参考:Cross Compiling FFmpeg 4.0 for Android


环境:ubuntu 1604版本;

Step 1: Downloading the prerequisites:

  1. Android-ndk-r15c — 因为从r16版本编译ffmpeg就会出现问题,因此我们选用r16以前的版本,: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r15c-linux-x86_64.zip
  2. FFmpeg 4.0 — 文档中用的是4.0版本,而最新的版本是4.2版本,我用同样的方法试了4.2版本编译不成功,暂时就用4.0版本吧, https://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-4.0.tar.bz2

Step 2: Configuring FFmpeg:

For the rest of the post, I assume that path to your NDK is /path/to/ndkand path to your ffmpeg as /path/to/ffmpeg . Now, move your ffmpeg to the sources folder in NDK. Your new ffmpeg path should look like this, /path/to/ndk/sources/ffmpeg-4.0


gs@tk:~/04_ffmpeg/android-ndk-r15c$ gs@tk:~/04_ffmpeg/android-ndk-r15c$ lsbuild         meta       ndk-depends  ndk-stack  platforms  python-packages  shader-tools  source.properties  sysrootCHANGELOG.md  ndk-build  ndk-gdb      ndk-which  prebuilt   README.md        simpleperf    sources            toolchainsgs@tk:~/04_ffmpeg/android-ndk-r15c$ gs@tk:~/04_ffmpeg/android-ndk-r15c$ cd sources/gs@tk:~/04_ffmpeg/android-ndk-r15c/sources$ gs@tk:~/04_ffmpeg/android-ndk-r15c/sources$ lsandroid  cxx-stl  ffmpeg-4.0  ffmpeg-4.0.tar.bz2  ffmpeg-4.2  ffmpeg-4.2.tar.gz  third_partygs@tk:~/04_ffmpeg/android-ndk-r15c/sources$ gs@tk:~/04_ffmpeg/android-ndk-r15c/sources$ 

Before we actually configure ffmpeg, FFmpeg is configured by default to have version codes (Ex: libavcodec-10.so) but android can’t recognize such files, so all you need to do is to replace the lines in /path/to/ffmpeg/configure





Now in ffmpeg folder, create a new Build Script and name it as ffmpeg_android.sh (“Just a random name”). Copy paste the below commands into the file

#!/bin/bashNDK=/path/to/ndkSYSROOT=$NDK/platforms/android-19/arch-arm/TOOLCHAIN=$NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64function build_one{./configure \--prefix=$PREFIX \--enable-shared \--disable-static \--disable-doc \--disable-ffplay \--disable-ffprobe \--disable-doc \--disable-symver \--enable-protocol=concat \--enable-protocol=file \--enable-muxer=mp4 \--enable-demuxer=mpegts \--cross-prefix=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- \--target-os=linux \--arch=arm \--enable-cross-compile \--sysroot=$SYSROOT \--extra-cflags="-Os -fpic $ADDI_CFLAGS" \--extra-ldflags="$ADDI_LDFLAGS" \$ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAGmake clean allmake -j3make install}CPU=armPREFIX=$(pwd)/android/$CPUADDI_CFLAGS="-marm"build_one

Please remember to replace /path/to/ndk to the NDK Path in your local machine.

Step 3: Running the script file:

Before you run the script file above, make sure that required permissions are given to the file, run the command

chmod a+x ffmpeg_android.sh

Now run the script file as a super user.

sudo ./ffmpeg_android.sh

Have a tea, let your machine do the work for the next 20 minutes.

After some minutes (Depending on your machine’s architecture), you will find this path /path/to/ffmpeg/android/arm

There you can see some folders like “Include”, “lib”..etc .








或者参考:编译FFmpeg4.1.3并移植到Android app中使用(最详细的FFmpeg-Android编译教程)



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