本章开始介绍下MonkeyrunnerAPI, 以便了解其具体的使用。

void press (string name, dictionary type) : 可以说是对键盘的操作

Sends the key event specified by type to the key specified by keycode.

void press (string name, integer type)

Sends the key event specified by type to the key specified by keycode.

name The name of the keycode to send. See KeyEvent for a list of keycode names. Use the keycode name, not its integer value.
type The type of key event to send. The allowed values are DOWN, UP, and DOWN_AND_UP.

E.g. 点击menu按钮

device.press('KEYCODE_MENU', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)


int ACTION_DOWN getAction() value: the key has been pressed down.
int ACTION_MULTIPLE getAction() value: multiple duplicate key events have occurred in a row, or a complex string is being delivered.
int ACTION_UP getAction() value: the key has been released.
int FLAG_CANCELED When associated with up key events, this indicates that the key press has been canceled.
int FLAG_CANCELED_LONG_PRESS Set when a key event has FLAG_CANCELED set because a long press action was executed while it was down.
int FLAG_EDITOR_ACTION This mask is used for compatibility, to identify enter keys that are coming from an IME whose enter key has been auto-labelled "next" or "done".
int FLAG_FALLBACK Set when a key event has been synthesized to implement default behavior for an event that the application did not handle.
int FLAG_FROM_SYSTEM This mask is set if an event was known to come from a trusted part of the system.
int FLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODE This mask is set if we don't want the key event to cause us to leave touch mode.
int FLAG_LONG_PRESS This flag is set for the first key repeat that occurs after the long press timeout.
int FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD This mask is set if the key event was generated by a software keyboard.
int FLAG_TRACKING Set for ACTION_UP when this event's key code is still being tracked from its initial down.
int FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY This key event was generated by a virtual (on-screen) hard key area.
int FLAG_WOKE_HERE This mask is set if the device woke because of this key event.
int KEYCODE_0 Key code constant: '0' key.
int KEYCODE_1 Key code constant: '1' key.
int KEYCODE_2 Key code constant: '2' key.
int KEYCODE_3 Key code constant: '3' key.
int KEYCODE_3D_MODE Key code constant: 3D Mode key.
int KEYCODE_4 Key code constant: '4' key.
int KEYCODE_5 Key code constant: '5' key.
int KEYCODE_6 Key code constant: '6' key.
int KEYCODE_7 Key code constant: '7' key.
int KEYCODE_8 Key code constant: '8' key.
int KEYCODE_9 Key code constant: '9' key.
int KEYCODE_A Key code constant: 'A' key.
int KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT Key code constant: Left Alt modifier key.
int KEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT Key code constant: Right Alt modifier key.
int KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE Key code constant: ''' (apostrophe) key.
int KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH Key code constant: App switch key.
int KEYCODE_AT Key code constant: '@' key.
int KEYCODE_AVR_INPUT Key code constant: A/V Receiver input key.
int KEYCODE_AVR_POWER Key code constant: A/V Receiver power key.
int KEYCODE_B Key code constant: 'B' key.
int KEYCODE_BACK Key code constant: Back key.
int KEYCODE_BACKSLASH Key code constant: '\' key.
int KEYCODE_BOOKMARK Key code constant: Bookmark key.
int KEYCODE_BREAK Key code constant: Break / Pause key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_1 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #1.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_10 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #10.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_11 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #11.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_12 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #12.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_13 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #13.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_14 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #14.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_15 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #15.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_16 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #16.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_2 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #2.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_3 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #3.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_4 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #4.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_5 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #5.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_6 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #6.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_7 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #7.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_8 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #8.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_9 Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #9.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_A Key code constant: A Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_B Key code constant: B Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_C Key code constant: C Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_L1 Key code constant: L1 Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_L2 Key code constant: L2 Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_MODE Key code constant: Mode Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_R1 Key code constant: R1 Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_R2 Key code constant: R2 Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_SELECT Key code constant: Select Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_START Key code constant: Start Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBL Key code constant: Left Thumb Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBR Key code constant: Right Thumb Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_X Key code constant: X Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_Y Key code constant: Y Button key.
int KEYCODE_BUTTON_Z Key code constant: Z Button key.
int KEYCODE_C Key code constant: 'C' key.
int KEYCODE_CALCULATOR Key code constant: Calculator special function key.
int KEYCODE_CALENDAR Key code constant: Calendar special function key.
int KEYCODE_CALL Key code constant: Call key.
int KEYCODE_CAMERA Key code constant: Camera key.
int KEYCODE_CAPS_LOCK Key code constant: Caps Lock key.
int KEYCODE_CAPTIONS Key code constant: Toggle captions key.
int KEYCODE_CHANNEL_DOWN Key code constant: Channel down key.
int KEYCODE_CHANNEL_UP Key code constant: Channel up key.
int KEYCODE_CLEAR Key code constant: Clear key.
int KEYCODE_COMMA Key code constant: ',' key.
int KEYCODE_CONTACTS Key code constant: Contacts special function key.
int KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT Key code constant: Left Control modifier key.
int KEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHT Key code constant: Right Control modifier key.
int KEYCODE_D Key code constant: 'D' key.
int KEYCODE_DEL Key code constant: Backspace key.
int KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER Key code constant: Directional Pad Center key.
int KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN Key code constant: Directional Pad Down key.
int KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT Key code constant: Directional Pad Left key.
int KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT Key code constant: Directional Pad Right key.
int KEYCODE_DPAD_UP Key code constant: Directional Pad Up key.
int KEYCODE_DVR Key code constant: DVR key.
int KEYCODE_E Key code constant: 'E' key.
int KEYCODE_ENDCALL Key code constant: End Call key.
int KEYCODE_ENTER Key code constant: Enter key.
int KEYCODE_ENVELOPE Key code constant: Envelope special function key.
int KEYCODE_EQUALS Key code constant: '=' key.
int KEYCODE_ESCAPE Key code constant: Escape key.
int KEYCODE_EXPLORER Key code constant: Explorer special function key.
int KEYCODE_F Key code constant: 'F' key.
int KEYCODE_F1 Key code constant: F1 key.
int KEYCODE_F10 Key code constant: F10 key.
int KEYCODE_F11 Key code constant: F11 key.
int KEYCODE_F12 Key code constant: F12 key.
