


Android下的Http client

Android提供了三种Http client:

  1. HttpURLConnection
  2. Apache HttpClient
  3. okHttp


HttpUrlConnection是JDK里提供的联网API,我们知道Android SDK是基于Java的,所以当然优先考虑HttpUrlConnection这种最原始最基本的API,其实大多数开源的联网框架基本上也是基于JDK的HttpUrlConnection进行的封装罢了




OKHttp是现在主流应用使用的网络请求方式, 用来交换数据和内容, 有效的使用OKHttp可以使你的APP变的更快和减少流量的使用。

  • 支持SPDY,可以合并多个到同一个主机的请求
  • 使用连接池技术减少请求的延迟(如果SPDY是可用的话)
  • 使用GZIP压缩减少传输的数据量
  • 缓存响应避免重复的网络请求

当你的网络出现拥挤的时候,就是OKHttp大显身手的时候,它可以避免常见的网络问题,如果你的服务是部署在不同的IP上面的,如果第一个连接失败,OkHTtp会尝试其他的连接。这对现在IPv4+IPv6中常见的把服务冗余部署在不同的数据中心上也是很有必要的。OkHttp将使用现在TLS特性(SNI ALPN)来初始化新的连接,如果握手失败,将切换到TLS 1.0

目前使用率最高的当属okHttp,不过我们这篇文章还是要先讲讲Android下网络请求的先辈 HttpUrlConnect,本文基于Android API26


URL url=new URL("www.baidu.com");HttpURLConnection conn= (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream());

1.openConnection() 建立tcp连接
2.getInputSteam() 发送http请求,并获取返回流



public URLConnection openConnection() throws java.io.IOException {    return handler.openConnection(this);}

其中 handler是URLStreamHandler的实例,handler的创建是在URL的构造函数中,其中调用了getURLStreamHandler()方法、

static URLStreamHandler getURLStreamHandler(String protocol) {    URLStreamHandler handler = handlers.get(protocol);    if (handler == null) {        boolean checkedWithFactory = false;        // Use the factory (if any)        if (factory != null) {            handler = factory.createURLStreamHandler(protocol);            checkedWithFactory = true;        }        // Try java protocol handler        if (handler == null) {            final String packagePrefixList = System.getProperty(protocolPathProp,"");            StringTokenizer packagePrefixIter = new StringTokenizer(packagePrefixList, "|");            while (handler == null &&                   packagePrefixIter.hasMoreTokens()) {                String packagePrefix = packagePrefixIter.nextToken().trim();                try {                    String clsName = packagePrefix + "." + protocol +                      ".Handler";                    Class<?> cls = null;                    try {                        ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();                        cls = Class.forName(clsName, true, cl);                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                        ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();                        if (contextLoader != null) {                            cls = Class.forName(clsName, true, contextLoader);                        }                    }                    if (cls != null) {                        handler  =                          (URLStreamHandler)cls.newInstance();                    }                } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ignored) {                }            }        }        // Fallback to built-in stream handler.        // Makes okhttp the default http/https handler        if (handler == null) {            try {                // BEGIN Android-changed                // Use of okhttp for http and https                // Removed unnecessary use of reflection for sun classes                if (protocol.equals("file")) {                    handler = new sun.net.www.protocol.file.Handler();                } else if (protocol.equals("ftp")) {                    handler = new sun.net.www.protocol.ftp.Handler();                } else if (protocol.equals("jar")) {                    handler = new sun.net.www.protocol.jar.Handler();                } else if (protocol.equals("http")) {                    handler = (URLStreamHandler)Class.                        forName("com.android.okhttp.HttpHandler").newInstance();                } else if (protocol.equals("https")) {                    handler = (URLStreamHandler)Class.                        forName("com.android.okhttp.HttpsHandler").newInstance();                }                // END Android-changed            } catch (Exception e) {                throw new AssertionError(e);            }        }        synchronized (streamHandlerLock) {            URLStreamHandler handler2 = null;            // Check again with hashtable just in case another            // thread created a handler since we last checked            handler2 = handlers.get(protocol);            if (handler2 != null) {                return handler2;            }            // Check with factory if another thread set a            // factory since our last check            if (!checkedWithFactory && factory != null) {                handler2 = factory.createURLStreamHandler(protocol);            }            if (handler2 != null) {                // The handler from the factory must be given more                // importance. Discard the default handler that                // this thread created.                handler = handler2;            }            // Insert this handler into the hashtable            if (handler != null) {                handlers.put(protocol, handler);            }        }    }    return handler;}
  1. 从handlers中取

