
获取Native Service

static jint nativeListen(JNIEnv* env, jobject remoteDisplayObj, jstring ifaceStr) {    ScopedUtfChars iface(env, ifaceStr);    sp sm = defaultServiceManager();    sp service = interface_cast(            sm->getService(String16("media.player")));    if (service == NULL) {        ALOGE("Could not obtain IMediaPlayerService from service manager");        return 0;    }    sp client(new NativeRemoteDisplayClient(env, remoteDisplayObj));    sp display = service->listenForRemoteDisplay(            client, String8(iface.c_str()));

android::sp IMediaPlayerService::asInterface(                          const android::sp& obj)                     {                                                                         android::sp intr;                                       if (obj != NULL) {                                                        intr = static_cast(                                        obj->queryLocalInterface(                                                     IMediaPlayerService::descriptor).get());                         if (intr == NULL) {                                                       intr = new BpMediaPlayerService(obj);                                    }                                                                 }                                                                     return intr;                                                      } 

    virtual sp getService(const String16& name) const    {        unsigned n;        for (n = 0; n < 5; n++){            sp svc = checkService(name);            if (svc != NULL) return svc;            ALOGI("Waiting for service %s...\n", String8(name).string());            sleep(1);        }        return NULL;    }    virtual sp checkService( const String16& name) const    {        Parcel data, reply;        data.writeInterfaceToken(IServiceManager::getInterfaceDescriptor());        data.writeString16(name);        remote()->transact(CHECK_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, &reply);        return reply.readStrongBinder();    }

getService方法循环5次调用checkService方法来获取MediaPlayerService,以防在客户端调用的时候,MediaPlayerService还没来得及注册。在checkService()中,首先写入向Parcel中写入strict mode和"android.os.IServiceManager",然后再写入"media.player"。最后调用remote()->transact将数据发送出去。我们前面分析过,这里的remote()就是BpBinder(0),最终会调用IPCThreadState的transact方法。在transact方法中,首先将上面的data Parcel中的数据写入到mOut中,然后调用talkWithDriver()把数据发往binder驱动,发往binder驱动的数据如下:
binder_transaction_data target(handle) 0
cookie 0
flags 0
sender_pid 0
sender_euid 0
buffer Strict Mode     0
interface         "android.os.IServiceManager"
name                ”media.player"
offsets 0

