

String staticObject = "{\"firstname\":\"Steve\",\"lastname\":\"Jobs\",\"cellphones\":\"0\"}";void buildObject(){try{obj = new JSONObject(staticObject);String x = obj.get("firstname").toString() + " " + obj.get("lastname").toString() + " has " + obj.getInt("cellphones") + " Android phones.";setStatus(x);}catch (JSONException je){setStatus("Error occured " + je.getMessage());}}void setStatus(String x){TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;tv.setText(x);}

{"firstname":"Richard","lastname":"Stearns","almamater":"Cornell University","occupation":"President, World Vision","interview":{"source" : "","questions":[{"Question": "How much money does World Vision raise every year?","Answer": "Worldwide, World Vision raises about $2 billion annually; the U.S. office, which I head up, raises about half of the total."},{"Question": "Is this the 80/20 rule where twenty percent of the people send in eighty percent of the money or are donations more spread out?","Answer": "World Vision's strength is that we are supported by hundreds of thousands of faithful people who give us about a dollar a day by sponsoring children. Our \"major donors\" account for less than five percent of our total income. Also, for a non-profit, we have quite a diversified portfolio of revenue. Just over forty percent is cash from private citizens; thirty percent is government grants in food and cash; and about thirty percent are products donated from corporation--what we call \"gifts-in-kind.\""}]}}

void buildObjectFromFile(){try{String x = "";InputStream is = this.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.interview);byte [] buffer = new byte[is.available()];while ( != -1);String json = new String(buffer);obj = new JSONObject(json);x = obj.getString("firstname") + " " + obj.getString("lastname") + "n";x += obj.getString("occupation") + "n";JSONObject interview =  obj.getJSONObject("interview");x += "Interview source:" + interview.getString("source")  + "n";JSONArray questions = interview.getJSONArray("questions");x += "Number of questions: " + questions.length()  + "nn";int i;for (i=0;i<questions.length();i++){JSONObject qa = questions.getJSONObject(i);x += "------------n";x += "Q" + (i+1) + ". " + qa.getString("Question") + "nn";x += "A" + (i+1) + ". " + qa.getString("Answer") + "n";}setStatus(x);}catch (Exception je){setStatus("Error w/file: " + je.getMessage());}}



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