  2. 如果URLStreamHandlerFactory不为空.让URLStreamHandlerFactory生成

  3. 根据协议 protocol生成,注意老版本中http和https用的是

    streamHandler = new HttpHandler();
    streamHandler = new HttpsHandler();


handler = (URLStreamHandler)Class.forName("com.android.okhttp.HttpHandler").newInstance();handler = (URLStreamHandler)Class.forName("com.android.okhttp.HttpsHandler").newInstance();


 synchronized (streamHandlerLock) {    URLStreamHandler handler2 = null;    // Check again with hashtable just in case another    // thread created a handler since we last checked    handler2 = handlers.get(protocol);    if (handler2 != null) {        return handler2;    }    // Check with factory if another thread set a    // factory since our last check    if (!checkedWithFactory && factory != null) {        handler2 = factory.createURLStreamHandler(protocol);    }    if (handler2 != null) {        // The handler from the factory must be given more        // importance. Discard the default handler that        // this thread created.        handler = handler2;    }    // Insert this handler into the hashtable    if (handler != null) {        handlers.put(protocol, handler);    }}


protected URLConnection openConnection(URL var1) throws IOException {    return this.openConnection(var1, (Proxy)null);}protected URLConnection openConnection(URL var1, Proxy var2) throws IOException {    return new HttpURLConnection(var1, var2, this);}



protected HttpURLConnection(URL var1, Proxy var2, Handler var3) {    super(var1);    ....    if(this.instProxy instanceof ApplicationProxy) {        try {            this.cookieHandler = CookieHandler.getDefault();        } catch (SecurityException var5) {            ;        }    } else {        this.cookieHandler = (CookieHandler)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {            public CookieHandler run() {                return CookieHandler.getDefault();            }        });    }    this.cacheHandler = (ResponseCache)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {        public ResponseCache run() {            return ResponseCache.getDefault();        }    });}


此时猜测 API26的HttpUrlConnection的网络请求发生在 getInputStream()中,而 openConnection()是为获取上次请求的缓存状态



public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {    throw new UnknownServiceException("protocol doesn't support input");}


public synchronized InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {    this.connecting = true;    SocketPermission var1 = this.URLtoSocketPermission(this.url);    if(var1 != null) {        try {            return (InputStream)AccessController.doPrivilegedWithCombiner(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {                public InputStream run() throws IOException {                    return HttpURLConnection.this.getInputStream0();                }            }, (AccessControlContext)null, new Permission[]{var1});        } catch (PrivilegedActionException var3) {            throw (IOException)var3.getException();        }    } else {        return this.getInputStream0();    }}



//判断是否有缓存,有的话直接返回if(this.inputStream != null) {   return this.inputStream;}//是否正在进行输入输出字符流的行为,如果有的判断输出流,因为这时网络连接还未建立,所以只可能是输出流到缓存 if(this.streaming()) {    if(this.strOutputStream == null) {        this.getOutputStream();    }    this.strOutputStream.close();    if(!this.strOutputStream.writtenOK()) {        throw new IOException("Incomplete output stream");    }  }

同样 getOutputStream 会跳到getOutputStream0()中


//会对URL做一次校验,主要针对host,header,protocol和authority等SocketPermission var1 = this.URLtoSocketPermission(this.url);


//有写流的行为的话,就一定是POST请求,因为GET请求不需要请求体//所以强制修改method为POSTif(this.method.equals("GET")) {    this.method = "POST";}//检查是否有可用的链接,没有则进行重新链接if(!this.checkReuseConnection()) {    this.connect();}


//先检查connected,再检查reuseClient,说明reuseClient是connect的基础连接private boolean checkReuseConnection() {    if(this.connected) {        return true;    } else if(this.reuseClient != null) {        this.http = this.reuseClient;        this.http.setReadTimeout(this.getReadTimeout());        this.http.reuse = false;        this.reuseClient = null;        this.connected = true;        return true;    } else {        return false;    }}


//添加请求部分if(this.streaming() && this.strOutputStream == null) {    this.writeRequests();}

接下来回到主流程 connect()部分会调用 plainConnect0()方法


if(this.cacheHandler != null && this.getUseCaches()) {    try {        //对url做一次处理,兼容一些缺少/等情况的url        URI var1 = ParseUtil.toURI(this.url);        if(var1 != null) {            this.cachedResponse = this.cacheHandler.get(var1, this.getRequestMethod(), this.getUserSetHeaders().getHeaders());            if("https".equalsIgnoreCase(var1.getScheme()) && !(this.cachedResponse instanceof SecureCacheResponse)) {                this.cachedResponse = null;            }            if(logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {                logger.finest("Cache Request for " + var1 + " / " + this.getRequestMethod());                logger.finest("From cache: " + (this.cachedResponse != null?this.cachedResponse.toString():"null"));            }            if(this.cachedResponse != null) {                this.cachedHeaders = this.mapToMessageHeader(this.cachedResponse.getHeaders());                this.cachedInputStream = this.cachedResponse.getBody();            }        }    } catch (IOException var6) {        ;    }    if(this.cachedHeaders != null && this.cachedInputStream != null) {        this.connected = true;        return;    }    this.cachedResponse = null;}


