





  public void populateDeviceSelectionModel() {    IDevice[] devices = DeviceBridge.getDevices();    for (IDevice device : devices)      deviceConnected(device);  }  public void deviceConnected(final IDevice device)  {    executeInBackground("Connecting device", new Object()    {      public void run() {        if (!device.isOnline())          return;        IHvDevice hvDevice;        synchronized (HierarchyViewerDirector.mDevicesLock) {          hvDevice = (IHvDevice)HierarchyViewerDirector.this.mDevices.get(device);          if (hvDevice == null) {            hvDevice = HvDeviceFactory.create(device);            hvDevice.initializeViewDebug();            hvDevice.addWindowChangeListener(HierarchyViewerDirector.getDirector());            HierarchyViewerDirector.this.mDevices.put(device, hvDevice);          }          else {            hvDevice.initializeViewDebug();          }        }        DeviceSelectionModel.getModel().addDevice(hvDevice);        HierarchyViewerDirector.this.focusChanged(device);      }    });  }


  public boolean initializeViewDebug()  {    if (!this.mDevice.isOnline()) {      return false;    }    DeviceBridge.setupDeviceForward(this.mDevice);    return reloadWindows();  }  public boolean reloadWindows()  {    if ((!DeviceBridge.isViewServerRunning(this.mDevice)) &&       (!DeviceBridge.startViewServer(this.mDevice))) {      Log.e("ViewServerDevice", "Unable to debug device: " + this.mDevice.getName());      DeviceBridge.removeDeviceForward(this.mDevice);      return false;    }    this.mViewServerInfo = DeviceBridge.loadViewServerInfo(this.mDevice);    if (this.mViewServerInfo == null) {      return false;    }    this.mWindows = DeviceBridge.loadWindows(this, this.mDevice);    return true;  }


  public static boolean startViewServer(IDevice device) {    return startViewServer(device, 4939);  }  public static boolean startViewServer(IDevice device, int port) {    boolean[] result = new boolean[1];    try {      if (device.isOnline())        device.executeShellCommand(buildStartServerShellCommand(port), new BooleanResultReader(result));    }    catch (TimeoutException e)    {      Log.e("hierarchyviewer", "Timeout starting view server on device " + device);    } catch (IOException e) {      Log.e("hierarchyviewer", "Unable to start view server on device " + device);    } catch (AdbCommandRejectedException e) {      Log.e("hierarchyviewer", "Adb rejected command to start view server on device " + device);    } catch (ShellCommandUnresponsiveException e) {      Log.e("hierarchyviewer", "Unable to execute command to start view server on device " + device);    }    return result[0];  }  private static String buildStartServerShellCommand(int port) {    return String.format("service call window %d i32 %d", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(port) });  }


shell@device:/ $ service call window 1 i32 4939



    public boolean startViewServer(int port) {        if (isSystemSecure()) {            return false;        }        if (!checkCallingPermission(Manifest.permission.DUMP, "startViewServer")) {            return false;        }        if (port < 1024) {            return false;        }        if (mViewServer != null) {            if (!mViewServer.isRunning()) {                try {                    return mViewServer.start();                } catch (IOException e) {                    Slog.w(TAG, "View server did not start");                }            }            return false;        }        try {            mViewServer = new ViewServer(this, port);            return mViewServer.start();        } catch (IOException e) {            Slog.w(TAG, "View server did not start");        }        return false;    }    private boolean isSystemSecure() {        return "1".equals(SystemProperties.get(SYSTEM_SECURE, "1")) &&                "0".equals(SystemProperties.get(SYSTEM_DEBUGGABLE, "0"));    }


  1 /*  2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project  3  *  4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");  5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at  7  *  8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  9  * 10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14  * limitations under the License. 15  */ 16  17 package com.android.server.wm; 18  19  20 import android.util.Slog; 21  22 import java.net.ServerSocket; 23 import java.net.Socket; 24 import java.net.InetAddress; 25 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; 26 import java.util.concurrent.Executors; 27 import java.io.IOException; 28 import java.io.BufferedReader; 29 import java.io.InputStreamReader; 30 import java.io.OutputStream; 31 import java.io.BufferedWriter; 32 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; 33  34 /** 35  * The ViewServer is local socket server that can be used to communicate with the 36  * views of the opened windows. Communication with the views is ensured by the 37  * {@link com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService} and is a cross-process operation. 38  * 39  * {@hide} 40  */ 41 class ViewServer implements Runnable { 42     /** 43      * The default port used to start view servers. 