static void binder_transaction(struct binder_proc *proc,                               struct binder_thread *thread,                               struct binder_transaction_data *tr, int reply){        struct binder_transaction *t;        struct binder_work *tcomplete;        size_t *offp, *off_end;        struct binder_proc *target_proc;        struct binder_thread *target_thread = NULL;        struct binder_node *target_node = NULL;        struct list_head *target_list;        wait_queue_head_t *target_wait;        struct binder_transaction *in_reply_to = NULL;        struct binder_transaction_log_entry *e;        uint32_t return_error;        e = binder_transaction_log_add(&binder_transaction_log);        e->call_type = reply ? 2 : !!(tr->flags & TF_ONE_WAY);        e->from_proc = proc->pid;        e->from_thread = thread->pid;        e->target_handle = tr->target.handle;        e->data_size = tr->data_size;        e->offsets_size = tr->offsets_size;        if (reply) {        } else {                if (tr->target.handle) {                } else {                        target_node = binder_context_mgr_node;                        if (target_node == NULL) {                        }                }                e->to_node = target_node->debug_id;                target_proc = target_node->proc;                if (target_proc == NULL) {                }                if (security_binder_transaction(proc->tsk, target_proc->tsk) < 0) {                        return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                        goto err_invalid_target_handle;                }                if (!(tr->flags & TF_ONE_WAY) && thread->transaction_stack) {                }        }        if (target_thread) {        } else {                target_list = &target_proc->todo;                target_wait = &target_proc->wait;        }        e->to_proc = target_proc->pid;        /* TODO: reuse incoming transaction for reply */        t = kzalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);        if (t == NULL) {                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_alloc_t_failed;        }        binder_stats_created(BINDER_STAT_TRANSACTION);        tcomplete = kzalloc(sizeof(*tcomplete), GFP_KERNEL);        if (tcomplete == NULL) {                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_alloc_tcomplete_failed;        }        binder_stats_created(BINDER_STAT_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE);        t->debug_id = ++binder_last_id;        e->debug_id = t->debug_id;        if (!reply && !(tr->flags & TF_ONE_WAY))                t->from = thread;        else                t->from = NULL;        t->sender_euid = proc->tsk->cred->euid;        t->to_proc = target_proc;        t->to_thread = target_thread;        t->code = tr->code;        t->flags = tr->flags;        t->priority = task_nice(current);        trace_binder_transaction(reply, t, target_node);        t->buffer = binder_alloc_buf(target_proc, tr->data_size,                tr->offsets_size, !reply && (t->flags & TF_ONE_WAY));        if (t->buffer == NULL) {                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_binder_alloc_buf_failed;        }        t->buffer->allow_user_free = 0;        t->buffer->debug_id = t->debug_id;        t->buffer->transaction = t;        t->buffer->target_node = target_node;        trace_binder_transaction_alloc_buf(t->buffer);        if (target_node)                binder_inc_node(target_node, 1, 0, NULL);        offp = (size_t *)(t->buffer->data + ALIGN(tr->data_size, sizeof(void *)));        if (copy_from_user(t->buffer->data, tr->data.ptr.buffer, tr->data_size)) {                binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid "                        "data ptr\n", proc->pid, thread->pid);                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_copy_data_failed;        }        if (copy_from_user(offp, tr->data.ptr.offsets, tr->offsets_size)) {                binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid "                        "offsets ptr\n", proc->pid, thread->pid);                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_copy_data_failed;        }        if (!IS_ALIGNED(tr->offsets_size, sizeof(size_t))) {                binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d got transaction with "                        "invalid offsets size, %zd\n",                        proc->pid, thread->pid, tr->offsets_size);                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_bad_offset;        }        off_end = (void *)offp + tr->offsets_size;        if (reply) {        } else if (!(t->flags & TF_ONE_WAY)) {                BUG_ON(t->buffer->async_transaction != 0);                t->need_reply = 1;                t->from_parent = thread->transaction_stack;                thread->transaction_stack = t;        } else {        }        t->work.type = BINDER_WORK_TRANSACTION;        list_add_tail(&t->work.entry, target_list);        tcomplete->type = BINDER_WORK_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE;        list_add_tail(&tcomplete->entry, &thread->todo);        if (target_wait)                wake_up_interruptible(target_wait);        return;

int svcmgr_handler(struct binder_state *bs,                   struct binder_txn *txn,                   struct binder_io *msg,                   struct binder_io *reply){    struct svcinfo *si;    uint16_t *s;    unsigned len;    void *ptr;    uint32_t strict_policy;    int allow_isolated;    if (txn->target != svcmgr_handle)        return -1;    strict_policy = bio_get_uint32(msg);    s = bio_get_string16(msg, &len);    if ((len != (sizeof(svcmgr_id) / 2)) ||        memcmp(svcmgr_id, s, sizeof(svcmgr_id))) {        fprintf(stderr,"invalid id %s\n", str8(s));        return -1;    }    switch(txn->code) {    case SVC_MGR_GET_SERVICE:    case SVC_MGR_CHECK_SERVICE:        s = bio_get_string16(msg, &len);        ptr = do_find_service(bs, s, len, txn->sender_euid);        if (!ptr)            break;        bio_put_ref(reply, ptr);        return 0;

void *do_find_service(struct binder_state *bs, uint16_t *s, unsigned len, unsigned uid){    struct svcinfo *si;    si = find_svc(s, len);    if (si && si->ptr) {        if (!si->allow_isolated) {            unsigned appid = uid % AID_USER;            if (appid >= AID_ISOLATED_START && appid <= AID_ISOLATED_END) {                return 0;            }        }        return si->ptr;    } else {        return 0;    }}

首先通过find_svc找到media.player的svcinfo,然后返回它的ptr指针。通过注册Service的知识,我们知道,这里的ptr指针实际上就是指向前面注册Service的handle id值。然后调用bio_put_ref(reply, ptr)将获得的ptr写入到reply中。
void bio_put_ref(struct binder_io *bio, void *ptr){    struct binder_object *obj;    if (ptr)        obj = bio_alloc_obj(bio);    else        obj = bio_alloc(bio, sizeof(*obj));    if (!obj)        return;    obj->flags = 0x7f | FLAT_BINDER_FLAG_ACCEPTS_FDS;    obj->type = BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE;    obj->pointer = ptr;    obj->cookie = 0;}

