Android O之前的虚拟按键,基本的控制方法都是在SystemUI中做处理的,在Android 10上为了在手势导航操作时其动画更加流畅,与Launcher互动效果更好,google的设计师就把手势导航相关的操作放到了Launcher3中,而且为了与SystemUI进行信息同步,利用两个aidl的文件利用binder做Launcher3与Systemui之前的进程通信。










开机动画 启动时间:15:53:52
12-05 15:53:52.606939   824   871 D BootAnimation: initialize opengl and egl

SystemUI 启动时间:15:54:09
<6>[   64.260830] .(3)[877:ActivityManager][name:bootprof&][name:bootprof&]BOOTPROF:     64260.824614:AP_Init:[added application]:[]:[]:pid:1412:(PersistAP)
12-05 15:54:09.582747   652   877 I am_proc_start: [0,1265,10119,,service,{}]

Launcher3(TouchInteractionService) 启动时间:15:54:15
<6>[   68.148559] .(3)[877:ActivityManager][name:bootprof&][name:bootprof&]BOOTPROF:     68148.554315:AP_Init:[service]:[]:[{}]:pid:1644

12-05 15:54:15.729360   652   877 I am_proc_start: [0,1644,10114,,service,{}]
12-05 15:54:15.731171   652   877 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service {}



这两个服务为 SystemUI (OverviewProxyService)和Launcher3(TouchInteractionService) 。

Class to send information from overview to launcher with a binder



private ISystemUiProxy mSysUiProxy = new ISystemUiProxy.Stub() {        @Override        public void startScreenPinning(int taskId) {            if (!verifyCaller("startScreenPinning")) {                return;            }            long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();            try {       -> {                    StatusBar statusBar = SysUiServiceProvider.getComponent(mContext,                            StatusBar.class);                    if (statusBar != null) {                        statusBar.showScreenPinningRequest(taskId, false /* allowCancel */);                    }                });            } finally {                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);            }        }        @Override        public void stopScreenPinning() {            if (!verifyCaller("stopScreenPinning")) {                return;            }            long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();            try {       -> {                    try {                        ActivityTaskManager.getService().stopSystemLockTaskMode();                    } catch (RemoteException e) {                        Log.e(TAG_OPS, "Failed to stop screen pinning");                    }                });            } finally {                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);            }        }        @Override        public void onStatusBarMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {            if (!verifyCaller("onStatusBarMotionEvent")) {                return;            }            long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();            try {                // TODO move this logic to message queue      >{                    StatusBar bar = SysUiServiceProvider.getComponent(mContext, StatusBar.class);                    if (bar != null) {                        bar.dispatchNotificationsPanelTouchEvent(event);                        int action = event.getActionMasked();                        if (action == ACTION_DOWN) {                            mStatusBarGestureDownEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(event);                        }                        if (action == ACTION_UP || action == ACTION_CANCEL) {                            mStatusBarGestureDownEvent.recycle();                            mStatusBarGestureDownEvent = null;                        }                        event.recycle();                    }                });            } finally {                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);            }        }        @Override        public void onSplitScreenInvoked() {            if (!verifyCaller("onSplitScreenInvoked")) {                return;            }            long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();            try {                Divider divider = SysUiServiceProvider.getComponent(mContext, Divider.class);                if (divider != null) {                    divider.onDockedFirstAnimationFrame();                }            } finally {                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);            }        }        @Override        public void onOverviewShown(boolean fromHome) {            if (!verifyCaller("onOverviewShown")) {                return;            }            long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();            try {       -> {                    for (int i = mConnectionCallbacks.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {                        mConnectionCallbacks.get(i).onOverviewShown(fromHome);                    }                });            } finally {                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);            }        }        /***还有很多其他功能,在ISystemUiProxy.aidl文件中都有功能相关的描述        SystemUI/shared/src/com/android/systemui/shared/recents/ISystemUiProxy.aidl***/    };




