最近公司项目我打算将AA框架用上,但是实际导入后发现会报错:“attribute value must be constant",后来查阅了大量资料,最终才查到原来问题出现在我现在这个工程是一个Library工程,而Library工程生成的R文件不是constant的,因此才会报错,最后我找到了解决办法,方法如下:


 @ViewById(R.id.circlelogo)    View mCircleView;


 @ViewById(resName = "circlelogo")    View mCircleView;

然后我发现光是这样还不够,原本在build过之后,对应的activity应该会生成一个activity_文件,依然没有生成,导致报activity not found的错,通过查询github上AA的官方文档,我找到了解决方法:

“The id fields of the R inner classes of an Android project, such asR.id.someId, arestatic finalconstants. This allows us to use them in annotations parameter, which only accept compile time constant values.

To solve problems related to library projects, the Android team decided that the R inner classes fields of a library project would not bestatic finalanymore. Which means we can't use them in annotations in library projects any more.

You can explicitely tell AA that the project is a library project by setting thelibraryannotation processing optiontotrue.



apt {    arguments {        androidManifestFile variant.outputs[0]?.processResources?.manifestFile        library 'true'        // if you have multiple outputs (when using splits), you may want to have other index than 0        // you should set your package name here if you are using different application IDs        // resourcePackageName "your.package.name"        // You can set optional annotation processing options here, like these commented options:        // logLevel 'INFO'        // logFile '/var/log/aa.log'    }}
Library ‘true’就是告诉AA我们的工程师Library工程,在这里我们还可以对AA加上各种各样的定制,详情请到官网查找:https://github.com/excilys/androidannotations/wiki/CustomizeAnnotationProcessing#library


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