






  • 主控模块:主控模块即Monkey类,是入口函数所在类,主要负责参数解析和赋值、初始化运行环境,执行runMonkeyCycles()方法,针对不同的事件源开始获取并执行不同的事件。

  • 事件源模块:事件源代表不同的事件来源。以MonkeyEventSource为基类,它是一个接口,主要的实现类是MonkeySourceRandom,也就是默认的随机事件源,当然也还有网络事件源 MonkeySourceNetwork,脚本事件源 MonkeySourceScript。

    MonkeySourceRandom类首先是定义了10种事件,分别是TOUCH, MOTION, PINCHZOOM, TRACKBALL, NAV, MAJORNAV, SYSOPS, APPSWITCH, FLIP和ANYTHING,这些事件和命令行中的可设置10种参数对应。在构造方法中设置了各个事件的初始占比,并定了一个用于存储事件的队列。

  • 事件模块:事件代表了各种用户操作类型。以MonkeyEvent为基类,衍生出各种Event类,每一个Event类代表一种用户操作类型,如常见的点击、输入、滑动事件等。MonkeyEvent抽象类中提供了intinjectEvent()方法,用于执行对应的事件。

  • 监控模块:监控部分包括异常监控和网络监控两部分。异常监控通过ActivityWatch类来实现,主要监控Activity的Crash和ANR事件。网络监控通过MonkeyNetworkMonitor类来实现,主要用于统计运行期间移动网络和Wi-Fi网络的链接时长


runMonkeyCycles() 执行具体事件

validate() 将传入的参数结合默认的参数进行调整和校验。
generateEvents() 生成随机事件
getNextEvent() 获取到事件 MonkeyEvent

injectEvent() 对于具体的事件,触发真正的执行


events percentage触摸事件百分比(触摸事件是一个在屏幕单一位置的按下-抬起事件)
events percentage手势事件百分比(手势事件是由一个在屏幕某处的按下事件、一系列的伪随机移动、一个抬起事件组成)即一个滑动操作,但是是直线的,不能拐弯
zoom events percentage二指缩放百分比,即智能机上的放大缩小手势操作
events percentage轨迹球事件百分比(轨迹球事件包括一个或多个随机移动,有时还伴有点击。轨迹球现在智能手机上已经没有了,就是类似手柄的方向键一样)
rotation events percentage屏幕旋转百分比,横屏竖屏
events percentage”基本”导航事件百分比(导航事件包括上下左右,如方向输入设备的输入)老手机的上下左右键,智能机上没有
nav events percentage”主要”导航事件百分比(这些导航事件通常会引发UI的事件,例如5-way pad的中间键、回退键、菜单键)
operations percentage”系统”按钮事件百分比(这些按钮一般专供系统使用,如Home, Back, Start Call, End Call,音量控制)
switch events percentage启动activity事件百分比。在随机的间隔里,Monkey会执行一个startActivity()调用,作为最大程度覆盖包中全部Activity的一种方法
flip percentage键盘轻弹百分比,如点击输入框,键盘弹起,点击输入框以外区域,键盘收回


1. main方法:

/**     * Command-line entry point.     *     * @param args The command-line arguments     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        // Set the process name showing in "ps" or "top"        Process.setArgV0("com.android.commands.monkey");        int resultCode = (new Monkey()).run(args);        System.exit(resultCode);    }

