

1、去除 allAppsButton,调整 HotSeat 布局,禁止增删,禁止生成 Folder

2、将 AllAppsContainerView 中的图标加载到 Workspace

3、去除 Workspace 图标长按删除选项




//cczheng add check is need allappbuttonpublic static boolean isDisableAllApps() {        if (sContext != null) {            return Settings.System.getInt(sContext.getContentResolver(), "sys.launcher3.is_full_app", 1) == 1;        }        return true;    }

在 LauncherAppState 中添加获取变量的值,对应的值修改可以在 Setting 中通过增加 SwitchPreference 开关或者在 workSpace 长按显示的 view 中增加。

2、取消占位,去除 allAppsButton 按钮



public boolean isAllAppsButtonRank(int rank) {        //cczheng add cancel allAppsButton location        log("isAllAppsButtonRank=="+rank + " mAllAppsButtonRank="+mAllAppsButtonRank);        if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {            return false;        }        return rank == mAllAppsButtonRank;    }

去除 allAppsButton 按钮

void resetLayout() {        mContent.removeAllViewsInLayout();        // cczheng add juge is need add allAppsButton S        if (!LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {            Context context = getContext();            LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);            TextView allAppsButton = (TextView)                    inflater.inflate(R.layout.all_apps_button, mContent, false);            Drawable d = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.all_apps_button_icon);            mLauncher.resizeIconDrawable(d);            allAppsButton.setCompoundDrawables(null, d, null, null);            allAppsButton.setContentDescription(context.getString(R.string.all_apps_button_label));            allAppsButton.setOnKeyListener(new HotseatIconKeyEventListener());            if (mLauncher != null) {                mLauncher.setAllAppsButton(allAppsButton);                allAppsButton.setOnTouchListener(mLauncher.getHapticFeedbackTouchListener());                allAppsButton.setOnClickListener(mLauncher);                allAppsButton.setOnLongClickListener(mLauncher);                allAppsButton.setOnFocusChangeListener(mLauncher.mFocusHandler);            }            // Note: We do this to ensure that the hotseat is always laid out in the orientation of            // the hotseat in order regardless of which orientation they were added            int x = getCellXFromOrder(mAllAppsButtonRank);            int y = getCellYFromOrder(mAllAppsButtonRank);            CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = new CellLayout.LayoutParams(x,y,1,1);            lp.canReorder = false;            mContent.addViewToCellLayout(allAppsButton, -1, allAppsButton.getId(), lp, true);        }//E    }

HotSeat 增加背景

@Override    protected void onFinishInflate() {        super.onFinishInflate();        DeviceProfile grid = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile();        mAllAppsButtonRank = grid.inv.hotseatAllAppsRank;        mContent = (CellLayout) findViewById(R.id.layout);        if (grid.isLandscape && !grid.isLargeTablet) {            mContent.setGridSize(1, (int) grid.inv.numHotseatIcons);        } else {            mContent.setGridSize((int) grid.inv.numHotseatIcons, 1);        }        mContent.setIsHotseat(true);        Log.i(TAG, "onFinishInflate,(int) grid.numHotseatIcons: ");        //cczheng add hotseat bg [s]        if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {            setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.hotseat_bg);        }//E        resetLayout();    }


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >        <stroke        android:width="0.1dp"        android:color="#ffffffff" />    <solid android:color="#50000000" />    <corners android:radius="10dp" /></shape>

3、HotSeat 区域图标大小调整



public void layout(Launcher launcher) {        FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp;        boolean hasVerticalBarLayout = isVerticalBarLayout();        final boolean isLayoutRtl = Utilities.isRtl(launcher.getResources());        ....        else {            // For phones, layout the hotseat without any bottom margin            // to ensure that we have space for the folders            /*lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;            lp.width = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;            lp.height = hotseatBarHeightPx;            hotseat.findViewById(R.id.layout).setPadding(2 * edgeMarginPx, 0,                    2 * edgeMarginPx, 0);*/            //cczheng add if change hotseat default size S            if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {                lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER;                lp.width = 600;                lp.height = 120;            }else{//E                lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;                lp.width = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;                lp.height = hotseatBarHeightPx;                hotseat.findViewById(R.id.layout).setPadding(2 * edgeMarginPx, 0,                        2 * edgeMarginPx, 0);            }        }        hotseat.setLayoutParams(lp);...}



public float getChildrenScale() {        //cczheng add don't sclae large hotseat        return mIsHotseat ? (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps() ? 0.75f : mHotseatScale) : 1.0f;    }

