
解析 dex 文件结构 - DexHeader

发表于2015-11-17 | 暂无评论 | 6 Hits


dex 文件是 dalvik 虚拟机的可执行文件。

dex 文件结构

该结构位于系统源码dalvik\libdex\DexFile.h中,描述的是 dex 文件被映射到内存中的结构。

/* * Structure representing a DEX file. * * Code should regard DexFile as opaque, using the API calls provided here * to access specific structures. */struct DexFile {    /* directly-mapped "opt" header */    const DexOptHeader* pOptHeader;    /* pointers to directly-mapped structs and arrays in base DEX */    const DexHeader*    pHeader;    const DexStringId*  pStringIds;    const DexTypeId*    pTypeIds;    const DexFieldId*   pFieldIds;    const DexMethodId*  pMethodIds;    const DexProtoId*   pProtoIds;    const DexClassDef*  pClassDefs;    const DexLink*      pLinkData;    /*     * These are mapped out of the "auxillary" section, and may not be     * included in the file.     */    const DexClassLookup* pClassLookup;    const void*         pRegisterMapPool;       // RegisterMapClassPool    /* points to start of DEX file data */    const u1*           baseAddr;    /* track memory overhead for auxillary structures */    int                 overhead;    /* additional app-specific data structures associated with the DEX */    //void*               auxData;};


struct DexFile{    DexHeader    Header;    DexStringId  StringIds[stringIdsSize];    DexTypeId    TypeIds[typeIdsSize];    DexFieldId   FieldIds[fieldIdsSize];    DexMethodId  MethodIds[methodIdsSize];    DexProtoId   ProtoIds[protoIdsSize];    DexClassDef  ClassDefs[classDefsSize];    DexData      Data[];    DexLink      LinkData;};


DexHeader 结构

/* * 160-bit SHA-1 digest. */enum { kSHA1DigestLen = 20,       kSHA1DigestOutputLen = kSHA1DigestLen*2 +1 };/* * Direct-mapped "header_item" struct. */struct DexHeader {    u1  magic[8];           /* 版本标识 */    u4  checksum;           /* adler32 检验 */    u1  signature[kSHA1DigestLen]; /* SHA-1 哈希值 */    u4  fileSize;           /* 整个文件大小 */    u4  headerSize;         /* DexHeader 大小 */    u4  endianTag;          /* 字节序标记 */    u4  linkSize;           /* 链接段大小 */    u4  linkOff;            /* 链接段偏移 */    u4  mapOff;             /* DexMapList 的文件偏移 */    u4  stringIdsSize;      /* DexStringId 的个数 */    u4  stringIdsOff;       /* DexStringId 的文件偏移 */    u4  typeIdsSize;        /* DexTypeId 的个数 */    u4  typeIdsOff;         /* DexTypeId 的文件偏移 */    u4  protoIdsSize;       /* DexProtoId 的个数 */    u4  protoIdsOff;        /* DexProtoId 的文件偏移 */    u4  fieldIdsSize;       /* DexFieldId 的个数 */    u4  fieldIdsOff;        /* DexFieldId 的文件偏移 */    u4  methodIdsSize;      /* DexMethodId 的个数 */    u4  methodIdsOff;       /* DexMethodId 的文件偏移 */    u4  classDefsSize;      /* DexClassDef 的个数 */    u4  classDefsOff;       /* DexClassDef 的文件偏移 */    u4  dataSize;           /* 数据段的大小 */    u4  dataOff;            /* 数据段的文件偏移 */};


magic: dex文件标识,值必须为常量DEX_FILE_MAGIC

ubyte[8] DEX_FILE_MAGIC = { 0x64 0x65 0x78 0x0a 0x30 0x33 0x35 0x00 }                        = "dex\n035\0"

checkSum: 对除 magic 和 checkSum 外的剩余文件计算 adler32 校验值,目的是检测文件是否损坏;

signature:对除 magic、checkSum 和 signature 外的剩余文件计算 SHA-1 校验值,用来确定文件的唯一性


headerSize:头部大小,0x70 字节,已经考虑到兼容性;


uint ENDIAN_CONSTANT = 0x12345678;uint REVERSE_ENDIAN_CONSTANT = 0x78563412;


linkOff:链接段的文件偏移,指向链接数据段内,如果linkSize为 0,则为 0;

mapOff:map item 的文件偏移,指向数据段内,数据结构为mapList,如果没有 map,值为 0;

stringIdsSize:字符串 id 的个数;

stringIdsOff:字符串 id 清单的文件偏移,指向stringIds的起始地址,如果 stringIdsSize 为 0,值为0;


typeIdsOff:类型标识符清单的文件偏移,指向typeIds的起始地址,如果 typeIdsSize 为 0,值为 0 (这就很奇怪了哟);