  第一句的意思就是在 shell 命令行下 使用 ps | grep com.**.monkey 就找到正在运行的monkey进程

2. run方法

/**     * Run the command!     *     * @param args The command-line arguments     * @return Returns a posix-style result code. 0 for no error.     */    private int run(String[] args) {        // Super-early debugger wait        for (String s : args) {            if ("--wait-dbg".equals(s)) {                Debug.waitForDebugger();            }        }        // Default values for some command-line options        mVerbose = 0;        mCount = 1000;        mSeed = 0;        mThrottle = 0;        // prepare for command-line processing        mArgs = args;        mNextArg = 0;        // set a positive value, indicating none of the factors is provided yet        for (int i = 0; i < MonkeySourceRandom.FACTORZ_COUNT; i++) {            mFactors[i] = 1.0f;        }        if (!processOptions()) {            return -1;        }        if (!loadPackageLists()) {            return -1;        }        // now set up additional data in preparation for launch        if (mMainCategories.size() == 0) {            mMainCategories.add(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);            mMainCategories.add(Intent.CATEGORY_MONKEY);        }        if (mVerbose > 0) {            System.out.println(":Monkey: seed=" + mSeed + " count=" + mCount);            if (mValidPackages.size() > 0) {                Iterator it = mValidPackages.iterator();                while (it.hasNext()) {                    System.out.println(":AllowPackage: " + it.next());                }            }            if (mInvalidPackages.size() > 0) {                Iterator it = mInvalidPackages.iterator();                while (it.hasNext()) {                    System.out.println(":DisallowPackage: " + it.next());                }            }            if (mMainCategories.size() != 0) {                Iterator it = mMainCategories.iterator();                while (it.hasNext()) {                    System.out.println(":IncludeCategory: " + it.next());                }            }        }        if (!checkInternalConfiguration()) {            return -2;        }        if (!getSystemInterfaces()) {            return -3;        }        if (!getMainApps()) {            return -4;        }        mRandom = new SecureRandom();        mRandom.setSeed((mSeed == 0) ? -1 : mSeed);        if (mScriptFileNames != null && mScriptFileNames.size() == 1) {            // script mode, ignore other options            mEventSource = new MonkeySourceScript(mRandom, mScriptFileNames.get(0), mThrottle,                    mRandomizeThrottle, mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime);            mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose);            mCountEvents = false;        } else if (mScriptFileNames != null && mScriptFileNames.size() > 1) {            if (mSetupFileName != null) {                mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandomScript(mSetupFileName,                        mScriptFileNames, mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle, mRandom,                        mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime, mRandomizeScript);                mCount++;            } else {                mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandomScript(mScriptFileNames,                        mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle, mRandom,                        mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime, mRandomizeScript);            }            mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose);            mCountEvents = false;        } else if (mServerPort != -1) {            try {                mEventSource = new MonkeySourceNetwork(mServerPort);            } catch (IOException e) {                System.out.println("Error binding to network socket.");                return -5;            }            mCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;        } else {            // random source by default            if (mVerbose >= 2) { // check seeding performance                System.out.println("// Seeded: " + mSeed);            }            mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandom(mRandom, mMainApps, mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle);            mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose);            // set any of the factors that has been set            for (int i = 0; i < MonkeySourceRandom.FACTORZ_COUNT; i++) {                if (mFactors[i] <= 0.0f) {                    ((MonkeySourceRandom) mEventSource).setFactors(i, mFactors[i]);                }            }            // in random mode, we start with a random activity            ((MonkeySourceRandom) mEventSource).generateActivity();        }        // validate source generator        if (!mEventSource.validate()) {            return -5;        }        // If we're profiling, do it immediately before/after the main monkey        // loop        if (mGenerateHprof) {            signalPersistentProcesses();        }        mNetworkMonitor.start();        int crashedAtCycle = runMonkeyCycles();        mNetworkMonitor.stop();        synchronized (this) {            if (mRequestAnrTraces) {                reportAnrTraces();                mRequestAnrTraces = false;            }            if (mRequestAnrBugreport){                System.out.println("Print the anr report");                getBugreport("anr_" + mReportProcessName + "_");                mRequestAnrBugreport = false;            }            if (mRequestAppCrashBugreport){                getBugreport("app_crash" + mReportProcessName + "_");                mRequestAppCrashBugreport = false;            }            if (mRequestDumpsysMemInfo) {                reportDumpsysMemInfo();                mRequestDumpsysMemInfo = false;            }            if (mRequestPeriodicBugreport){                getBugreport("Bugreport_");                mRequestPeriodicBugreport = false;            }        }        if (mGenerateHprof) {            signalPersistentProcesses();            if (mVerbose > 0) {                System.out.println("// Generated profiling reports in /data/misc");            }        }        try {            mAm.setActivityController(null);            mNetworkMonitor.unregister(mAm);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            // just in case this was latent (after mCount cycles), make sure            // we report it            if (crashedAtCycle >= mCount) {                crashedAtCycle = mCount - 1;            }        }        // report dropped event stats        if (mVerbose > 0) {            System.out.print(":Dropped: keys=");            System.out.print(mDroppedKeyEvents);            System.out.print(" pointers=");            System.out.print(mDroppedPointerEvents);            System.out.print(" trackballs=");            System.out.print(mDroppedTrackballEvents);            System.out.print(" flips=");            System.out.println(mDroppedFlipEvents);        }        // report network stats        mNetworkMonitor.dump();        if (crashedAtCycle < mCount - 1) {            System.err.println("** System appears to have crashed at event " + crashedAtCycle                    + " of " + mCount + " using seed " + mSeed);            return crashedAtCycle;        } else {            if (mVerbose > 0) {                System.out.println("// Monkey finished");            }            return 0;        }    }


if (!processOptions()) {            return -1;        }

 我们在运行Monkey的时候,如果指定了“ -p 包名 ”,那么Monkey一定会拉起这个App的第一个Activity,这个究竟是怎么实现的呢?就是借助Intent这个东西:

