大家快去升级JLB 4.2吧,uiautomator正式发布了



源代码: "uiautomator.zip" http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/ajwux

Usage: uiautomator <subcommand> [options]

Available subcommands:

help: displays help message

runtest: executes UI automation tests
runtest <class spec> [options]
<class spec>: <JARS> [-c <CLASSES> | -e class <CLASSES>]
<JARS>: a list of jar file containing test classes and dependencies. If
the path is relative, it's assumed to be under /data/local/tmp. Use
absolute path if the file is elsewhere. Multiple files can be
specified, separated by space.
<CLASSES>: a list of test class names to run, separated by comma. To
a single method, use TestClass#testMethod format. The -e or -c option
may be repeated.
--nohup: trap SIG_HUP, so test won't terminate even if parent process
is terminated, e.g. USB is disconnected.
-e debug [true|false]: wait for debugger to connect before starting.
-e runner [CLASS]: use specified test runner class instead. If
unspecified, framework default runner will be used.
-e <NAME> <VALUE>: other name-value pairs to be passed to test classes.
May be repeated.

dump: creates an XML dump of current UI hierarchy
dump [file]
[file]: the location where the dumped XML should be stored, default is

events: prints out accessibility events until terminated


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