Android 中自定义软键盘

Android 中自定义软键盘_第1张图片 Android 中自定义软键盘_第2张图片 Android 中自定义软键盘_第3张图片



package com.keyboarddemo;import android.content.Context;import;import;import android.text.method.PasswordTransformationMethod;import android.util.AttributeSet;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.view.MotionEvent;import android.view.View;import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;import android.widget.EditText;public class LPTextField extends EditText {    private static final int BORDER_INDENT = 2;    private boolean shouldCache_;    boolean isPassword = true ;    /**     * TextField of this LPTextField for inputing.     */    // private Form form_;    /**     * Font of text.     */    private Paint font_;    /**     * Temporary string for inputing.     */    private String temp_;    // 标志该控件是否是密码输入控件,广发新增要求要求对密码输入控件内容作一定校验    private boolean isPasswordWidget_;    /**     * Indicator of setting label and input field in ONE row.     */    boolean isLabelIndianFile_;    /**     * Indicate the inputting is not empty.     */    boolean required_;    String group;    String ref;    int inputFieldWidth_;    boolean editable_ = true;    /**     * minimum of the characters     */    int minSize_;    /**     * maxmum of the characters     */    int maxSize_ = 18;    double maxValue_ = -1;    double minValue_ = -1;    String alartInfo = "";    // 输入框的输入限制类型    private int inputType_;    String TextType = "";    /* input not support "." */    Paint form_;    String attrName_;    String attrValue_;    boolean attrSave_;    String isEncrypt_;    String hint_;    private int height_;    private int width_;    MainActivity bv_;    public LPTextField(Context context) {        super(context);        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub    }    public LPTextField(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        super(context, attrs);        setTransformationMethod(new PasswordTransformationMethod());        bv_ = (MainActivity) context;        bv_.inputManager_= (InputMethodManager)bv_.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);    }    String password_ = "password";    @Override    protected void onFocusChanged(boolean focused, int direction,            Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub               super.onFocusChanged(focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect);    }    public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        this.requestFocus();        boolean rt = false;        if(null != password_ && password_.equalsIgnoreCase("password")){            bv_.inputManager_.hideSoftInputFromWindow(this.getWindowToken(), InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS);            if(bv_.dlg == null || !bv_.dlg.isShowing()){                if(this.isEnabled()){                    bv_.OnCreateInputWindow(this);                    rt = true;                }            }        }        return super.dispatchTouchEvent(event);    }    public String getContentText() {        return super.getText().toString();    }    public String getLabel() {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        // 由于国航项目取消了输入框的label。        // 改为将label作hint显示,嵌入到输入框中,所以作此改动        String str = "";        if (null != this.getHint()) {            str = this.getHint().toString();            if ((null == str) || (str.equals("")))                str = "";        }        return str;    }    /**     *     * */    public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {        return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);    }       @Override    protected void onTextChanged(CharSequence text, int start,            int lengthBefore, int lengthAfter) {        super.onTextChanged(text, start, lengthBefore, lengthAfter);    }    String checkText(String text) {        if (minValue_ == -1 && maxValue_ == -1)            return text;        if (text == null || text.equals(""))            return text;        Double sour = Double.parseDouble(text);        if ((maxValue_ != -1) && sour >= maxValue_) {            alartInfo = hint_ + "不能大于" + maxValue_;            sour = maxValue_;        }        if ((minValue_ != -1) && sour <= minValue_) {            alartInfo = hint_ + "不能小于" + minValue_;            sour = minValue_;        }        String destext = null;        // 判断输入的内容是否有小数。        if (sour % 1 < 0.001) {            destext = (sour + "").substring(0, (sour + "").indexOf("."));        }        if (sour % 1 > 0.001) {            destext = sour.toString();        }        return destext;    }    public boolean getPasswordMark() {        return isPasswordWidget_;    }    // 设置密码输入框标志,如果控件是密码输入框,则该方法一定要执行    public void setPasswordMark(boolean iswork) {        isPasswordWidget_ = iswork;    }    public void setContentText(String text) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        this.setText(text);    }    public void setEditable_(boolean editable_) {        this.editable_ = editable_;    }    public void shrinkWidth() {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub    }    public void cleanText() {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub    }    public void setLPHeidht(int height) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub    }    public void setLPWidth(int width) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub    }    public View getLPView() {        return this;    }    public int getLPHeight() {        return height_;    }    public int getLPWidth() {        return width_;    }    public void setInTable(boolean inTable) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub    }    public boolean isInTable() {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        return false;    }}

/** * 密码键盘,字母、数字随机排列显示 */public class LPKeyBoard extends LinearLayout {    private PopupWindow popWindow_;    Dialog dlg_;    boolean isShow_ = false;    LPImfView imfView;    MainActivity bv_;    EditText tempEdit_;    buttonOk btnOK_; // 确定按钮    // 判断当前输入框输入类型是否是数字    boolean inputTypeNumber_ = false;    // cs模板定义的输入长度限制    int maxSize;    private Vibrator vibrator_;    private static final long VIBRATE_DURATION = 30L;    public LPKeyBoard(Context context, LPTextField text) {        super(context);        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub        bv_ = (MainActivity) context;        btnOK_ = new buttonOk(context, false);        tempEdit_ = new EditText(context);        tempEdit_.setTextSize(15);        tempEdit_.setHeight(text.getHeight() - 10);        // tempEdit_.setWidth(LPUtils.screenWidth_);        tempEdit_.setFocusable(false);        tempEdit_.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.bg_edittext);        vibrator_ = (Vibrator) bv_.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);        tempEdit_.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);        if (text.getInputType() == android.text.InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER) {            inputTypeNumber_ = true;        }        if (inputTypeNumber_) {            tempEdit_.