Google Testing Blog上发布了一篇博客,Espresso 开源了

Espresso for Android is here!

Cross-posted from theAndroid Developers Google+ Page

Earlier this year, we presented Espresso at GTAC as a solution to the UI testing problem. Today we are announcing the launch of the developer preview for Espresso!

The compelling thing about developing Espresso was making it easy and fun for developers to write reliable UI tests. Espresso has a small, predictable, and easy to learn API, which is still open for customization. But most importantly - Espresso removes the need to think about the complexity of multi-threaded testing. With Espresso, you can think procedurally and write concise, beautiful, and reliable Android UI tests quickly.

Espresso is now being used by over 30 applications within Google (Drive, Maps and G+, just to name a few). Starting from today, Espresso will also be available to our great developer community. We hope you will also enjoy testing your applications with Espresso and looking forward to your feedback and contributions!

Android Test Kit:




  1. 【Android】监听SDCard安装和卸载的代码片段(测试通过)
  2. android 手机应用设备管理激活状态,获取激活状态,监听激活状态
  3. 单元测试,数据存储
  4. 敏捷软件测试的七个关键成功要素 Android设备到底侵犯了微软的什
  5. 单元测试
  6. Android使用百度地图SDK获得当前设备位置所在的省、市


  1. 全局窗口二
  2. 坚向的ViewPager,上下滑动的组件,android上
  3. Using cygwin with the Android(安卓)NDK
  4. andorid webview
  5. Android(安卓)APK反编译详解(附图)
  6. Android拍照
  7. Android两种计步器sensor
  8. Android点击通知栏返回正在运行的Activit
  9. Android与(Servlet)服务器交互
  10. Android(安卓)实现Activity后台运行