4、HotSeat 禁止增删,禁止生成 Folder



public boolean onLongClick(View v) {....CellLayout.CellInfo longClickCellInfo = null;        View itemUnderLongClick = null;        if (v.getTag() instanceof ItemInfo) {            ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) v.getTag();            longClickCellInfo = new CellLayout.CellInfo(v, info);            itemUnderLongClick = longClickCellInfo.cell;            resetAddInfo();        }        //cczheng add , hotseat can't be moved and deleted [S]          if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {            if(longClickCellInfo != null && longClickCellInfo.container==-101){                    return false;                }        }//E...}

禁止生成 Folder


 boolean createUserFolderIfNecessary(View newView, long container, CellLayout target,            int[] targetCell, float distance, boolean external, DragView dragView,            Runnable postAnimationRunnable) {        ....        if (v == null || hasntMoved || !mCreateUserFolderOnDrop) {            if (LauncherLog.DEBUG) {                LauncherLog.d(TAG, "Do not create user folder: hasntMoved = " + hasntMoved                    + ", mCreateUserFolderOnDrop = " + mCreateUserFolderOnDrop + ", v = " + v);            }            return false;        }        //cczheng add don't creat folder in hotseat area [S]        if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps() && mLauncher.isHotseatLayout(target)) {            Log.e("Launcher3", "isHotseatLayout return false");            return false;        }        //[E]        mCreateUserFolderOnDrop = false;        final long screenId = (targetCell == null) ? mDragInfo.screenId : getIdForScreen(target);....}



public void onDragOver(DragObject d) {        if (LauncherLog.DEBUG_DRAG) {            LauncherLog.d(TAG, "onDragOver: d = " + d + ", dragInfo = " + d.dragInfo                + ", mInScrollArea = " + mInScrollArea + ", mIsSwitchingState = "                + mIsSwitchingState);        }        // Skip drag over events while we are dragging over side pages        if (mInScrollArea || !transitionStateShouldAllowDrop()) return;        .....        // Handle the drag over        if (mDragTargetLayout != null) {            // We want the point to be mapped to the dragTarget.            if (mLauncher.isHotseatLayout(mDragTargetLayout)) {                //cczheng don't show folder cicle when dragtarget in hotseat are                if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {                    Log.d("Launcher3", "don't show folder cicle when dragtarget in hotseat are");                    return;                }else{//E                    mapPointFromSelfToHotseatLayout(mLauncher.getHotseat(), mDragViewVisualCenter);                }            } else {                mapPointFromSelfToChild(mDragTargetLayout, mDragViewVisualCenter, null);            }....

5、将 AllAppsContainerView 中的图标加载到 Workspace


内部类 LoaderTask 中, run 方法

private class LoaderTask implements Runnable {        private Context mContext;        @Thunk boolean mIsLoadingAndBindingWorkspace;        private boolean mStopped;        @Thunk boolean mLoadAndBindStepFinished;        private int mFlags;        LoaderTask(Context context, int flags) {            mContext = context;            mFlags = flags;        }....public void run() {            ....            // Optimize for end-user experience: if the Launcher is up and // running with the            // All Apps interface in the foreground, load All Apps first. Otherwise, load the            // workspace first (default).            keep_running: {                if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 1: loading workspace");                loadAndBindWorkspace();                if (mStopped) {                    LauncherLog.i(TAG, "LoadTask break in the middle, this = " + this);                    break keep_running;                }                waitForIdle();                // second step                if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 2: loading all apps");                loadAndBindAllApps();                //cczheng add for load all app shortcut on workspace                if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {                  verifyApplications();                }//E            }            ....        }...

