



[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]   [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.None)]   [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)]   // 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消注释以下行。   // [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]   public class SystemCode : System.Web.Services.WebService   {       [WebMethod(Description = "添加系统参数")]       public CommonResponse AddSystemCode(SystemCodeEntity systemCodeEntity,string userID)       {           return SystemCodeBiz.GetInstance().AddSystemCode(systemCodeEntity,userID);       }       [WebMethod(Description = "修改系统参数")]       public CommonResponse UpdateSystemCode(SystemCodeEntity systemCodeEntity, string userID)       {           return SystemCodeBiz.GetInstance().UpdateSystemCode(systemCodeEntity, userID);       }       [WebMethod(Description = "获取系统参数列表", MessageName = "GetSytemCodeEntityList")]       public List GetSytemCodeEntityList()       {           return SystemCodeBiz.GetInstance().GetSytemCodeEntityList();       }       [WebMethod(Description = "获取系统参数列表", MessageName = "GetSytemCodeEntityListByEname")]       public List GetSytemCodeEntityList(string ename)       {           return SystemCodeBiz.GetInstance().GetSytemCodeEntityList(ename);       }   }



namespace GRLC.Biz{    public class SystemCodeBiz    {        static SystemCodeBiz systemCodeBiz = new SystemCodeBiz();        private SystemCodeBiz()        { }        public static SystemCodeBiz GetInstance()        {            return systemCodeBiz;        }        const string moduleName = "SystemCodeModule";        private string GetMessageByName(string msgName)        {            return CommonFunction.GetMessageByModuleAndName(moduleName, msgName);        }        private string EnameExists        {            get            {                return this.GetMessageByName("EnameHasExists");            }        }        private string DataHasExists        {            get            {                return this.GetMessageByName("DataHasExists");            }        }        private string AddFailed        {            get            {                return this.GetMessageByName("AddFailed");            }        }        private string UpdateFailed        {            get            {                return this.GetMessageByName("UpdateFailed");            }        }        private string DisplayContentExists        {            get            {                return this.GetMessageByName("DisplayContentExists");            }        }        public CommonResponse AddSystemCode(SystemCodeEntity systemCodeEntity, string userID)        {            bool isEnameExists = SystemCodeDAL.GetInstance().CheckIfEnameExists(systemCodeEntity.Ename);            if (isEnameExists)            {                return new CommonResponse() { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = EnameExists };            }            bool isDataExists = SystemCodeDAL.GetInstance().CheckIfDataExists(systemCodeEntity.Ename, systemCodeEntity.Cname);            if (isDataExists)            {                return new CommonResponse() { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = DataHasExists };            }            bool isDisplayContentExists = SystemCodeDAL.GetInstance().CheckIfDisplayContentExists(systemCodeEntity.Ename, systemCodeEntity.DisplayContent);            int suc = SystemCodeDAL.GetInstance().AddSystemCode(systemCodeEntity, userID);            if (suc > 0)            {                return new CommonResponse() { IsSuccess = true };            }            else            {                return new CommonResponse() { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = AddFailed };            }        }        public CommonResponse UpdateSystemCode(SystemCodeEntity systemCodeEntity, string userID)        {            bool isDisplayContentExists = SystemCodeDAL.GetInstance().CheckIfDisplayContentExists(systemCodeEntity.Ename, systemCodeEntity.DisplayContent);            if (isDisplayContentExists)            {                return new CommonResponse() { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = DisplayContentExists };            }            int suc = SystemCodeDAL.GetInstance().UpdateSystemCode(systemCodeEntity, userID);            if (suc > 0)            {                return new CommonResponse() { IsSuccess = true };            }            else            {                return new CommonResponse() { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = UpdateFailed };            }        }        public List GetSytemCodeEntityList()        {            return SystemCodeDAL.GetInstance().GetSytemCodeEntityList();        }        public List GetSytemCodeEntityList(string ename)        {            List systemCodeEntityList = this.GetSytemCodeEntityList();            if (systemCodeEntityList != null)            {                return systemCodeEntityList.Where(s => s.Ename == ename).OrderBy(s => s.Data).ToList();            }            return systemCodeEntityList;        }    }}


