尊重每个人的付出,转载请点这里: http://blog.csdn.net/hanj456/article/details/52621150



答:Android四大组件之一(Activity ,Service , BroadcastReceiver ,ContentProvider),向我们提供了在不同应用程序之间共享数据的一种机制,统一了应用之间数据访问的方式。



  1. UriMatcher.match() //主要是对Uri进行匹配;
  2. ContentResolver.notifyChange() //主要是对数据进行刷新;
  3. ContentUris.parseId() //主要是对Uri进行解析;
  4. ContentUris.withAppendedId() //主要是给Uri添加ID

下面我将以一个简单的Demo为例,分解说明使用ContentProvider实现不同应用之间数据 共享操作需要哪些步骤:


在应用B中创建数据资源,这里我新建一个sqlite表 students,添加_id , name , age三个字段:

public class DBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {    private static SQLiteOpenHelper mInstance;    public synchronized static SQLiteOpenHelper getInstance(Context context){        if (mInstance==null){            mInstance = new DBHelper(context,"test.db",null,1);        }        return mInstance;    }    private DBHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) {        super(context, name, factory, version);    }    @Override    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE students(_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,name TEXT,age INTEGER)");    }    @Override    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {    }}



public class Const {    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "students";    public static final String AUTHORITY = "com.test.provider2";    public static final class Student implements BaseColumns {        public static final String ID = "_id";        public static final String NAME = "name";        public static final String AGE = "age";        public static final Uri DIR_STUDENTS_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/students");        public static final Uri ITEM_STUDENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/student");    }}



public class MyProvider extends ContentProvider {    private static UriMatcher mMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH);    private static final int STUDENTS = 1;    private static final int STUDENT = 2;    static {        mMatcher.addURI(Const.AUTHORITY, "students", STUDENTS);        mMatcher.addURI(Const.AUTHORITY, "student/#", STUDENT);    }    private SQLiteOpenHelper mHelper;    private ContentResolver mResolver;    @Override    public boolean onCreate() {        mHelper = DBHelper.getInstance(getContext());        mResolver = getContext().getContentResolver();        return true;//设置为true表示provider创建生效    }    @Nullable    @Override    public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) {        SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getReadableDatabase();        switch (mMatcher.match(uri)) {            case STUDENTS:                return db.query(Const.TABLE_NAME, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder);            case STUDENT:                long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri);                String condition = Const.Student.ID + "=" + id;                if (selection != null && !selection.equals("")) {                    condition = condition + " and " + selection;                }                return db.query(Const.TABLE_NAME, projection, condition, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder);            default:                throw new IllegalArgumentException("未知的Uri:" + uri);        }    }    @Nullable    @Override    public String getType(Uri uri) {        switch (mMatcher.match(uri)) {            case STUDENTS:                return "vnd.android.cursor.dir/com.test.provider2"; //前半部分是规定的写法,表示这是一个查询全部数据的类型,后半部分是自定义的            case STUDENT:                return "vnd.android.cursor.item/com.test.provider2";//前半部分是规定的写法,表示这是一个查询单条数据的类型,后半部分是自定义的            default:                throw new IllegalArgumentException("未知的Uri:" + uri);        }    }    @Nullable    @Override    public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) {        SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getWritableDatabase();        if (mMatcher.match(uri) != STUDENTS) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("未知的Uri:" + uri);        }        long id = db.insert(Const.TABLE_NAME, Const.Student.ID, values);        if (id < 0) {            throw new SQLiteException("插入数据失败!");        }        Uri newUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, id);        mResolver.notifyChange(uri, null);        return newUri;    }    @Override    public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {        SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getWritableDatabase();        int deleteNum = -1;        switch (mMatcher.match(uri)) {            case STUDENTS:                deleteNum = db.delete(Const.TABLE_NAME, selection, selectionArgs);                break;            case STUDENT:                long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri);                String condition = Const.Student.ID + "=" + id;                if (selection != null && !selection.equals("")) {                    condition = condition + " and " + selection;                }                deleteNum = db.delete(Const.TABLE_NAME, condition, selectionArgs);                break;            default:                throw new IllegalArgumentException("未知的Uri:" + uri);        }        mResolver.notifyChange(uri,null);        return deleteNum;    }    @Override    public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {        SQLiteDatabase db = mHelper.getWritableDatabase();        int updateNum = -1;        switch (mMatcher.match(uri)) {            case STUDENTS:                updateNum = db.update(Const.TABLE_NAME, values, selection, selectionArgs);                break;            case STUDENT:                long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri);                String condition = Const.Student.ID + "=" + id;                if (selection != null && !selection.equals("")) {                    condition = condition + " and " + selection;                }                updateNum = db.update(Const.TABLE_NAME, values, condition, selectionArgs);                break;            default:                throw new IllegalArgumentException("未知的Uri:" + uri);        }        mResolver.notifyChange(uri,null);        return updateNum;    }}