//第一次连接还是再次连接对应的方法不一样if(!this.failedOnce) {    this.http = this.getNewHttpClient(this.url, (Proxy)null, this.connectTimeout);    this.http.setReadTimeout(this.readTimeout);} else {    this.http = this.getNewHttpClient(this.url, (Proxy)null, this.connectTimeout, false);    this.http.setReadTimeout(this.readTimeout);}


public static HttpClient New(URL var0, Proxy var1, int var2, boolean var3, HttpURLConnection var4) throws IOException {    if(var1 == null) {        var1 = Proxy.NO_PROXY;    }    HttpClient var5 = null;    if(var3) {        var5 = kac.get(var0, (Object)null);        if(var5 != null && var4 != null && var4.streaming() && var4.getRequestMethod() == "POST" && !var5.available()) {            var5.inCache = false;            var5.closeServer();            var5 = null;        }        if(var5 != null) {            if(var5.proxy != null && var5.proxy.equals(var1) || var5.proxy == null && var1 == null) {                synchronized(var5) {                    var5.cachedHttpClient = true;                    assert var5.inCache;                    var5.inCache = false;                    if(var4 != null && var5.needsTunneling()) {                        var4.setTunnelState(TunnelState.TUNNELING);                    }                    logFinest("KeepAlive stream retrieved from the cache, " + var5);                }            } else {                synchronized(var5) {                    var5.inCache = false;                    var5.closeServer();                }                var5 = null;            }        }    }        //生成HttpClient对象,进行网络连接    if(var5 == null) {        var5 = new HttpClient(var0, var1, var2);    } else {        SecurityManager var6 = System.getSecurityManager();        if(var6 != null) {            if(var5.proxy != Proxy.NO_PROXY && var5.proxy != null) {                var6.checkConnect(var0.getHost(), var0.getPort());            } else {                var6.checkConnect(InetAddress.getByName(var0.getHost()).getHostAddress(), var0.getPort());            }        }        var5.url = var0;    }    return var5;}

**HttpClient.java **

protected HttpClient(URL var1, Proxy var2, int var3) throws IOException {    this.cachedHttpClient = false;    this.poster = null;    this.failedOnce = false;    this.ignoreContinue = true;    this.usingProxy = false;    this.keepingAlive = false;    this.keepAliveConnections = -1;    this.keepAliveTimeout = 0;    this.cacheRequest = null;    this.reuse = false;    this.capture = null;    this.proxy = var2 == null?Proxy.NO_PROXY:var2;    this.host = var1.getHost();    this.url = var1;    this.port = var1.getPort();    if(this.port == -1) {        this.port = this.getDefaultPort();    }    this.setConnectTimeout(var3);    this.capture = HttpCapture.getCapture(var1);    //开启连接服务    this.openServer();}

openServer()函数内调用 openServer(this.host, this.port);
传入host和port开启 serverSocket.setTcpNoDelay(true);服务



  • HttpURLConnection的connect()函数,实际上只是建立了一个与服务器的tcp连接,并没有实际发送http请求。 无论是post还是get,http请求实际上直到HttpURLConnection的getInputStream()这个函数里面才正式发送出去。
  • 在用POST方式发送URL请求时,URL请求参数的设定顺序是重中之重, 对connection对象的一切配置(那一堆set函数) 都必须要在connect()函数执行之前完成。而对outputStream的写操作,又必须要在inputStream的读操作之前。 这些顺序实际上是由http请求的格式决定的。
  • http请求实际上由两部分组成, 一个是http头,所有关于此次http请求的配置都在http头里面定义, 一个是正文content。 connect()函数会根据HttpURLConnection对象的配置值生成http头部信息,因此在调用connect函数之前, 就必须把所有的配置准备好。
  • 在http头后面紧跟着的是http请求的正文,正文的内容是通过outputStream流写入的,实际上outputStream不是一个网络流,充其量是个字符串流,往里面写入的东西不会立即发送到网络, 而是存在于内存缓冲区中,待outputStream流关闭时,根据输入的内容生成http正文。 至此,http请求的东西已经全部准备就绪。在getInputStream()函数调用的时候,就会把准备好的http请求 正式发送到服务器了,然后返回一个输入流,用于读取服务器对于此次http请求的返回信息。由于http 请求在getInputStream的时候已经发送出去了(包括http头和正文),因此在getInputStream()函数 之后对connection对象进行设置(对http头的信息进行修改)或者写入outputStream(对正文进行修改) 都是没有意义的了,执行这些操作会导致异常的发生。






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