


    public UsbService(Context context) {        mContext = context;        mAlsaManager = new UsbAlsaManager(context);        final PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();        if (pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_USB_HOST)) {            mHostManager = new UsbHostManager(context, mAlsaManager);        }


    public void systemReady() {        mAlsaManager.systemReady();        if (mDeviceManager != null) {            mDeviceManager.systemReady();        }        if (mHostManager != null) {            mHostManager.systemReady();        }        if (mPortManager != null) {            mPortManager.systemReady();        }    }

    public void systemReady() {        synchronized (mLock) {            // Create a thread to call into native code to wait for USB host events.            // This thread will call us back on usbDeviceAdded and usbDeviceRemoved.            Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {                public void run() {                    monitorUsbHostBus();                }            };            new Thread(null, runnable, "UsbService host thread").start();        }    }


    private native void monitorUsbHostBus();


monitorUsbHostBus对应的JNI函数是在com_android_server_UsbHostManager.cpp的android_server_UsbHostManager_monitorUsbHostBus函数,在这个函数调用了usb_host_init函数,创建了一个INotify的fd,以及创建了一个usb_host_context对象。usb_host_run函数就是循环读取INotify的fd的事件,我们把usb_device_added, usb_device_removed两个回调函数也传入了usb_host_run函数了。

static void android_server_UsbHostManager_monitorUsbHostBus(JNIEnv* /* env */, jobject thiz){    struct usb_host_context* context = usb_host_init();    if (!context) {        ALOGE("usb_host_init failed");        return;    }    // this will never return so it is safe to pass thiz directly    usb_host_run(context, usb_device_added, usb_device_removed, NULL, (void *)thiz);}


struct usb_host_context *usb_host_init(){    struct usb_host_context *context = calloc(1, sizeof(struct usb_host_context));//新建一个usb_host_context对象    if (!context) {        fprintf(stderr, "out of memory in usb_host_context\n");        return NULL;    }    context->fd = inotify_init();//新建一个INotify    if (context->fd < 0) {        fprintf(stderr, "inotify_init failed\n");        free(context);        return NULL;    }    return context;}
我们再来看看usb_host_run函数。先调用了usb_host_load函数,这个函数主要把add和remove的回调,放到context相应的成员变量中,然后增加了dev目录放入INotify的观察。下面循环调用usb_host_read_event函数去读取INotify fd的事件。