static void binder_transaction(struct binder_proc *proc,                               struct binder_thread *thread,                               struct binder_transaction_data *tr, int reply){        struct binder_transaction *t;        struct binder_work *tcomplete;        size_t *offp, *off_end;        struct binder_proc *target_proc;        struct binder_thread *target_thread = NULL;        struct binder_node *target_node = NULL;        struct list_head *target_list;        wait_queue_head_t *target_wait;        struct binder_transaction *in_reply_to = NULL;        struct binder_transaction_log_entry *e;        uint32_t return_error;        e = binder_transaction_log_add(&binder_transaction_log);        e->call_type = reply ? 2 : !!(tr->flags & TF_ONE_WAY);        e->from_proc = proc->pid;        e->from_thread = thread->pid;        e->target_handle = tr->target.handle;        e->data_size = tr->data_size;        e->offsets_size = tr->offsets_size;        if (reply) {                in_reply_to = thread->transaction_stack;                if (in_reply_to == NULL) {                }                binder_set_nice(in_reply_to->saved_priority);                if (in_reply_to->to_thread != thread) {                }                thread->transaction_stack = in_reply_to->to_parent;                target_thread = in_reply_to->from;                if (target_thread == NULL) {                        return_error = BR_DEAD_REPLY;                        goto err_dead_binder;                }                if (target_thread->transaction_stack != in_reply_to) {                }                target_proc = target_thread->proc;        } else {                       }        if (target_thread) {                e->to_thread = target_thread->pid;                target_list = &target_thread->todo;                target_wait = &target_thread->wait;        } else {        }        e->to_proc = target_proc->pid;        /* TODO: reuse incoming transaction for reply */        t = kzalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);        if (t == NULL) {                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_alloc_t_failed;        }        binder_stats_created(BINDER_STAT_TRANSACTION);        tcomplete = kzalloc(sizeof(*tcomplete), GFP_KERNEL);        if (tcomplete == NULL) {                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_alloc_tcomplete_failed;        }        binder_stats_created(BINDER_STAT_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE);        t->debug_id = ++binder_last_id;        e->debug_id = t->debug_id;        if (!reply && !(tr->flags & TF_ONE_WAY))                t->from = thread;        else                t->from = NULL;        t->sender_euid = proc->tsk->cred->euid;        t->to_proc = target_proc;        t->to_thread = target_thread;        t->code = tr->code;        t->flags = tr->flags;        t->priority = task_nice(current);        trace_binder_transaction(reply, t, target_node);        t->buffer = binder_alloc_buf(target_proc, tr->data_size,                tr->offsets_size, !reply && (t->flags & TF_ONE_WAY));        if (t->buffer == NULL) {                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_binder_alloc_buf_failed;        }        t->buffer->allow_user_free = 0;        t->buffer->debug_id = t->debug_id;        t->buffer->transaction = t;        t->buffer->target_node = target_node;        trace_binder_transaction_alloc_buf(t->buffer);        if (target_node)                binder_inc_node(target_node, 1, 0, NULL);        offp = (size_t *)(t->buffer->data + ALIGN(tr->data_size, sizeof(void *)));        if (copy_from_user(t->buffer->data, tr->data.ptr.buffer, tr->data_size)) {                binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid "                        "data ptr\n", proc->pid, thread->pid);                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_copy_data_failed;        }        if (copy_from_user(offp, tr->data.ptr.offsets, tr->offsets_size)) {                binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d got transaction with invalid "                        "offsets ptr\n", proc->pid, thread->pid);                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                goto err_copy_data_failed;        }        off_end = (void *)offp + tr->offsets_size;        for (; offp < off_end; offp++) {                struct flat_binder_object *fp;                if (*offp > t->buffer->data_size - sizeof(*fp) ||                }                fp = (struct flat_binder_object *)(t->buffer->data + *offp);                switch (fp->type) {                case BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE:                case BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_HANDLE: {                        struct binder_ref *ref = binder_get_ref(proc, fp->handle);                        if (ref == NULL) {                                binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d got "                                        "transaction with invalid "                                        "handle, %ld\n", proc->pid,                                        thread->pid, fp->handle);                                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                                goto err_binder_get_ref_failed;                        }                        if (security_binder_transfer_binder(proc->tsk, target_proc->tsk)) {                                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                                goto err_binder_get_ref_failed;                        }                        if (ref->node->proc == target_proc) {                                if (fp->type == BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE)                                        fp->type = BINDER_TYPE_BINDER;                                else                                        fp->type = BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_BINDER;                                fp->binder = ref->node->ptr;                                fp->cookie = ref->node->cookie;                                binder_inc_node(ref->node, fp->type == BINDER_TYPE_BINDER, 0, NULL);                                trace_binder_transaction_ref_to_node(t, ref);                                binder_debug(BINDER_DEBUG_TRANSACTION,                                             "        ref %d desc %d -> node %d u%p\n",                                             ref->debug_id, ref->desc, ref->node->debug_id,                                             ref->node->ptr);                        } else {                                struct binder_ref *new_ref;                                new_ref = binder_get_ref_for_node(target_proc, ref->node);                                if (new_ref == NULL) {                                        return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                                        goto err_binder_get_ref_for_node_failed;                                }                                fp->handle = new_ref->desc;                                binder_inc_ref(new_ref, fp->type == BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE, NULL);                                trace_binder_transaction_ref_to_ref(t, ref,                                                                    new_ref);                                binder_debug(BINDER_DEBUG_TRANSACTION,                                             "        ref %d desc %d -> ref %d desc %d (node %d)\n",                                             ref->debug_id, ref->desc, new_ref->debug_id,                                             new_ref->desc, ref->node->debug_id);                        }                } break;                }        }        if (reply) {                BUG_ON(t->buffer->async_transaction != 0);                binder_pop_transaction(target_thread, in_reply_to);        } else if (!(t->flags & TF_ONE_WAY)) {        } else {        }        t->work.type = BINDER_WORK_TRANSACTION;        list_add_tail(&t->work.entry, target_list);        tcomplete->type = BINDER_WORK_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE;        list_add_tail(&tcomplete->entry, &thread->todo);        if (target_wait)                wake_up_interruptible(target_wait);        return;

