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The method onClick(View) of type new View.OnClickListener(){} must override a superclass method DeliverActivity.java /HelloAndroid/src/com/winse/communicate line 20 Java Problem

解决方法: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4761888/override-annotation-error-android-prefs
It's an implementation thing. In Java 5 vs Java 6 they changed whether you could use "Override" with an interface (since Override seems to imply that you are overriding some sort of default behavior, which you are not doing with an interface!). If you so desire, you can search in the Eclipse preferences and change it from a compilation error to a compilation warning. You code inside of the CheckBox() function looks fine to me.
通过设置eclipse的冲突可以解决这个问题。 Prefereces-->Java-->Compiler在右边的Compiler compliance level设置为1.6即可。
@Override annotation error(Eclipse导入原有的Android Projects)_第1张图片


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