int KEYCODE_F2 Key code constant: F2 key.
int KEYCODE_F3 Key code constant: F3 key.
int KEYCODE_F4 Key code constant: F4 key.
int KEYCODE_F5 Key code constant: F5 key.
int KEYCODE_F6 Key code constant: F6 key.
int KEYCODE_F7 Key code constant: F7 key.
int KEYCODE_F8 Key code constant: F8 key.
int KEYCODE_F9 Key code constant: F9 key.
int KEYCODE_FOCUS Key code constant: Camera Focus key.
int KEYCODE_FORWARD Key code constant: Forward key.
int KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL Key code constant: Forward Delete key.
int KEYCODE_FUNCTION Key code constant: Function modifier key.
int KEYCODE_G Key code constant: 'G' key.
int KEYCODE_GRAVE Key code constant: '`' (backtick) key.
int KEYCODE_GUIDE Key code constant: Guide key.
int KEYCODE_H Key code constant: 'H' key.
int KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK Key code constant: Headset Hook key.
int KEYCODE_HOME Key code constant: Home key.
int KEYCODE_I Key code constant: 'I' key.
int KEYCODE_INFO Key code constant: Info key.
int KEYCODE_INSERT Key code constant: Insert key.
int KEYCODE_J Key code constant: 'J' key.
int KEYCODE_K Key code constant: 'K' key.
int KEYCODE_L Key code constant: 'L' key.
int KEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH Key code constant: Language Switch key.
int KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET Key code constant: '[' key.
int KEYCODE_M Key code constant: 'M' key.
int KEYCODE_MANNER_MODE Key code constant: Manner Mode key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_CLOSE Key code constant: Close media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_EJECT Key code constant: Eject media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD Key code constant: Fast Forward media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT Key code constant: Play Next media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE Key code constant: Pause media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY Key code constant: Play media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE Key code constant: Play/Pause media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS Key code constant: Play Previous media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORD Key code constant: Record media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND Key code constant: Rewind media key.
int KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP Key code constant: Stop media key.
int KEYCODE_MENU Key code constant: Menu key.
int KEYCODE_META_LEFT Key code constant: Left Meta modifier key.
int KEYCODE_META_RIGHT Key code constant: Right Meta modifier key.
int KEYCODE_MINUS Key code constant: '-'.
int KEYCODE_MOVE_END Key code constant: End Movement key.
int KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME Key code constant: Home Movement key.
int KEYCODE_MUSIC Key code constant: Music special function key.
int KEYCODE_MUTE Key code constant: Mute key.
int KEYCODE_N Key code constant: 'N' key.
int KEYCODE_NOTIFICATION Key code constant: Notification key.
int KEYCODE_NUM Key code constant: Number modifier key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_0 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '0' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_1 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '1' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_2 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '2' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_3 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '3' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_4 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '4' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_5 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '5' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_6 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '6' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_7 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '7' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_8 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '8' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_9 Key code constant: Numeric keypad '9' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_ADD Key code constant: Numeric keypad '+' key (for addition).
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_COMMA Key code constant: Numeric keypad ',' key (for decimals or digit grouping).
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_DIVIDE Key code constant: Numeric keypad '/' key (for division).
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_DOT Key code constant: Numeric keypad '.' key (for decimals or digit grouping).
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_ENTER Key code constant: Numeric keypad Enter key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_EQUALS Key code constant: Numeric keypad '=' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_LEFT_PAREN Key code constant: Numeric keypad '(' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY Key code constant: Numeric keypad '*' key (for multiplication).
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_RIGHT_PAREN Key code constant: Numeric keypad ')' key.
int KEYCODE_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT Key code constant: Numeric keypad '-' key (for subtraction).
int KEYCODE_NUM_LOCK Key code constant: Num Lock key.
int KEYCODE_O Key code constant: 'O' key.
int KEYCODE_P Key code constant: 'P' key.
int KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN Key code constant: Page Down key.
int KEYCODE_PAGE_UP Key code constant: Page Up key.
int KEYCODE_PERIOD Key code constant: '.' key.
int KEYCODE_PICTSYMBOLS Key code constant: Picture Symbols modifier key.
int KEYCODE_PLUS Key code constant: '+' key.
int KEYCODE_POUND Key code constant: '#' key.
int KEYCODE_POWER Key code constant: Power key.
int KEYCODE_PROG_BLUE Key code constant: Blue "programmable" key.
int KEYCODE_PROG_GREEN Key code constant: Green "programmable" key.
int KEYCODE_PROG_RED Key code constant: Red "programmable" key.
int KEYCODE_PROG_YELLOW Key code constant: Yellow "programmable" key.
int KEYCODE_Q Key code constant: 'Q' key.
int KEYCODE_R Key code constant: 'R' key.
int KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET Key code constant: ']' key.
int KEYCODE_S Key code constant: 'S' key.
int KEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCK Key code constant: Scroll Lock key.
int KEYCODE_SEARCH Key code constant: Search key.
int KEYCODE_SEMICOLON Key code constant: ';' key.
int KEYCODE_SETTINGS Key code constant: Settings key.
int KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT Key code constant: Left Shift modifier key.
int KEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT Key code constant: Right Shift modifier key.
int KEYCODE_SLASH Key code constant: '/' key.
int KEYCODE_SOFT_LEFT Key code constant: Soft Left key.
int KEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT Key code constant: Soft Right key.
int KEYCODE_SPACE Key code constant: Space key.
int KEYCODE_STAR Key code constant: '*' key.
int KEYCODE_STB_INPUT Key code constant: Set-top-box input key.
int KEYCODE_STB_POWER Key code constant: Set-top-box power key.
int KEYCODE_SWITCH_CHARSET Key code constant: Switch Charset modifier key.
int KEYCODE_SYM Key code constant: Symbol modifier key.
int KEYCODE_SYSRQ Key code constant: System Request / Print Screen key.
int KEYCODE_T Key code constant: 'T' key.
int KEYCODE_TAB Key code constant: Tab key.
int KEYCODE_TV Key code constant: TV key.
int KEYCODE_TV_INPUT Key code constant: TV input key.
int KEYCODE_TV_POWER Key code constant: TV power key.
int KEYCODE_U Key code constant: 'U' key.
int KEYCODE_UNKNOWN Key code constant: Unknown key code.
int KEYCODE_V Key code constant: 'V' key.
int KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN Key code constant: Volume Down key.
int KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE Key code constant: Volume Mute key.
int KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP Key code constant: Volume Up key.
int KEYCODE_W Key code constant: 'W' key.
int KEYCODE_WINDOW Key code constant: Window key.
int KEYCODE_X Key code constant: 'X' key.
int KEYCODE_Y Key code constant: 'Y' key.
int KEYCODE_Z Key code constant: 'Z' key.
int KEYCODE_ZOOM_IN Key code constant: Zoom in key.
int KEYCODE_ZOOM_OUT Key code constant: Zoom out key.
int MAX_KEYCODE This constant is deprecated. There are now more than MAX_KEYCODE keycodes. Use getMaxKeyCode() instead.

