Android Camera 系列目录

  1. 搭建Camera开发项目
  2. Android Camera API
    • Camera API使用指南
    • Camera 高级特性——手动对焦
    • Android Camera 高级特性——闪光灯、抗闪烁、场景
    • Camera性能优化
  3. Android Camera2 API
    • Camera2 API使用指南
    • Camera2硬件兼容级别
    • Camera2拉伸问题
    • Camera2高级特性
    • Camera2源代码分析
  4. 相机模块设计

1. 前言

Android Camera提供了多种对焦方式:

  • FOCUS_MODE_AUTO:个人认为这个名字起的有点随意
  • FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE : 持续对焦模式,适用于拍照,此模式可调用autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback)

Applications can call autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback) in this mode. If the autofocus is in the middle of scanning, the focus callback will return when it completes. If the autofocus is not scanning, the focus callback will immediately return with a boolean that indicates whether the focus is sharp or not. The apps can then decide if they want to take a picture immediately or to change the focus mode to auto, and run a full autofocus cycle. The focus position is locked after autoFocus call. If applications want to resume the continuous focus, cancelAutoFocus must be called. Restarting the preview will not resume the continuous autofocus. To stop continuous focus, applications should change the focus mode to other modes.1

  • FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO :持续对焦模式,适用录制视频,对焦比FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE要消极一些,官方文档上说,这是录制视频时最好的选择,因为焦点变化时更加顺滑。此模式可调用autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback)

Since API level 14, applications can call autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback) in this mode. The focus callback will immediately return with a boolean that indicates whether the focus is sharp or not. The focus position is locked after autoFocus call. If applications want to resume the continuous focus, cancelAutoFocus must be called. Restarting the preview will not resume the continuous autofocus. To stop continuous focus, applications should change the focus mode to other modes.

  • FOCUS_MODE_EDOF : Extended depth of field (EDOF),此模式不能调用autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback)
  • FOCUS_MODE_FIXED : 适用于超焦距对焦,此模式不能调用autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback)
  • FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY : 无穷(??)模式,此模式不能调用autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback)
  • FOCUS_MODE_MACRO :宏观(特写)对焦模式,此模式可调用autoFocus(AutoFocusCallback)


2. 实现

2.1 默认对焦设置

在前一篇文章《Android Camera API使用指南

        //对焦方式        if (focusModes.contains(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO)) {            mParams.setFocusMode(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO);        }---------------------本文来自 微岩 的CSDN 博客 ,全文地址请点击: 

2.2 手动对焦实现

2.2.1 最简单的对焦实现

所谓的手动对焦就是用户点击了屏幕的某块区域,需要把相机对焦到用户点击的区域。(又废话了…… -_-||)
一般我们看到文章介绍Camera API1时,通常会说它使用非常简单(当然相对于Camera API2来说),原因是修改Camera的状态非常简单,只要重新配置下Camera.Parameters,然后设置给Camera就OK。最简单的设置步骤是:

    public synchronized void setFocusMode(String focusMode) {        if (mCameraDevice == null)            return;        mParams = mCameraDevice.getParameters();        List focusModes = mParams.getSupportedFocusModes();        if (focusModes.contains(focusMode)) {            mParams.setFocusMode(focusMode);        }    }


2.2.2 系统相机对焦效果仿真实现



  1. 支持用户设置对焦区域,重新设定对焦区域后会触发相机对焦。
  2. 重新设定对焦区域后,画面有明显的亮度变化。




  • getMaxNumFocusAreas:获取支持的对焦区域的个数
  • setFocusAreas:设置对焦区域列表
  • getFocusAreas:获取对焦区域列表
  • getMaxNumMeteringAreas: 获取支持的测光区域的个数
  • setMeteringAreas:设置测光区域列表
  • getMeteringAreas:获取测光区域列表


  1. 计算对焦和测光区域
    /**     * Create an area with specified rectangle and weight.     *     * @param rect the bounds of the area.     * @param weight the weight of the area.     */    public Area(Rect rect, int weight) {        this.rect = rect;//区域:[-1000, 1000]        this.weight = weight;//权重: [1, 1000]    }



            int focusRadius = (int) (radius * 1000.0f);            int left = (int) (x * 2000.0f - 1000.0f) - focusRadius;            int top = (int) (y * 2000.0f - 1000.0f) - focusRadius;            Rect focusArea = new Rect();            focusArea.left = Math.max(left, -1000);   = Math.max(top, -1000);            focusArea.right = Math.min(left + focusRadius, 1000);            focusArea.bottom = Math.min(top + focusRadius, 1000);            Camera.Area cameraArea = new Camera.Area(focusArea, 800);
  1. 添加对焦/测光区域
List meteringAreas;List focusAreas;if (mParams.getMaxNumMeteringAreas() > 0) {List meteringAreas = new ArrayList();meteringAreas.add(cameraArea);}if (mParams.getMaxNumMeteringAreas() > 0) {focusAreas = new ArrayList();focusAreas.add(cameraArea);}    mParams.setFocusMode(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO);    mParams.setFocusAreas(meteringAreas);
  1. 设置对焦策略
            try {                mCameraDevice.cancelAutoFocus();                mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParams);                mCameraDevice.autoFocus(callback);            } catch (Exception e) {                LogUtil.e(TAG, "Error: focusAtPoint failed: " + e.toString());            }


  • cancelAutoFocus:结束上一次的对焦操作,不管是有没有完成对焦
  • autoFocus:执行一次对焦操作,通过Camera.AutoFocusCallback返回对焦结果。


3. 参考文献

  1. Android Camera ( ↩︎


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  7. android 布局背景模糊化处理
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  7. android 操作路由表
  8. Android各版本代号/版本号/API级别
  9. android实现双击事件的监听
  10. 图片比例缩放以及bitMap转BitmapDrawable