namespace GRLC.DAL{    public class SystemCodeDAL    {        static SystemCodeDAL systemCodeDAL = new SystemCodeDAL();        private SystemCodeDAL()        { }        public static SystemCodeDAL GetInstance()        {            return systemCodeDAL;        }        public int AddSystemCode(SystemCodeEntity systemCodeEntity, string userID)        {            using (BonusEntities bonusEntities = new BonusEntities())            {                Codes code = new Codes();                code.ename = systemCodeEntity.Ename;                code.cname = systemCodeEntity.Cname;                code.data = systemCodeEntity.Data;                code.display_content = systemCodeEntity.DisplayContent;                code.create_time = DateTime.Now;                code.lastmodify_date = DateTime.Now;                code.lastmodifier = userID;                code.create_person = userID;                bonusEntities.Codes.Add(code);                return bonusEntities.SaveChanges();            }        }        public int UpdateSystemCode(SystemCodeEntity systemCodeEntity, string userID)        {            using (BonusEntities bonusEntities = new BonusEntities())            {                Codes code = new Codes();                code.ename = systemCodeEntity.Ename;                code.cname = systemCodeEntity.Cname;                code.data = systemCodeEntity.Data;                code.display_content = systemCodeEntity.DisplayContent;                code.lastmodify_date = DateTime.Now;                code.lastmodifier = userID;                bonusEntities.Entry(code).State = EntityState.Modified;                return bonusEntities.SaveChanges();            }        }        public bool CheckIfEnameExists(string ename)        {            using (BonusEntities bonusEntities = new BonusEntities())            {                return bonusEntities.Codes.Any(c => c.ename == ename);            }        }        public bool CheckIfDataExists(string ename, string data)        {            using (BonusEntities bonusEntities = new BonusEntities())            {                return bonusEntities.Codes.Any(c => c.ename == ename && c.data == data);            }        }        public bool CheckIfDisplayContentExists(string ename, string displayContent)        {            using (BonusEntities bonusEntities = new BonusEntities())            {                return bonusEntities.Codes.Any(c => c.ename == ename && c.display_content == displayContent);            }        }        public List GetSytemCodeEntityList()        {            List systemCodeEntityList = new List();            using (BonusEntities bonusEntities = new BonusEntities())            {                SystemCodeEntity systemCodeEntity = null;                List codeList = bonusEntities.Codes.ToList();                foreach (var code in codeList)                {                    systemCodeEntity = new SystemCodeEntity();                    systemCodeEntity.Cname = code.cname;                    systemCodeEntity.Ename = code.ename;                    systemCodeEntity.Data = code.data;                    systemCodeEntity.DisplayContent = code.display_content;                    systemCodeEntityList.Add(systemCodeEntity);                }            }            return systemCodeEntityList;        }    }}





p_w_picpathBtnSystemCode=(ImageButton)this.findViewById(R.id.p_w_picpathBtnSystemCode);        p_w_picpathBtnSystemCode.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {            public void onClick(View v) {                Intent intent = new Intent();                intent.setClass(index.this,systemcode.class);                startActivityForResult(intent, 0);            }        });


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public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.systemcode);        InitCodesInfo();    }


private void InitCodesInfo() {        expandableListView = (ExpandableListView) findViewById(R.id.expandableListView);        List> groups = new ArrayList>();        Map root = new HashMap();        root.put("root", "系统参数");        groups.add(root);        SoapObject soapChild = null;        List enameList = new ArrayList();        Map leaf = null;        List> leafList = new ArrayList>();        leaves = new ArrayList>>();        SoapObject soapObject = this.GetSystemCodeList();        for (int i = 0; i < soapObject.getPropertyCount(); i++) {            soapChild = (SoapObject) soapObject.getProperty(i);            String ename = soapChild.getProperty("Ename").toString();            String cname = soapChild.getProperty("Cname").toString();            if (!enameList.contains(ename)) {                leaf = new HashMap();                leaf.put("Key", ename);                leaf.put("Name", cname);                leafList.add(leaf);                enameList.add(ename);            }        }        leaves.add(leafList);        SimpleExpandableListAdapter adapter = new SimpleExpandableListAdapter(                this, groups, R.layout.expandlist_group,                new String[] { "root" }, new int[] { R.id.textGroup }, leaves,                R.layout.expandlist_child, new String[] { "Key", "Name" },                new int[] { R.id.textChildID, R.id.textChildName });        expandableListView.setAdapter(adapter);        expandableListView.setOnChildClickListener(listener);        expandableListView.expandGroup(0);    }


