基于android 7.0代码,分析Event日志的打印原理


  如果在终端中输入:logcat -b events,就能够输出大量类似下面的日志信息:

07-02 01:38:27.718  3623  3636 I am_home_stack_moved: [0,0,1,1,startingNewTask]07-02 01:38:27.719  3623  3636 I wm_task_moved: [6,1,0]07-02 01:38:27.722  3623  3636 I am_create_task: [0,7]07-02 01:38:27.722  3623  3636 I am_create_activity: [0,224793551,7,com.android.settings/.Settings,android.intent.action.MAIN,NULL,NULL,807403520]07-02 01:38:27.723  3623  3636 I wm_task_created: [7,1]07-02 01:38:27.723  3623  3636 I wm_task_moved: [7,1,1]07-02 01:38:27.724  3623  3636 I am_pause_activity: [0,59336324,com.bbk.launcher2/.Launcher]07-02 01:38:27.728  3623  3636 I am_home_stack_moved: [0,0,1,1,startedActivity setFocusedActivity]07-02 01:38:27.728  3623  3636 I wm_task_moved: [7,1,1]07-02 01:38:27.735  3623  3636 I am_focused_activity: [0,com.android.settings/.Settings]07-02 01:38:27.746  4621  4621 I am_on_paused_called: [0,com.bbk.launcher2.Launcher]07-02 01:38:27.751  3623  4576 I am_restart_activity: [0,224793551,7,com.android.settings/.Settings]07-02 01:38:28.062  3623  3666 I am_activity_launch_time: [0,224793551,com.android.settings/.Settings,315,315]



...import android.util.EventLog;...public final class ActivityStackSupervisor implements DisplayListener {    ...    void moveHomeStack(boolean toFront, String reason, ActivityStack lastFocusedStack) {        ...        EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_HOME_STACK_MOVED,                mCurrentUser, toFront ? 1 : 0, stacks.get(topNdx).getStackId(),                mFocusedStack == null ? -1 : mFocusedStack.getStackId(), reason);        ...    }    ...}
EventLog.writeEvent    android_util_EventLog_writeEvent_Array  //android_util_EventLog.cpp        android_bWriteLog // system/core/include/log/Log.h

  在使用上很简单,但是其具体的实现的话,那就需要研究一下源码了。这里先来看看event tag吧。

1. Event TAG


public class EventLog { //代替frameworks/base/core/java/android/util/EventLogTags.java文件    /** @hide */ public EventLog() {}    private static final String TAG = "EventLog";    private static final String TAGS_FILE = "/system/etc/event-log-tags";    private static final String COMMENT_PATTERN = "^\\s*(#.*)?$";    private static final String TAG_PATTERN = "^\\s*(\\d+)\\s+(\\w+)\\s*(\\(.*\\))?\\s*$";    private static HashMap sTagCodes = null;    private static HashMap sTagNames = null;    /** A previously logged event read from the logs. Instances are thread safe. */    public static final class Event {        ...    }    public static native int writeEvent(int tag, int value);    public static native int writeEvent(int tag, long value);    public static native int writeEvent(int tag, float value);    public static native int writeEvent(int tag, String str);    public static native int writeEvent(int tag, Object... list);    public static native void readEvents(int[] tags, Collection output)            throws IOException;    public static String getTagName(int tag) {        readTagsFile();        return sTagNames.get(tag);    }    /**     * Get the event type tag code associated with an event name.     * @param name of event to look up     * @return the tag code, or -1 if no tag has that name     */    public static int getTagCode(String name) {        readTagsFile();        ...    }    /**     * Read TAGS_FILE, populating sTagCodes and sTagNames, if not already done.     */    private static synchronized void readTagsFile() {        if (sTagCodes != null && sTagNames != null) return;        sTagCodes = new HashMap();        sTagNames = new HashMap();        Pattern comment = Pattern.compile(COMMENT_PATTERN);        Pattern tag = Pattern.compile(TAG_PATTERN);        BufferedReader reader = null;        String line;        try {            reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(TAGS_FILE), 256);            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {                if (comment.matcher(line).matches()) continue;                Matcher m = tag.matcher(line);                if (!m.matches()) {                    Log.wtf(TAG, "Bad entry in " + TAGS_FILE + ": " + line);                    continue;                }                try {                    int num = Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));                    String name = m.group(2);                    sTagCodes.put(name, num);                    sTagNames.put(num, name);                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {                    Log.wtf(TAG, "Error in " + TAGS_FILE + ": " + line, e);                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {            Log.wtf(TAG, "Error reading " + TAGS_FILE, e);            // Leave the maps existing but unpopulated        } finally {            try { if (reader != null) reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) {}        }    }}

