

//网络依赖    api 'com.squareup.okio:okio:1.14.1'    api 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.10.0'    api 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.4.0'    api 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-scalars:2.4.0'




private void testRestClient(){        RestClient.builder()                .url("https://news.baidu.com/")                .loader(getContext())                .success(new ISuccess() {                    @Override                    public void onSuccess(String response) {                        Toast.makeText(getContext(),response,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                    }                })                .failure(new IFailure() {                    @Override                    public void onFailure() {                        Toast.makeText(getContext(), "onFailure",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                    }                }).error(new IError() {            @Override            public void onError(int code, String msg) {                Toast.makeText(getContext(),"onError",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();            }        }).build()        .get();    }



public interface RestService {    @GET    Call get(@Url String url, @QueryMap Map params);    @FormUrlEncoded    @POST    Call post(@Url String url, @FieldMap Map params);    @POST    Call postRaw(@Url String url, @Body RequestBody body);    @FormUrlEncoded    @PUT    Call put(@Url String url, @FieldMap Map params);    @PUT    Call putRaw(@Url String url, @Body RequestBody body);    @DELETE    Call delete(@Url String url, @QueryMap Map params);    @Streaming    @GET    Call download(@Url String url, @QueryMap Map params);    @Multipart    @POST    Call upload(@Url String url, @Part MultipartBody.Part file);}



public class RestCreator {    private static final class ParamsHolder {        public static final WeakHashMap PARAMS = new WeakHashMap<>();    }    public static WeakHashMap getParams () {        return ParamsHolder.PARAMS;    }    public static RestService getRestService() {        return RestServiceHolder.REST_SERVICE;    }    private static final class RetrofitHolder {        private static final String BASE_URL = (String) Latte.getConfigurations().get(ConfigType.API_HOST.name());        private static final Retrofit RETROFIT_CLIENT = new Retrofit.Builder()                .baseUrl(BASE_URL)                .client(OkHttpHolder.OK_HTTP_CLIENT)                .addConverterFactory(ScalarsConverterFactory.create())                .build();    }    private static final class OkHttpHolder {        private static final int TIME_OUT = 60;        private static final OkHttpClient OK_HTTP_CLIENT = new OkHttpClient.Builder()                .connectTimeout(TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)                .build();    }    private static final class RestServiceHolder {        private static final RestService REST_SERVICE =                RetrofitHolder.RETROFIT_CLIENT.create(RestService.class);    }}






public class RestClient {    private final String URL;    private static final WeakHashMap PARAMS = RestCreator.getParams();    private final IRequest REQUEST;    private final ISuccess SUCCESS;    private final IFailure FAILURE;    private final IError ERROR;    private final RequestBody BODY;    private final LoaderStyle LOAD_STYLE;    private final Context CONTEXT;    private final File FILE;    private final String DOWMLOAD_DIR;    private final String EXTENSION;    private final String NAME;    public RestClient(String url,                      Map params,                      IRequest request,                      ISuccess success,                      IFailure failure,                      IError error,                      RequestBody body,                      LoaderStyle loaderStyle,                      Context context,                      File file,                      String downloadDir,                      String extension,                      String name) {        this.URL = url;        PARAMS.putAll(params);        this.REQUEST = request;        this.SUCCESS = success;        this.FAILURE = failure;        this.ERROR = error;        this.BODY = body;        this.LOAD_STYLE = loaderStyle;        this.CONTEXT = context;        this.FILE = file;        this.DOWMLOAD_DIR = downloadDir;        this.EXTENSION = extension;        this.NAME = name;    }    public static RestClientBuilder builder() {        return new RestClientBuilder();    }    private void request(HttpMethod method) {        final RestService service = RestCreator.getRestService();        Call call = null;        if (REQUEST != null) {            REQUEST.onRequestStart();        }        if (LOAD_STYLE != null) {            LatterLoader.showLoading(CONTEXT,LOAD_STYLE);        }        switch (method) {            case GET:                call = service.get(URL, PARAMS);                break;            case POST:                call = service.post(URL, PARAMS);                break;            case POST_RAW:                call = service.postRaw(URL,BODY);                break;            case PUT:                call = service.put(URL, PARAMS);                break;            case PUT_RAW:                call = service.putRaw(URL,BODY);                break;            case DELETE:                call = service.delete(URL, PARAMS);                break;            case UPLOAD:                final RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse(MultipartBody.FORM.toString()),FILE);                final MultipartBody.Part body = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("file",FILE.getName(),requestBody);                call = service.upload(URL,body);                break;            default:                break;        }        if (call != null) {            call.enqueue(getRequestCallbacks());        }    }    private Callback getRequestCallbacks() {        return new RequestCallbacks(REQUEST, SUCCESS, FAILURE, ERROR,LOAD_STYLE);    }    public final void get() {        request(HttpMethod.GET);    }    public final void post() {        if (BODY == null) {            request(HttpMethod.POST);        } else {            if (!PARAMS.isEmpty()) {                throw new RuntimeException("PARAMS must be empty");            }            request(HttpMethod.POST_RAW);        }    }    public final void put() {        if (BODY == null) {            request(HttpMethod.PUT);        } else {            if (!PARAMS.isEmpty()) {                throw new RuntimeException("PARAMS must be empty");            }            request(HttpMethod.PUT_RAW);        }    }    public final void delete() {        request(HttpMethod.DELETE);    }    public final void download(){        new DownloadHandler(URL,REQUEST,SUCCESS,FAILURE,ERROR,DOWMLOAD_DIR,EXTENSION,NAME)                    .handlerDownload();    }}