private SoapObject GetSystemCodeList() {        SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);        SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(                SoapEnvelope.VER11);        soapEnvelope.dotNet = true;        soapEnvelope.setOutputSoapObject(request);        HttpTransportSE httpTS = new HttpTransportSE(URL);        soapEnvelope.bodyOut = httpTS;        soapEnvelope.setOutputSoapObject(request);// 设置请求参数        try {            httpTS.call(SOAP_ACTION, soapEnvelope);        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        SoapObject result = null;        try {            result = (SoapObject) soapEnvelope.getResponse();        } catch (SoapFault e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        return result;    }


final static String NAMESPACE = "http://tempuri.org/";    final static String METHOD_NAME = "GetSytemCodeEntityList";    final static String SOAP_ACTION = "http://tempuri.org/GetSytemCodeEntityList";    final static String URL = "";



root.put("root", "系统参数");


SimpleExpandableListAdapter adapter = new SimpleExpandableListAdapter(                this, groups, R.layout.expandlist_group,                new String[] { "root" }, new int[] { R.id.textGroup }, leaves,                R.layout.expandlist_child, new String[] { "Key", "Name" },                new int[] { R.id.textChildID, R.id.textChildName });        expandableListView.setAdapter(adapter);        expandableListView.setOnChildClickListener(listener);        expandableListView.expandGroup(0);



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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>            



private OnChildClickListener listener = new OnChildClickListener() {        public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v,                int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id) {            Object ename = leaves.get(0).get(childPosition).values().toArray()[1];                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Intent intent = new Intent();            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();            bundle.putString("ename", ename.toString());            intent.putExtras(bundle);            intent.setClass(systemcode.this, systemcodedetail.class);            startActivityForResult(intent, 0);            finish();            return false;        }    };




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>        


private void InitData() {        Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();        String enameValue = bundle.getString("ename");        List> dataList = new ArrayList>();        Map dataMap = null;        SoapObject soapObject = this.GetSystemCodeListByEname(enameValue);        for (int i = 0; i < soapObject.getPropertyCount(); i++) {            SoapObject soapObj = (SoapObject) soapObject.getProperty(i);            dataMap = new HashMap();            String displayContent = soapObj.getProperty("DisplayContent")                    .toString();            String cname = soapObj.getProperty("Cname").toString();            String data = soapObj.getProperty("Data").toString();            dataMap.put("displaycontent", displayContent);            dataMap.put("cname", cname);            dataMap.put("data", data);            dataList.add(dataMap);        }        SimpleAdapter simpleAdapter = new SimpleAdapter(this, dataList,                R.layout.systemcodedetailtemplate, new String[] { "cname",                        "data", "displaycontent" }, new int[] { R.id.labCname,                        R.id.labData,R.id.labDisplay });        this.codeListView.setAdapter(simpleAdapter);    }


private SoapObject GetSystemCodeListByEname(String ename) {        SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);        PropertyInfo pi = new PropertyInfo();        pi.setName("ename");        pi.setType(String.class);        pi.setValue(ename);        request.addProperty(pi);        SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(                SoapEnvelope.VER11);        soapEnvelope.dotNet = true;        soapEnvelope.setOutputSoapObject(request);        HttpTransportSE httpTS = new HttpTransportSE(URL);        soapEnvelope.bodyOut = httpTS;        soapEnvelope.setOutputSoapObject(request);// 设置请求参数        try {            httpTS.call(SOAP_ACTION, soapEnvelope);        } catch (IOException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        SoapObject result = null;        try {            result = (SoapObject) soapEnvelope.getResponse();        } catch (SoapFault e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        return result;    }


    final static String NAMESPACE = "http://tempuri.org/";    final static String METHOD_NAME = "GetSytemCodeEntityListByEname";    final static String SOAP_ACTION = "http://tempuri.org/GetSytemCodeEntityListByEname";/*  final static String URL = "";*/    final static String URL = "";



SimpleAdapter simpleAdapter = new SimpleAdapter(this, dataList,                R.layout.systemcodedetailtemplate, new String[] { "cname",                        "data", "displaycontent" }, new int[] { R.id.labCname,                        R.id.labData,R.id.labDisplay });        this.codeListView.setAdapter(simpleAdapter);


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