 /**     * 获取打印机状态     * @return     */    public String getPosStatus() {        try {            Socket sock = new Socket(ip, 4000); // ip and port of printer            sock.setSoTimeout(1000);            OutputStream outStream = sock.getOutputStream();            outStream.write(new byte[]{0x1B, 0x76});            outStream.flush();            InputStream stream = sock.getInputStream();            byte[] bytes = new byte[4];            stream.read(bytes);            Message msg = new Message();            stream.close();            outStream.close();            sock.close();            return bytes[0] + "," + bytes[1] + "," + bytes[2] + "," + bytes[3] + ",";        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {            Message msg = new Message();            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            Message msg = new Message();            e.printStackTrace();        }        return "error";    }


package com.example.kingprintdemo;import android.os.Message;import android.util.Log;import java.io.DataOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;import java.net.Socket;import java.net.UnknownHostException;public class Pos {    //定义编码方式    private static String encoding = null;    private String ip;    private Socket sock = null;    // 通过socket流进行读写    private OutputStream socketOut = null;    private OutputStreamWriter writer = null;    /**     * 初始化Pos实例     *     * @param ip       打印机IP     * @param port     打印机端口号     * @param encoding 编码     * @throws IOException     */    public Pos(String ip, int port, String encoding) {        try {            this.ip = ip;            boolean isSocketConnect = false;            if (sock != null) {                closeIOAndSocket();            } else {                sock = new Socket(ip, port);            }            sock.setSoTimeout(1000 * 3);            socketOut = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());            this.encoding = encoding;            writer = new OutputStreamWriter(socketOut, encoding);            isSocketConnect = true;        } catch (Exception e) {            Log.e("king", e.toString());        }    }    /**     * 获取打印机状态     * @return     */    public String getPosStatus() {        try {            Socket sock = new Socket(ip, 4000); // ip and port of printer            sock.setSoTimeout(1000);            OutputStream outStream = sock.getOutputStream();            outStream.write(new byte[]{0x1B, 0x76});            outStream.flush();            InputStream stream = sock.getInputStream();            byte[] bytes = new byte[4];            stream.read(bytes);            Message msg = new Message();            stream.close();            outStream.close();            sock.close();            return bytes[0] + "," + bytes[1] + "," + bytes[2] + "," + bytes[3] + ",";        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {            Message msg = new Message();            e.printStackTrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            Message msg = new Message();            e.printStackTrace();        }        return "error";    }    /**     * 关闭IO流和Socket     *     * @throws IOException     */    public void closeIOAndSocket() {        try {            writer.close();            socketOut.close();            sock.close();        } catch (Exception e) {        }    }    /**     * 判断socket连接状态     */    public boolean isSocketConnect() throws IOException {        boolean connected = sock.isConnected();        return connected;    }    /**     * 打印二维码     *     * @param qrData 二维码的内容     * @throws IOException     */    public void qrCode(String qrData) throws IOException {        int moduleSize = 8;        int length = qrData.getBytes(encoding).length;        //打印二维码矩阵        writer.write(0x1D);// init        writer.write("(k");// adjust height of barcode        writer.write(length + 3); // pl        writer.write(0); // ph        writer.write(49); // cn        writer.write(80); // fn        writer.write(48); //        writer.write(qrData);        writer.write(0x1D);        writer.write("(k");        writer.write(3);        writer.write(0);        writer.write(49);        writer.write(69);        writer.write(48);        writer.write(0x1D);        writer.write("(k");        writer.write(3);        writer.write(0);        writer.write(49);        writer.write(67);        writer.write(moduleSize);        writer.write(0x1D);        writer.write("(k");        writer.write(3); // pl        writer.write(0); // ph        writer.write(49); // cn        writer.write(81); // fn        writer.write(48); // m        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 进纸并全部切割     *     * @throws IOException     */    public void feedAndCut() throws IOException {        writer.write(0x1D);        writer.write(86);        writer.write(65);        //        writer.write(0);        //切纸前走纸多少        writer.write(100);        writer.flush();        //另外一种切纸的方式        //        byte[] bytes = {29, 86, 0};        //        socketOut.write(bytes);    }    /**     * 打印换行     *     * @return length 需要打印的空行数     * @throws IOException     */    public void printLine(int lineNum) throws IOException {        for (int i = 0; i < lineNum; i++) {            writer.write("\n");        }        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 打印换行(只换一行)     *     * @throws IOException     */    public void printLine() throws IOException {        writer.write("\n");        