Android Asynchronous Http Client


A Callback-Based Http Client Library for Android




An asynchronous callback-based Http client for Android built on top of Apache’s HttpClient libraries. All requests are made outside of your app’s main UI thread, but any callback logic will be executed on the same thread as the callback was created using Android’s Handler message passing.
异步基于回调的Http客户端为Android之上的Apache HttpClient库。以外的所有请求都是应用程序的主UI线程,但任何回调逻辑将相同的线程上执行回调使用Android的处理程序创建消息传递。

•Make asynchronous HTTP requests, handle responses in anonymous callbacks
•HTTP requests happen outside the UI thread
•Requests use a threadpool to cap concurrent resource usage
•GET/POST params builder (RequestParams)
•Multipart file uploads with no additional third party libraries
•Tiny size overhead to your application, only 25kb for everything
•Automatic smart request retries optimized for spotty mobile connections
•Automatic gzip response decoding support for super-fast requests
•Binary file (images etc) downloading with BinaryHttpResponseHandler
•Built-in response parsing into JSON with JsonHttpResponseHandler
•Persistent cookie store, saves cookies into your app’s SharedPreferences
  •GET / POST参数构建器(RequestParams)
  •应用程序开销小尺寸,只有25 kb为我所做的一切
  •内置的解析与JsonHttpResponseHandler JSON响应


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