44      */ 45     public static final int VIEW_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT = 4939; 46  47     private static final int VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS = 10; 48  49     // Debug facility 50     private static final String LOG_TAG = "ViewServer"; 51  52     private static final String VALUE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "4"; 53     private static final String VALUE_SERVER_VERSION = "4"; 54  55     // Protocol commands 56     // Returns the protocol version 57     private static final String COMMAND_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "PROTOCOL"; 58     // Returns the server version 59     private static final String COMMAND_SERVER_VERSION = "SERVER"; 60     // Lists all of the available windows in the system 61     private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_LIST = "LIST"; 62     // Keeps a connection open and notifies when the list of windows changes 63     private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_AUTOLIST = "AUTOLIST"; 64     // Returns the focused window 65     private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_GET_FOCUS = "GET_FOCUS"; 66  67     private ServerSocket mServer; 68     private Thread mThread; 69  70     private final WindowManagerService mWindowManager; 71     private final int mPort; 72  73     private ExecutorService mThreadPool; 74  75     /** 76      * Creates a new ViewServer associated with the specified window manager on the 77      * specified local port. The server is not started by default. 78      * 79      * @param windowManager The window manager used to communicate with the views. 80      * @param port The port for the server to listen to. 81      * 82      * @see #start() 83      */ 84     ViewServer(WindowManagerService windowManager, int port) { 85         mWindowManager = windowManager; 86         mPort = port; 87     } 88  89     /** 90      * Starts the server. 91      * 92      * @return True if the server was successfully created, or false if it already exists. 93      * @throws IOException If the server cannot be created. 94      * 95      * @see #stop() 96      * @see #isRunning() 97      * @see WindowManagerService#startViewServer(int) 98      */ 99     boolean start() throws IOException {100         if (mThread != null) {101             return false;102         }103 104         mServer = new ServerSocket(mPort, VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS, InetAddress.getLocalHost());105         mThread = new Thread(this, "Remote View Server [port=" + mPort + "]");106         mThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS);107         mThread.start();108 109         return true;110     }111 112     /**113      * Stops the server.114      *115      * @return True if the server was stopped, false if an error occured or if the116      *         server wasn't started.117      *118      * @see #start()119      * @see #isRunning()120      * @see WindowManagerService#stopViewServer()121      */122     boolean stop() {123         if (mThread != null) {124 125             mThread.interrupt();126             if (mThreadPool != null) {127                 try {128                     mThreadPool.shutdownNow();129                 } catch (SecurityException e) {130                     Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not stop all view server threads");131                 }132             }133             mThreadPool = null;134             mThread = null;135             try {136                 mServer.close();137                 mServer = null;138                 return true;139             } catch (IOException e) {140                 Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not close the view server");141             }142         }143         return false;144     }145 146     /**147      * Indicates whether the server is currently running.148      *149      * @return True if the server is running, false otherwise.150      *151      * @see #start()152      * @see #stop()153      * @see WindowManagerService#isViewServerRunning()  154      */155     boolean isRunning() {156         return mThread != null && mThread.isAlive();157     }158 159     /**160      * Main server loop.161      */162     public void run() {163         while (Thread.currentThread() == mThread) {164             // Any uncaught exception will crash the system process165             try {166                 Socket client = mServer.accept();167                 if (mThreadPool != null) {168                     mThreadPool.submit(new ViewServerWorker(client));169                 } else {170                     try {171                         client.close();172                     } catch (IOException e) {173                         e.printStackTrace();174                     }175                 }176             } catch (Exception e) {177                 Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Connection error: ", e);178             }179         }180     }181 182     private static boolean writeValue(Socket client, String value) {183         boolean result;184         BufferedWriter out = null;185         try {186             OutputStream clientStream = client.getOutputStream();187             out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(clientStream), 8 * 1024);188             out.write(value);189             out.write("\n");190             out.flush();191             result = true;192         } catch (Exception e) {193             result = false;194         } finally {195             if (out != null) {196                 try {197                     out.close();198                 } catch (IOException e) {199                     result = false;200                 }201             }202         }203         return result;204     }205 206     class ViewServerWorker implements Runnable, WindowManagerService.WindowChangeListener {207         private Socket mClient;208         private boolean mNeedWindowListUpdate;209         private boolean mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate;210 211         public ViewServerWorker(Socket client) {212             mClient = client;213             mNeedWindowListUpdate = false;214             mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = false;215         }216 217         public void run() {218 219             BufferedReader in = null;220             try {221                 in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mClient.getInputStream()), 