

This element sets whether the activity can be launched by components of other applications — "true" if it can be, and "false" if not. If "false", the activity can be launched only by components of the same application or applications with the same user ID.
If you are using intent filters, you should not set this element "false". If you do so, and an app tries to call the activity, system throws an ActivityNotFoundException. Instead, you should prevent other apps from calling the activity by not setting intent filters for it.

If you do not have intent filters, the default value for this element is "false". If you set the element "true", the activity is accessible to any app that knows its exact class name, but does not resolve when the system tries to match an implicit intent.

This attribute is not the only way to limit an activity's exposure to other applications. You can also use a permission to limit the external entities that can invoke the activity (see the permission attribute).





当同一个设备上装了我们的多个app的时候,在8.0之前都是ok的,即A app里的SubActivity和B app里的SubActivity互相是没任何关系的,也是互相看不到对方的,这是我们对exported=false的认识;直到上周某天晚上快要下班了,QA同学拿着升级到8.0的Nexus 6P跟我说,你看你们这个页面跳不过去了,还弹出了个讨厌的没有应用可执行此操作的提示,我当时也是一脸懵逼啊,但心里已经有种不祥的预感,看起来像是google改出来的bug。

我接过设备,点击了几下,确保能复现,然后连着电脑,看了下adb logcat关于ActivityManager相关的输出,果然我们这个intent没有找到对应的cmp(component),而是到了系统的ResolverActivity,ResolverAct大家都知道,当系统找到了多个目标或者没目标时会弹出它提醒用户。这就有点奇怪了,同样的case在7.x的设备上就是好的,虽然行为上也是到了ResolverAct,但ResolverAct内部最终还是导到了本app内部的SubActivity,最终正确调起了。


Intent.resolveActivity(pm),其内部又会接着调用PackageManager#resolveActivity。另外你也可以调用PackageManager#queryIntentActivities来查看某个intent究竟可以被哪个act处理。有一点需要特别注意的是,这些方法会考察设备上所有安装的app里的activity,即使是那些被显式标记成了exported=false的act,这就是我上文说到的理解偏差,这让我很惊讶。因为我以前的认识中,既然标记了不对外暴露,那么这些act也不应该被找到才对,但很可惜,看起来Android的实现不是这样的,关于这点,可以参考以下问题:Android queryintentactivities.




/**     * (Usually optional) Set an explicit application package name that limits     * the components this Intent will resolve to.  If left to the default     * value of null, all components in all applications will considered.     * If non-null, the Intent can only match the components in the given     * application package.     *     * @param packageName The name of the application package to handle the     * intent, or null to allow any application package.     *     * @return Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls     * into a single statement.     *     * @see #getPackage     * @see #resolveActivity     */    public Intent setPackage(String packageName) {        if (packageName != null && mSelector != null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException(                    "Can't set package name when selector is already set");        }        mPackage = packageName;        return this;    }


    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {        intent.setPackage(mContext.getPackageName());    }

最后,关于exported=false的实现,我个人的看法是应该再提早些,直接一开始在匹配的过程中就找不到这样的act,而不是一股脑全找到(导致本来就1个target满足,结果找了多个出来),等到最后要打开了,看下exported是false,才弹个无权限的错误!!!之前魅族更新了次系统后也出过这问题,弹出让用户选,结果选了之后又告诉用户无权限(因为实际是exported=false的activity)。就像在实现某个方法的时候,有些前置条件不满足,我们应该尽早return,而不是埋头做了很多工作后,才检查一些必要条件,发现不对了才退出,fail fast常常是很好用的策略。



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