
public class Canvas {    /**     * Saves the current matrix and clip onto a private stack. Subsequent     * calls to translate,scale,rotate,skew,concat or clip Rect,clipPath     * will all operate as usual, but when the balancing call to restore()     * is made, those calls will be forgotten, and the settings that existed     * before the save() will be reinstated.     */    /**     * 保存当前的矩阵和剪裁到一个私有的堆栈,其实矩阵和剪裁就是当前Canvas的状态State
     */    public native int save();}
public class Canvas {    /**     * This call balances a previous call to save(), and is used to remove all     * modifications to the matrix/clip state since the last save call. It is     * an error to call restore() more times than save() was called.     */    /**     * 移除自上次保存操作后所做的修改,恢复到之前的状态,因为是堆栈实现,所以pull操作不能不等于push操作,
save()和restore()应该成对使用,否则恢复的状态就很有可能是错误的     */    public native void restore();}


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