这里与前面处理BC_REPLY不同的是,在binder_transaction_data中的offsets_size不为0,所以要去处理buffer里面的flat_binder_object结构,其实这里的flat_binder_object结构就是上面的binder_object。这里首先通过handle id找到前面注册的binder_ref结构,然后通过binder_ref的node变量就可以找到binder_node结构,在binder_node中就存在只有我们注册的MediaplayerService对象了。这里首先判断ref->node->proc == target_proc,即注册的进程和现在获取MediaPlayerService的进程是否是同一个,如果是,则改写fp->type为BINDER_TYPE_BINDER,并设置fp->binder为binder->getWeakRefs(),fp->cookie等于binder->local本身。如果不是在同一个进程(这也是大多数case的状况),则首先调用binder_get_ref_for_node为获取MediaPlayerService的进程分配一个新的binder_ref结构,这里的binder id值可能不是之前注册的binder id值了(因为不在同一个进程,desc是往上增长的),然后设置fp->handle为新的desc值。最后返回到用户空间,在waitForResponse中,还是调用Parcel的ipcSetDataReference构造相应的数据结构,并让Parcel中的mData指针指向上面的binder_buffer。然后回到BpServiceMananger中的checkService方法,它会调用Parcel的readStrongBinder返回一个新的BpBinder。
sp Parcel::readStrongBinder() const{    sp val;    unflatten_binder(ProcessState::self(), *this, &val);    return val;}status_t unflatten_binder(const sp& proc,    const Parcel& in, sp* out){    const flat_binder_object* flat = in.readObject(false);        if (flat) {        switch (flat->type) {            case BINDER_TYPE_BINDER:                *out = static_cast(flat->cookie);                return finish_unflatten_binder(NULL, *flat, in);            case BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE:                *out = proc->getStrongProxyForHandle(flat->handle);                return finish_unflatten_binder(                    static_cast(out->get()), *flat, in);        }            }    return BAD_TYPE;}

sp ProcessState::getStrongProxyForHandle(int32_t handle){    sp result;    AutoMutex _l(mLock);    handle_entry* e = lookupHandleLocked(handle);    if (e != NULL) {        IBinder* b = e->binder;        if (b == NULL || !e->refs->attemptIncWeak(this)) {            if (handle == 0) {                Parcel data;                status_t status = IPCThreadState::self()->transact(                        0, IBinder::PING_TRANSACTION, data, NULL, 0);                if (status == DEAD_OBJECT)                   return NULL;            }            b = new BpBinder(handle);             e->binder = b;            if (b) e->refs = b->getWeakRefs();            result = b;        } else {            result.force_set(b);            e->refs->decWeak(this);        }    }    return result;}

