Android NDK开发之旅 目录


#include #include using namespace std;void main() {    list lt;    //从头部添加    lt.push_front(10);    lt.push_front(20);    lt.push_front(30);    //从尾部添加    lt.push_back(40);    lt.push_back(50);    lt.push_back(60);    //循环遍历    for (list::iterator it = lt.begin(); it != lt.end(); it++) {        cout << *it << endl;    }    list::iterator it = lt.begin();    //连续相加允许(++)    //支持'++'、'--'运算符    it++;    it--;    cout << endl << "支持++、--运算符" << endl;    cout << *it << endl;    //注意:不支持间断    //不支持'+'、'-'运算度    // it = it - 1;  错误调用    getchar();}




#include #include using namespace std;void main() {    list lt;    //从头部添加    lt.push_front(10);    lt.push_front(20);    lt.push_front(30);    //从尾部添加    lt.push_back(40);    lt.push_back(50);    lt.push_back(60);    cout << endl << "删除方式1:根据位置删除" << endl;    //删除方式1       list::iterator it= lt.begin();        it++;        //删除:删除第二个元素        lt.erase(it);        //循环遍历        for (list::iterator it = lt.begin(); it != lt.end(); it++) {            cout << *it << endl;        }        cout << endl << "删除方式2:直接根据内容删除" << endl;    //删除方式2    //直接根据内容删除   lt.remove(30);   //循环遍历   for (list::iterator it = lt.begin(); it != lt.end(); it++) {       cout << *it << endl;   }   cout << endl << "删除方式3:区间删除" << endl;    //"删除方式3:区间删除    //开始位置    list::iterator it_begin = lt.begin();    //结束位置    list::iterator it_end = lt.begin();    it_end++;    it_end++;    //删除元素(如果已经被删除的元素不能够在删除)    lt.erase(it_begin, it_end);    //循环遍历    for (list::iterator it = lt.begin(); it != lt.end(); it++) {            cout << *it << endl;    }    getchar();}




#include #include using namespace std;void main() {    list lt;    //从尾部添加    lt.push_back(40);    lt.push_back(50);    lt.push_back(60);    //插入    lt.insert(lt.begin(), 30);    //循环遍历    for (list::iterator it = lt.begin(); it != lt.end(); it++) {        cout << *it << endl;    }    getchar();}




#include #include using namespace std;void main() {    set st;    st.insert(40);    st.insert(10);    st.insert(30);    st.insert(20);    //删除    set::iterator it = st.begin();    st.erase(it);    for (set::iterator it = st.begin(); it != st.end(); it++) {        cout << *it << endl;    }    getchar();}




#include #include #include  using namespace std;void main() {    set > st;    st.insert(40);    st.insert(10);    st.insert(30);    st.insert(20);    for (set::iterator it = st.begin(); it != st.end(); it++) {            cout << *it << endl;    }    getchar();}




#include #include #include  using namespace std;class Student {private:    char* name;    int score;public:    Student(char* name, int score) {        this->name = name;        this->score = score;    }    int getScore() {        return this->score;    }    void printStudent() {        cout << "name:" << this->name << "  score:" << this->score << endl;    }};//仿函数struct Soft {    //方式一:不写常量    //    bool operator()(Student &left,Student &right){    //        return left.getScore() < right.getScore();    //    }    //方式二:const修饰    bool operator()(const Student &left, const Student &right) {        //类型转换        Student stu_left = const_cast(left);        Student stu_right = const_cast(right);        return stu_left.getScore() > stu_right.getScore();    }};void main() {    set st;    st.insert(Student("Jack", 96));    st.insert(Student("Pi", 63));    st.insert(Student("Song", 77));    st.insert(Student("Music", 88));    st.insert(Student("Lucy", 56));    for (set::iterator it = st.begin(); it != st.end(); it++) {        Student stu = const_cast(*it);        stu.printStudent();    }    getchar();}


name:Jack  score:96name:Music  score:88name:Song  score:77name:Pi  score:63name:Lucy  score:56




#include   #include   #include  using namespace std;typedef set SET_INT;int main(){    SET_INT s1;    SET_INT::iterator i;    s1.insert(5);    s1.insert(10);    s1.insert(15);    s1.insert(20);    s1.insert(25);    cout << endl << "s1 -- starting at s1.lower_bound(12)" << endl;    // prints: 15,20,25    for (i = s1.lower_bound(12); i != s1.end(); i++)        cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;    cout << endl << "s1 -- starting at s1.lower_bound(15)" << endl;    // prints: 15,20,25    for (i = s1.lower_bound(15); i != s1.end(); i++)        cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;    cout << endl << "s1 -- starting at s1.upper_bound(12)" << endl;    // prints: 15,20,25    for (i = s1.upper_bound(12); i != s1.end(); i++)        cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;    cout << endl << "s1 -- starting at s1.upper_bound(15)" << endl;    // prints: 20,25    for (i = s1.upper_bound(15); i != s1.end(); i++)        cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;    cout << endl << "s1 -- starting s1.equal_range(12)" << endl;    // does not print anything    for (i = s1.equal_range(12).first; i != s1.equal_range(12).second; i++)        cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;    cout << endl << "s1 -- starting s1.equal_range(15)" << endl;    // prints: 15    for (i = s1.equal_range(15).first; i != s1.equal_range(15).second; i++)        cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;    getchar();    return 0;}


