1..先去微信开放平台注册账号,然后创建应用,签名工具下载 , 创建成功得到appid和secret。

  1. 导入方式 Android接入指南

3. 注册到微信(可以在Application 、页面的 onCreate.... )

IWXAPI  api = WXAPIFactory.createWXAPI(this, APP_ID, true);       api.registerApp(APP_ID) 


public class WXEntryActivity extends BaseActivity implements IWXAPIEventHandler {    private Context context = WXEntryActivity.this;    private void handleIntent(Intent paramIntent) {        BaseApplication.api.handleIntent(paramIntent, this);    }    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        handleIntent(getIntent());    }    @Override    protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {        super.onNewIntent(intent);        setIntent(intent);        handleIntent(intent);    }    // 微信发送请求到第三方应用时,会回调到该方法    @Override    public void onReq(BaseReq req) {        finish();    }    // 第三方应用发送到微信的请求处理后的响应结果,会回调到该方法    @Override    public void onResp(BaseResp resp) {        switch (resp.errCode) {            case BaseResp.ErrCode.ERR_OK:                if (ConstantsAPI.COMMAND_SENDMESSAGE_TO_WX == resp.getType()) {//分享                    Toast.makeText(context, "分享成功", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                    finish();                    break;                }                break;            case BaseResp.ErrCode.ERR_USER_CANCEL:                Toast.makeText(this, "    取消     ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                finish();                break;            case BaseResp.ErrCode.ERR_AUTH_DENIED:                Toast.makeText(this, "    拒绝     ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                finish();                break;            default:                break;        }    }}

5.分享代码 以下5种类型



WXTextObject textObj = new WXTextObject();                  textObj.text = text;                  // 用WXTextObject对象初始化一个WXMediaMessage对象                    WXMediaMessage msg = new WXMediaMessage();                  msg.mediaObject = textObj;                  // 发送文本类型的消息时,title字段不起作用                    msg.title = "Will be ignored";                  msg.description = text;                  // 构造一个Req                    SendMessageToWX.Req req = new SendMessageToWX.Req();                  req.transaction = buildTransaction("text"); // transaction字段用于唯一标识一个请求                  req.message = msg;                  req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneSession;   //设置发送给朋友                  //  req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneTimeline;    //设置发送到朋友圈                  // 调用api接口发送数据到微信                    api.sendReq(req);

2).图片分享代码:(包含 本地图片,SD卡图片,网络图片)


Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.img);                  WXImageObject imgObj = new WXImageObject(bmp);                  WXMediaMessage msg = new WXMediaMessage();                  msg.mediaObject = imgObj;                  Bitmap thumbBmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bmp, THUMB_SIZE, THUMB_SIZE, true);                  bmp.recycle();                  msg.thumbData = Util.bmpToByteArray(thumbBmp, true);  // 设置所图;                  SendMessageToWX.Req req = new SendMessageToWX.Req();                  req.transaction = buildTransaction("img");                  req.message = msg;                  req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneSession;   //设置发送给朋友                  //  req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneTimeline;    //设置发送到朋友圈                  api.sendReq(req);


 WXMusicObject music = new WXMusicObject();                    music.musicUrl = "http://staff2.ustc.edu.cn/~wdw/softdown/index.asp/0042515_05.ANDY.mp3";                    WXMediaMessage msg = new WXMediaMessage();                    msg.mediaObject = music;                    msg.title = "标题";                    msg.description = "描述信息";                    Bitmap thumb = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.photo);                    msg.thumbData = Util.bmpToByteArray(thumb, true);                    SendMessageToWX.Req req = new SendMessageToWX.Req();                    req.transaction = buildTransaction("music");                    req.message = msg;                    req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneSession;   //设置发送给朋友                    //  req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneTimeline;    //设置发送到朋友圈                    api.sendReq(req);


  WXVideoObject video = new WXVideoObject();                    video.videoUrl = "url....mp4";//mp4视频路径                      WXMediaMessage msg = new WXMediaMessage(video);                    msg.title = "标题";                    msg.description = "描述信息";                    Bitmap thumb = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.photo);                    msg.thumbData = Util.bmpToByteArray(thumb, true);                    SendMessageToWX.Req req = new SendMessageToWX.Req();                    req.transaction = buildTransaction("video");                    req.message = msg;                    req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneSession;   //设置发送给朋友                    //  req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneTimeline;    //设置发送到朋友圈                    api.sendReq(req);


  WXWebpageObject webpage = new WXWebpageObject();                    webpage.webpageUrl = "http://www.baidu.com";                    WXMediaMessage msg = new WXMediaMessage(webpage);                    msg.title = "标题";                    msg.description = "描述信息";                    Bitmap thumb = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.photo);                    msg.thumbData = Util.bmpToByteArray(thumb, true);                    SendMessageToWX.Req req = new SendMessageToWX.Req();                    req.transaction = buildTransaction("webpage");                    req.message = msg;                    req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneSession;   //设置发送给朋友                    //  req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneTimeline;    //设置发送到朋友圈                    api.sendReq(req);