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(                    LPUtils.screenWidth_, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));            this.addView(tempEdit_);        } else {            tempEdit_.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(                    LPUtils.screenWidth_ * 4 / 5, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));            LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout(context);            ll.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL);            ll.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,                    LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));            ll.addView(tempEdit_);            LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(LPUtils.screenWidth_ / 5                    - LPUtils.getScaledValue(6), text.getHeight() - 10);            ll.addView(btnOK_, lp);            lp.setMargins(LPUtils.getScaledValue(4), 0, 0, 0);            this.addView(ll);        }        if (null != text.getHint()) {            tempEdit_.setHint(text.getHint());        }        imfView = new LPImfView(context, text);        this.addView(imfView);        requestFocus();        this.setClickable(true);        this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.keyboard_bg);        this.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(                LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));        this.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL);    }    class LPImfView extends TextView {        private int PAINT_SIZE = 22;        private int BORDER = LPUtils.getScaledValue(2);        private int BORDER_TOP = LPUtils.getScaledValue(4);        private int BORDER_CENTER = LPUtils.getScaledValue(5);        private int colW_one = LPUtils.getScaledValue(4);        private int colW_two = LPUtils.getScaledValue(6);        private int BORDER_TWO = LPUtils.getScaledValue(6);        private int windownShow_W = LPUtils.getScaledValue(1);        private int BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER = LPUtils.getScaledValue(4);        private EditText edit_;        private static final int FONT_H = 5;        int height_, width_, qwertyW_, qwertyH_, numW_, numH_;        private Paint paint_, textPaint_;        // 标记按键行数 、 列数        private int key_row = -1;        private int key_column = -1;        private long keyDownTime;        // 用来保存字符串的        private StringBuffer textBuffer_;        private Bitmap keyBoard_bg, keyBoard_one, keyBoard_one_down,                keyBoard_jsbank, keyBoard_gray_enter, keyBoard_del_down,                keyBoard_white_enter, keyBoard_gray_del, keyBoard_shift_normal,                keyBoard_shift_down, keyBoard_jsbank_logo, keyboard_num,                keyboard_num_down, keyboard_num_del, keyboard_num_downdel,                keyboard_abc_up, keyboard_abc_down;        private Bitmap keyOne_, keyTwo_, keyThree_, keyFour_;        private int[] resultAbc, resultNum;        // 键盘字母表        private final char[] keyAbc_ = {                'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p', 'a', 's',                'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b',                'n', 'm'        };        /*         * isABC_:true-大写,false-小写 isNum_:true-数字,false-字母         * keyEnter_:true-按下,false-抬起 isDel_: true - 按下,false-抬起         * isDelete_:true-最后一个字符显示为*,false-最后一个字符显示实际字符         */        boolean isABC_, isNum_, keyEnter_, isDel_, isSpace_, isDelete_;        // 标记字母、数字键第一行的横坐标位置        private int column1 = -1;        // 标记字母键第二行的横坐标位置        private int column2 = -1;        // 标记字母键第三行的横坐标位置        private int column3 = -1;        // 标记数字键第二行的横坐标位置        private int column4 = -1;        // 标记数字键第三行的横坐标位置        private int column5 = -1;        public LPImfView(Context context, LPTextField text) {            super(context);            // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub            edit_ = text;            maxSize = text.maxSize_;            setFocusable(true);            requestFocus();            init();        }        private void init() {            // TODO Auto-generated method stub            // resultAbc = getRandomNumber(26);            resultAbc = new int[26];            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {                resultAbc[i] = i;            }            resultNum = getRandomNumber(10);            String text = edit_.getText().toString();            if (text != null) {                textBuffer_ = new StringBuffer(text);                tempEdit_.setText(getStringBuffer(textBuffer_, false));                // edit_.setText("");            }            textBuffer_ = new StringBuffer();            if (inputTypeNumber_) {                // 如果输入类型为数字的话,弹出的时数字键盘                isNum_ = true;            }            PAINT_SIZE = LPUtils.getScaledValue(PAINT_SIZE);            paint_ = new Paint();            paint_.setAntiAlias(true);            paint_.setTextSize(PAINT_SIZE);            textPaint_ = new Paint();            textPaint_.setAntiAlias(true);            // textPaint_.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD);            textPaint_.setTextSize(PAINT_SIZE);            keyBoard_bg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_bg);            keyBoard_jsbank_logo = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.logo);            keyBoard_jsbank = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_czbank);            keyBoard_one = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_one);            keyBoard_one_down = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_one_down);            keyBoard_shift_normal = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(                    getResources(), R.drawable.keyboard_shift_normal);            keyBoard_shift_down = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_shift_down);            keyBoard_gray_del = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_gray_del);            keyBoard_del_down = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_gray_del_down);            keyBoard_gray_enter = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_gray_enter);            keyBoard_white_enter = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_white_enter);            keyboard_num = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_num);            keyboard_num_down = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_num_down);            keyboard_num_del = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_num_del);            keyboard_num_downdel = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_num_downdel);            keyboard_abc_up = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_abc_up);            keyboard_abc_down = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_abc_down);            // 根据屏幕大小缩放图片            int w = LPUtils.screenWidth_ / 3 - BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER;            int h = ((keyBoard_bg.getHeight() - BORDER_TOP) / 4) - BORDER_TOP;            keyboard_num = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyboard_num, w, h, true);            keyboard_num_down = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyboard_num_down, w,                    h, true);            keyboard_num_del = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyboard_num_del, w,                    h, true);            keyboard_num_downdel = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyboard_num_downdel, w, h, true);            keyboard_abc_up = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyboard_abc_up, w, h,                    true);            keyboard_abc_down = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyboard_abc_down, w,                    h, true);            // 缩放字母键的图片            int abc_W = (LPUtils.screenWidth_ / 10 - colW_one);            int abc_H = ((keyBoard_bg.getHeight() - BORDER_TOP) / 4)                    - BORDER_TOP;            keyBoard_one = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyBoard_one, abc_W,                    abc_H, true);            keyBoard_one_down = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyBoard_one_down,                    abc_W, abc_H, true);            keyBoard_shift_normal = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyBoard_shift_normal, abc_W + abc_W / 2, abc_H, true);            keyBoard_shift_down = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyBoard_shift_down, abc_W + abc_W / 2, abc_H, true);            keyBoard_gray_del = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyBoard_gray_del,                    abc_W << 1, abc_H, true);            keyBoard_del_down = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyBoard_del_down,                    abc_W << 1, abc_H, true);            keyBoard_gray_enter = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyBoard_gray_enter, abc_W << 1, abc_H, true);            keyBoard_white_enter = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyBoard_white_enter, abc_W << 1, abc_H, true);            keyBoard_jsbank = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(keyBoard_jsbank,                    (abc_W + colW_one) * 6, abc_H, true);            keyBoard_jsbank_logo = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyBoard_jsbank_logo, (abc_W + colW_one) * 4, abc_H                            - LPUtils.getScaledValue(8), true);            // 弹出键盘的高度            height_ = keyBoard_bg.getHeight();            // 弹出键盘的宽度            width_ = LPUtils.screenWidth_;            // 字母键的宽度            qwertyW_ = keyBoard_one.getWidth();            // 字母键的高度            qwertyH_ = keyBoard_one.getHeight();            // 数字键的宽度            numW_ = keyboard_num.getWidth();            // 数字键的高度            numH_ = keyboard_num.getHeight();            BORDER_TWO = BORDER + qwertyW_ / 2;            colW_two = qwertyW_ / 3;            windownShow_W = Math.abs((qwertyW_ - LPUtils.screenWidth_ / 8) / 2);            // colW_one = LPUtils.getScaledValue(colW_one);            // colW_two = LPUtils.getScaledValue(colW_two);            // BORDER_TWO = LPUtils.getScaledValue(BORDER_TWO);            // BORDER = LPUtils.getScaledValue(BORDER);            // BORDER_TOP = LPUtils.getScaledValue(BORDER_TOP);            // BORDER_CENTER = LPUtils.getScaledValue(BORDER_CENTER);            LayoutParams lp = (android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams) this                    .getLayoutParams();            if (lp == null) {                setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(width_, height_));            } else {                lp.height = height_;                lp.width = LPUtils.screenWidth_;                setLayoutParams(lp);            }        }        public void onDraw(Canvas g) {            /*             * 画键盘的背景             */            // g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_bg, 0, 0, paint_);            drawKeyBoard(g);        }        /*         * 画出字母键盘的布局键         */        private void drawKeyBoard(Canvas g) {            // TODO Auto-generated method stub            /*             * 使得原先的按下去效果无效             */            // column1 = -1;            // column2 = -1;            // column3 = -1;            // column4 = -1;            // column5 = -1;            /*             * 画字母键的第一行             */            textPaint_.setColor(Color.BLACK);            int startX = 0;            int startY = 0;            String temp;            if (isNum_) {                textPaint_.setTextSize(PAINT_SIZE + 2);                // 画数字键 (4行3列)                startX = (int) (((numW_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) - textPaint_                        .measureText("1")) / 2);                startY = (int) (((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) >> 1) + FONT_H + LPUtils                        .getScaledValue(3));                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {                        if (key_row == i) {                            if (j == key_column) {                                keyOne_ = keyboard_num_down;                            } else {                                keyOne_ = keyboard_num;                            }                        } else {                            keyOne_ = keyboard_num;                        }                        g.drawBitmap(keyOne_, BORDER                                + (numW_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * j,                                BORDER_TOP                                        + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * i),                                paint_);                        g.drawText(String.valueOf(resultNum[j + (i * 3)]),                                startX + BORDER                                        + (numW_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * j,                                startY + BORDER_TOP                                        + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * i),                                textPaint_);                    }                }                // 画第4行功能键                if (key_row == 3 && key_column == 0) {                    g.drawBitmap(keyboard_abc_down, BORDER, BORDER_TOP                            + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 3), paint_);                } else {                    g.drawBitmap(inputTypeNumber_ ? keyboard_num_down                            : keyboard_abc_up, BORDER, BORDER_TOP                            + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 3), paint_);                }                // textPaint_.setColor(Color.WHITE);                g.drawText(!inputTypeNumber_ ? "ABC" : "确定", BORDER                        + (numW_ - textPaint_.measureText("ABC")) / 2,                        BORDER_TOP + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 3)                                + startY, textPaint_);                if (key_row == 3 && key_column == 1) {                    g.drawBitmap(keyboard_num_down, BORDER + numW_                            + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER, BORDER_TOP                            + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 3), paint_);                } else {                    g.drawBitmap(keyboard_num, BORDER + numW_                            + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER, BORDER_TOP                            + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 3), paint_);                }                textPaint_.setColor(Color.BLACK);                g.drawText(String.valueOf(resultNum[9]), startX + BORDER                        + numW_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER, BORDER_TOP                        + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 3) + startY,                        textPaint_);                if (key_row == 3 && key_column == 2) {                    g.drawBitmap(inputTypeNumber_ ? keyboard_num_del                            : keyboard_num_downdel, BORDER                            + ((numW_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) << 1), BORDER_TOP                            + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 3), paint_);                    delEditAgainValue();                } else {                    g.drawBitmap(inputTypeNumber_ ? keyboard_num_downdel                            : keyboard_num_del, BORDER                            + ((numW_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) << 1), BORDER_TOP                            + ((numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 3), paint_);                }            } else {                textPaint_.setTextSize(PAINT_SIZE);                startY = (int) (BORDER_TOP + qwertyH_ / 2 + LPUtils                        .getScaledValue(5));                for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {                    if (!isABC_) {                        temp = String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[i]]);                    } else {                        temp = String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[i]])                                .toUpperCase();                    }                    startX = getIntX(BORDER, String.valueOf(temp))                            + (colW_one + qwertyW_) * i;                    if (column1 >= 0) {                        if (i == column1) {                            keyOne_ = keyBoard_one_down;                        } else {                            keyOne_ = keyBoard_one;                        }                    } else {                        keyOne_ = keyBoard_one;                    }                    g.drawBitmap(keyOne_, BORDER + (qwertyW_ + colW_one) * i,                            BORDER_TOP, paint_);                    if (!isABC_) {                        g.drawText(String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[i]]),                                startX, startY, textPaint_);                    } else {                        g.drawText(String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[i]])                                .toUpperCase(), startX, startY, textPaint_);                    }                }                /*                 * 画字母键的第二行                 */                int startX1 = 0;                String temp1;                for (int i = 0; i <= 8; i++) {                    if (!isABC_) {                        temp1 = String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[10 + i]]);                    } else {                        temp1 = String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[10 + i]])                                .toUpperCase();                    }                    startX1 = getIntX(BORDER_TWO, temp1)                            + (colW_one + qwertyW_) * i;                    if (column2 >= 0) {                        if (column2 == i) {                            keyTwo_ = keyBoard_one_down;                        } else {                            keyTwo_ = keyBoard_one;                        }                    } else {                        keyTwo_ = keyBoard_one;                    }                    g.drawBitmap(keyTwo_, BORDER_TWO + (qwertyW_ + colW_one)                            * i, BORDER_CENTER + BORDER_TOP + qwertyH_, paint_);                    if (!isABC_) {                        g.drawText(String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[10 + i]]),                                startX1, startY + BORDER_CENTER + qwertyH_,                                textPaint_);                    } else {                        g.drawText(String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[10 + i]])                                .toUpperCase(), startX1, startY + BORDER_CENTER                                + qwertyH_, textPaint_);                    }                }                /*                 * 画字母键的第三行                 */                int startX2 = 0;                String temp2;                for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {                    if (!isABC_) {                        temp2 = String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[19 + i]]);                    } else {                        temp2 = String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[19 + i]])                                .toUpperCase();                    }                    startX2 = getIntX(BORDER + qwertyW_ - qwertyW_ / 4, temp2)                            + (colW_one + qwertyW_) * i;                    if (column3 >= 0) {                        if (i == column3) {                            keyThree_ = keyBoard_one_down;                        } else {                            keyThree_ = keyBoard_one;                        }                    } else {                        keyThree_ = keyBoard_one;                    }                    g.drawBitmap(keyThree_, BORDER + qwertyW_ - qwertyW_ / 4                            + (qwertyW_ + colW_one) * i, BORDER_TOP + 2                            * BORDER_CENTER + 2 * qwertyH_, paint_);                    if (!isABC_) {                        g.drawText(String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[19 + i]]),                                startX2, startY + 2                                        * (BORDER_CENTER + qwertyH_),                                textPaint_);                    } else {                        g.drawText(String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[19 + i]])                                .toUpperCase(), startX2, startY + 2                                * (BORDER_CENTER + qwertyH_), textPaint_);                    }                }                /*                 * 画字母键盘功能键的切换大小写                 */                // if (!isABC_) {                // g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_shift_normal, BORDER, BORDER_TOP + 2                // * BORDER_CENTER + 2 * qwertyH_, paint_);                // } else {                // g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_shift_down, BORDER, BORDER_TOP + 2                // * BORDER_CENTER + 2 * qwertyH_, paint_);                // }                /*                 * 画字母键盘功能键的切换大小写                 */                if (!isABC_) {                    