
  • RequestQueue


public RequestQueue(Cache cache, Network network) {        this(cache, network, DEFAULT_NETWORK_THREAD_POOL_SIZE);    }

Cache对象是new DiskBasedCache(cacheDir),network是Network network = new BasicNetwork(stack);DEFAULT_NETWORK_THREAD_POOL_SIZE默认值为4,也就是网络任务分配的最大线程数是4,对于一般的app来说足以。初始化完毕以后运行start()方法。

    /**     * Starts the dispatchers in this queue.     */    public void start() {        stop();  // Make sure any currently running dispatchers are stopped.        // Create the cache dispatcher and start it.        mCacheDispatcher = new CacheDispatcher(mCacheQueue, mNetworkQueue, mCache, mDelivery);        mCacheDispatcher.start();        // Create network dispatchers (and corresponding threads) up to the pool size.        for (int i = 0; i < mDispatchers.length; i++) {            NetworkDispatcher networkDispatcher = new NetworkDispatcher(mNetworkQueue, mNetwork,                    mCache, mDelivery);            mDispatchers[i] = networkDispatcher;            networkDispatcher.start();        }    }
首先stop,里边是停止缓存的dispatcher,然后遍历4个网络线程的dispatcher,并且停止他们。stop完毕,新建CacheDispatcher对象,传入4个参数,mCacheQueue,mNetworkQueue是声明的PriorityBlockingQueue对象,mCache是实现了Cache接口的对象,mDelivery是获取内容的反馈对象。接着根据dispatcher的数量,初始化网络工作线程对象。每个线程管理对象都传入mNetworkQueue, mNetwork,mCache, mDelivery四个对象。这两天有两个重要的对象,分别是CacheDispatcher和NetworkDispatcher对象。

  • CacheDispatcher


    @Override    public void run() {        if (DEBUG) VolleyLog.v("start new dispatcher");        Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);        // Make a blocking call to initialize the cache.        mCache.initialize();

    @Override    public synchronized void initialize() {        if (!mRootDirectory.exists()) {            if (!mRootDirectory.mkdirs()) {                VolleyLog.e("Unable to create cache dir %s", mRootDirectory.getAbsolutePath());            }            return;        }        File[] files = mRootDirectory.listFiles();        if (files == null) {            return;        }        for (File file : files) {            FileInputStream fis = null;            try {                fis = new FileInputStream(file);                CacheHeader entry = CacheHeader.readHeader(fis);                entry.size = file.length();                putEntry(entry.key, entry);            } catch (IOException e) {                if (file != null) {                   file.delete();                }            } finally {                try {                    if (fis != null) {                        fis.close();                    }                } catch (IOException ignored) { }            }        }    }

  1. 如果不存在缓存目录就是创建目录,并返回。
  2. 如果存在缓存目录,列出所有文件,如果文件为空,则返回。
  3. 遍历所有的缓存文件,读取文件头信息,这个时候实体信息没有设置到entry中
        while (true) {            try {                // Get a request from the cache triage queue, blocking until                // at least one is available.                final Request<?> request = mCacheQueue.take();                request.addMarker("cache-queue-take");                // If the request has been canceled, don't bother dispatching it.                if (request.isCanceled()) {                    request.finish("cache-discard-canceled");                    continue;                }                // Attempt to retrieve this item from cache.                Cache.Entry entry = mCache.get(request.getCacheKey());                if (entry == null) {                    request.addMarker("cache-miss");                    // Cache miss; send off to the network dispatcher.                    mNetworkQueue.put(request);                    continue;                }                // If it is completely expired, just send it to the network.                if (entry.isExpired()) {                    request.addMarker("cache-hit-expired");                    request.setCacheEntry(entry);                    mNetworkQueue.put(request);                    continue;                }


                request.addMarker("cache-hit");                Response<?> response = request.parseNetworkResponse(                        new NetworkResponse(entry.data, entry.responseHeaders));                request.addMarker("cache-hit-parsed");                if (!entry.refreshNeeded()) {                    // Completely unexpired cache hit. Just deliver the response.                    mDelivery.postResponse(request, response);                } else {                    // Soft-expired cache hit. We can deliver the cached response,                    // but we need to also send the request to the network for                    // refreshing.                    request.addMarker("cache-hit-refresh-needed");                    request.setCacheEntry(entry);                    // Mark the response as intermediate.                    response.intermediate = true;                    // Post the intermediate response back to the user and have                    // the delivery then forward the request along to the network.                    mDelivery.postResponse(request, response, new Runnable() {                        @Override                        public void run() {                            try {                                mNetworkQueue.put(request);                            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                                // Not much we can do about this.                            }                        }                    });                }


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