    /*service对应的action,用于绑定服务*/    private static final String ACTION_QUICKSTEP = "android.intent.action.QUICKSTEP_SERVICE";    private void internalConnectToCurrentUser() {        /*断开之间的所有链接*/        disconnectFromLauncherService();        // If user has not setup yet or already connected, do not try to connect        if (!mDeviceProvisionedController.isCurrentUserSetup() || !isEnabled()) {            Log.v(TAG_OPS, "Cannot attempt connection, is setup "                + mDeviceProvisionedController.isCurrentUserSetup() + ", is enabled "                + isEnabled());            return;        }        mHandler.removeCallbacks(mConnectionRunnable);        /*Intent填入指定的action*/        Intent launcherServiceIntent = new Intent(ACTION_QUICKSTEP)                .setPackage(mRecentsComponentName.getPackageName());        try {            /*绑定服务*/            mBound = mContext.bindServiceAsUser(launcherServiceIntent,                    mOverviewServiceConnection,                    Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE | Context.BIND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE_WHILE_AWAKE,                    UserHandle.of(mDeviceProvisionedController.getCurrentUser()));        } catch (SecurityException e) {            Log.e(TAG_OPS, "Unable to bind because of security error", e);        }        if (mBound) {            // Ensure that connection has been established even if it thinks it is bound            mHandler.postDelayed(mDeferredConnectionCallback, DEFERRED_CALLBACK_MILLIS);        } else {            // Retry after exponential backoff timeout            retryConnectionWithBackoff();        }    }    private final ServiceConnection mOverviewServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {        @Override        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {            mConnectionBackoffAttempts = 0;            mHandler.removeCallbacks(mDeferredConnectionCallback);            try {                service.linkToDeath(mOverviewServiceDeathRcpt, 0);            } catch (RemoteException e) {                // Failed to link to death (process may have died between binding and connecting),                // just unbind the service for now and retry again                Log.e(TAG_OPS, "Lost connection to launcher service", e);                disconnectFromLauncherService();                retryConnectionWithBackoff();                return;            }            mCurrentBoundedUserId = mDeviceProvisionedController.getCurrentUser();             /*获取IOverviewProxy的代理*/            mOverviewProxy = IOverviewProxy.Stub.asInterface(service);            Bundle params = new Bundle();            params.putBinder(KEY_EXTRA_SYSUI_PROXY, mSysUiProxy.asBinder());            params.putFloat(KEY_EXTRA_WINDOW_CORNER_RADIUS, mWindowCornerRadius);            params.putBoolean(KEY_EXTRA_SUPPORTS_WINDOW_CORNERS, mSupportsRoundedCornersOnWindows);            try {                /*把ISystemUiProxy推荐给Launcher3*/                mOverviewProxy.onInitialize(params);            } catch (RemoteException e) {                mCurrentBoundedUserId = -1;                Log.e(TAG_OPS, "Failed to call onInitialize()", e);            }            dispatchNavButtonBounds();            // Update the systemui state flags            updateSystemUiStateFlags();            notifyConnectionChanged();        }        @Override        public void onNullBinding(ComponentName name) {            Log.w(TAG_OPS, "Null binding of '" + name + "', try reconnecting");            mCurrentBoundedUserId = -1;            retryConnectionWithBackoff();        }        @Override        public void onBindingDied(ComponentName name) {            Log.w(TAG_OPS, "Binding died of '" + name + "', try reconnecting");            mCurrentBoundedUserId = -1;            retryConnectionWithBackoff();        }        @Override        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {            // Do nothing            mCurrentBoundedUserId = -1;        }    };


Service connected by system-UI for handling touch interaction.

TouchInteractionService 是Launcher3中的Service,注册于AndroidManifest中服务有directBootAware属性,为开机即启动的服务




    private final IBinder mMyBinder = new IOverviewProxy.Stub() {        public void onActiveNavBarRegionChanges(Region region) {            mActiveNavBarRegion = region;        }        /*从SystemUI而来,携带着在SystemUI中实现的ISystemUiProxy*/        public void onInitialize(Bundle bundle) {            mISystemUiProxy = ISystemUiProxy.Stub                    .asInterface(bundle.getBinder(KEY_EXTRA_SYSUI_PROXY));            MAIN_THREAD_EXECUTOR.execute(TouchInteractionService.this::initInputMonitor);            MAIN_THREAD_EXECUTOR.execute(TouchInteractionService.this::onSystemUiProxySet);        }        @Override        public void onOverviewToggle() {            mOverviewCommandHelper.onOverviewToggle();        }        @Override        public void onOverviewShown(boolean triggeredFromAltTab) {            mOverviewCommandHelper.onOverviewShown(triggeredFromAltTab);        }        @Override        public void onOverviewHidden(boolean triggeredFromAltTab, boolean triggeredFromHomeKey) {            if (triggeredFromAltTab && !triggeredFromHomeKey) {                // onOverviewShownFromAltTab hides the overview and ends at the target app                mOverviewCommandHelper.onOverviewHidden();            }        }        /***一些最近任务界面,Back按键等事件的互通,具体        SystemUI/shared/src/com/android/systemui/shared/recents/IOverviewProxy.aidl***/    };    @Override    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {        Log.d(TAG, "Touch service connected");        /*当绑定成功后,反馈给SystemUI的IOverviewProxy*/        return mMyBinder;    }