void usb_host_run(struct usb_host_context *context,                  usb_device_added_cb added_cb,                  usb_device_removed_cb removed_cb,                  usb_discovery_done_cb discovery_done_cb,                  void *client_data){    int done;    done = usb_host_load(context, added_cb, removed_cb, discovery_done_cb, client_data);    while (!done) {        done = usb_host_read_event(context);    }}
usb_host_load函数先把add和remove的两个回调设置到usb_host_context 中,然后将dev目录放入INotify观察。然后调用watch_existing_subdirs将/dev/bus/usb下的目录都添加到INotify中观察,最后再调用find_existing_devices函数,把找到的设备调用added_cb(增加的回调函数)
int usb_host_load(struct usb_host_context *context,                  usb_device_added_cb added_cb,                  usb_device_removed_cb removed_cb,                  usb_discovery_done_cb discovery_done_cb,                  void *client_data){    int done = 0;    int i;    context->cb_added = added_cb;//回调赋值    context->cb_removed = removed_cb;    context->data = client_data;    D("Created device discovery thread\n");    /* watch for files added and deleted within USB_FS_DIR */    context->wddbus = -1;    for (i = 0; i < MAX_USBFS_WD_COUNT; i++)        context->wds[i] = -1;    /* watch the root for new subdirectories */    context->wdd = inotify_add_watch(context->fd, DEV_DIR, IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE);//将dev目录放入INotify观察    if (context->wdd < 0) {        fprintf(stderr, "inotify_add_watch failed\n");        if (discovery_done_cb)            discovery_done_cb(client_data);        return done;    }    watch_existing_subdirs(context, context->wds, MAX_USBFS_WD_COUNT);    /* check for existing devices first, after we have inotify set up */    done = find_existing_devices(added_cb, client_data);    if (discovery_done_cb)        done |= discovery_done_cb(client_data);    return done;} 
static void watch_existing_subdirs(struct usb_host_context *context,                                   int *wds, int wd_count){    char path[100];    int i, ret;    wds[0] = inotify_add_watch(context->fd, USB_FS_DIR, IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE);    if (wds[0] < 0)        return;    /* watch existing subdirectories of USB_FS_DIR */    for (i = 1; i < wd_count; i++) {        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), USB_FS_DIR "/%03d", i);        ret = inotify_add_watch(context->fd, path, IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE);        if (ret >= 0)            wds[i] = ret;    }}
static int find_existing_devices(usb_device_added_cb added_cb,                                  void *client_data){    char busname[32];    DIR *busdir;    struct dirent *de;    int done = 0;    busdir = opendir(USB_FS_DIR);    if(busdir == 0) return 0;    while ((de = readdir(busdir)) != 0 && !done) {        if(badname(de->d_name)) continue;        snprintf(busname, sizeof(busname), USB_FS_DIR "/%s", de->d_name);        done = find_existing_devices_bus(busname, added_cb,                                         client_data);    } //end of busdir while    closedir(busdir);    return done;}
static int find_existing_devices_bus(char *busname,                                     usb_device_added_cb added_cb,                                     void *client_data){    char devname[32];    DIR *devdir;    struct dirent *de;    int done = 0;    devdir = opendir(busname);    if(devdir == 0) return 0;    while ((de = readdir(devdir)) && !done) {        if(badname(de->d_name)) continue;        snprintf(devname, sizeof(devname), "%s/%s", busname, de->d_name);        done = added_cb(devname, client_data);    } // end of devdir while    closedir(devdir);    return done;}
因此总结下usb_host_load函数就是把增加、去除设备的回调赋值到usb_host_context 的相关变量中,然后增加相关目录的观察,最后查找已经存在的设备调用added_cb(增加设备的回调函数)。


int usb_host_read_event(struct usb_host_context *context){    struct inotify_event* event;    char event_buf[512];    char path[100];    int i, ret, done = 0;    int offset = 0;    int wd;    ret = read(context->fd, event_buf, sizeof(event_buf));    if (ret >= (int)sizeof(struct inotify_event)) {        while (offset < ret && !done) {            event = (struct inotify_event*)&event_buf[offset];            done = 0;            wd = event->wd;            if (wd == context->wdd) {                if ((event->mask & IN_CREATE) && !strcmp(event->name, "bus")) {//增加bus目录,并且将bus目录也增加到watch中                    context->wddbus = inotify_add_watch(context->fd, DEV_BUS_DIR, IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE);                    if (context->wddbus < 0) {                        done = 1;//增加bus目录失败                    } else {                        watch_existing_subdirs(context, context->wds, MAX_USBFS_WD_COUNT);                        done = find_existing_devices(context->cb_added, context->data);                    }                }            } else if (wd == context->wddbus) {                if ((event->mask & IN_CREATE) && !strcmp(event->name, "usb")) {//如果是dev/bus目录的事件                    watch_existing_subdirs(context, context->wds, MAX_USBFS_WD_COUNT);//将dev/bus/usb目录再增加到watch                    done = find_existing_devices(context->cb_added, context->data);//然后再看看usb下面时候有设备,有就调用添加函数                } else if ((event->mask & IN_DELETE) && !strcmp(event->name, "usb")) {                    for (i = 0; i < MAX_USBFS_WD_COUNT; i++) {                        if (context->wds[i] >= 0) {                            inotify_rm_watch(context->fd, context->wds[i]);//是删除事件,就把这个watch删除了                            context->wds[i] = -1;                        }                    }                }            } else if (wd == context->wds[0]) {//是第一个wds,也就是dev/bus/usb目录的事件                i = atoi(event->name);                snprintf(path, sizeof(path), USB_FS_DIR "/%s", event->name);                D("%s subdirectory %s: index: %d\n", (event->mask & IN_CREATE) ?                        "new" : "gone", path, i);                if (i > 0 && i < MAX_USBFS_WD_COUNT) {                    int local_ret = 0;                    if (event->mask & IN_CREATE) {                        local_ret = inotify_add_watch(context->fd, path,//我们需要把usb下新增的目录也增加到watch中                                IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE);                        if (local_ret >= 0)                            context->wds[i] = local_ret;                        done = find_existing_devices_bus(path, context->cb_added,//然后再看看是否有已经存在的设备                                context->data);                    } else if (event->mask & IN_DELETE) {                        inotify_rm_watch(context->fd, context->wds[i]);                        context->wds[i] = -1;                    }                }            } else {                for (i = 1; (i < MAX_USBFS_WD_COUNT) && !done; i++) {//最后剩下的肯定是dev/bus/usb下目录的事件                    if (wd == context->wds[i]) {                        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), USB_FS_DIR "/%03d/%s", i, event->name);                        if (event->mask == IN_CREATE) {//这里就直接调用增加设备或者删除设备的回调函数。                            D("new device %s\n", path);                            done = context->cb_added(path, context->data);                        } else if (event->mask == IN_DELETE) {                            D("gone device %s\n", path);                            done = context->cb_removed(path, context->data);                        }                    }                }            }            offset += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len;//读取的字节数增加        }    }    return done;} 


