownException != null) {        throw thrownException;      }    }  }}



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