    private final IBinder mMyBinder = new IOverviewProxy.Stub() {        public void onInitialize(Bundle bundle) {            /*获取binder代理*/            mISystemUiProxy = ISystemUiProxy.Stub                    .asInterface(bundle.getBinder(KEY_EXTRA_SYSUI_PROXY));            /*监听屏幕触摸事件,此处深追很有意思,感兴趣的话可以看看,或者谁能推给我一个blog,我也想看看*/MAIN_THREAD_EXECUTOR.execute(TouchInteractionService.this::initInputMonitor);            /*把mISystemUiProxy传给会用到的模块*/MAIN_THREAD_EXECUTOR.execute(TouchInteractionService.this::onSystemUiProxySet);        }    }    private void initInputMonitor() {        if (!mMode.hasGestures || mISystemUiProxy == null) {            return;        }        disposeEventHandlers();        try {            /*这个地方就是注册监听触摸事件的地方了*/            mInputMonitorCompat = InputMonitorCompat.fromBundle(mISystemUiProxy                    .monitorGestureInput("swipe-up", mDefaultDisplayId), KEY_EXTRA_INPUT_MONITOR);            mInputEventReceiver = mInputMonitorCompat.getInputReceiver(Looper.getMainLooper(),                    mMainChoreographer, this::onInputEvent);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create input monitor", e);        }        initTouchBounds();    }