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 打印空白(一个Tab的位置,约4个汉字)     *     * @param length 需要打印空白的长度,     * @throws IOException     */    public void printTabSpace(int length) throws IOException {        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {            writer.write("\t");        }        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 打印空白(一个汉字的位置)     *     * @param length 需要打印空白的长度,     * @throws IOException     */    public void printWordSpace(int length) throws IOException {        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {            writer.write("  ");        }        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 打印位置调整     *     * @param position 打印位置  0:居左(默认) 1:居中 2:居右     * @throws IOException     */    public void printLocation(int position) throws IOException {        writer.write((char) 27);        writer.write((char) 97);        writer.write((char) position);        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 绝对打印位置     *     * @throws IOException     */    public void printLocation(int light, int weight) throws IOException {        writer.write(0x1B);        writer.write(0x24);        writer.write(light);        writer.write(weight);        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 打印文字     *     * @param text     * @throws IOException     */    public void printText(String text) throws IOException {        String s = text;        byte[] content = s.getBytes("gbk");        socketOut.write(content);        socketOut.flush();    }    /**     * 新起一行,打印文字     *     * @param text     * @throws IOException     */    public void printTextNewLine(String text) throws IOException {        //换行        writer.write("\n");        writer.flush();        String s = text;        byte[] content = s.getBytes("gbk");        socketOut.write(content);        socketOut.flush();    }    /**     * 初始化打印机     *     * @throws IOException     */    public void initPos() throws IOException {        writer.write(0x1B);        writer.write(0x40);        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 加粗     *     * @param flag false为不加粗     * @return     * @throws IOException     */    public void bold(boolean flag) throws IOException {        if (flag) {            //常规粗细            writer.write(0x1B);            writer.write(69);            writer.write(0xF);            writer.flush();        } else {            //加粗            writer.write(0x1B);            writer.write(69);            writer.write(0);            writer.flush();        }    }    public void fontSize(int size) throws IOException {        writer.write(CMD_FontSize(size));        writer.flush();    }    /**     * 睡几秒     */    private void sleep(int time) throws InterruptedException {        Thread.sleep(time);    }    /**     * 打开钱箱     */    public void openCashBox() throws IOException {        writer.write(0x1B);        writer.write(0x70);        writer.write(0);        writer.write(100);        writer.write(80);        writer.flush();    }    ///     /// 字体的大小    ///     /// 0:正常大小 1:两倍高 2:两倍宽 3:两倍大小 4:三倍高 5:三倍宽 6:三倍大小 7:四倍高 8:四倍宽 9:四倍大小 10:五倍高 11:五倍宽 12:五倍大小    ///     public String CMD_FontSize(int nfontsize) {        String _cmdstr = "";        //设置字体大小        switch (nfontsize) {            case -1:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 0).toString();//29 33                break;            case 0:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 0).toString();//29 33                break;            case 1:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 1).toString();                break;            case 2:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 16).toString();                break;            case 3:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 17).toString();                break;            case 4:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 2).toString();                break;            case 5:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 32).toString();                break;            case 6:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 34).toString();                break;            case 7:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 3).toString();                break;            case 8:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 48).toString();                break;            case 9:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 51).toString();                break;            case 10:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 4).toString();                break;            case 11:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 64).toString();                break;            case 12:                _cmdstr = new StringBuffer().append((char) 29).append((char) 33).append((char) 68).toString();                break;        }        return _cmdstr;    }}


  1. Android(安卓)Studio 离线安装 NDK
  2. ScrollView包含其他可scroll的view时保持滑到最顶端
  3. Android(安卓)ViewDragHelper使用介绍
  4. android知识杂记(一)
  5. Android(安卓)App程序结构
  6. 使用ImageSpan图标不截断的方法
  7. Android(安卓)使用摄像头拍照
  8. Android(安卓)Studio gradle插件版本和gradle版本对应关系
  9. Android通过手势实现图片按照指定路径移动


  1. android 抽屉类slidingdrawer源码解析及
  2. android用户界面之Gallery教程实例汇总
  3. 实现导航栏的左右滑动效果
  4. Android - Navigation
  5. android 开发技巧(13)--处理空列表
  6. Android基础知识总结(转载)
  7. 在Android中创建启动界面 编辑
  8. Ubuntu中编译Android(安卓)JellyBean 4.2
  9. (2) 搭建 Android 系统开发环境
  10. android 播放assets目录内的音乐,及使用Se