这里通过handle id值去mHandleToObject数组中查找,如果前面有调用过MediaPlayerService的方法,就会存在这样一个handle_entry;若是第一次调用,这里会构造一个新的handle_entry,并将其binder设置为NULL,然后返回。这里的handle id肯定是大于0,所以构造一个BpBinder(handle)对象并返回。 回到最开始的IMediaPlayerService的asInterface方法:
android::sp IMediaPlayerService::asInterface(                          const android::sp& obj)                     {                                                                         android::sp intr;                                       if (obj != NULL) {                                                        intr = static_cast(                                        obj->queryLocalInterface(                                                     IMediaPlayerService::descriptor).get());                         if (intr == NULL) {                                                       intr = new BpMediaPlayerService(obj);                                    }                                                                 }                                                                     return intr;                                                      } 


调用Native Service的方法

    virtual sp listenForRemoteDisplay(const sp& client,            const String8& iface)    {        Parcel data, reply;        data.writeInterfaceToken(IMediaPlayerService::getInterfaceDescriptor());        data.writeStrongBinder(client->asBinder());        data.writeString8(iface);        remote()->transact(LISTEN_FOR_REMOTE_DISPLAY, data, &reply);        return interface_cast(reply.readStrongBinder());    }

这里首先向Parcel中写入strict mode和"android.media.IMediaPlayerService"字串,然后将两个参数也写入到data中。调用remote()->transact方法其实就是调用BpBinder(handle)->transac方法:
status_t BpBinder::transact(    uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags){    // Once a binder has died, it will never come back to life.    if (mAlive) {        status_t status = IPCThreadState::self()->transact(            mHandle, code, data, reply, flags);        if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) mAlive = 0;        return status;    }    return DEAD_OBJECT;}

这里的mHandle就是上面的handle id(大于0),code就是LISTEN_FOR_REMOTE_DISPLAY。然后调用IPCThreadState的transact方法,这里的流程就不分析了,基本与前面注册AudioFlinger的流程差不多,最终会调用到binder_transaction方法:
static void binder_transaction(struct binder_proc *proc,                               struct binder_thread *thread,                               struct binder_transaction_data *tr, int reply){        struct binder_transaction *t;        struct binder_work *tcomplete;        size_t *offp, *off_end;        struct binder_proc *target_proc;        struct binder_thread *target_thread = NULL;        struct binder_node *target_node = NULL;        struct list_head *target_list;        wait_queue_head_t *target_wait;        struct binder_transaction *in_reply_to = NULL;        struct binder_transaction_log_entry *e;        uint32_t return_error;        e = binder_transaction_log_add(&binder_transaction_log);        e->call_type = reply ? 2 : !!(tr->flags & TF_ONE_WAY);        e->from_proc = proc->pid;        e->from_thread = thread->pid;        e->target_handle = tr->target.handle;        e->data_size = tr->data_size;        e->offsets_size = tr->offsets_size;        if (reply) {        } else {                if (tr->target.handle) {                        struct binder_ref *ref;                        ref = binder_get_ref(proc, tr->target.handle);                        if (ref == NULL) {                                binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d got "                                        "transaction to invalid handle\n",                                        proc->pid, thread->pid);                                return_error = BR_FAILED_REPLY;                                goto err_invalid_target_handle;                        }                        target_node = ref->node;                } else {                }                e->to_node = target_node->debug_id;                target_proc = target_node->proc;                if (target_proc == NULL) {                }                if (!(tr->flags & TF_ONE_WAY) && thread->transaction_stack) {                }        }        if (target_thread) {        } else {                target_list = &target_proc->todo;                target_wait = &target_proc->wait;        }

这里的代码大致与注册Sevice的流程差不多,只是tr->target.handle的不同,当注册Service时,这里的handle等于0;当调用MediaPlayerService时,这是的handle值大于0。所以上面的代码先调用binder_get_ref通过handle id值找到对应的binder_ref结构,然后设置target_node = ref->node。接下来的代码与注册service的一样,首先为NativeRemoteDisplayClient申请一个binder_node和binder_ref结构,并将fp->type 改为 BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE,fp->handle改为 ref->desc。最后往MediaPlayerService的todo链表中插入一个binder_transaction结构,当MediaPlayerService所在的线程通过binder_thread_read读出待处理的任务时,它的数据结构如下:
binder_transaction_data target(handle) handel id(大于0)
cookie 0
flags 0
sender_pid 调用listenForRemoteDisplay 的线程pid
sender_euid 0
buffer Strict Mode     0
interface         "android.os.IServiceManager"
flat_binder_object     type     BINDER_TYPE_HANDEL
                                           flags      0
                                           binder   ref->desc
                                           cookie   local
iface                                 ip:port
offsets 0