    private void onInputEvent(InputEvent ev) {        if (!(ev instanceof MotionEvent)) {            Log.e(TAG, "Unknown event " + ev);            return;        }        MotionEvent event = (MotionEvent) ev;        TOUCH_INTERACTION_LOG.addLog("onMotionEvent", event.getActionMasked());        if (event.getAction() == ACTION_DOWN) {            /*根据手指Down时的系统状态,以及实时更新的mSwipeTouchRegion所包含的手势导航的有效位置,去获取不同的处理器*/            if (mSwipeTouchRegion.contains(event.getX(), event.getY())) {                boolean useSharedState = mConsumer.useSharedSwipeState();                mConsumer.onConsumerAboutToBeSwitched();                mConsumer = newConsumer(useSharedState, event);                TOUCH_INTERACTION_LOG.addLog("setInputConsumer", mConsumer.getType());                mUncheckedConsumer = mConsumer;            } else if (mIsUserUnlocked && mMode == Mode.NO_BUTTON                    && canTriggerAssistantAction(event)) {                // Do not change mConsumer as if there is an ongoing QuickSwitch gesture, we should                // not interrupt it. QuickSwitch assumes that interruption can only happen if the                // next gesture is also quick switch.                mUncheckedConsumer =                        new AssistantTouchConsumer(this, mISystemUiProxy,                                mOverviewComponentObserver.getActivityControlHelper(),                                InputConsumer.NO_OP, mInputMonitorCompat);            } else {                mUncheckedConsumer = InputConsumer.NO_OP;            }        }        mUncheckedConsumer.onMotionEvent(event);    }     private InputConsumer newConsumer(boolean useSharedState, MotionEvent event) {        boolean isInValidSystemUiState = validSystemUiFlags();        if (!mIsUserUnlocked) {            if (isInValidSystemUiState) {                // This handles apps launched in direct boot mode (e.g. dialer) as well as apps                // launched while device is locked even after exiting direct boot mode (e.g. camera).                return createDeviceLockedInputConsumer(mAM.getRunningTask(0));            } else {                return mResetGestureInputConsumer;            }        }        // When using sharedState, bypass systemState check as this is a followup gesture and the        // first gesture started in a valid system state.        InputConsumer base = isInValidSystemUiState || useSharedState                ? newBaseConsumer(useSharedState, event) : mResetGestureInputConsumer;        if (mMode == Mode.NO_BUTTON) {            final ActivityControlHelper activityControl =                    mOverviewComponentObserver.getActivityControlHelper();            if (canTriggerAssistantAction(event)) {                base = new AssistantTouchConsumer(this, mISystemUiProxy, activityControl, base,                        mInputMonitorCompat);            }            if ((mSystemUiStateFlags & SYSUI_STATE_SCREEN_PINNING) != 0) {                // Note: we only allow accessibility to wrap this, and it replaces the previous                // base input consumer (which should be NO_OP anyway since topTaskLocked == true).                base = new ScreenPinnedInputConsumer(this, mISystemUiProxy, activityControl);            }            if ((mSystemUiStateFlags & SYSUI_STATE_A11Y_BUTTON_CLICKABLE) != 0) {                base = new AccessibilityInputConsumer(this, mISystemUiProxy,                        (mSystemUiStateFlags & SYSUI_STATE_A11Y_BUTTON_LONG_CLICKABLE) != 0, base,                        mInputMonitorCompat, mSwipeTouchRegion);            }        } else {            if ((mSystemUiStateFlags & SYSUI_STATE_SCREEN_PINNING) != 0) {                base = mResetGestureInputConsumer;            }        }        return base;    }    private InputConsumer newBaseConsumer(boolean useSharedState, MotionEvent event) {        final RunningTaskInfo runningTaskInfo = mAM.getRunningTask(0);        if (!useSharedState) {            sSwipeSharedState.clearAllState(false /* finishAnimation */);        }        if ((mSystemUiStateFlags & SYSUI_STATE_STATUS_BAR_KEYGUARD_SHOWING_OCCLUDED) != 0) {            // This handles apps showing over the lockscreen (e.g. camera)            return createDeviceLockedInputConsumer(runningTaskInfo);        }        final ActivityControlHelper activityControl =                mOverviewComponentObserver.getActivityControlHelper();        if (runningTaskInfo == null && !sSwipeSharedState.goingToLauncher                && !sSwipeSharedState.recentsAnimationFinishInterrupted) {            return mResetGestureInputConsumer;        } else if (sSwipeSharedState.recentsAnimationFinishInterrupted) {            // If the finish animation was interrupted, then continue using the other activity input            // consumer but with the next task as the running task            RunningTaskInfo info = new ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo();   = sSwipeSharedState.nextRunningTaskId;            return createOtherActivityInputConsumer(event, info);        } else if (sSwipeSharedState.goingToLauncher || activityControl.isResumed()) {            return createOverviewInputConsumer(event);        } else if (ENABLE_QUICKSTEP_LIVE_TILE.get() && activityControl.isInLiveTileMode()) {            return createOverviewInputConsumer(event);        } else if (mGestureBlockingActivity != null && runningTaskInfo != null                && mGestureBlockingActivity.equals(runningTaskInfo.topActivity)) {            return mResetGestureInputConsumer;        } else if (mMode == Mode.NO_BUTTON && !mOverviewComponentObserver.isHomeAndOverviewSame()) {            return new FallbackNoButtonInputConsumer(this, activityControl,                    mInputMonitorCompat, sSwipeSharedState, mSwipeTouchRegion,                    mOverviewComponentObserver, disableHorizontalSwipe(event), runningTaskInfo);        } else {            return createOtherActivityInputConsumer(event, runningTaskInfo);        }    }

设计者为了在不同系统状态下区分处理触摸事件,分别设计了可以处理多种输入事件的消费者。例如OverviewInputConsumer就是在桌面或者最近任务界面处理事件的消费者,而OtherActivityInputConsumer是非桌面情况下出现的事件消费者,以下是我在源码中以及对应google commiter提交的说明而总结出来的消费者的对应信息供大家参考:
Touch consumer for handling events to launch assistant from launcher

Touch consumer for two finger swipe actions for accessibility actions

A dummy input consumer used when the device is still locked, e.g. from secure camera.

In case of 3P launcher, swipe-up will go to Launcher and there will be no way to reach overview

Input consumer for handling events originating from an activity other than Launcher

Input consumer for handling touch on the recents/Launcher activity.

Using a separate InputConsumer when Launcher is resumed but not focused. When Launcher is not focused and we try to dispatch events to Launcher, it can lead to a inconsistent state. For eg, NavBarTouchController was trying to take launcher from NORMAL to NORMAL state causing the endCallback to be called immediately, which in turn didn't clear Swipedetetor state.