在 loadAndBindAllApps() 附近增加 verifyApplications()

//cczheng add for load all app shortcut on workspaceprivate void verifyApplications() {    Log.e("Launcher3", "verifyApplications()");    final Context context = mApp.getContext();    // Cross reference all the applications in our apps list with items in the workspace    ArrayList tmpInfos;    ArrayList added = new ArrayList();    Log.i("Launcher3", "mBgAllAppsList.data size=="+mBgAllAppsList.data.size());    synchronized (sBgLock) {      for (AppInfo app : mBgAllAppsList.data) {        tmpInfos = getItemInfoForComponentName(app.componentName, app.user, app.title.toString());        if (tmpInfos.isEmpty()) {          // We are missing an application icon, so add this to the workspace          added.add(app);          // This is a rare event, so lets log it          Log.e("Launcher3", "Missing Application on load: " + app);        }else{           Log.i("Launcher3", "app.componentName: " + app.componentName);         }      }    }    Log.e("Launcher3", "added.isEmpty()="+added.isEmpty());    if (!added.isEmpty()) {      addAndBindAddedWorkspaceItems(context, added);    }}//Eprivate void loadAndBindAllApps() {....}

内部类 PackageUpdatedTask 中,run 方法


private class PackageUpdatedTask implements Runnable {        int mOp;        String[] mPackages;        UserHandleCompat mUser;        public static final int OP_NONE = 0;        public static final int OP_ADD = 1;        public static final int OP_UPDATE = 2;        public static final int OP_REMOVE = 3; // uninstlled        public static final int OP_UNAVAILABLE = 4; // external media unmounted        public PackageUpdatedTask(int op, String[] packages, UserHandleCompat user) {            mOp = op;            mPackages = packages;            mUser = user;        }        public void run() {            ....            if (LauncherLog.DEBUG) {                LauncherLog.d(TAG, "PackageUpdatedTask: added = " + added + ",modified = "                        + modified + ",removedApps = " + removedApps);            }            final HashMap<ComponentName, AppInfo> addedOrUpdatedApps =                    new HashMap<ComponentName, AppInfo>();            if (added != null) {                //cczheng add for load all app shortcut on workspace                if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {                    final ArrayList<ItemInfo> addedInfos = new ArrayList<ItemInfo>(added);                    addAndBindAddedWorkspaceItems(context, addedInfos);                }else{//E                    addAppsToAllApps(context, added);                }                for (AppInfo ai : added) {                    addedOrUpdatedApps.put(ai.componentName, ai);                }            }            ....}

6、去除 Workspace 图标长按删除选项

ButtonDropTarget 的三个实现类,onDragStart() 中 通过 supportsDrop() 控制 ViewGroup 是否显示,那么我只需让 DeleteDropTarget 中 supportsDrop() 为 false

public static boolean supportsDrop(Object info) {        //cczheng add for don't show delete icon for shortcut [S]        android.util.Log.e("ccz","dele drop ");        if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {            if (info instanceof ShortcutInfo) {                ShortcutInfo item = (ShortcutInfo) info;                return item.itemType != LauncherSettings.BaseLauncherColumns.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION;            }            return info instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo;        }        //cczheng add for don't show delete icon for shortcut [E]        return (info instanceof ShortcutInfo)                || (info instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo)                || (info instanceof FolderInfo);    }



public class InvariantDeviceProfile {....DeviceProfile landscapeProfile;    DeviceProfile portraitProfile;//cczheng add     boolean isDisableAllApps = LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps();     InvariantDeviceProfile() {    }...ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> getPredefinedDeviceProfiles() {        ArrayList<InvariantDeviceProfile> predefinedDeviceProfiles = new ArrayList<>();        ....        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus S",                296, 491.33f, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 48, 13, 5, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 4",                335, 567,     4, 4, 4, 4, 4, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP, 13, 5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 5",                359, 567,     4, 4, 4, 4, 4, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP, 13, 5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        //cczheng add,4x5 xml,5 rows,4 columns [S]        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("MTK",                375, 567,     5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 56, 10, isDisableAllApps ? 3 : 5,                 56,                 isDisableAllApps ? R.xml.default_workspace_4x5_no_all_apps : R.xml.default_workspace_4x5));        //cczheng add,4x5 xml,5 rows,4 columns [E]        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Large Phone",                406, 694,     5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 64, 14.4f,  5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_5x5));        ....        return predefinedDeviceProfiles;    }....}


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