protoIdsOff:原型标识符清单的文件偏移,指向protoIds的起始地址,如果 protoIdsSize 为 0,值为 0 (这就很奇怪了哟);


fieldIdsOff:字段标识符清单的文件偏移,指向fieldIds的起始地址,如果 fieldIdsSize 为 0,值为 0;


methodIdsOff:方法标识符清单的文件偏移,指向methodIds的起始地址,如果 methodIdsSize 为 0,值为 0;


classDefsOff:类清单的文件偏移,指向classDefs的起始地址,如果 classDefsSize 为 0,值为 0 (这就很奇怪了哟);

dataSize:数据段的大小,以字节为单位,并且是 sizeof(uint) 的偶数倍;



00000000  64 65 78 0a 30 33 35 00  3b ba fe c3 83 7e aa be  |dex.035.;....~..|00000010  09 97 71 1e 17 96 9f e9  0c bd 01 60 b4 2a 1a c9  |..q........`.*..|00000020  c4 10 00 00 70 00 00 00  78 56 34 12 00 00 00 00  |....p...xV4.....|00000030  00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00  5c 00 00 00 70 00 00 00  |........\...p...|00000040  19 00 00 00 e0 01 00 00  12 00 00 00 44 02 00 00  |............D...|00000050  01 00 00 00 1c 03 00 00  2b 00 00 00 24 03 00 00  |........+...$...|00000060  02 00 00 00 7c 04 00 00  08 0c 00 00 bc 04 00 00  |....|...........|
binary field
64 65 78 0a 30 33 35 00 magic
3b ba fe c3 checksum
83 7e aa be 09 97 71 1e 17 96 9f e9 0c bd 01 60 b4 2a 1a c9 signature
c4 10 00 00 fileSize
70 00 00 00 headerSize
78 56 34 12 endianTag
00 00 00 00 linkSize
00 00 00 00 linkOff
00 10 00 00 mapOff
5c 00 00 00 stringIdsSize
70 00 00 00 stringIdsOff
19 00 00 00 typeIdsSize
e0 01 00 00 typeIdsOff
12 00 00 00 protoIdsSize
44 02 00 00 protoIdsOff
01 00 00 00 fieldIdsSize
1c 03 00 00 fieldIdsOff
2b 00 00 00 methodIdsSize
24 03 00 00 methodIdsOff
02 00 00 00 classDefsSize
7c 04 00 00 classDefsOff
08 0c 00 00 dataSize
bc 04 00 00 dataOff

写程序解析 DexHeader

import structclass DexStruct(object):    DexHeader = {          "magic": 0,          "checkSum": 0,          'signature': 0,          'fileSize': 0,          "headerSize": 0,          "endianTag": 0,          "linkSize": 0,          "linkOff": 0,          "mapOff": 0,          "stringIdsSize": 0,          "stringIdsOff": 0,          "typeIdsSize": 0,          "typeIdsOff": 0,          "protoIdsSize": 0,          "protoIdsOff": 0,          "fieldIdsSize": 0,          "fieldIdsOff": 0,          "methodIdsSize": 0,          "methodIdsOff": 0,          "classDefsSize": 0,          "classDefsOff": 0,          "dataSize": 0,          "dataOff": 0,   }def parseHeader(header_data):        header_list = [header_data[i:i+4] for i in range(32,112,4)]        header_list.insert(0,header_data[12:32])        header_list.insert(0,header_data[8:12])        header_list.insert(0,header_data[:8])        DexStruct.DexHeader['magic'] = struct.unpack('8s',header_list[0])[0]        if DexStruct.DexHeader['magic'] != "dex\n035\0":            print 'invalid dex file.'            exit(-1)        DexStruct.DexHeader['checkSum'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[1])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['signature'] = struct.unpack('20s',header_list[2])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['fileSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[3])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['headerSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[4])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['endianTag'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[5])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['linkSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[6])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['linkOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[7])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['mapOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[8])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['stringIdsSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[9])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['stringIdsOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[10])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['typeIdsSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[11])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['typeIdsOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[12])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['protoIdsSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[13])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['protoIdsOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[14])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['fieldIdsSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[15])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['fieldIdsOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[16])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['methodIdsSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[17])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['methodIdsOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[18])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['classDefsSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[19])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['classDefsOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[20])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['dataSize'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[21])[0]        DexStruct.DexHeader['dataOff'] = struct.unpack('I',header_list[22])[0]if __name__ == '__main__':    with open("classes.dex", 'rb') as f:        parseHeader(f.read(0x70))        for x in DexStruct.DexHeader:            print x, hex(DexStruct.DexHeader[x])


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