A NO_OP input consumer which also resets any pending gesture
Bypass systemstate check when using shared state
System state can change using the interaction, for eg: an app can enter  immersive mode in the middle of quickswitch. Ignore such changes to prevent system gestures getting blocked by an app
Fixing nullpointer in device locked consumer construction when user is not locked yet Creating a fallback resetGesture input consumer, which cancels any pending transition in case we missed to cancel it

An input consumer that detects swipe up and hold to exit screen pinning mode.





    private final BaseDragLayer mTarget;    /*Predicate是个断言式接口其参数是,也就是给一个参数T,返回boolean类型的结果.Predicate的具体实现也是根据传入的lambda表达式来决定的    boolean test(T t);    */    private final Predicate mEventReceiver;    public OverviewInputConsumer(T activity, @Nullable InputMonitorCompat inputMonitor,            boolean startingInActivityBounds) {        /*获取最上层图层*/        mTarget = activity.getDragLayer();        if (startingInActivityBounds) {            mEventReceiver = mTarget::dispatchTouchEvent;            mProxyTouch = true;        } else {            // Only proxy touches to controllers if we are starting touch from nav bar.            mEventReceiver = mTarget::proxyTouchEvent;            mTarget.getLocationOnScreen(mLocationOnScreen);            mProxyTouch = mTarget.prepareProxyEventStarting();        }    } @Override    public void onMotionEvent(MotionEvent ev) {        if (!mProxyTouch) {            return;        }        int flags = ev.getEdgeFlags();        if (!mStartingInActivityBounds) {            ev.setEdgeFlags(flags | Utilities.EDGE_NAV_BAR);        }        /*重新设置MotionEvent,以便控制桌面最上层的Layer*/        ev.offsetLocation(-mLocationOnScreen[0], -mLocationOnScreen[1]);        boolean handled = mEventReceiver.test(ev);        /*恢复MotionEvent*/        ev.offsetLocation(mLocationOnScreen[0], mLocationOnScreen[1]);        ev.setEdgeFlags(flags);        if (!mTargetHandledTouch && handled) {            mTargetHandledTouch = true;            if (!mStartingInActivityBounds) {                OverviewCallbacks.get(mActivity).closeAllWindows();                ActivityManagerWrapper.getInstance()                        .closeSystemWindows(CLOSE_SYSTEM_WINDOWS_REASON_RECENTS);                TOUCH_INTERACTION_LOG.addLog("startQuickstep");            }            //获取当前正在发送到此监视器的所有当前指针事件流,并为通常会获取它们的窗口生成适当的取消            if (mInputMonitor != null) {                mInputMonitor.pilferPointers();            }        }    }



     public boolean proxyTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {        boolean handled;、        /*获取控制器*/        if (mProxyTouchController != null) {            handled = mProxyTouchController.onControllerTouchEvent(ev);        } else {            mProxyTouchController = findControllerToHandleTouch(ev);            handled = mProxyTouchController != null;        }        int action = ev.getAction();        /*触摸事件取消时,重置控制器*/        if (action == ACTION_UP || action == ACTION_CANCEL) {            mProxyTouchController = null;            mTouchDispatchState &= ~TOUCH_DISPATCHING_PROXY;        }        return handled;    }    private TouchController findControllerToHandleTouch(MotionEvent ev) {        if (shouldDisableGestures(ev)) return null;        /*当桌面有类似有pop窗时,直接把事件传给这个View*/        AbstractFloatingView topView = AbstractFloatingView.getTopOpenView(mActivity);        if (topView != null && topView.onControllerInterceptTouchEvent(ev)) {            return topView;        }        /*当桌面没有pop窗时,把事件传给每一个TouchController,当被消费时返回*/        for (TouchController controller : mControllers) {            if (controller.onControllerInterceptTouchEvent(ev)) {                return controller;            }        }        return null;    }


Touch controller which handles swipe and hold to go to Overview

Handles swiping up on the nav bar to go home from launcher, e.g. overview or all apps.

Touch controller from going from OVERVIEW to ALL_APPS.This is used in landscape mode. It is also used in portrait mode for the fallback recents.

Handles quick switching to a recent task from the home screen.

