The Business of Android Apps Development Making and Marketing Apps that Succeed这本书讲述了如何成功的开发、营销app。加上看的其他文章,总结如下:


2)介绍了如何利用apps赚钱,做免费版,和收费版。做In-App Billing,比如构建自己的应用商店。比如可以游戏免费而道具收费的商业模式。



下面是amazon 上对这本书的详细介绍:

This book takes you step-by-step through cost-effective marketing,public relationsandsalestechniques that have proven successful for professional Android app creators and indie shops—perfect for independent developers on shoestring budgets. No prior business knowledge is required. This is the book you wish you had read before you launched your first app!

Who this book is for

This book is for any developer looking to build a successful business sellingAndroid apps in the various Android app stores and marketplaces.

Table of Contents

  1. The Android Application Business
  2. Questions to Ask About YourAndroid Application
  3. Your Not Selling an Application, You're Selling a Culture
  4. Marketing Your Android Application
  5. How to Promote Android Applications Within Android Applications
  6. Marketing the Free Application
  7. In-App Billing: Putting a Store in Your Application
  8. The Prerelease Guide
  9. Publishing to the Android Market
  10. Best Launch Day Ever
  11. Keep the Application Fires Burning
  12. Programming in Android with the Eclipse IDE


  1. Android(安卓)自定义Toast
  2. Android(安卓)触摸屏手势识别
  3. Android(安卓)十大导航设计错误
  4. Android(安卓)Studio运行程序出现Session ‘app’: Error Launch
  5. android 各种权限 permission 列举
  6. Android(安卓)App 升级 实现逻辑
  7. 让Android应用程序支持安装到SD卡
  8. Android界面与交互设计原则
  9. Android(安卓)轻松实现语音识别


  1. Android GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY
  2. 2013.12.04 (6)——— android SlidingMenu
  3. Android使用URLConnection显示网络图片
  4. 【PPT】The new (or the first?) build s
  5. (安卓初步)TextView
  6. 调用所有的 android activity 的实现
  7. 从 App 启动过程看 Android(安卓)10.0 Fr
  8. Android permission 权限类及中英文说明
  9. Android窗口跳转
  10. 深度详解Retrofit2使用(二)实践