今日在更新Android studio时,版本从0.8.6更新到0.8.14遇到一个,当下载完毕后安装时,弹出一个对话框,提示如下信息

The Android studio SDK folder can no longer be inside the application folder.Please move it to a different location such sa your home folder.

When the IDE restarts it will prompt you to enter the new location.

原因在于:旧的Android studio中,sdk是放在IDE的安装目录下的,这样会出现很多问题,这是官方的解释。

The reason this is necessary is two-fold: First, we have made a lot of improvements to make the patch updater more accurate, and in order for installation signatures to match, you cannot have non-application folders inside the application directory. Second, placing the SDK folder inside the application directory was probably not a good idea to begin with: this folder should typically be writable and in a directory with a lot of extra diskspace, such that users can easily download and install additional libraries, system images and so on. We are doing some work on the installer side to make this easier to set up.


前往文件夹/Applications/Android studio.app,找到已经安装的android studio,右击,点击“显示包内容”,把里面的sdk文件夹删除既可。

然后点击Retry,Android studio就能正常升级。

然后升级完成后,重新设置android sdk既可。



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