Touch controller for handling task view card swipes




    @Override    public void onMotionEvent(MotionEvent ev) {        if (mVelocityTracker == null) {            return;        }        // Proxy events to recents view        if (mPaddedWindowMoveSlop && mInteractionHandler != null                && !mRecentsViewDispatcher.hasConsumer()) {            mRecentsViewDispatcher.setConsumer(mInteractionHandler.getRecentsViewDispatcher(                    mNavBarPosition.getRotationMode()));        }        int edgeFlags = ev.getEdgeFlags();        ev.setEdgeFlags(edgeFlags | EDGE_NAV_BAR);        mRecentsViewDispatcher.dispatchEvent(ev);        ev.setEdgeFlags(edgeFlags);        mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev);        if (ev.getActionMasked() == ACTION_POINTER_UP) {            mVelocityTracker.clear();            mMotionPauseDetector.clear();        }        switch (ev.getActionMasked()) {            case ACTION_DOWN: {                RaceConditionTracker.onEvent(DOWN_EVT, ENTER);                TraceHelper.beginSection("TouchInt");                mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(0);                mDownPos.set(ev.getX(), ev.getY());                mLastPos.set(mDownPos);                // Start the window animation on down to give more time for launcher to draw if the                // user didn't start the gesture over the back button                if (!mIsDeferredDownTarget) {                    startTouchTrackingForWindowAnimation(ev.getEventTime());                }                RaceConditionTracker.onEvent(DOWN_EVT, EXIT);                break;            }            case ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: {                if (!mPassedPilferInputSlop) {                    // Cancel interaction in case of multi-touch interaction                    int ptrIdx = ev.getActionIndex();                    if (!mSwipeTouchRegion.contains(ev.getX(ptrIdx), ev.getY(ptrIdx))) {                        forceCancelGesture(ev);                    }                }                break;            }            case ACTION_POINTER_UP: {                int ptrIdx = ev.getActionIndex();                int ptrId = ev.getPointerId(ptrIdx);                if (ptrId == mActivePointerId) {                    final int newPointerIdx = ptrIdx == 0 ? 1 : 0;                    mDownPos.set(                            ev.getX(newPointerIdx) - (mLastPos.x - mDownPos.x),                            ev.getY(newPointerIdx) - (mLastPos.y - mDownPos.y));                    mLastPos.set(ev.getX(newPointerIdx), ev.getY(newPointerIdx));                    mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(newPointerIdx);                }                break;            }            case ACTION_MOVE: {                int pointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId);                if (pointerIndex == INVALID_POINTER_ID) {                    break;                }                mLastPos.set(ev.getX(pointerIndex), ev.getY(pointerIndex));                float displacement = getDisplacement(ev);                float displacementX = mLastPos.x - mDownPos.x;                if (!mPaddedWindowMoveSlop) {                    if (!mIsDeferredDownTarget) {                        // Normal gesture, ensure we pass the drag slop before we start tracking                        // the gesture                        if (Math.abs(displacement) > mTouchSlop) {                            mPaddedWindowMoveSlop = true;                            mStartDisplacement = Math.min(displacement, -mTouchSlop);                        }                    }                }                if (!mPassedPilferInputSlop) {                    float displacementY = mLastPos.y - mDownPos.y;                    if (squaredHypot(displacementX, displacementY) >= mSquaredTouchSlop) {                        if (mDisableHorizontalSwipe                                && Math.abs(displacementX) > Math.abs(displacementY)) {                            // Horizontal gesture is not allowed in this region                            forceCancelGesture(ev);                            break;                        }                        mPassedPilferInputSlop = true;                        if (mIsDeferredDownTarget) {                            // Deferred gesture, start the animation and gesture tracking once                            // we pass the actual touch slop                            startTouchTrackingForWindowAnimation(ev.getEventTime());                        }                        if (!mPaddedWindowMoveSlop) {                            mPaddedWindowMoveSlop = true;                            mStartDisplacement = Math.min(displacement, -mTouchSlop);                        }                        notifyGestureStarted();                    }                }                if (mInteractionHandler != null) {                    if (mPaddedWindowMoveSlop) {                        // Move                        mInteractionHandler.updateDisplacement(displacement - mStartDisplacement);                    }                    if (mMode == Mode.NO_BUTTON) {                        float horizontalDist = Math.abs(displacementX);                        float upDist = -displacement;                        boolean isLikelyToStartNewTask = horizontalDist > upDist;                        mMotionPauseDetector.setDisallowPause(upDist < mMotionPauseMinDisplacement                                || isLikelyToStartNewTask);                        mMotionPauseDetector.addPosition(displacement, ev.getEventTime());                        mInteractionHandler.setIsLikelyToStartNewTask(isLikelyToStartNewTask);                    }                }                break;            }            case ACTION_CANCEL:            case ACTION_UP: {                finishTouchTracking(ev);                break;            }        }    }





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