    case BR_TRANSACTION:        {            binder_transaction_data tr;            result = mIn.read(&tr, sizeof(tr));                        Parcel buffer;            buffer.ipcSetDataReference(                reinterpret_cast(tr.data.ptr.buffer),                tr.data_size,                reinterpret_cast(tr.data.ptr.offsets),                tr.offsets_size/sizeof(size_t), freeBuffer, this);                        const pid_t origPid = mCallingPid;            const uid_t origUid = mCallingUid;                        mCallingPid = tr.sender_pid;            mCallingUid = tr.sender_euid;                        int curPrio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, mMyThreadId);            if (gDisableBackgroundScheduling) {                if (curPrio > ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL) {                    setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, mMyThreadId, ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL);                }            } else {                if (curPrio >= ANDROID_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) {                    set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_BACKGROUND);                }            }                        Parcel reply;            if (tr.target.ptr) {                sp b((BBinder*)tr.cookie);                const status_t error = b->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, tr.flags);                if (error < NO_ERROR) reply.setError(error);            } else {                const status_t error = the_context_object->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, tr.flags);                if (error < NO_ERROR) reply.setError(error);            }                        //ALOGI("<<<< TRANSACT from pid %d restore pid %d uid %d\n",            //     mCallingPid, origPid, origUid);                        if ((tr.flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0) {                LOG_ONEWAY("Sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid);                sendReply(reply, 0);            } else {                LOG_ONEWAY("NOT sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid);            }                        mCallingPid = origPid;            mCallingUid = origUid;                    }        break;

status_t BBinder::transact(    uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags){    data.setDataPosition(0);    status_t err = NO_ERROR;    switch (code) {        case PING_TRANSACTION:            reply->writeInt32(pingBinder());            break;        default:            err = onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);            break;    }    if (reply != NULL) {        reply->setDataPosition(0);    }    return err;}

status_t BnMediaPlayerService::onTransact(    uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags){    switch (code) {        case LISTEN_FOR_REMOTE_DISPLAY: {            CHECK_INTERFACE(IMediaPlayerService, data, reply);            sp client(                    interface_cast(data.readStrongBinder()));            String8 iface(data.readString8());            sp display(listenForRemoteDisplay(client, iface));            reply->writeStrongBinder(display->asBinder());            return NO_ERROR;        } break;

通过data中读出记录的RemoteDisplayClient的handle id值构造一个BpRemoteDisplayClient对象,再读出iface值。然后调用MediaPlayerService的listenForRemoteDisplay方法:
sp MediaPlayerService::listenForRemoteDisplay(        const sp& client, const String8& iface) {    if (!checkPermission("android.permission.CONTROL_WIFI_DISPLAY")) {        return NULL;    }    return new RemoteDisplay(client, iface.string());}

status_t IPCThreadState::sendReply(const Parcel& reply, uint32_t flags){    status_t err;    status_t statusBuffer;    err = writeTransactionData(BC_REPLY, flags, -1, 0, reply, &statusBuffer);    if (err < NO_ERROR) return err;        return waitForResponse(NULL, NULL);}

这里调用writeTransactionData将reply中的数据写入到mOut中,然后调用waitForResponse将数据发送到binder驱动中。这里的两个参数都是NULL,表示不需要等待BR_REPLY,收到BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE后就直接退出。在binder驱动收到上面的数据后,和注册Service类似,首先创建一个binder_transaction的结构,然后将target_thread和target_proc都设置为调用listenForRemoteDisplay方法的线程,然后创建binder_buffer,将上面的RemoteDisplay对象拷贝到binder_buffer中,并改写fp->type 改为 BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE,fp->handle 改为ref->desc。最后将这个binder_transaction放在调用listenForRemoteDisplay线程的todo链表中。当调用listenForRemoteDisplay线程通过waitForResponse获取到BR_REPLY后,通过binder_transaction_data中的buffer数据构造一个reply(Pacel)对象,然后调用interface_cast(reply.readStrongBinder()),就会返回一个BpRemoteDisplay(BpBinder(handle id))的对象。这里的RemoteDisplay又是一个binder调用,后面调用它的方法时就像我们调用MediaPlayerService的方法一样,需要进过binder驱动去实现跨进程的调用。


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