1024);222 223                 final String request = in.readLine();224 225                 String command;226                 String parameters;227 228                 int index = request.indexOf(' ');229                 if (index == -1) {230                     command = request;231                     parameters = "";232                 } else {233                     command = request.substring(0, index);234                     parameters = request.substring(index + 1);235                 }236 237                 boolean result;238                 if (COMMAND_PROTOCOL_VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {239                     result = writeValue(mClient, VALUE_PROTOCOL_VERSION);240                 } else if (COMMAND_SERVER_VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {241                     result = writeValue(mClient, VALUE_SERVER_VERSION);242                 } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_LIST.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {243                     result = mWindowManager.viewServerListWindows(mClient);244                 } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_GET_FOCUS.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {245                     result = mWindowManager.viewServerGetFocusedWindow(mClient);246                 } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_AUTOLIST.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {247                     result = windowManagerAutolistLoop();248                 } else {249                     result = mWindowManager.viewServerWindowCommand(mClient,250                             command, parameters);251                 }252 253                 if (!result) {254                     Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "An error occurred with the command: " + command);255                 }256             } catch(IOException e) {257                 Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Connection error: ", e);258             } finally {259                 if (in != null) {260                     try {261                         in.close();262 263                     } catch (IOException e) {264                         e.printStackTrace();265                     }266                 }267                 if (mClient != null) {268                     try {269                         mClient.close();270                     } catch (IOException e) {271                         e.printStackTrace();272                     }273                 }274             }275         }276 277         public void windowsChanged() {278             synchronized(this) {279                 mNeedWindowListUpdate = true;280                 notifyAll();281             }282         }283 284         public void focusChanged() {285             synchronized(this) {286                 mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = true;287                 notifyAll();288             }289         }290 291         private boolean windowManagerAutolistLoop() {292             mWindowManager.addWindowChangeListener(this);293             BufferedWriter out = null;294             try {295                 out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(mClient.getOutputStream()));296                 while (!Thread.interrupted()) {297                     boolean needWindowListUpdate = false;298                     boolean needFocusedWindowUpdate = false;299                     synchronized (this) {300                         while (!mNeedWindowListUpdate && !mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate) {301                             wait();302                         }303                         if (mNeedWindowListUpdate) {304                             mNeedWindowListUpdate = false;305                             needWindowListUpdate = true;306                         }307                         if (mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate) {308                             mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = false;309                             needFocusedWindowUpdate = true;310                         }311                     }312                     if (needWindowListUpdate) {313                         out.write("LIST UPDATE\n");314                         out.flush();315                     }316                     if (needFocusedWindowUpdate) {317                         out.write("ACTION_FOCUS UPDATE\n");318                         out.flush();319                     }320                 }321             } catch (Exception e) {322                 // Ignore323             } finally {324                 if (out != null) {325                     try {326                         out.close();327                     } catch (IOException e) {328                         // Ignore329                     }330                 }331                 mWindowManager.removeWindowChangeListener(this);332             }333             return true;334         }335     }336 }


    boolean start() throws IOException {        if (mThread != null) {            return false;        }        mServer = new ServerSocket(mPort, VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS, InetAddress.getLocalHost());        mThread = new Thread(this, "Remote View Server [port=" + mPort + "]");        mThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS);        mThread.start();        return true;    }    public void run() {        while (Thread.currentThread() == mThread) {            // Any uncaught exception will crash the system process            try {                Socket client = mServer.accept();                if (mThreadPool != null) {                    mThreadPool.submit(new ViewServerWorker(client));                } else {                    try {                        client.close();                    } catch (IOException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }            } catch (Exception e) {                Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Connection error: ", e);            }        }    }