  Event Tag是通过readTagsFile读取解析/system/etc/event-log-tags文件内容,并将相关信息保存在sTagCodes、sTagNames两个HashMap中,其中sTagNames存储的是Tag Name。


******@******:~/Google_7.0.0$ find -name "EventLogTags.logtags"./frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/EventLog/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/base/core/java/android/speech/tts/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/base/core/java/android/webkit/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/logging/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/src/com/android/providers/settings/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/EventLogTags.logtags./frameworks/opt/telephony/src/java/com/android/internal/telephony/EventLogTags.logtags./system/core/libsysutils/EventLogTags.logtags./packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/EventLogTags.logtags./packages/apps/QuickSearchBox/src/com/android/quicksearchbox/EventLogTags.logtags./packages/providers/CalendarProvider/src/com/android/providers/calendar/EventLogTags.logtags./packages/providers/ContactsProvider/src/com/android/providers/contacts/EventLogTags.logtags./packages/services/Telephony/src/com/android/phone/EventLogTags.logtags



  下面看看logcat -b events是怎么读取并显示event log的:

int main(int argc, char **argv){    using namespace android;    ...    for (;;) {        int ret;        ...        ret = getopt_long(argc, argv, ":cdDLt:T:gG:sQf:r:n:v:b:BSpP:m:e:",                          long_options, &option_index);        if (ret < 0) {            break;        }        switch (ret) {            ...            case 'b': {                if (strcmp(optarg, "default") == 0) {                    ...                    break;                }                if (strcmp(optarg, "all") == 0) {                    ...                    break;                }                bool binary = !(strcmp(optarg, "events") &&                                strcmp(optarg, "security"));                if (devices) {                    dev = devices;                    while (dev->next) {                        if (!strcmp(optarg, dev->device)) {                            dev = NULL;                            break;                        }                        dev = dev->next;                    }                    if (dev) {                        dev->next = new log_device_t(optarg, binary);                    }                } else {                    devices = new log_device_t(optarg, binary);                }                g_devCount++;            }            break;            case 'B':                g_printBinary = 1;            break;            ...            default:                logcat_panic(true, "Unrecognized Option %c\n", optopt);                break;        }    }    ...    if (g_logRotateSizeKBytes != 0 && g_outputFileName == NULL) {        logcat_panic(true, "-r requires -f as well\n");    }    setupOutput();    if (hasSetLogFormat == 0) {        const char* logFormat = getenv("ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG");        if (logFormat != NULL) {            err = setLogFormat(logFormat);            if (err < 0) {                fprintf(stderr, "invalid format in ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG '%s'\n",                                    logFormat);            }        } else {            setLogFormat("threadtime");        }    }    if (forceFilters) {        err = android_log_addFilterString(g_logformat, forceFilters);        if (err < 0) {            logcat_panic(false, "Invalid filter expression in logcat args\n");        }    } else if (argc == optind) {        // Add from environment variable        char *env_tags_orig = getenv("ANDROID_LOG_TAGS");        if (env_tags_orig != NULL) {            err = android_log_addFilterString(g_logformat, env_tags_orig);            if (err < 0) {                logcat_panic(true,                            "Invalid filter expression in ANDROID_LOG_TAGS\n");            }        }    } else {        // Add from commandline        for (int i = optind ; i < argc ; i++) {            err = android_log_addFilterString(g_logformat, argv[i]);            if (err < 0) {                logcat_panic(true, "Invalid filter expression '%s'\n", argv[i]);            }        }    }    dev = devices;    if (tail_time != log_time::EPOCH) {        logger_list = android_logger_list_alloc_time(mode, tail_time, pid);    } else {        logger_list = android_logger_list_alloc(mode, tail_lines, pid);    }    const char *openDeviceFail = NULL;    const char *clearFail = NULL;    const char *setSizeFail = NULL;    const char *getSizeFail = NULL;    // We have three orthogonal actions below to clear, set log size and    // get log size. All sharing the same iteration loop.    while (dev) {        ...        dev = dev->next;    }    // report any errors in the above loop and exit    if (printStatistics || getPruneList) {        size_t len = 8192;        char *buf;        for (int retry = 32;                (retry >= 0) && ((buf = new char [len]));                delete [] buf, buf = NULL, --retry) {            if (getPruneList) {                android_logger_get_prune_list(logger_list, buf, len);            } else {                android_logger_get_statistics(logger_list, buf, len);            }            buf[len-1] = '\0';            if (atol(buf) < 3) {                delete [] buf;                buf = NULL;                break;            }            size_t ret = atol(buf) + 1;            if (ret <= len) {                len = ret;                break;            }            len = ret;        }        if (!buf) {            logcat_panic(false, "failed to read data");        }        // remove trailing FF        char *cp = buf + len - 1;        *cp = '\0';        bool truncated = *--cp != '\f';        if (!truncated) {            *cp = '\0';        }        // squash out the byte count        cp = buf;        if (!truncated) {            while (isdigit(*cp)) {                ++cp;            }            if (*cp == '\n') {                ++cp;            }        }        printf("%s", cp);        delete [] buf;        return EXIT_SUCCESS;    }    dev = NULL;    log_device_t unexpected("unexpected", false);    while (!g_maxCount || (g_printCount < g_maxCount)) {        ...        if (g_printBinary) {            ...        } else {            processBuffer(dev, &log_msg);        }    }    android_logger_list_free(logger_list);    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}