s1 -- starting at s1.lower_bound(12)s1 has 15 in its set.s1 has 20 in its set.s1 has 25 in its set.s1 -- starting at s1.lower_bound(15)s1 has 15 in its set.s1 has 20 in its set.s1 has 25 in its set.s1 -- starting at s1.upper_bound(12)s1 has 15 in its set.s1 has 20 in its set.s1 has 25 in its set.s1 -- starting at s1.upper_bound(15)s1 has 20 in its set.s1 has 25 in its set.s1 -- starting s1.equal_range(12)s1 -- starting s1.equal_range(15)s1 has 15 in its set.


#include   #include   #include  using namespace std;/*Student结构体*/struct Student {    string name;    int age;    string sex;};/*“仿函数"。为Student set指定排序准则*/class studentSortCriterion {public:    bool operator() (const Student &a, const Student &b) const {        /*先比较名字;若名字相同,则比较年龄。小的返回true*/        if ( <            return true;        else if ( == {            if (a.age < b.age)                return true;            else                return false;        }        else            return false;    }};int main(){    set stuSet;    Student stu1, stu2; = "Jack";    stu1.age = 13; = "male"; = "Marry";    stu2.age = 23; = "female";    Student stu3; = "Lucy";    stu3.age = 23; = "female";    stuSet.insert(stu1);    stuSet.insert(stu2);    stuSet.insert(stu3);    /*构造一个测试的Student,可以看到,即使stuTemp与stu1实际上并不是同一个对象,    *但当在set中查找时,仍会查找成功。这是因为已定义的studentSortCriterion的缘故。    */    Student stuTemp; = "Marry";    stuTemp.age = 23;    set::iterator iter;    iter = stuSet.find(stuTemp);    if (iter != stuSet.end()) {        cout << (*iter).name.c_str() << endl;    }    else {        cout << "Cannot fine the student!" << endl;    }    Student stuTemp2; = "Lili";    stuTemp.age = 13;    set::iterator iter2;    iter2 = stuSet.find(stuTemp2);    if (iter2 != stuSet.end()) {        cout << (*iter).name.c_str() << endl;    }    else {        cout << "Cannot fine the student!" << endl;    }    getchar();    return 0;}


MarryCannot fine the student!


  • 允许存储重复元素
  • 默认升序排列
#include #include #include  using namespace std;class Student {private:    char* name;    int score;public:    Student(char* name, int score) {        this->name = name;        this->score = score;    }    int getScore() {        return this->score;    }    void printStudent() {        cout << "name:" << this->name << "  score:" << this->score << endl;    }};//仿函数struct Soft {    //方式一:不写常量    //    bool operator()(Student &left,Student &right){    //        return left.getScore() < right.getScore();    //    }    //方式二:const修饰    bool operator()(const Student &left, const Student &right) {        //类型转换        Student stu_left = const_cast(left);        Student stu_right = const_cast(right);        return stu_left.getScore() > stu_right.getScore();    }};void main() {    cout << endl << "默认升序" << endl;    //升序    multiset mst;    mst.insert(10);    mst.insert(20);    mst.insert(30);    mst.insert(10);    for (multiset::iterator it = mst.begin(); it != mst.end(); it++) {        cout << *it << endl;    }    cout << endl << "使用greater降序" << endl;    //降序    multiset > mst2;    mst2.insert(10);    mst2.insert(20);    mst2.insert(30);    mst2.insert(10);    for (multiset::iterator it = mst2.begin(); it != mst2.end(); it++) {        cout << *it << endl;    }    cout << endl << "自定义排序" << endl;    //自定义排序方式    multiset mst3;    mst3.insert(Student("Jack", 96));    mst3.insert(Student("Pi", 63));    mst3.insert(Student("Song", 77));    mst3.insert(Student("Music", 88));    mst3.insert(Student("Lucy", 56));    for (multiset::iterator it = mst3.begin(); it != mst3.end(); it++) {        Student stu = const_cast(*it);        stu.printStudent();    }    getchar();    return;}


默认升序10102030使用greater降序30201010自定义排序name:Jack  score:96name:Music  score:88name:Song  score:77name:Pi  score:63name:Lucy  score:56基本使用