public class RestClientBuilder {    private String mUrl;    private static final Map PARAMS = RestCreator.getParams();    private IRequest mIRquest;    private ISuccess mISuccess;    private IFailure mIFailure;    private IError mError;    private RequestBody mBody;    private LoaderStyle mLoaderStyle;    private Context mContext;    private File mFIle;    private  String mDownloadDir;    private  String mExtension;    private  String mName;    RestClientBuilder() {    }    public final RestClientBuilder url(String url) {        this.mUrl = url;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder params(WeakHashMap params) {        PARAMS.putAll(params);        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder params(String key,Object value) {        PARAMS.put(key,value);        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder request(IRequest iRequest){        this.mIRquest = iRequest;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder raw(String raw) {        this.mBody = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/json;charset=UTF-8"), raw);        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder success(ISuccess iSuccess) {        this.mISuccess = iSuccess;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder failure(IFailure iFailure){        this.mIFailure = iFailure;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder file(File file){        this.mFIle = file;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder file(String file){        this.mFIle = new File(file);        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder error(IError iError) {        this.mError = iError;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder loader(Context context,LoaderStyle loaderStyle) {        this.mLoaderStyle = loaderStyle;        this.mContext = context;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder loader(Context context) {        this.mLoaderStyle = LoaderStyle.BallClipRotatePulseIndicator;        this.mContext = context;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder dir(String dir) {        this.mDownloadDir = dir;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder extension(String extension) {        this.mExtension = extension;        return this;    }    public final RestClientBuilder name (String name) {        this.mName = name;        return this;    }    public final RestClient build(){        return new RestClient(mUrl,PARAMS,mIRquest,mISuccess,mIFailure,mError,mBody,mLoaderStyle,mContext,mFIle,mDownloadDir,mExtension,mName);    }}



public enum  HttpMethod {    GET,    POST,    POST_RAW,    PUT,    PUT_RAW,    DELETE,    UPLOAD}



public interface IRequest {    void onRequestStart();    void onRequestEnd();}


public interface ISuccess {    void onSuccess(String response);}


public interface IFailure {    void onFailure();}


public interface IError {    void onError(int code, String msg);}


public class RequestCallbacks implements Callback {    private final IRequest REQUEST;    private final ISuccess SUCCESS;    private final IFailure FAILURE;    private final IError ERROR;    private final LoaderStyle LOADER_STYLE;    private static final Handler HANDLER = new Handler();    public RequestCallbacks(IRequest request,                            ISuccess success,                            IFailure failure,                            IError error,                            LoaderStyle loaderStyle) {        this.REQUEST = request;        this.SUCCESS = success;        this.FAILURE = failure;        this.ERROR = error;        this.LOADER_STYLE = loaderStyle;    }    @Override    public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) {        if (response.isSuccessful()) {            if (call.isExecuted()) {                if (SUCCESS != null) {                    SUCCESS.onSuccess(response.body());                }            }        } else {            if (ERROR != null) {                ERROR.onError(response.code(), response.message());            }        }        stopLoading();    }    @Override    public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) {        Log.e("response---------------",t.getMessage());        if (FAILURE != null) {            FAILURE.onFailure();        }        if (REQUEST != null) {            REQUEST.onRequestEnd();        }        stopLoading();    }    private void stopLoading() {        if (LOADER_STYLE != null) {            HANDLER.postDelayed(new Runnable() {                @Override                public void run() {                    LatterLoader.stopLoading();                }            },1000);        }    }}