 // now set up additional data in preparation for launch if (mMainCategories.size() == 0) {        mMainCategories.add(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);        mMainCategories.add(Intent.CATEGORY_MONKEY); }


if (mScriptFileNames != null && mScriptFileNames.size() == 1) {            // script mode, ignore other options            mEventSource = new MonkeySourceScript(mRandom, mScriptFileNames.get(0), mThrottle,                    mRandomizeThrottle, mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime);            mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose);            mCountEvents = false;        } else if (mScriptFileNames != null && mScriptFileNames.size() > 1) {            if (mSetupFileName != null) {                mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandomScript(mSetupFileName,                        mScriptFileNames, mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle, mRandom,                        mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime, mRandomizeScript);                mCount++;            } else {                mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandomScript(mScriptFileNames,                        mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle, mRandom,                        mProfileWaitTime, mDeviceSleepTime, mRandomizeScript);            }            mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose);            mCountEvents = false;        } else if (mServerPort != -1) {            try {                mEventSource = new MonkeySourceNetwork(mServerPort);            } catch (IOException e) {                System.out.println("Error binding to network socket.");                return -5;            }            mCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;        } else {            // random source by default            if (mVerbose >= 2) { // check seeding performance                System.out.println("// Seeded: " + mSeed);            }            mEventSource = new MonkeySourceRandom(mRandom, mMainApps, mThrottle, mRandomizeThrottle);            mEventSource.setVerbose(mVerbose);            // set any of the factors that has been set            for (int i = 0; i < MonkeySourceRandom.FACTORZ_COUNT; i++) {                if (mFactors[i] <= 0.0f) {                    ((MonkeySourceRandom) mEventSource).setFactors(i, mFactors[i]);                }            }            // in random mode, we start with a random activity            ((MonkeySourceRandom) mEventSource).generateActivity();        }



        mNetworkMonitor.start();        int crashedAtCycle = runMonkeyCycles();        mNetworkMonitor.stop();  

主要看看 runMonkeyCycles() 这个函数主要做了什么:

/**      * Run mCount cycles and see if we hit any crashers.      * 

* TODO: Meta state on keys * * @return Returns the last cycle which executed. If the value == mCount, no * errors detected. */ private int runMonkeyCycles() { int eventCounter = 0; int cycleCounter = 0; boolean shouldReportAnrTraces = false; boolean shouldReportDumpsysMemInfo = false; boolean shouldAbort = false; boolean systemCrashed = false; // TO DO : The count should apply to each of the script file. while (!systemCrashed && cycleCounter < mCount) { ... MonkeyEvent ev = mEventSource.getNextEvent(); if (ev != null) { int injectCode = ev.injectEvent(mWm, mAm, mVerbose); ... } ... } .... }


@Override  public int injectEvent(IWindowManager iwm, IActivityManager iam, int verbose) {      if (verbose > 1) {          System.out.println("Sleeping for " + mThrottle + " milliseconds");      }      try {          Thread.sleep(mThrottle);      } catch (InterruptedException e1) {          System.out.println("** Monkey interrupted in sleep.");          return MonkeyEvent.INJECT_FAIL;      }      return MonkeyEvent.INJECT_SUCCESS;  }



  1. 【攻克Android(安卓)(37):XML解析之二】SAX方式解析XML
  2. 手机主流适配
  3. android 中在activity弹出一个对话框,并不会执行onpause生命周期
  4. Android面试题之二(中)
  5. 单击事件(onClick())与触摸事件(onTouch())的区别
  6. 用Android(安卓)关于PopupMenu的
  7. android离开一个页面时关闭子线程
  8. 再论Android中的OnTouch事件和MotionEvent
  9. Android(安卓)Activity启动耗时统计方案


  1. Android教程之Android自带的语音识别例子
  2. android context理解
  3. android电池(五):电池 充电IC(PM2301)驱动分析
  4. 通过网络使用ADB ( Connect to android w
  5. 如何成为一个android高手
  6. Android翻译:应用程序的生命周期 kill进程
  7. Android studio 删除无用代码
  8. Android 数据存储方式
  9. Android下编译库文件jar包并在应用中调用
  10. Androidc学习笔记二之四大布局及碎片理解