在window7下安装配置了Android Studio之后就想把ubuntu下的Android Studio整舒服。

Ubuntu下解压Android Studio压缩包后有个名为"Install-Linux-tar.txt"的说明文件,里面有这么一段:

  1. Unpack the Android Studio distribution archive that you downloaded to
    where you wish to install the program. We will refer to this destination
    location as your {installation home} below.

  2. Open a console and cd into "{installation home}/bin" and type:


    to start the application.

  3. [OPTIONAL] Add the "{installation home}/bin" to your PATH environmental
    variable so that you may start Android Studio from any directory.

如果只做前两步的话每次启动Android Studio都要用终端进入Android Studio的文件夹运行"./studio.sh",这是很麻烦的。


第一次:修改/etc/profile文件,添加"{installation home}/bin"到环境变量。重启系统使其生效。


解决办法:1.Ctrl+Alt+F1进入命令界面, 2.输入sudo vi /etc/profile还原为修改前的内容, 3.输入:wq保存, 4.输入reboot重启系统[1]。

第二次:修改/etc/environment添加"{installation home}/bin" 到PATH环境变量,此时可以从任意文件夹启动Android Studio了,但是还是要在终端里面。



Google到一篇名为How to add Android Studio to the launcher?的文章[3],里面有一段Answers内容为:

Here is my AndroidStudio .desktop file which works from the launcher.

[Desktop Entry]Version=1.0Type=ApplicationName=Android StudioExec="/home/username/Programs/AndroidStudio/bin/studio.sh" %fIcon=/home/username/Programs/AndroidStudio/bin/idea.pngCategories=Development;IDE;Terminal=falseStartupNotify=trueStartupWMClass=jetbrains-android-studioName[en_GB]=android-studio.desktop

Alternatively, you can also open Android Studio, click on Configure(如果已经打开了AS,此处就改为Tools) -> Create Desktop Entry. This should create an entry on the dash:



做了这些之后就可以从桌上和dash里启动Android Studio了。



  1. Ubuntu 14.04解决登录界面无限循环的方法
  2. linux中/etc/profile 与/etc/environment文件的区别
  3. How to add Android Studio to the launcher?
  4. 解决ubuntu下提示未信任的应用启动器的问题


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