
package com.tongyi.edu.util;import android.app.Activity;import android.content.Context;import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;import android.hardware.Sensor;import android.hardware.SensorEvent;import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;import android.hardware.SensorManager;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.Message;public class ScreenSwitchUtils {    private volatile static ScreenSwitchUtils mInstance;    private Activity mActivity;    // 是否是竖屏    private boolean isPortrait = true;         private SensorManager sm;    private OrientationSensorListener listener;    private Sensor sensor;     private SensorManager sm1;    private Sensor sensor1;    private OrientationSensorListener1 listener1;         private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {            switch (msg.what) {            case 888:                int orientation = msg.arg1;                if (orientation > 45 && orientation < 135) {                if (isPortrait) {                        //切换成横屏反向:ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE                mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(8);                isPortrait = false;                }                } else if (orientation > 135 && orientation < 225) {                if (!isPortrait) {                        /*                         * 切换成竖屏反向:ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT(9),                         * ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR:根据重力感应自动旋转                         * 此处正常应该是上面第一个属性,但是在真机测试时显示为竖屏正向,所以用第二个替代                         */                mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR);                isPortrait = true;                }                } else if (orientation > 225 && orientation < 315) {                    if (isPortrait) {                        //切换成横屏:ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE                        mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(0);                        isPortrait = false;                    }                } else if ((orientation > 315 && orientation < 360) || (orientation > 0 && orientation < 45)) {                    if (!isPortrait) {                        //切换成竖屏ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT                        mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(1);                        isPortrait = true;                    }                }                break;            default:                break;            }         };    };         /** 返回ScreenSwitchUtils单例 **/    public static ScreenSwitchUtils init(Context context) {        if (mInstance == null) {            synchronized (ScreenSwitchUtils.class) {                if (mInstance == null) {                    mInstance = new ScreenSwitchUtils(context);                }            }        }        return mInstance;    }     private ScreenSwitchUtils(Context context) {        // 注册重力感应器,监听屏幕旋转        sm = (SensorManager) context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);        sensor = sm.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);        listener = new OrientationSensorListener(mHandler);         // 根据 旋转之后/点击全屏之后 两者方向一致,激活sm.        sm1 = (SensorManager) context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);        sensor1 = sm1.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);        listener1 = new OrientationSensorListener1();    }         /** 开始监听 */    public void start(Activity activity) {        mActivity = activity;        sm.registerListener(listener, sensor, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI);    }     /** 停止监听 */    public void stop() {        sm.unregisterListener(listener);        sm1.unregisterListener(listener1);    }         /**     * 手动横竖屏切换方向     */    public void toggleScreen() {        sm.unregisterListener(listener);        sm1.registerListener(listener1, sensor1,SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI);        if (isPortrait) {            isPortrait = false;            // 切换成横屏            mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);        } else {            isPortrait = true;            // 切换成竖屏            mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);        }    }         public boolean isPortrait(){        return this.isPortrait;    }        /**     * 重力感应监听者     */    public class OrientationSensorListener implements SensorEventListener {        private static final int _DATA_X = 0;        private static final int _DATA_Y = 1;        private static final int _DATA_Z = 2;         public static final int ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN = -1;         private Handler rotateHandler;         public OrientationSensorListener(Handler handler) {            rotateHandler = handler;        }         public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor arg0, int arg1) {        }         public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {            float[] values = event.values;            int orientation = ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN;            float X = -values[_DATA_X];            float Y = -values[_DATA_Y];            float Z = -values[_DATA_Z];            float magnitude = X * X + Y * Y;            // Don't trust the angle if the magnitude is small compared to the y            // value            if (magnitude * 4 >= Z * Z) {                // 屏幕旋转时                float OneEightyOverPi = 57.29577957855f;                float angle = (float) Math.atan2(-Y, X) * OneEightyOverPi;                orientation = 90 - (int) Math.round(angle);                // normalize to 0 - 359 range                while (orientation >= 360) {                    orientation -= 360;                }                while (orientation < 0) {                    orientation += 360;                }            }            if (rotateHandler != null) {                rotateHandler.obtainMessage(888, orientation, 0).sendToTarget();            }        }    }     public class OrientationSensorListener1 implements SensorEventListener {        private static final int _DATA_X = 0;        private static final int _DATA_Y = 1;        private static final int _DATA_Z = 2;         public static final int ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN = -1;         public OrientationSensorListener1() {        }         public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor arg0, int arg1) {        }         public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {            float[] values = event.values;            int orientation = ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN;            float X = -values[_DATA_X];            float Y = -values[_DATA_Y];            float Z = -values[_DATA_Z];            float magnitude = X * X + Y * Y;            // Don't trust the angle if the magnitude is small compared to the y            // value            if (magnitude * 4 >= Z * Z) {                // 屏幕旋转时                float OneEightyOverPi = 57.29577957855f;                float angle = (float) Math.atan2(-Y, X) * OneEightyOverPi;                orientation = 90 - (int) Math.round(angle);                // normalize to 0 - 359 range                while (orientation >= 360) {                    orientation -= 360;                }                while (orientation < 0) {                    orientation += 360;                }            }            if (orientation > 225 && orientation < 315) {// 检测到当前实际是横屏                if (!isPortrait) {                    sm.registerListener(listener, sensor,SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI);                    sm1.unregisterListener(listener1);                }            } else if ((orientation > 315 && orientation < 360) || (orientation > 0 && orientation < 45)) {// 检测到当前实际是竖屏                if (isPortrait) {                    sm.registerListener(listener, sensor,SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI);                    sm1.unregisterListener(listener1);                }            }        }    }}
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {    private ScreenSwitchUtils instance;     @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        instance = ScreenSwitchUtils.init(this.getApplicationContext());    }     @Override    protected void onStart() {        super.onStart();        instance.start(this);    }     @Override    protected void onStop() {        super.onStop();        instance.stop();    }     @Override    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {        super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);        if (instance.isPortrait()) {            // 切换成竖屏        } else {            // 切换成横屏        }    }     @Override    public void onClick(View arg0) {        switch (arg0.getId()) {        case R.id.iv_stretch:            instance.toggleScreen();            break;        }    }}

"unspecified" 默认值,由系统来选择方向。它的使用策略,以及由于选择时特定的上下文环境,可能会因为设备的差异而不同。
"user" 使用用户当前首选的方向。
"behind" 使用Activity堆栈中与该Activity之下的那个Activity的相同的方向。
"landscape" 横向显示(宽度比高度要大)
"portrait" 纵向显示(高度比宽度要大)
"reverseLandscape" 与正常的横向方向相反显示,在API Level 9中被引入。
"reversePortrait" 与正常的纵向方向相反显示,在API Level 9中被引入。
"sensorLandscape" 横向显示,但是基于设备传感器,既可以是按正常方向显示,也可以反向显示,在API Level 9中被引入。
"sensorPortrait" 纵向显示,但是基于设备传感器,既可以是按正常方向显示,也可以反向显示,在API Level 9中被引入。
"sensor" 显示的方向是由设备的方向传感器来决定的。显示方向依赖与用户怎样持有设备;当用户旋转设备时,显示的方向会改变。但是,默认情况下,有些设备不会在所有的四个方向上都旋转,因此要允许在所有的四个方向上都能旋转,就要使用fullSensor属性值。
"fullSensor" 显示的方向(4个方向)是由设备的方向传感器来决定的,除了它允许屏幕有4个显示方向之外,其他与设置为“sensor”时情况类似,不管什么样的设备,通常都会这么做。例如,某些设备通常不使用纵向倒转或横向反转,但是使用这个设置,还是会发生这样的反转。这个值在API Level 9中引入。
"nosensor" 屏幕的显示方向不会参照物理方向传感器。传感器会被忽略,所以显示不会因用户移动设备而旋转。除了这个差别之外,系统会使用与“unspecified”设置相同的策略来旋转屏幕的方向。


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