This mask is used to check whether the left ALT meta key is pressed.

int META_ALT_MASK This mask is a combination of META_ALT_ON, META_ALT_LEFT_ON and META_ALT_RIGHT_ON.

This mask is used to check whether one of the ALT meta keys is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the right the ALT meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the CAPS LOCK meta key is on.


This mask is used to check whether the left CTRL meta key is pressed.

int META_CTRL_MASK This mask is a combination of META_CTRL_ON, META_CTRL_LEFT_ON and META_CTRL_RIGHT_ON.

This mask is used to check whether one of the CTRL meta keys is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the right CTRL meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the FUNCTION meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the left META meta key is pressed.

int META_META_MASK This mask is a combination of META_META_ON, META_META_LEFT_ON and META_META_RIGHT_ON.

This mask is used to check whether one of the META meta keys is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the right META meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the NUM LOCK meta key is on.


This mask is used to check whether the SCROLL LOCK meta key is on.


This mask is used to check whether the left SHIFT meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether one of the SHIFT meta keys is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the right SHIFT meta key is pressed.


This mask is used to check whether the SYM meta key is pressed.


  1. 第20章、OnCheckedChangeListener事件(从零开始学Android)
  2. android 自定义按钮样式
  3. 第1个Android应用程序 Android制作简单单页导航
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  5. Android(安卓)仿淘宝选中商品不同尺寸的按钮组(一)
  6. 从零开始--系统深入学习android(实践-让我们开始写代码-Android框
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  9. android实现点击按钮控制图片切换


  1. android应酬资料
  2. android动态改变桌面图标
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  10. Android模糊图像