public class DownloadHandler {    private final String URL;    private static final WeakHashMap PARAMS = RestCreator.getParams();    private final IRequest REQUEST;    private final ISuccess SUCCESS;    private final IFailure FAILURE;    private final IError ERROR;    private final String DOWMLOAD_DIR;    private final String EXTENSION;    private final String NAME;    public DownloadHandler(String url,                           IRequest request,                           ISuccess success,                           IFailure failure,                           IError error,                           String downloadDir,                           String extension,                           String name) {        this.URL = url;        this.REQUEST = request;        this.SUCCESS = success;        this.FAILURE = failure;        this.ERROR = error;        this.DOWMLOAD_DIR = downloadDir;        this.EXTENSION = extension;        this.NAME = name;    }    public final void handlerDownload() {        if (REQUEST != null){            REQUEST.onRequestStart();        }        RestCreator.getRestService().download(URL,PARAMS)                .enqueue(new Callback() {                    @Override                    public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) {                       if(response.isSuccessful()) {                           final ResponseBody body = response.body();                           final SaveFileTask task = new SaveFileTask(REQUEST,SUCCESS);                           task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR,DOWMLOAD_DIR,                                   EXTENSION,                                   body,                                   NAME);//                        这里一定要判断文件是否下载完成                           if (task.isCancelled()) {                               if(REQUEST != null) {                                   REQUEST.onRequestEnd();                               }                           }                       } else {                           if (ERROR != null) {                               ERROR.onError(response.code(),response.message());                           }                       }                    }                    @Override                    public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) {                        if (FAILURE != null) {                            FAILURE.onFailure();                        }                    }                });    }}


public class SaveFileTask extends AsyncTask {    private final IRequest REQUEST;    private final ISuccess SUCCESS;    public SaveFileTask(IRequest request, ISuccess success) {        this.REQUEST = request;        this.SUCCESS = success;    }    @Override    protected File doInBackground(Object... params) {        String downloadDir = (String) params[0];        String extension = (String) params[1];        final ResponseBody body = (ResponseBody) params[2];        final String name = (String) params[3];        final InputStream is = body.byteStream();        if(downloadDir == null || downloadDir.equals("")){            downloadDir = "down_loads";        }        if(extension == null || extension.equals("")){            extension = "";        }        if (name == null) {            return FileUtil.writeToDisk(is,downloadDir,extension.toUpperCase(),extension);        } else {            return  FileUtil.writeToDisk(is,downloadDir,name);        }    }    @Override    protected void onPostExecute(File file) {        super.onPostExecute(file);        if(SUCCESS != null) {            SUCCESS.onSuccess(file.getPath());        }        if(REQUEST != null) {            REQUEST.onRequestEnd();        }        autoInstallApk(file);    }    private void autoInstallApk(File file) {        if(FileUtil.getExtension(file.getPath()).equals("apk")) {            final Intent install = new Intent();            install.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);            install.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);            install.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), "application/vnd.android.package-archive");            Latte.getApplicationContext().startActivity(install);        }    }}



