
I update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:delta_performer.cc(359)] Applying 21701 operations to partition "system"E update_engine: [0530/162336:ERROR:delta_performer.cc(1060)] The hash of the source data on disk for this operation doesn't match the expected value. This could mean that the delta update payload was targeted for another version, or that the source partition was modified after it was installed, for example, by mounting a filesystem.E update_engine: [0530/162336:ERROR:delta_performer.cc(1065)] Expected:   sha256|hex = 839ACF5296B9AB820DC822B6C09EBA896905531EB2C581093A357411F1A444A0E update_engine: [0530/162336:ERROR:delta_performer.cc(1068)] Calculated: sha256|hex = 18AF8D6842A71554893F1DE65B87F2A9639FB390357C71D5383C6ED7A6051AFAE update_engine: [0530/162336:ERROR:delta_performer.cc(1077)] Operation source (offset:size) in blocks: 0:2,193:1,218:456,23471:8,32769:1,32961:1,37333:4,37351:3,37554:3,37570:2,37951:1,37959:1,38111:1,38125:1,38129:1,38139:1,38147:1,38149:1,38151:2,38155:1,38157:1,38360:5,38372:1,38377:5,38384:1,38437:1,38442:1,38447:1,38452:1,38457:1,38462:1,38467:1E update_engine: [0530/162336:ERROR:delta_performer.cc(1260)] ValidateSourceHash(source_hasher.raw_hash(), operation, error) failed.E update_engine: [0530/162336:ERROR:delta_performer.cc(283)] Failed to perform SOURCE_BSDIFF operation 8, which is the operation 0 in partition "system"E update_engine: [0530/162336:ERROR:download_action.cc(273)] Error 20 in DeltaPerformer's Write method when processing the received payload -- Terminating processingI update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:delta_performer.cc(299)] Discarding 113721 unused downloaded bytesI update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:multi_range_http_fetcher.cc(171)] Received transfer terminated.I update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:multi_range_http_fetcher.cc(123)] TransferEnded w/ code 200I update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:multi_range_http_fetcher.cc(125)] Terminating.I update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:action_processor.cc(116)] ActionProcessor: finished DownloadAction with code ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationErrorI update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:action_processor.cc(121)] ActionProcessor: Aborting processing due to failure.I update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:update_attempter_android.cc(286)] Processing Done.I update_engine: [0530/162336:INFO:update_attempter_android.cc(306)] Resetting update progress.

The hash of the source data on disk for this operation doesn’t match the expected value. This could mean that the delta update payload was targeted for another version, or that the source partition was modified after it was installed, for example, by mounting a filesystem.


原因: make otapackage 会对system.img重新打包 导致重新打包的system.img和out目录下的system.img Hash值不一致. 也就是线刷版本的system.img和OTA包的system.img不一致;整包升级会替换system.img,而差分包升级则需要保证系统内部的system.img和整包中system.img一致才能升级成功(差分包中保存了通过sha256 Hash算法计算出整包system.img的值,通过这个值来确定两个system.img一致).

验证是否如上原因导致:    将整包中system.img通过fastboot烧录到当前系统,再验证差分包升级    adb reboot bootloader    fastboot devices     //切换到system.img所在的目录    fastboot flash system system.img    fastboot reboot

解决:保证差分包或整包的system.img和线刷(也就是out目录下)的system.img保持一致.将make otapackage源包中的system.img替换out目录下system.img




$(hide) ./build/tools/releasetools/replace_img_from_target_files.py $@ $(PRODUCT_OUT)


#!/usr/bin/env python## Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at##      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License. """Given a target-files zipfile that does contain images (ie, doeshave an IMAGES/ top-level subdirectory), replace the images tothe output dir.Usage:  replace_img_from_target_files target_files output""" import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x02070000:  print >> sys.stderr, "Python 2.7 or newer is required."  sys.exit(1) import errnoimport osimport reimport shutilimport subprocessimport tempfileimport zipfile image_replace_list = ["boot.img","system.img"] # missing in Python 2.4 and beforeif not hasattr(os, "SEEK_SET"):  os.SEEK_SET = 0 def main(argv):   if len(argv) != 2:    sys.exit(1)   if not os.path.exists(argv[0]):    print "Target file:%s is invalid" % argv[0]    sys.exit(1)   if not os.path.exists(argv[1]):    print "Output dir:%s is invalid" % argv[1]    sys.exit(1)   zf = zipfile.ZipFile(argv[0], 'r')   for img in zf.namelist():    if img.find("IMAGES/") != -1:      if img.find(".img") != -1:        data = zf.read(img)        name = img.replace("IMAGES/", '')        if name in image_replace_list:          print "Replace %s" % name          name = '/'.join((argv[1], name))          file = open(name, "w")          file.write(data)          file.close() if __name__ == '__main__':  main(sys.argv[1:])

Android OTA差分包升级失败


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