LiveData Overview   Part of Android Jetpack.
LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services. This awareness ensures LiveData only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle state.

Note: To import LiveData components into your Android project, see Adding Components to your Project.
LiveData considers an observer, which is represented by the Observer class, to be in an active state if its lifecycle is in the STARTED or RESUMED state. LiveData only notifies active observers about updates. Inactive observers registered to watch LiveData objects aren't notified about changes.

You can register an observer paired with an object that implements the LifecycleOwner interface. This relationship allows the observer to be removed when the state of the corresponding Lifecycle object changes to DESTROYED. This is especially useful for activities and fragments because they can safely observe LiveData objects and not worry about leaks—activities and fragments are instantly unsubscribed when their lifecycles are destroyed.

首先看一下官网给的介绍,意思就是LiveData是一个可观察的数据持有类,观察者的生命周期处于活动状态才会接收到数据更改的通知,可以通过注册 LifecycleOwner,监听页面的生命周期,也就是和activity或者fragment的生命周期绑定,页面销毁时,自动取消监听.








annotationProcessor "android.arch.lifecycle:compiler:1.1.0"implementation "android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:1.1.0"


public class InfoViewModel extends ViewModel {    private MutableLiveData> mInfos;    public MutableLiveData> getInfo(){        if (infos == null){            mInfos = new MutableLiveData<>();        }        return mInfos;    }}


public class InfoDataObserver {    public static InfoViewModel mInfoModel;    private static FragmentActivity mcontext;    private static InfoDataObserver instence;    public static InfoDataObserver getInstence(FragmentActivity context) {        mcontext = context;        if (instence == null) {            instence = new InfoDataObserver();        }            if (mInfoModel == null) {                //拿到ViewModel对象                mInfoModel = ViewModelProviders.of(context).get(InfoViewModel.class);            }        return instence;    }    public void changeData(List list) {        /**         * postValue跟setValue的区别         * setValue方法调用必须发生在主线程         * postValue可以发生在子线程         */        mInfoModel.getInfo().postValue(list);    }    public void getChangeData(Observer> observer) {        mInfoModel.getInfo().observe(mcontext, observer);    }}



InfoDataObserver.getInstence(MainActivity.this).getChangeData(new Observer>() {    @Override    public void onChanged(@Nullable List infoBeans) {        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"数据改变了",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();    }});


String age = String.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(100));InfoBean user = new InfoBean("hgy", age,"bj");List infoBeans = new ArrayList<>();infoBeans.add(user);InfoDataObserver.getInstence(MainActivity.this).changeData(infoBeans);




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