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英文原文: China Starts Arm Wrestling Android
Android -- and, by extension, Google -- has too much control over China's smartphone industry, according to a white paper from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, or MIIT.

Android is used by handset manufacturers such as Huawei and ZTE, as well as Samsung, which has a solid footprint in China.

The white paper also said that China has the wherewithal to create its own mobile operating system and loosen Google's grip on the industry. The report goes on to assert that Google has discriminated against some local firms by withholding codes, and by using commercial agreements to cripple business development of mobile devices.

Some analysts have posited that the paper foreshadows pending regulations against Android. Given the China/Google backstory, that would surprise no one. China has long crippled Google searches -- after partially punting on Chinese search in 2010, Google has about a 15 percent market share -- while Google claimed in 2011 that Gmail hacking was coming from China.

It has been pointed out, however, that Android has helped Chinese smartphone vendors which, prior to Android, relied on sub-par operating systems.


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