static int usb_device_added(const char *devname, void* client_data) {    struct usb_descriptor_header* desc;    struct usb_descriptor_iter iter;    struct usb_device *device = usb_device_open(devname);    if (!device) {        ALOGE("usb_device_open failed\n");        return 0;    }    JNIEnv* env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();    jobject thiz = (jobject)client_data;    const usb_device_descriptor* deviceDesc = usb_device_get_device_descriptor(device);    char *manufacturer = usb_device_get_manufacturer_name(device);    char *product = usb_device_get_product_name(device);    int version = usb_device_get_version(device);    char *serial = usb_device_get_serial(device);    jstring deviceName = env->NewStringUTF(devname);    jstring manufacturerName = AndroidRuntime::NewStringLatin1(env, manufacturer);    jstring productName = AndroidRuntime::NewStringLatin1(env, product);    jstring serialNumber = AndroidRuntime::NewStringLatin1(env, serial);    jboolean result = env->CallBooleanMethod(thiz, method_beginUsbDeviceAdded,            deviceName, usb_device_get_vendor_id(device), usb_device_get_product_id(device),            deviceDesc->bDeviceClass, deviceDesc->bDeviceSubClass, deviceDesc->bDeviceProtocol,            manufacturerName, productName, version, serialNumber);    env->DeleteLocalRef(serialNumber);    env->DeleteLocalRef(productName);    env->DeleteLocalRef(manufacturerName);    env->DeleteLocalRef(deviceName);    free(manufacturer);    free(product);    free(serial);    if (!result) goto fail;    usb_descriptor_iter_init(device, &iter);    while ((desc = usb_descriptor_iter_next(&iter)) != NULL) {        if (desc->bDescriptorType == USB_DT_CONFIG) {            struct usb_config_descriptor *config = (struct usb_config_descriptor *)desc;            char *name = usb_device_get_string(device, config->iConfiguration);            jstring configName = AndroidRuntime::NewStringLatin1(env, name);            env->CallVoidMethod(thiz, method_addUsbConfiguration,                    config->bConfigurationValue, configName, config->bmAttributes,                    config->bMaxPower);            env->DeleteLocalRef(configName);            free(name);        } else if (desc->bDescriptorType == USB_DT_INTERFACE) {            struct usb_interface_descriptor *interface = (struct usb_interface_descriptor *)desc;            char *name = usb_device_get_string(device, interface->iInterface);            jstring interfaceName = AndroidRuntime::NewStringLatin1(env, name);            env->CallVoidMethod(thiz, method_addUsbInterface,                    interface->bInterfaceNumber, interfaceName, interface->bAlternateSetting,                    interface->bInterfaceClass, interface->bInterfaceSubClass,                    interface->bInterfaceProtocol);            env->DeleteLocalRef(interfaceName);            free(name);        } else if (desc->bDescriptorType == USB_DT_ENDPOINT) {            struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint = (struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *)desc;            env->CallVoidMethod(thiz, method_addUsbEndpoint,                    endpoint->bEndpointAddress, endpoint->bmAttributes,                    __le16_to_cpu(endpoint->wMaxPacketSize), endpoint->bInterval);        }    }    env->CallVoidMethod(thiz, method_endUsbDeviceAdded);fail:    usb_device_close(device);    checkAndClearExceptionFromCallback(env, __FUNCTION__);    return 0;}


