使用 Android Device Monitor 的 File Explorer 获取文件(pull a file from the device)时,抛出以下错误:

[2018-03-06 15:33:08 - ddms] transfer error: open failed: Permission denied[2018-03-06 15:33:08] Failed to pull selection: open failed: Permission denied[2018-03-06 15:33:27 - ddms] transfer error: open failed: Permission denied[2018-03-06 15:33:27] Failed to pull selection: open failed: Permission denied



在 cmd 中,使用 adb root 获得文件下载权限。

注意:在获取文件前,要再点击一下 Devices 标签页中的手机模拟器:


[2018-03-06 15:35:58] Failed to pull selection[2018-03-06 15:35:58] null


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