

sql: how to update table values from another table with the same user name?


    I have two tables, with a same column named user_name, saying table_a, table_b. I want to, copy from table_b, column_b_1, column_b2, to table_b1, column_a_1, column_a_2, respectively, where the user_name is the same, how to do it in sql statement?


    As long as you have suitable indexes in place this should work alright:

UPDATE table_aSET      table_a.column_a_1 = (SELECT table_b.column_b_1                             FROM table_b                            WHERE table_b.user_name = table_a.user_name )    , table_a.column_a_2 = (SELECT table_b.column_b_2                            FROM table_b                            WHERE table_b.user_name = table_a.user_name )WHERE    EXISTS (        SELECT *        FROM table_b        WHERE table_b.user_name = table_a.user_name    )

    UPDATE insqlite3does not support a FROM clause, which makes this a little more work than in other RDBMS.

    If performance is not satisfactory, another option might be to build up new rows for table_a using a select and join with table_a into a temporary table. Then delete the data from table_a and repopulate from the temporary.



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