class ViewServerWorker implements Runnable, WindowManagerService.WindowChangeListener {        private Socket mClient;        private boolean mNeedWindowListUpdate;        private boolean mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate;        public ViewServerWorker(Socket client) {            mClient = client;            mNeedWindowListUpdate = false;            mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = false;        }        public void run() {            BufferedReader in = null;            try {                in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mClient.getInputStream()), 1024);                final String request = in.readLine();                String command;                String parameters;                int index = request.indexOf(' ');                if (index == -1) {                    command = request;                    parameters = "";                } else {                    command = request.substring(0, index);                    parameters = request.substring(index + 1);                }                boolean result;                if (COMMAND_PROTOCOL_VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {                    result = writeValue(mClient, VALUE_PROTOCOL_VERSION);                } else if (COMMAND_SERVER_VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {                    result = writeValue(mClient, VALUE_SERVER_VERSION);                } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_LIST.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {                    result = mWindowManager.viewServerListWindows(mClient);                } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_GET_FOCUS.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {                    result = mWindowManager.viewServerGetFocusedWindow(mClient);                } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_AUTOLIST.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {                    result = windowManagerAutolistLoop();                } else {                    result = mWindowManager.viewServerWindowCommand(mClient,                            command, parameters);                }                if (!result) {                    Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "An error occurred with the command: " + command);                }            } catch(IOException e) {                Slog.w(LOG_TAG, "Connection error: ", e);            } finally {                if (in != null) {                    try {                        in.close();                    } catch (IOException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }                if (mClient != null) {                    try {                        mClient.close();                    } catch (IOException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }            }        }        public void windowsChanged() {            synchronized(this) {                mNeedWindowListUpdate = true;                notifyAll();            }        }        public void focusChanged() {            synchronized(this) {                mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = true;                notifyAll();            }        }        private boolean windowManagerAutolistLoop() {            mWindowManager.addWindowChangeListener(this);            BufferedWriter out = null;            try {                out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(mClient.getOutputStream()));                while (!Thread.interrupted()) {                    boolean needWindowListUpdate = false;                    boolean needFocusedWindowUpdate = false;                    synchronized (this) {                        while (!mNeedWindowListUpdate && !mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate) {                            wait();                        }                        if (mNeedWindowListUpdate) {                            mNeedWindowListUpdate = false;                            needWindowListUpdate = true;                        }                        if (mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate) {                            mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = false;                            needFocusedWindowUpdate = true;                        }                    }                    if (needWindowListUpdate) {                        out.write("LIST UPDATE\n");                        out.flush();                    }                    if (needFocusedWindowUpdate) {                        out.write("ACTION_FOCUS UPDATE\n");                        out.flush();                    }                }            } catch (Exception e) {                // Ignore            } finally {                if (out != null) {                    try {                        out.close();                    } catch (IOException e) {                        // Ignore                    }                }                mWindowManager.removeWindowChangeListener(this);            }            return true;        }    }