"com.test.provider2"      android:name=".second.MyProvider"      android:exported="true"/>//设置为true表示允许对外共享数据


经过上面5步ContentProvider的基本步骤就算完成了,剩下的就是在应用A中去获取和操作应用B中的数据了,因为要获取应用B中的数据,必须知道ContentProvider中对外提供的字段,也就是应用B中的常量数据,所以最好先把该常量类Const.java 拷贝到应用A中方便使用,应用A中MainActivity 布局文件很简单,就只有四个按钮分别对应:增,删,改,查;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    private ContentResolver mResolver;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        mResolver = getContentResolver();    }    public void add(View v){        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();        values.put(Const.Student.NAME,"小明");        values.put(Const.Student.AGE,16);        mResolver.insert(Const.Student.DIR_STUDENTS_URI,values);        values.put(Const.Student.NAME,"小强");        values.put(Const.Student.AGE,17);        mResolver.insert(Const.Student.DIR_STUDENTS_URI,values);        Toast.makeText(this,"添加数据成功",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();    }    public void update(View v){        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();        values.put(Const.Student.AGE,28);        mResolver.update(Const.Student.DIR_STUDENTS_URI,values,"name like ?",new String[]{"小明"});        Toast.makeText(this,"更新数据成功",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();    }    public void delete(View v){        mResolver.delete(Const.Student.DIR_STUDENTS_URI,"name like ?",new String[]{"小明"});        Toast.makeText(this,"删除数据成功",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();    }    public void query(View v){        Cursor cursor = mResolver.query(Const.Student.DIR_STUDENTS_URI, null, null, null, null);        int count = cursor.getCount();        if (count<1){            Toast.makeText(this,"数据为空!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            return;        }        while (cursor.moveToNext()){            String name = cursor.getString(1);            String age = cursor.getString(2);            Toast.makeText(this,"name="+name+" ,age="+age,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();        }    }}



  1. 【技术直通车】ArcGIS for Android地图控件的5大常见操作
  2. Android(安卓)Native层开发Camera应用的方法
  3. Android之Activity的生命周期和Activity间的跳转和数据传递
  4. android 本地数据库sqlite的封装
  5. Android的性能优化
  6. 在Android库中不能使用switch-case语句访问资源ID
  7. 在代码中获取Android(安卓)theme中的attr属性值
  8. 数据解析
  9. Android——操作摄像头、图片合成


  1. unity3D,PC、Android、IOS将内容复制到剪
  2. 获取系统电量
  3. Android(安卓)Fragment详解
  4. 画图轻量级
  5. react-native 手机拍照权限
  6. android命令行编译生成apk(翻译官方文档)
  7. Android自定义布局通知栏
  8. Api Demo - .graphics(12)
  9. 关于android.support.v4.jar, android.su
  10. Android(安卓)Market软件月增长率高达70%