补充: buildTransaction方法 和 Util代码

  1. buildTransaction方法
    private String buildTransaction(final String type) {        return (type == null) ? String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())                : type + System.currentTimeMillis();    }


public class Util {    private static final String TAG = "SDK_Sample.Util";    public static byte[] bmpToByteArray(final Bitmap bmp, final boolean needRecycle) {        ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();        bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, output);        if (needRecycle) {            bmp.recycle();        }        byte[] result = output.toByteArray();        try {            output.close();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return result;    }    public static byte[] getHtmlByteArray(final String url) {        URL htmlUrl = null;        InputStream inStream = null;        try {            htmlUrl = new URL(url);            URLConnection connection = htmlUrl.openConnection();            HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)connection;            int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode();            if(responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK){                inStream = httpConnection.getInputStream();            }        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        byte[] data = inputStreamToByte(inStream);        return data;    }    public static byte[] inputStreamToByte(InputStream is) {        try{            ByteArrayOutputStream bytestream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();            int ch;            while ((ch = is.read()) != -1) {                bytestream.write(ch);            }            byte imgdata[] = bytestream.toByteArray();            bytestream.close();            return imgdata;        }catch(Exception e){            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    public static byte[] readFromFile(String fileName, int offset, int len) {        if (fileName == null) {            return null;        }        File file = new File(fileName);        if (!file.exists()) {            Log.i(TAG, "readFromFile: file not found");            return null;        }        if (len == -1) {            len = (int) file.length();        }        Log.d(TAG, "readFromFile : offset = " + offset + " len = " + len + " offset + len = " + (offset + len));        if(offset <0){            Log.e(TAG, "readFromFile invalid offset:" + offset);            return null;        }        if(len <=0 ){            Log.e(TAG, "readFromFile invalid len:" + len);            return null;        }        if(offset + len > (int) file.length()){            Log.e(TAG, "readFromFile invalid file len:" + file.length());            return null;        }        byte[] b = null;        try {            RandomAccessFile in = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r");            b = new byte[len]; // 创建合适文件大小的数组            in.seek(offset);            in.readFully(b);            in.close();        } catch (Exception e) {            Log.e(TAG, "readFromFile : errMsg = " + e.getMessage());            e.printStackTrace();        }        return b;    }    private static final int MAX_DECODE_PICTURE_SIZE = 1920 * 1440;    public static Bitmap extractThumbNail(final String path, final int height, final int width, final boolean crop) {        Assert.assertTrue(path != null && !path.equals("") && height > 0 && width > 0);        BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();        try {            options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;            Bitmap tmp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, options);            if (tmp != null) {                tmp.recycle();                tmp = null;            }            Log.d(TAG, "extractThumbNail: round=" + width + "x" + height + ", crop=" + crop);            final double beY = options.outHeight * 1.0 / height;            final double beX = options.outWidth * 1.0 / width;            Log.d(TAG, "extractThumbNail: extract beX = " + beX + ", beY = " + beY);            options.inSampleSize = (int) (crop ? (beY > beX ? beX : beY) : (beY < beX ? beX : beY));            if (options.inSampleSize <= 1) {                options.inSampleSize = 1;            }            // NOTE: out of memory error            while (options.outHeight * options.outWidth / options.inSampleSize > MAX_DECODE_PICTURE_SIZE) {                options.inSampleSize++;            }            int newHeight = height;            int newWidth = width;            if (crop) {                if (beY > beX) {                    newHeight = (int) (newWidth * 1.0 * options.outHeight / options.outWidth);                } else {                    newWidth = (int) (newHeight * 1.0 * options.outWidth / options.outHeight);                }            } else {                if (beY < beX) {                    newHeight = (int) (newWidth * 1.0 * options.outHeight / options.outWidth);                } else {                    newWidth = (int) (newHeight * 1.0 * options.outWidth / options.outHeight);                }            }            options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;            Log.i(TAG, "bitmap required size=" + newWidth + "x" + newHeight + ", orig=" + options.outWidth + "x" + options.outHeight + ", sample=" + options.inSampleSize);            Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, options);            if (bm == null) {                Log.e(TAG, "bitmap decode failed");                return null;            }            Log.i(TAG, "bitmap decoded size=" + bm.getWidth() + "x" + bm.getHeight());            final Bitmap scale = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bm, newWidth, newHeight, true);            if (scale != null) {                bm.recycle();                bm = scale;            }            if (crop) {                final Bitmap cropped = Bitmap.createBitmap(bm, (bm.getWidth() - width) >> 1, (bm.getHeight() - height) >> 1, width, height);                if (cropped == null) {                    return bm;                }                bm.recycle();                bm = cropped;                Log.i(TAG, "bitmap croped size=" + bm.getWidth() + "x" + bm.getHeight());            }            return bm;        } catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) {            Log.e(TAG, "decode bitmap failed: " + e.getMessage());            options = null;        }        return null;    }}


1.微信分享出错问题,MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage: checkArgs fail, thumbData is invalid MicroMsg.SDK.WXApiImplV10: sendReq checkArgs fail

解决方法 :分享图片大小不能大于32kb。把图片改小与32KB就行了。


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