#include #include #include #include  using namespace std;void main() {    map mp;    cout << endl << "方式1:插入数据pair" << endl;    //方式1:插入数据pair    mp.insert(pair(01, "Lucy"));    mp.insert(pair(02, "Cookie"));    mp.insert(pair(03, "Sun"));    mp.insert(pair(04, "Jack"));    for (map::iterator it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); it++) {        //获取key:it->first        cout << "key:" << it->first << endl;        //获取value:it->second        cout << "value:" << it->second.c_str() << endl;    }    cout << endl << "方式2:pair" << endl;    //方式二:如果key存在,那么就不添加同时不覆盖,如果不存在,就添加    pair::iterator, bool> result = mp.insert(map::value_type(04, "Month"));    if (result.second) {        cout << "添加成功"<< endl;    }    else {        cout << "已存在,添加失败!" << endl;    }    for (map::iterator it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); it++) {        //获取key:it->first        cout << "key:" << it->first << endl;        //获取value:it->second        cout << "value:" << it->second.c_str() << endl;    }    cout << endl << "方式3:make_pair" << endl;    //方式3:make_pair    mp.insert(make_pair(05, "Liu"));    for (map::iterator it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); it++) {        //获取key:it->first        cout << "key:" << it->first << endl;        //获取value:it->second        cout << "value:" << it->second.c_str() << endl;    }    cout << endl << "方式4:" << endl;    //方式四:如果key存在,重复添加会覆盖,如果不存在,那就直接添加    mp[5] = "Ding";    mp[6] = "Coco";    for (map::iterator it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); it++) {        //获取key:it->first        cout  << "key:" << it->first<< endl;        //获取value:it->second        cout  << "value:" << it->second.c_str() << endl;    }    getchar();}



#include #include #include #include  using namespace std;void main() {    map mp;    //方式1:插入数据pair    mp.insert(pair(01, "Lucy"));    mp.insert(pair(02, "Cookie"));    mp.insert(pair(03, "Sun"));    mp.insert(pair(04, "Jack"));    //删除    map::iterator it = mp.begin();    mp.erase(it);    for (map::iterator it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); it++) {        //获取key:it->first        cout << "key:" << it->first << endl;        //获取value:it->second        cout << "value:" << it->second.c_str() << endl;    }    getchar();}



#include #include #include #include  using namespace std;void main() {    map mp;    mp.insert(pair(01, "Lucy"));    mp.insert(pair(02, "Cookie"));    mp.insert(pair(03, "Sun"));    mp.insert(pair(04, "Jack"));    map::iterator it;    map::iterator flag = mp.end();    it = mp.find(5);    if (it != flag)    {        (*it).second = "剩余";    }    else    {        cout << "没有找到" << endl;    }    // 该函数返回的是一对迭代器,第一个迭代器指向所查找元素的第一次出现的位置,    // 第二个迭代器指向所查找元素最后一次出现位置的后一个位置    pair::iterator, map::iterator> p = mp.equal_range(2);    if (p.first != mp.end())    {        cout << "key: " << p.first->first << endl;        cout << "value: " << p.first->second.c_str() << endl;        }    if (p.second != mp.end())    {        cout << "key: " << p.second->first << endl;        cout << "value: " << p.second->second.c_str() << endl;    }    getchar();}


没有找到key: 2value: Cookiekey: 3value: Sun



#include #include #include #include  using namespace std;class Order {private:    char* name;    int num;public:    Order(char* name, int num) {        this->name = name;        this->num = num;    }    void printOrder() {        cout << " 订单号:" << this->num << "  商品:"<< this->name  << endl;    }};void main() {    multimap mst;    mst.insert(make_pair("Jack", Order("男士外套", 01)));    mst.insert(make_pair("Jack", Order("户外跑鞋", 02)));    mst.insert(make_pair("Lucy", Order("女士外套", 03)));    mst.insert(make_pair("Lucy", Order("女士高跟鞋",02)));    mst.insert(make_pair("Rose", Order("女士纱衣", 03)));    mst.insert(make_pair("Rose", Order("女士布鞋", 02)));    mst.insert(make_pair("Rose", Order("女士外套", 02)));    mst.insert(make_pair("Rose", Order("女士裤子", 02)));    //遍历        for (multimap::iterator it = mst.begin() ; it != mst.end() ; it++){            //获取key:it->first            cout << "key: " << it->first.c_str() << endl;            //获取value:it->second            Order order = const_cast(it->second);            order.printOrder();        }        cout << endl << "只获取Lucy订单" << endl;    //获取订单的数量    int count = mst.count("Lucy");    //打印"梦想"订单:找到    multimap::iterator it = mst.find("Lucy");    //循环遍历打印    //计数    int i = 0;    while (it != mst.end() && i < count) {        cout << "key: " << it->first.c_str() << endl;        Order order = const_cast(it->second);        order.printOrder();        i++;        it++;    }    getchar();}


key: Jack 订单号:1  商品:男士外套key: Jack 订单号:2  商品:户外跑鞋key: Lucy 订单号:3  商品:女士外套key: Lucy 订单号:2  商品:女士高跟鞋key: Rose 订单号:3  商品:女士纱衣key: Rose 订单号:2  商品:女士布鞋key: Rose 订单号:2  商品:女士外套key: Rose 订单号:2  商品:女士裤子只获取Lucy订单key: Lucy 订单号:3  商品:女士外套key: Lucy 订单号:2  商品:女士高跟鞋



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