static int usb_device_removed(const char *devname, void* client_data) {    JNIEnv* env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();    jobject thiz = (jobject)client_data;    jstring deviceName = env->NewStringUTF(devname);    env->CallVoidMethod(thiz, method_usbDeviceRemoved, deviceName);    env->DeleteLocalRef(deviceName);    checkAndClearExceptionFromCallback(env, __FUNCTION__);    return 0;}


    private void usbDeviceRemoved(String deviceName) {        synchronized (mLock) {            UsbDevice device = mDevices.remove(deviceName);            if (device != null) {                mUsbAlsaManager.usbDeviceRemoved(device);                getCurrentSettings().deviceDetached(device);            }        }    }



    public HashMap getDeviceList() {        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();        try {            mService.getDeviceList(bundle);            HashMap result = new HashMap();            for (String name : bundle.keySet()) {                result.put(name, (UsbDevice)bundle.get(name));            }            return result;        } catch (RemoteException e) {            Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in getDeviceList", e);            return null;        }    }    /**     * Opens the device so it can be used to send and receive     * data using {@link android.hardware.usb.UsbRequest}.     *     * @param device the device to open     * @return a {@link UsbDeviceConnection}, or {@code null} if open failed     */    public UsbDeviceConnection openDevice(UsbDevice device) {        try {            String deviceName = device.getDeviceName();            ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = mService.openDevice(deviceName);            if (pfd != null) {                UsbDeviceConnection connection = new UsbDeviceConnection(device);                boolean result = connection.open(deviceName, pfd);                pfd.close();                if (result) {                    return connection;                }            }        } catch (Exception e) {            Log.e(TAG, "exception in UsbManager.openDevice", e);        }        return null;    }


    public void getDeviceList(Bundle devices) {        synchronized (mLock) {            for (String name : mDevices.keySet()) {                devices.putParcelable(name, mDevices.get(name));            }        }    }

而当用户进程通过UsbManger获取到设备名后,可以通过openDevice来获取ParcelFileDescriptor ,在UsbManager中又会新建一个UsbDeviceConnection,然后把ParcelFileDescriptor 作为参数调用这个UsbDeviceConnection的open函数。

    public ParcelFileDescriptor openDevice(String deviceName) {        synchronized (mLock) {            if (isBlackListed(deviceName)) {                throw new SecurityException("USB device is on a restricted bus");            }            UsbDevice device = mDevices.get(deviceName);            if (device == null) {                // if it is not in mDevices, it either does not exist or is blacklisted                throw new IllegalArgumentException(                        "device " + deviceName + " does not exist or is restricted");            }            getCurrentSettings().checkPermission(device);            return nativeOpenDevice(deviceName);        }    }