public final class FileUtil {    //格式化的模板    private static final String TIME_FORMAT = "_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss";    private static final String SDCARD_DIR =            Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();    //默认本地上传图片目录    public static final String UPLOAD_PHOTO_DIR =            Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "/a_upload_photos/";    //网页缓存地址    public static final String WEB_CACHE_DIR =            Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "/app_web_cache/";    //系统相机目录    public static final String CAMERA_PHOTO_DIR =            Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM).getPath() + "/Camera/";    private static String getTimeFormatName(String timeFormatHeader) {        final Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());        //必须要加上单引号        final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("'" + timeFormatHeader + "'" + TIME_FORMAT, Locale.getDefault());        return dateFormat.format(date);    }    /**     * @param timeFormatHeader 格式化的头(除去时间部分)     * @param extension        后缀名     * @return 返回时间格式化后的文件名     */    public static String getFileNameByTime(String timeFormatHeader, String extension) {        return getTimeFormatName(timeFormatHeader) + "." + extension;    }    @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored")    private static File createDir(String sdcardDirName) {        //拼接成SD卡中完整的dir        final String dir = SDCARD_DIR + "/" + sdcardDirName + "/";        final File fileDir = new File(dir);        if (!fileDir.exists()) {            fileDir.mkdirs();        }        return fileDir;    }    @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored")    public static File createFile(String sdcardDirName, String fileName) {        return new File(createDir(sdcardDirName), fileName);    }    private static File createFileByTime(String sdcardDirName, String timeFormatHeader, String extension) {        final String fileName = getFileNameByTime(timeFormatHeader, extension);        return createFile(sdcardDirName, fileName);    }    //获取文件的MIME    public static String getMimeType(String filePath) {        final String extension = getExtension(filePath);        return MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);    }    //获取文件的后缀名    public static String getExtension(String filePath) {        String suffix = "";        final File file = new File(filePath);        final String name = file.getName();        final int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.');        if (idx > 0) {            suffix = name.substring(idx + 1);        }        return suffix;    }    /**     * 保存Bitmap到SD卡中     *     * @param dir      目录名,只需要写自己的相对目录名即可     * @param compress 压缩比例 100是不压缩,值约小压缩率越高     * @return 返回该文件     */    public static File saveBitmap(Bitmap mBitmap, String dir, int compress) {        final String sdStatus = Environment.getExternalStorageState();        // 检测sd是否可用        if (!sdStatus.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {            return null;        }        FileOutputStream fos = null;        BufferedOutputStream bos = null;        File fileName = createFileByTime(dir, "DOWN_LOAD", "jpg");        try {            fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);            bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);            mBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, compress, bos);// 把数据写入文件        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            try {                if (bos != null) {                    bos.flush();                }                if (bos != null) {                    bos.close();                }                //关闭流                if (fos != null) {                    fos.flush();                }                if (fos != null) {                    fos.close();                }            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        refreshDCIM();        return fileName;    }    public static File writeToDisk(InputStream is, String dir, String name) {        final File file = FileUtil.createFile(dir, name);        BufferedInputStream bis = null;        FileOutputStream fos = null;        BufferedOutputStream bos = null;        try {            bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);            fos = new FileOutputStream(file);            bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);            byte data[] = new byte[1024 * 4];            int count;            while ((count = bis.read(data)) != -1) {                bos.write(data, 0, count);            }            bos.flush();            fos.flush();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            try {                if (bos != null) {                    bos.close();                }                if (fos != null) {                    fos.close();                }                if (bis != null) {                    bis.close();                }                is.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return file;    }    public static File writeToDisk(InputStream is, String dir, String prefix, String extension) {        final File file = FileUtil.createFileByTime(dir, prefix, extension);        BufferedInputStream bis = null;        FileOutputStream fos = null;        BufferedOutputStream bos = null;        try {            bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);            fos = new FileOutputStream(file);            bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);            byte data[] = new byte[1024 * 4];            int count;            while ((count = bis.read(data)) != -1) {                bos.write(data, 0, count);            }            bos.flush();            fos.flush();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            try {                if (bos != null) {                    bos.close();                }                if (fos != null) {                    fos.close();                }                if (bis != null) {                    bis.close();                }                is.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return file;    }    /**     * 通知系统刷新系统相册,使照片展现出来     */    private static void refreshDCIM() {        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) {            //兼容android4.4版本,只扫描存放照片的目录            MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(Latte.getApplicationContext(),                    new String[]{Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM).getPath()},                    null, null);        } else {            //扫描整个SD卡来更新系统图库,当文件很多时用户体验不佳,且不适合4.4以上版本            Latte.getApplicationContext().sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED, Uri.parse("file://" +                    Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory())));        }    }    /**     * 读取raw目录中的文件,并返回为字符串     */    public static String getRawFile(int id) {        final InputStream is = Latte.getApplicationContext().getResources().openRawResource(id);        final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);        final InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(bis);        final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);        final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();        String str;        try {            while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {                stringBuilder.append(str);            }        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            try {                br.close();                isr.close();                bis.close();                is.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return stringBuilder.toString();    }    public static void setIconFont(String path, TextView textView) {        final Typeface typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(Latte.getApplicationContext().getAssets(), path);        textView.setTypeface(typeface);    }    /**     * 读取assets目录下的文件,并返回字符串     */    public static String getAssetsFile(String name) {        InputStream is = null;        BufferedInputStream bis = null;        InputStreamReader isr = null;        BufferedReader br = null;        StringBuilder stringBuilder = null;        final AssetManager assetManager = Latte.getApplicationContext().getAssets();        try {            is = assetManager.open(name);            bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);            isr = new InputStreamReader(bis);            br = new BufferedReader(isr);            stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();            String str;            while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {                stringBuilder.append(str);            }        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            try {                if (br != null) {                    br.close();                }                if (isr != null) {                    isr.close();                }                if (bis != null) {                    bis.close();                }                if (is != null) {                    is.close();                }                assetManager.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        if (stringBuilder != null) {            return stringBuilder.toString();        } else {            return null;        }    }    public static String getRealFilePath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {        if (null == uri) return null;        final String scheme = uri.getScheme();        String data = null;        if (scheme == null)            data = uri.getPath();        else if (ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE.equals(scheme)) {            data = uri.getPath();        } else if (ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(scheme)) {            final Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[]{MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA}, null, null, null);            if (null != cursor) {                if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {                    final int index = cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA);                    if (index > -1) {                        data = cursor.getString(index);                    }                }                cursor.close();            }        }        return data;    }}


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