




LOCAL_MODULE := sensors.default  #重要,定义好的so名字,在JNI中会被加载调用LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT_SHARED_LIBRARIES)/hwLOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optionalLOCAL_CFLAGS := -DLOG_TAG=\"Sensors\" \-Wall \-DSENSORHAL_ACC_ADXL346#-DSENSORHAL_ACC_KXTF9LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \SensorBase.cpp \InputEventReader.cpp \AkmSensor.cpp \sensors.cpp \AdxlSensor.cppLOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := liblog libcutils libdlLOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE := falseinclude $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)


sensors_module_t 定义sensor模块

struct sensors_module_t {    struct hw_module_t common;    /**     * Enumerate all available sensors. The list is returned in "list".     * @return number of sensors in the list     */    int (*get_sensors_list)(struct sensors_module_t* module,            struct sensor_t const** list);};



struct sensor_t {    const char*     name; //名称    const char*     vendor; //vendor?    int             version;//版本    int             handle;//句柄    int             type; //类型    float           maxRange; //最大范围    float           resolution;//解析度    float           power; //功耗    int32_t         minDelay;    uint32_t        fifoReservedEventCount;    uint32_t        fifoMaxEventCount;    void*           reserved[6];};


/** * Union of the various types of sensor data * that can be returned. */typedef struct sensors_event_t {    /* must be sizeof(struct sensors_event_t) */    int32_t version;    /* sensor identifier */    int32_t sensor;    /* sensor type */    int32_t type;    /* reserved */    int32_t reserved0;    /* time is in nanosecond */    int64_t timestamp;    union {        union {            float           data[16];            /* acceleration values are in meter per second per second (m/s^2) */            sensors_vec_t   acceleration;            /* magnetic vector values are in micro-Tesla (uT) */            sensors_vec_t   magnetic;            /* orientation values are in degrees */            sensors_vec_t   orientation;            /* gyroscope values are in rad/s */            sensors_vec_t   gyro;            /* temperature is in degrees centigrade (Celsius) */            float           temperature;            /* distance in centimeters */            float           distance;            /* light in SI lux units */            float           light;            /* pressure in hectopascal (hPa) */            float           pressure;            /* relative humidity in percent */            float           relative_humidity;           /* uncalibrated gyroscope values are in rad/s */            uncalibrated_event_t uncalibrated_gyro;            /* uncalibrated magnetometer values are in micro-Teslas */            uncalibrated_event_t uncalibrated_magnetic;            /* this is a special event. see SENSOR_TYPE_META_DATA above.             * sensors_meta_data_event_t events are all reported with a type of             * SENSOR_TYPE_META_DATA. The handle is ignored and must be zero.             */            meta_data_event_t meta_data;        };        union {            uint64_t        data[8];            /* step-counter */            uint64_t        step_counter;        } u64;    };    uint32_t reserved1[4];} sensors_event_t;


/** convenience API for opening and closing a device */static inline int sensors_open(const struct hw_module_t* module,        struct sensors_poll_device_t** device) {    return module->methods->open(module,            SENSORS_HARDWARE_POLL, (struct hw_device_t**)device);}static inline int sensors_close(struct sensors_poll_device_t* device) {    return device->common.close(&device->common);}static inline int sensors_open_1(const struct hw_module_t* module,        sensors_poll_device_1_t** device) {    return module->methods->open(module,            SENSORS_HARDWARE_POLL, (struct hw_device_t**)device);}static inline int sensors_close_1(sensors_poll_device_1_t* device) {    return device->common.close(&device->common);



sensormanager = (SensorManager)getSystemServer(SENSOR_SERVICE);
sensorObject = sensormanager.getDefaultSesor(Sensor Type);
SensorEventListener = new SensorEventListener(){ };
sensormanager.registerListener(sensorListener, sensorObject, Sensor type);
sensormanager.registerListener(sensorListener, sensorObject);

onSensorChange(int sensor, float values[]):此方法在传感器值更改时调用,该方法只对受此应用程序监视的传感器调用()。该方法包含两个参数:
onAccuracyChanged(int sensor, int accuracy):当传感器的准确值更新时调用此函数。



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