    public ParcelFileDescriptor openDevice(String deviceName) {        synchronized (mLock) {            if (isBlackListed(deviceName)) {                throw new SecurityException("USB device is on a restricted bus");            }            UsbDevice device = mDevices.get(deviceName);            if (device == null) {                // if it is not in mDevices, it either does not exist or is blacklisted                throw new IllegalArgumentException(                        "device " + deviceName + " does not exist or is restricted");            }            getCurrentSettings().checkPermission(device);            return nativeOpenDevice(deviceName);        }    }


static jobject android_server_UsbHostManager_openDevice(JNIEnv *env, jobject /* thiz */,                                                        jstring deviceName){    const char *deviceNameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(deviceName, NULL);    struct usb_device* device = usb_device_open(deviceNameStr);    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(deviceName, deviceNameStr);    if (!device)        return NULL;    int fd = usb_device_get_fd(device);    if (fd < 0) {        usb_device_close(device);        return NULL;    }    int newFD = dup(fd);    usb_device_close(device);    jobject fileDescriptor = jniCreateFileDescriptor(env, newFD);    if (fileDescriptor == NULL) {        return NULL;    }    return env->NewObject(gParcelFileDescriptorOffsets.mClass,        gParcelFileDescriptorOffsets.mConstructor, fileDescriptor);}


struct usb_device *usb_device_open(const char *dev_name){    int fd, did_retry = 0, writeable = 1;    D("usb_device_open %s\n", dev_name);retry:    fd = open(dev_name, O_RDWR);    if (fd < 0) {        /* if we fail, see if have read-only access */        fd = open(dev_name, O_RDONLY);        D("usb_device_open open returned %d errno %d\n", fd, errno);        if (fd < 0 && (errno == EACCES || errno == ENOENT) && !did_retry) {            /* work around race condition between inotify and permissions management */            sleep(1);            did_retry = 1;            goto retry;        }        if (fd < 0)            return NULL;        writeable = 0;        D("[ usb open read-only %s fd = %d]\n", dev_name, fd);    }    struct usb_device* result = usb_device_new(dev_name, fd);    if (result)        result->writeable = writeable;    return result;}


    public UsbDeviceConnection openDevice(UsbDevice device) {        try {            String deviceName = device.getDeviceName();            ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = mService.openDevice(deviceName);            if (pfd != null) {                UsbDeviceConnection connection = new UsbDeviceConnection(device);                boolean result = connection.open(deviceName, pfd);                pfd.close();                if (result) {                    return connection;                }            }        } catch (Exception e) {            Log.e(TAG, "exception in UsbManager.openDevice", e);        }        return null;    }

    public UsbDeviceConnection(UsbDevice device) {        mDevice = device;    }    /* package */ boolean open(String name, ParcelFileDescriptor pfd) {        return native_open(name, pfd.getFileDescriptor());    }


static jbooleanandroid_hardware_UsbDeviceConnection_open(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jstring deviceName,        jobject fileDescriptor){    int fd = jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, fileDescriptor);    // duplicate the file descriptor, since ParcelFileDescriptor will eventually close its copy    fd = dup(fd);    if (fd < 0)        return JNI_FALSE;    const char *deviceNameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(deviceName, NULL);    struct usb_device* device = usb_device_new(deviceNameStr, fd);    if (device) {        env->SetLongField(thiz, field_context, (jlong)device);    } else {        ALOGE("usb_device_open failed for %s", deviceNameStr);        close(fd);    }    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(deviceName, deviceNameStr);    return (device != NULL) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;}


    public int getFileDescriptor() {        return native_get_fd();    }
static jintandroid_hardware_UsbDeviceConnection_get_fd(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz){    struct usb_device* device = get_device_from_object(env, thiz);    if (!device) {        ALOGE("device is closed in native_get_fd");        return -1;    }    return usb_device_get_fd(device);}
struct usb_device* get_device_from_object(JNIEnv* env, jobject connection){    return (struct usb_device*)env->GetLongField(connection, field_context);}



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