  在system/core/logcat/logcat.cpp的main函数里头,如果参数带-b events的话,g_printBinary为false,binary会是true,然后回去读取event tag maps:

  android::g_eventTagMap = android_openEventTagMap(EVENT_TAG_MAP_FILE);



# See system/core/logcat/event.logtags for a description of the format of this file.option java_package com.android.server.am2719 configuration_changed (config mask|1|5)2721 cpu (total|1|6),(user|1|6),(system|1|6),(iowait|1|6),(irq|1|6),(softirq|1|6)# ActivityManagerService.systemReady() starts:3040 boot_progress_ams_ready (time|2|3)# ActivityManagerService calls enableScreenAfterBoot():3050 boot_progress_enable_screen (time|2|3)# Do not change these names without updating the checkin_events setting in# google3/googledata/wireless/android/provisioning/gservices.config !!## An activity is being finished:30001 am_finish_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)# A task is being brought to the front of the screen:30002 am_task_to_front (User|1|5),(Task|1|5)# An existing activity is being given a new intent:30003 am_new_intent (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Action|3),(MIME Type|3),(URI|3),(Flags|1|5)# A new task is being created:30004 am_create_task (User|1|5),(Task ID|1|5)# A new activity is being created in an existing task:30005 am_create_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Action|3),(MIME Type|3),(URI|3),(Flags|1|5)# An activity has been resumed into the foreground but was not already running:30006 am_restart_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3)# An activity has been resumed and is now in the foreground:30007 am_resume_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3)# Application Not Responding30008 am_anr (User|1|5),(pid|1|5),(Package Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(reason|3)# Activity launch time30009 am_activity_launch_time (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(time|2|3)# Application process bound to work30010 am_proc_bound (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3)# Application process died30011 am_proc_died (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3)# The Activity Manager failed to pause the given activity.30012 am_failed_to_pause (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Wanting to pause|3),(Currently pausing|3)# Attempting to pause the current activity30013 am_pause_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Component Name|3)# Application process has been started30014 am_proc_start (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Type|3),(Component|3)# An application process has been marked as bad30015 am_proc_bad (User|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3)# An application process that was bad is now marked as good30016 am_proc_good (User|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3)# Reporting to applications that memory is low30017 am_low_memory (Num Processes|1|1)# An activity is being destroyed:30018 am_destroy_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)# An activity has been relaunched, resumed, and is now in the foreground:30019 am_relaunch_resume_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3)# An activity has been relaunched:30020 am_relaunch_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Task ID|1|5),(Component Name|3)# The activity's onPause has been called.30021 am_on_paused_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3)# The activity's onResume has been called.30022 am_on_resume_called (User|1|5),(Component Name|3)# Kill a process to reclaim memory.30023 am_kill (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(OomAdj|1|5),(Reason|3)# Discard an undelivered serialized broadcast (timeout/ANR/crash)30024 am_broadcast_discard_filter (User|1|5),(Broadcast|1|5),(Action|3),(Receiver Number|1|1),(BroadcastFilter|1|5)30025 am_broadcast_discard_app (User|1|5),(Broadcast|1|5),(Action|3),(Receiver Number|1|1),(App|3)# A service is being created30030 am_create_service (User|1|5),(Service Record|1|5),(Name|3),(UID|1|5),(PID|1|5)# A service is being destroyed30031 am_destroy_service (User|1|5),(Service Record|1|5),(PID|1|5)# A process has crashed too many times, it is being cleared30032 am_process_crashed_too_much (User|1|5),(Name|3),(PID|1|5)# An unknown process is trying to attach to the activity manager30033 am_drop_process (PID|1|5)# A service has crashed too many times, it is being stopped30034 am_service_crashed_too_much (User|1|5),(Crash Count|1|1),(Component Name|3),(PID|1|5)# A service is going to be restarted after its process went away30035 am_schedule_service_restart (User|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Time|2|3)# A client was waiting for a content provider, but its process was lost30036 am_provider_lost_process (User|1|5),(Package Name|3),(UID|1|5),(Name|3)# The activity manager gave up on a new process taking too long to start30037 am_process_start_timeout (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3)# Unhandled exception30039 am_crash (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(Exception|3),(Message|3),(File|3),(Line|1|5)# Log.wtf() called30040 am_wtf (User|1|5),(PID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(Flags|1|5),(Tag|3),(Message|3)# User switched30041 am_switch_user (id|1|5)# Activity fully drawn time30042 am_activity_fully_drawn_time (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(time|2|3)# Activity focused30043 am_focused_activity (User|1|5),(Component Name|3)# Home Stack brought to front or rear30044 am_home_stack_moved (User|1|5),(To Front|1|5),(Top Stack Id|1|5),(Focused Stack Id|1|5),(Reason|3)# Running pre boot receiver30045 am_pre_boot (User|1|5),(Package|3)# Report collection of global memory state30046 am_meminfo (CachedKb|2|2),(FreeKb|2|2),(ZramKb|2|2),(KernelKb|2|2),(NativeKb|2|2)# Report collection of memory used by a process30047 am_pss (Pid|1|5),(UID|1|5),(Process Name|3),(PssKb|2|2),(UssKb|2|2)


# The entries in this file map a sparse set of log tag numbers to tag names.# This is installed on the device, in /system/etc, and parsed by logcat.## Tag numbers are decimal integers, from 0 to 2^31.  (Let's leave the# negative values alone for now.)## Tag names are one or more ASCII letters and numbers or underscores, i.e.# "[A-Z][a-z][0-9]_".  Do not include spaces or punctuation (the former# impacts log readability, the latter makes regex searches more annoying).## Tag numbers and names are separated by whitespace.  Blank lines and lines# starting with '#' are ignored.## Optionally, after the tag names can be put a description for the value(s)# of the tag. Description are in the format#    (|data type[|data unit])# Multiple values are separated by commas.## The data type is a number from the following values:# 1: int# 2: long# 3: string# 4: list# 5: float## The data unit is a number taken from the following list:# 1: Number of objects# 2: Number of bytes# 3: Number of milliseconds# 4: Number of allocations# 5: Id# 6: Percent# Default value for data of type int/long is 2 (bytes).## TODO: generate ".java" and ".h" files with integer constants from this file.

(|data type[|data unit])

data type 数据类型
1 int
2 long
3 string
4 list
5 float
data unit 数据单位
1 Number of objects
2 Number of bytes
3 Number of milliseconds
4 Number of allocations
5 Id
6 Percent


07-02 11:23:09.712   933  1870 I am_pause_activity: [0,123715054,com.XXX.launcher2/.Launcher]


# Attempting to pause the current activity30013 am_pause_activity (User|1|5),(Token|1|5),(Component Name|3)

  我们可以知道该event日志描述的是:com.XXX.launcher2/.Launcher被pause,User Id为0(int类型),Token Id为123715054(int类型),Component name为com.XXX.launcher2/.Launcher。


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