  1 /*  2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project  3  *  4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");  5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at  7  *  8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  9  * 10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14  * limitations under the License. 15  */ 16  17 package com.server; 18  19 import android.app.Activity; 20 import android.content.Context; 21 import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; 22 import android.os.Build; 23 import android.text.TextUtils; 24 import android.util.Log; 25 import android.view.View; 26 import android.view.ViewDebug; 27  28 import java.io.BufferedReader; 29 import java.io.BufferedWriter; 30 import java.io.IOException; 31 import java.io.InputStreamReader; 32 import java.io.OutputStream; 33 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; 34 import java.lang.reflect.Method; 35 import java.net.InetAddress; 36 import java.net.ServerSocket; 37 import java.net.Socket; 38 import java.util.HashMap; 39 import java.util.List; 40 import java.util.Map.Entry; 41 import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; 42 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; 43 import java.util.concurrent.Executors; 44 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; 45  46 /** 47  * <p>This class can be used to enable the use of HierarchyViewer inside an 48  * application. HierarchyViewer is an Android SDK tool that can be used 49  * to inspect and debug the user interface of running applications. For 50  * security reasons, HierarchyViewer does not work on production builds 51  * (for instance phones bought in store.) By using this class, you can 52  * make HierarchyViewer work on any device. You must be very careful 53  * however to only enable HierarchyViewer when debugging your 54  * application.</p> 55  * <p/> 56  * <p>To use this view server, your application must require the INTERNET 57  * permission.</p> 58  * <p/> 59  * <p>The recommended way to use this API is to register activities when 60  * they are created, and to unregister them when they get destroyed:</p> 61  * <p/> 62  * <pre> 63  * public class MyActivity extends Activity { 64  *     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 65  *         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 66  *         // Set content view, etc. 67  *         ViewServer.get(this).addWindow(this); 68  *     } 69  * 70  *     public void onDestroy() { 71  *         super.onDestroy(); 72  *         ViewServer.get(this).removeWindow(this); 73  *     } 74  * 75  *     public void onResume() { 76  *         super.onResume(); 77  *         ViewServer.get(this).setFocusedWindow(this); 78  *     } 79  * } 80  * </pre> 81  * <p/> 82  * <p> 83  * In a similar fashion, you can use this API with an InputMethodService: 84  * </p> 85  * <p/> 86  * <pre> 87  * public class MyInputMethodService extends InputMethodService { 88  *     public void onCreate() { 89  *         super.onCreate(); 90  *         View decorView = getWindow().getWindow().getDecorView(); 91  *         String name = "MyInputMethodService"; 92  *         ViewServer.get(this).addWindow(decorView, name); 93  *     } 94  * 95  *     public void onDestroy() { 96  *         super.onDestroy(); 97  *         View decorView = getWindow().getWindow().getDecorView(); 98  *         ViewServer.get(this).removeWindow(decorView); 99  *     }100  *101  *     public void onStartInput(EditorInfo attribute, boolean restarting) {102  *         super.onStartInput(attribute, restarting);103  *         View decorView = getWindow().getWindow().getDecorView();104  *         ViewServer.get(this).setFocusedWindow(decorView);105  *     }106  * }107  * </pre>108  */109 public class ViewServer implements Runnable {110     /**111      * The default port used to start view servers.112      */113     private static final int VIEW_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT = 4939;114     private static final int VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS = 10;115     private static final String BUILD_TYPE_USER = "user";116 117     // Debug facility118     private static final String LOG_TAG = "ViewServer";119 120     private static final String VALUE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "4";121     private static final String VALUE_SERVER_VERSION = "4";122 123     // Protocol commands124     // Returns the protocol version125     private static final String COMMAND_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "PROTOCOL";126     // Returns the server version127     private static final String COMMAND_SERVER_VERSION = "SERVER";128     // Lists all of the available windows in the system129     private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_LIST = "LIST";130     // Keeps a connection open and notifies when the list of windows changes131     private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_AUTOLIST = "AUTOLIST";132     // Returns the focused window133     private static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_GET_FOCUS = "GET_FOCUS";134 135     private ServerSocket mServer;136     private final int mPort;137 138     private Thread mThread;139     private ExecutorService mThreadPool;140 141     private final List<WindowListener> mListeners =142             new CopyOnWriteArrayList<WindowListener>();143 144     private final HashMap<View, String> mWindows = new HashMap<View, String>();145     private final ReentrantReadWriteLock mWindowsLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();146 147     private View mFocusedWindow;148     private final ReentrantReadWriteLock mFocusLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();149 150     private static ViewServer sServer;151 152     /**153      * Returns a unique instance of the ViewServer. This method should only be154      * called from the main thread of your application. The server will have155      * the same lifetime as your process.156      * <p/>157      * If your application does not have the <code>android:debuggable</code>158      * flag set in its manifest, the server returned by this method will159      * be a dummy object that does not do anything. This allows you to use160      * the same code in debug and release versions of your application.161      *162      * @param context A Context used to check whether the application is163      *                debuggable, this can be the application context164      */165     public static ViewServer get(Context context) {166         ApplicationInfo info = context.getApplicationInfo();167         if (BUILD_TYPE_USER.equals(Build.TYPE) &&168                 (info.