
提供了三个public方法, 分别获取内部存储路径、外部存储路径和应用程序文件路径(/data/data/com.xxx.xxx/files)。


public String getExternalStoragePath();

public String getInternalStoragePath();

public String getAppStoragePath();

import java.io.File;import java.io.InputStream;import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;import java.lang.reflect.Method;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.List;import java.util.Locale;import java.util.Set;import android.content.Context;import android.os.Environment;import android.os.storage.StorageManager;import android.util.Log;/** * @description Get the internal or external storage path. * This class used three ways to obtain the storage path. * reflect: * major method is getVolumePaths and getVolumeState. this two method is hidden for programmer, so we must to use this way. * if either getVolumePaths or getVolumeState can not be found (e.g. in some sdk version), then use next way. * command: * By filter the output of command "mount",  may be we can get the storage path that we want. if didn't, then use next way. * Api: * As is known to all, we use getExternalStorageDirectory method. */public class StoragePathsManager {private static final String LOG_TAG = "StoragePathsManager";private Context mContext;    private StorageManager mStorageManager;      private Method mMethodGetPaths;      private Method mMethodGetPathsState;    private boolean mIsReflectValide = true;    private List<String> mAllStoragePathsByMountCommand = new ArrayList<String>();    public StoragePathsManager(Context context){mContext = context;init();}private void init(){Log.i(LOG_TAG, "init");        mStorageManager=(StorageManager)mContext.                  getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE);          try{        mMethodGetPaths = mStorageManager.getClass().getMethod("getVolumePaths");          mMethodGetPathsState=mStorageManager.getClass().getMethod("getVolumeState",String.class);        }catch(NoSuchMethodException ex){              ex.printStackTrace();          }                 if (mMethodGetPaths == null || mMethodGetPathsState == null)        {        mIsReflectValide = false;        }        if (false == mIsReflectValide)        {        Set<String> set = getStoragePathsByCommand();        mAllStoragePathsByMountCommand.addAll(set);        for (String s : mAllStoragePathsByMountCommand)        {        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "abtain by command: " + s);        }        if (mAllStoragePathsByMountCommand.size() == 0)        {        if (Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() != null)        {        mAllStoragePathsByMountCommand.add(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath());        }        }        for (String s : mAllStoragePathsByMountCommand)        {        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "abtain by Environment: " + s);        }        }}private HashSet<String> getStoragePathsByCommand() {    final HashSet<String> out = new HashSet<String>();    String reg = "(?i).*vold.*(vfat|ntfs|exfat|fat32|ext3|ext4).*rw.*";    String s = "";    try {        final Process process = new ProcessBuilder().command("mount")                .redirectErrorStream(true).start();        process.waitFor();        final InputStream is = process.getInputStream();        final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];        while (is.read(buffer) != -1) {            s = s + new String(buffer);        }        is.close();    } catch (final Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();    }    // parse output    final String[] lines = s.split("\n");    for (String line : lines) {        if (!line.toLowerCase(Locale.US).contains("asec")) {            if (line.matches(reg)) {                String[] parts = line.split(" ");                for (String part : parts) {                    if (part.startsWith("/"))                        if (!part.toLowerCase(Locale.US).contains("vold"))                            out.add(part);                }            }        }    }    return out;}/** * @return String. for example /mnt/sdcard */public String getExternalStoragePath(){String path = null;List<String> allMountedPaths = getMountedStoragePaths();String internal = getInternalStoragePath();for (String s : allMountedPaths){if (!s.equals(internal)){path = s;break;}}return path;}public String getInternalStoragePath(){// get external pathString pathExtNotRemovable = null;String pathExtRemovable = null;String ext = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();// if it is removable, the storage is external storage, otherwise internal storage.boolean isExtRemovable = Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable();List<String> allMountedPaths = getMountedStoragePaths();for (String s : allMountedPaths){if (s.equals(ext)){if (isExtRemovable){pathExtRemovable = s;}else{pathExtNotRemovable = s;}break;}}String intr = null;String refPath = null;if (pathExtRemovable != null){refPath = pathExtRemovable;}else if (pathExtNotRemovable != null){intr = pathExtNotRemovable;return intr;}for (String s : allMountedPaths){if (!s.equals(refPath)){intr = s;break;}}return intr;}/** * @return /data/data/com.xxx.xxx/files */public String getAppStoragePath(){String path = mContext.getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();Log.i(LOG_TAG, "getAppStoragePath: " + path);return path;}private List<String> getMountedStoragePaths(){if (false == mIsReflectValide){return mAllStoragePathsByMountCommand;}List<String> mountedPaths = new ArrayList<String>();String[] paths = getAllStoragePaths();        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "all paths:");        if (paths!=null)        {        for (String path : paths)        {        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "-- path: " + path);        }        }                        for (String path : paths)        {        if (isMounted(path))        {        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "path: " + path + " is mounted");        mountedPaths.add(path);        }        }                return mountedPaths;} private String[] getAllStoragePaths(){String[] paths  =null;          try{          paths=(String[])mMethodGetPaths.invoke(mStorageManager);        }catch(IllegalArgumentException ex){              ex.printStackTrace();          }catch(IllegalAccessException ex){              ex.printStackTrace();             }catch(InvocationTargetException ex){              ex.printStackTrace();          }                return paths;}        private String getVolumeState(String mountPoint){          String status=null;          try{              status=(String)mMethodGetPathsState.invoke(mStorageManager, mountPoint);          }catch(IllegalArgumentException ex){              ex.printStackTrace();          }catch(IllegalAccessException ex){              ex.printStackTrace();             }catch(InvocationTargetException ex){              ex.printStackTrace();          }          return status;      }         private boolean isMounted(String mountPoint)    {          String status=null;        boolean result = false; status = getVolumeState(mountPoint);if(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(status)){result = true;   }        return result;      }}


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