g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_shift_normal, BORDER + qwertyW_                            - qwertyW_ / 4 + (qwertyW_ + colW_one) * 7,                            BORDER_TOP + 2 * BORDER_CENTER + 2 * qwertyH_,                            paint_);                } else {                    g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_shift_down, BORDER + qwertyW_                            - qwertyW_ / 4 + (qwertyW_ + colW_one) * 7,                            BORDER_TOP + 2 * BORDER_CENTER + 2 * qwertyH_,                            paint_);                }                /*                 * 画功能键的切换数字键                 */                g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_gray_enter, BORDER, BORDER_TOP                        + (BORDER_CENTER + qwertyH_) * 3, paint_);                // textPaint_.setColor(Color.WHITE);                g.drawText(                        "123",                        BORDER                                + (keyBoard_gray_enter.getWidth() - textPaint_                                        .measureText("123")) / 2,                        (qwertyH_ + BORDER_CENTER) * 3 + BORDER_TOP                                + keyBoard_gray_enter.getHeight() / 2                                + LPUtils.getScaledValue(8), textPaint_);                /*                 * 画logo                 */                g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_jsbank,                        (width_ - keyBoard_jsbank.getWidth()) >> 1, BORDER_TOP                                + 3 * BORDER_CENTER + 3 * qwertyH_, paint_);                g.drawBitmap(                        keyBoard_jsbank_logo,                        (width_ - keyBoard_jsbank_logo.getWidth()) >> 1,                        BORDER_TOP + 3 * BORDER_CENTER + 3 * qwertyH_                                + LPUtils.getScaledValue(4), paint_);                // g.drawText("江苏银行", (width_ + keyBoard_jsbank_logo.getWidth()                // - textPaint_.measureText("江苏银行")) / 2,                // (qwertyH_ + BORDER_CENTER) * 3 + BORDER_TOP +                // keyBoard_gray_enter.getHeight() / 2 +                // LPUtils.getScaledValue(5),                // textPaint_);                /*                 * 画功能键的删除键                 */                textPaint_.setTextSize(PAINT_SIZE);                if (isDel_) {                    g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_del_down,                            width_ - keyBoard_del_down.getWidth() - BORDER,                            BORDER_TOP + 3 * BORDER_CENTER + 3 * qwertyH_,                            paint_);                    delEditAgainValue();                } else {                    g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_gray_del,                            width_ - keyBoard_gray_del.getWidth() - BORDER,                            BORDER_TOP + 3 * BORDER_CENTER + 3 * qwertyH_,                            paint_);                }                // textPaint_.setColor(Color.WHITE);                // g.drawText("确定", width_                // - BORDER                // - keyBoard_gray_enter.getWidth()                // + (keyBoard_gray_enter.getWidth() - textPaint_                // .measureText("确定")) / 2, BORDER_TOP + 3                // * BORDER_CENTER + 3 * qwertyH_ + LPUtils.getScaledValue(25),                // textPaint_);            }        }        @Override        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {            // TODO Auto-generated method stub            // 按下去的横坐标            int x = (int) event.getX();            // 按下去的纵坐标            int y = (int) event.getY();            int rowFirst = BORDER_TOP + qwertyH_;            int rowSecond = rowFirst + BORDER_CENTER + qwertyH_;            int rowThird = rowSecond + BORDER_CENTER + qwertyH_;            int rowFourth = rowThird + BORDER_CENTER + qwertyH_;            // 触摸的方式            int toucheEvent = event.getAction();            switch (toucheEvent) {                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:                    String isWhat_ = null;                    String isOut_ = null;                    keyDownTime = System.currentTimeMillis();                    if (isNum_) {                        y = y - BORDER_TOP;                        if (y >= 0 && y <= (numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER) * 4) {                            key_row = y / (numH_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER);                            key_column = x / (numW_ + BORDER_NUMBER_CENTER);                        }                    } else {                        if (y > BORDER_TOP && y <= rowFirst) {                            // 第一行                            if (x > BORDER && x < width_) {                                column1 = x / (qwertyW_ + colW_one);                                if (isABC_) {                                    // 大写字母                                    isWhat_ = String.valueOf(                                            keyAbc_[resultAbc[column1]])                                            .toUpperCase();                                } else {                                    // 小写字母                                    isWhat_ = String                                            .valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[column1]]);                                }                                if (column1 == 0) {                                    isOut_ = "left";                                } else if (column1 == 9) {                                    isOut_ = "right";                                }                                // showPopWindow(BORDER + (column1) * (qwertyW_                                // + colW_one) - (column1 == 0 ? qwertyW_ :                                // windownShow_W),                                // BORDER_TOP + qwertyH_ / 2, isWhat_,isOut_);                            }                        } else if (y > (rowFirst + BORDER_CENTER)                                && y < rowSecond) {                            // 第二行                            if (x > BORDER_TWO && x < (width_ - BORDER_TWO)) {                                column2 = (x - BORDER_TWO)                                        / (qwertyW_ + colW_one);                                if (isABC_) {                                    isWhat_ = String.valueOf(                                            keyAbc_[resultAbc[10                                                    + (x - BORDER_TWO)                                                    / (qwertyW_ + colW_one)]])                                            .toUpperCase();                                } else {                                    isWhat_ = String                                            .valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[10                                                    + (x - BORDER_TWO)                                                    / (qwertyW_ + colW_one)]]);                                }                                // showPopWindow(BORDER_TWO + (column2) *                                // (qwertyW_ + colW_one) - windownShow_W,                                // BORDER_TOP + BORDER_CENTER + qwertyH_                                // + qwertyH_ / 2, isWhat_,isOut_);                            }                        } else if (y > (rowSecond + BORDER_CENTER)                                && y < rowThird) {                            // 第三行                            if (x > (BORDER + qwertyW_ - qwertyW_ / 4 + (qwertyW_ + colW_one) * 7)                                    && x < (BORDER + qwertyW_ - qwertyW_ / 4                                            + (qwertyW_ + colW_one) * 7 + keyBoard_shift_normal                                                .getWidth())) {                                isABC_ = !isABC_;                            } else if (x > (BORDER + qwertyW_ - qwertyW_ / 4)                                    && x < (BORDER + qwertyW_ - qwertyW_ / 4 + (qwertyW_ + colW_one) * 7)) {                                column3 = (x - (BORDER + qwertyW_ - qwertyW_ / 4))                                        / (qwertyW_ + colW_one);                                if (isABC_) {                                    isWhat_ = String.valueOf(                                            keyAbc_[resultAbc[19 + column3]])                                            .toUpperCase();                                } else {                                    isWhat_ = String                                            .valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[19 + column3]]);                                }                                // showPopWindow(                                // column3                                // * (qwertyW_ + colW_one)                                // + (BORDER                                // + qwertyW_ - qwertyW_ / 4) - windownShow_W                                // , BORDER_TOP + qwertyH_ * 2                                // + BORDER_CENTER * 2 + qwertyH_ / 2,                                // isWhat_,isOut_);                            }                        } else if (y > (rowThird + BORDER_CENTER)                                && y < rowFourth) {                            // 第四行                            if (x > BORDER                                    && x < (BORDER + keyBoard_gray_enter                                            .getWidth())) {                                isNum_ = true;                            } else if (x > (width_ - BORDER - keyBoard_gray_enter                                    .getWidth()) && x < (width_ - BORDER)) {                                isDel_ = true;                                keyEnter_ = true;                            }                        }                    }                    invalidate();                    return true;                case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:                    // if(Math.abs(x - 2) > 2 || Math.abs(y - 2) > 2 ){                    // column1 = -1;                    // column2 = -1;                    // column3 = -1;                    // column4 = -1;                    // column5 = -1;                    // }                    invalidate();                    return true;                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                    if (isNum_) {                        if (key_row != -1 && key_column != -1) {                            isDelete_ = false;                            if (key_row == 3) {                                switch (key_column) {                                    case 0:                                        if (inputTypeNumber_) {                                            keyEnter_ = false;                                            dlg_.dismiss();                                        } else {                                            isDelete_ = true;                                            isNum_ = false;                                        }                                        break;                                    case 1:                                        textBuffer_ = appendBuffer(                                                String.valueOf(resultNum[9]),                                                true);                                        break;                                    case 2:                                        isDel_ = false;                                        isDelete_ = true;                                        if (null != textBuffer_                                                && textBuffer_.length() > 0                                                && tempEdit_.getText() != null                                                && tempEdit_.getText()                                                        .toString().trim()                                                        .length() > 0) {                                            try {                                                int k = tempEdit_                                                        .getSelectionEnd();                                                textBuffer_ = textBuffer_                                                        .deleteCharAt(k - 1);                                            } catch (Exception e) {                                                // TODO: handle exception                                            }                                        }                                        break;                                    default:                                        break;                                }                            } else {                                int index = key_row * 3 + key_column;                                if (index < resultNum.length) {                                    textBuffer_ = appendBuffer(                                            String.valueOf(resultNum[index]),                                            true);                                }                            }                            key_row = -1;                            key_column = -1;                        } else {                            isDelete_ = true;                        }                    } else {                        isDel_ = false;                        keyEnter_ = false;                        if (column1 != -1) {                            // 第一行                            if (isABC_) {                                // 大写字母                                textBuffer_ = appendBuffer(                                        String.valueOf(                                                keyAbc_[resultAbc[column1]])                                                .toUpperCase(), false);                            } else {                                // 小写字母                                textBuffer_ = appendBuffer(                                        String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[column1]]),                                        false);                            }                        } else if (column2 != -1) {                            // 第二行                            if (isABC_) {                                textBuffer_ = appendBuffer(                                        String.valueOf(                                                keyAbc_[resultAbc[10 + column2]])                                                .toUpperCase(), false);                            } else {                                textBuffer_ = appendBuffer(                                        String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[10 + column2]]),                                        false);                            }                        } else if (column3 != -1) {                            // 第三行                            if (isABC_) {                                textBuffer_ = appendBuffer(                                        String.valueOf(                                                keyAbc_[resultAbc[19 + column3]])                                                .toUpperCase(), false);                            } else {                                textBuffer_ = appendBuffer(                                        String.valueOf(keyAbc_[resultAbc[19 + column3]]),                                        false);                            }                        } else if (y > (rowThird + BORDER_CENTER)                                && y < rowFourth) {                            isDelete_ = true;                            // 第四行                            if (x > (width_ - BORDER - keyBoard_gray_del                                    .getWidth()) && x < (width_ - BORDER)) {                                isDel_ = false;                                isDelete_ = true;                                if (null != textBuffer_                                        && textBuffer_.length() > 0                                        && tempEdit_.getText() != null                                        && tempEdit_.getText().toString()                                                .trim().length() > 0) {                                    try {                                        int k = tempEdit_.getSelectionEnd();                                        textBuffer_ = textBuffer_                                                .deleteCharAt(k - 1);                                    } catch (Exception e) {                                        // TODO: handle exception                                    }                                }                                keyEnter_ = false;                            }                        } else if (y > rowFourth) {                            isDelete_ = true;                        }                    }                    // 每按一次键盘刷新一次                    // resultAbc = getRandomNumber(26);                    // resultNum = getRandomNumber(10);                    column1 = -1;                    column2 = -1;                    column3 = -1;                    column4 = -1;                    column5 = -1;                    tempEdit_.setText(getStringBuffer(textBuffer_, true)                            .toString());                    if (null != getStringBuffer(textBuffer_, true)) {                        tempEdit_.setSelection(getStringBuffer(textBuffer_,                                true).length());                    }                    // 用户输入的内容显示一秒后变为*号                    new CountDownTimer(1000, 1000) {                        public void onFinish() {                            tempEdit_.setText(getStringBuffer(textBuffer_,                                    false).toString());                            if (null != getStringBuffer(textBuffer_, false)) {                                tempEdit_.setSelection(getStringBuffer(                                        textBuffer_, false).length());                            }                        }                        @Override                        public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {                            // TODO Auto-generated method stub                        }                    }.start();                    edit_.setText(textBuffer_);                    if (null != textBuffer_) {                        edit_.setSelection(textBuffer_.length());                    }                    dismissPopWindow();                    invalidate();                    vibrator_.vibrate(2 * VIBRATE_DURATION);                    return true;            }            return false;        }        private int getIntX(int left, String str) {            int startX = 0;            startX = (int) (left + (qwertyW_ - textPaint_.measureText(str)) / 2);            return startX;        }        private void showPopWindow(int eventX, int eventY, String isWhat,                String isOut) {            ShowView show = null;            show = new ShowView(bv_, isWhat, isOut);            LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout(bv_);            ll.addView(show);            if (null != isOut) {                if (isOut.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) {                    eventX = eventX + LPUtils.getScaledValue(10);                } else if (isOut.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) {                    eventX = eventX + colW_one - LPUtils.getScaledValue(3);                }            }            popWindow_ = new PopupWindow(ll,                    ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,                    ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);            if (!popWindow_.isShowing()) {                popWindow_.showAtLocation(this, Gravity.AXIS_X_SHIFT,                        eventX + 1, eventY - LPUtils.getScaledValue(20));            }        }        private void dismissPopWindow() {            if (null != popWindow_ && popWindow_.isShowing()) {                popWindow_.dismiss();            }        }        // 得到一个拼接的buffer,用来显示点还是实际内容        public StringBuffer getStringBuffer(StringBuffer text, boolean isShow) {            if (text == null) {                return text;            }            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();            if (isShow) {                if (null != text && !"".equalsIgnoreCase(text.toString())) {                    for (int i = 0; i <= text.length() - 2; i++) {                        buf = buf.append("*");                    }                    if (isDelete_) {                        buf = buf.append("*");                    } else {                        buf = buf.append(text.charAt(text.length() - 1));                    }                }            } else {                if (null != text) {                    for (int i = 0; i <= text.length() - 1; i++) {                        buf = buf.append("*");                    }                }            }            isDelete_ = false;            return buf;        }        // 删除文本内容        public void delEditValue(StringBuffer sb) {            if (sb.length() == 0                    && edit_.getText().toString().trim().length() > 0) {                sb.append(edit_.getText().toString().trim());            }            if (sb.length() > 0) {                sb = sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);                edit_.setText(sb);                edit_.setSelection(edit_.getText().toString().trim().length());            }        }        // 连删操作        public void delEditAgainValue() {            StringTicker.instance().notifyTicker();            this.postInvalidate();            if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - keyDownTime) / 100 > 1) {                // 按下时间大于0.1秒 则执行连删输入框                delEditValue(textBuffer_);            }        }        public StringBuffer appendBuffer(String buf, boolean isAppend) {            // 判断是否输入框有限制输入长度            if (null != textBuffer_ && textBuffer_.length() >= maxSize) {                isDelete_ = true;                return textBuffer_;            } else {                if (inputTypeNumber_) {                    if (isAppend) {                        textBuffer_ = textBuffer_.append(buf);                    } else {                        isDelete_ = true;                    }                } else {                    textBuffer_ = textBuffer_.append(buf);                }                return textBuffer_;            }        }        public int[] getRandomNumber(int limit) {            int[] result = new int[limit];            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {                result[i] = i;            }            int w;            Random rand = new Random();            for (int i = limit - 1; i > 0; i--) {                w = rand.nextInt(i);                int t = result[i];                result[i] = result[w];                result[w] = t;            }            return result;        }    }    /**     * 确定按钮     *     * @author brookess     */    class buttonOk extends LinearLayout {        TextView tv;        boolean isSubmit_ = false;        public buttonOk(Context context, boolean isSubmit) {            super(context);            isSubmit_ = isSubmit;            tv = new TextView(context);            tv.setTextSize(22);            tv.setText("确定");            // tv.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD);            tv.setTextColor(Color.WHITE);            this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.keyboard_num_down);            this.addView(tv);            this.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(                    LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));            this.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER);        }        @Override        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {            switch (event.getAction()) {                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:                    // this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.keyboard_abc_down);                    break;                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                    // this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.keyboard_abc_up);                    dlg_.dismiss();                    break;                default:                    // this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.keyboard_abc_up);                    break;            }            return true;        }    }    private class ShowView extends TextView {        private Bitmap keyBoard_show_window;        private Bitmap keyBoard_show_window_left;        private Bitmap keyBoard_show_window_right;        private int width_;        private int height_;        private TextPaint paint_;        private String isWhat_;        private String isOut_;        public ShowView(Context context, String isWhat, String isOut) {            super(context);            // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub            isWhat_ = isWhat;            isOut_ = isOut;            init();        }        private void init() {            // TODO Auto-generated method stub            paint_ = new TextPaint();            paint_.setAntiAlias(true);            paint_.setTextSize(LPUtils.getScaledValue(18));            paint_.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD);            paint_.setColor(Color.BLACK);            keyBoard_show_window = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),                    R.drawable.keyboard_show_window);            keyBoard_show_window_left = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(                    getResources(), R.drawable.keyboard_show_window_left);            keyBoard_show_window_right = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(                    getResources(), R.drawable.keyboard_show_window_right);            int w = LPUtils.screenWidth_ / 8;            int h = w * keyBoard_show_window.getHeight()                    / keyBoard_show_window.getWidth();            keyBoard_show_window = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyBoard_show_window, w, h, true);            keyBoard_show_window_left = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyBoard_show_window_left, w, h, true);            keyBoard_show_window_right = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(                    keyBoard_show_window_right, w, h, true);            if (null != isOut_) {                width_ = keyBoard_show_window_left.getWidth();            } else {                width_ = keyBoard_show_window.getWidth();            }            height_ = keyBoard_show_window.getHeight();            LayoutParams lp = (android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams) this                    .getLayoutParams();            if (lp == null) {                setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(width_, height_));            } else {                lp.height = height_;                lp.width = width_;                setLayoutParams(lp);            }        }        public void onDraw(Canvas g) {            if (null != isOut_) {                if (isOut_.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) {                    g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_show_window_left, 0, 0, paint_);                } else if (isOut_.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) {                    g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_show_window_right, 0, 0, paint_);                }            } else {                g.drawBitmap(keyBoard_show_window, 0, 0, paint_);            }            if (null != isWhat_) {                g.drawText(isWhat_, (width_ - paint_.measureText(isWhat_)) / 2,                        height_ / 2 - LPUtils.getScaledValue(8), paint_);            }        }    }}



  1. 进入页面后不弹出软键盘
  2. Android 自定义WebView点击输入框不弹出软键盘;
  3. 解决ios软键盘输入框被遮挡问题
  4. Android软键盘遮挡布局的那些事
  5. Android点击事件隐藏软键盘
  6. android隐藏弹出软键盘
  7. 自定义控件:瀑布流水字母
  8. android 点击空白 隐藏软键盘


  1. Android(安卓)7.1.1 通话记录数据库详解
  2. Android(安卓)高仿【优酷】圆盘旋转菜单
  3. 数据科学工作加油站
  4. android之SlidingDrawer实现抽屉效果
  5. Android中判断手机是否已经Root
  6. android绘图坐标
  7. android nine patch图片
  8. Android(安卓)Wear开发 - 数据通讯 - 第
  9. Android和iPhone及Windows Mobile,Palm P
  10. 用Fiddler可以设置浏览器的UA 和 手动 --