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) != 0) {169             if (sServer == null) {170                 sServer = new ViewServer(ViewServer.VIEW_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT);171             }172 173             if (!sServer.isRunning()) {174                 try {175                     sServer.start();176                 } catch (IOException e) {177                     Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Error:", e);178                 }179             }180         } else {181             sServer = new NoopViewServer();182         }183 184         return sServer;185     }186 187     private ViewServer() {188         mPort = -1;189     }190 191     /**192      * Creates a new ViewServer associated with the specified window manager on the193      * specified local port. The server is not started by default.194      *195      * @param port The port for the server to listen to.196      * @see #start()197      */198     private ViewServer(int port) {199         mPort = port;200     }201 202     /**203      * Starts the server.204      *205      * @return True if the server was successfully created, or false if it already exists.206      * @throws java.io.IOException If the server cannot be created.207      * @see #stop()208      * @see #isRunning()209      */210     public boolean start() throws IOException {211         if (mThread != null) {212             return false;213         }214 215         mThread = new Thread(this, "Local View Server [port=" + mPort + "]");216         mThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS);217         mThread.start();218 219         return true;220     }221 222     /**223      * Stops the server.224      *225      * @return True if the server was stopped, false if an error occurred or if the226      * server wasn't started.227      * @see #start()228      * @see #isRunning()229      */230     public boolean stop() {231         if (mThread != null) {232             mThread.interrupt();233             if (mThreadPool != null) {234                 try {235                     mThreadPool.shutdownNow();236                 } catch (SecurityException e) {237                     Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not stop all view server threads");238                 }239             }240 241             mThreadPool = null;242             mThread = null;243 244             try {245                 mServer.close();246                 mServer = null;247                 return true;248             } catch (IOException e) {249                 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not close the view server");250             }251         }252 253         mWindowsLock.writeLock().lock();254         try {255             mWindows.clear();256         } finally {257             mWindowsLock.writeLock().unlock();258         }259 260         mFocusLock.writeLock().lock();261         try {262             mFocusedWindow = null;263         } finally {264             mFocusLock.writeLock().unlock();265         }266 267         return false;268     }269 270     /**271      * Indicates whether the server is currently running.272      *273      * @return True if the server is running, false otherwise.274      * @see #start()275      * @see #stop()276      */277     public boolean isRunning() {278         return mThread != null && mThread.isAlive();279     }280 281     /**282      * Invoke this method to register a new view hierarchy.283      *284      * @param activity The activity whose view hierarchy/window to register285      * @see #addWindow(android.view.View, String)286      * @see #removeWindow(android.app.Activity)287      */288     public void addWindow(Activity activity) {289         String name = activity.getTitle().toString();290         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) {291             name = activity.getClass().getCanonicalName() +292                     "/0x" + System.identityHashCode(activity);293         } else {294             name += "(" + activity.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ")";295         }296         addWindow(activity.getWindow().getDecorView(), name);297     }298 299     /**300      * Invoke this method to unregister a view hierarchy.301      *302      * @param activity The activity whose view hierarchy/window to unregister303      * @see #addWindow(android.app.Activity)304      * @see #removeWindow(android.view.View)305      */306     public void removeWindow(Activity activity) {307         removeWindow(activity.getWindow().getDecorView());308     }309 310     /**311      * Invoke this method to register a new view hierarchy.312      *313      * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/window to register314      * @name name The name of the view hierarchy/window to register315      * @see #removeWindow(android.view.View)316      */317     public void addWindow(View view, String name) {318         mWindowsLock.writeLock().lock();319         try {320             mWindows.put(view.getRootView(), name);321         } finally {322             mWindowsLock.writeLock().unlock();323         }324         fireWindowsChangedEvent();325     }326 327     /**328      * Invoke this method to unregister a view hierarchy.329      *330      * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/window to unregister331      * @see #addWindow(android.view.View, String)332      */333     public void removeWindow(View view) {334         mWindowsLock.writeLock().lock();335         try {336             mWindows.remove(view.getRootView());337         } finally {338             mWindowsLock.writeLock().unlock();339         }340         fireWindowsChangedEvent();341     }342 343     /**344      * Invoke this method to change the currently focused window.345      *346      * @param activity The activity whose view hierarchy/window hasfocus,347      *                 or null to remove focus348      */349     public void setFocusedWindow(Activity activity) {350         setFocusedWindow(activity.getWindow().getDecorView());351     }352 353     /**354      * Invoke this method to change the currently focused window.355      *356      * @param view A view that belongs to the view hierarchy/window that has focus,357      *             or null to remove focus358      */359     public void setFocusedWindow(View view) {360         mFocusLock.writeLock().lock();361         try {362             mFocusedWindow = view == null ? null : view.getRootView();363         } finally {364             mFocusLock.writeLock().unlock();365         }366         fireFocusChangedEvent();367     }368 369     /**370      * Main server loop.371      */372     public void run() {373         try {374             InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();375             mServer = new ServerSocket(mPort, VIEW_SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS, address);376         } catch (Exception e) {377             Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Starting ServerSocket error: ", e);378         }379 380         while (mServer != null && Thread.currentThread() == mThread) {381             // Any uncaught exception will crash the system process382             try {383                 Socket client = mServer.accept();384                 if (mThreadPool != null) {385                     mThreadPool.submit(new ViewServerWorker(client));386                 } else {387                     try {388                         client.close();389                     } catch (IOException e) {390                         e.printStackTrace();391                     }392                 }393             } catch (Exception e) {394                 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Connection error: ", e);395             }396         }397     }398 399     private static boolean writeValue(Socket client, String value) {400         boolean result;401         BufferedWriter out = null;402         try {403             OutputStream clientStream = client.getOutputStream();404             out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(clientStream), 8 * 1024);405             out.write(value);406             out.write("\n");407             out.flush();408             result = true;409         } catch (Exception e) {410             result = false;411         } finally {412             if (out != null) {413                 try {414                     out.close();415                 } catch (IOException e) {416                     result = false;417                 }418             }419         }420         return result;421     }422 423     private void fireWindowsChangedEvent() {424         for (WindowListener listener : mListeners) {425             listener.windowsChanged();426         }427     }428 429     private void fireFocusChangedEvent() {430         for (WindowListener listener : mListeners) {431             listener.focusChanged();432         }433     }434 435     private void addWindowListener(WindowListener listener) {436         if (!mListeners.contains(listener)) {437             mListeners.add(listener);438         }439     }440 441     private void removeWindowListener(WindowListener listener) {442         mListeners.remove(listener);443     }444 445     private interface WindowListener {446         void windowsChanged();447 448         void focusChanged();449     }450 451 452     private class ViewServerWorker implements Runnable, WindowListener {453         private Socket mClient;454         private boolean mNeedWindowListUpdate;455         private boolean mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate;456 457         private final Object[] mLock = new Object[0];458 459         public ViewServerWorker(Socket client) {460             mClient = client;461             mNeedWindowListUpdate = false;462             mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = false;463         }464 465         public void run() {466             BufferedReader in = null;467             try {468                 in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mClient.getInputStream()), 1024);469 470                 final String request = in.readLine();471 472                 Log.i("Command", "===>" + request);473 474                 String command;475                 String parameters;476 477                 int index = request.indexOf(' ');478                 if (index == -1) {479                     command = request;480                     parameters = "";481                 } else {482                     command = request.substring(0, index);483                     parameters = request.substring(index + 1);484                 }485 486                 boolean result;487                 if (COMMAND_PROTOCOL_VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {488                     result = writeValue(mClient, VALUE_PROTOCOL_VERSION);489                 } else if (COMMAND_SERVER_VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {490                     result = writeValue(mClient, VALUE_SERVER_VERSION);491                 } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_LIST.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {492                     result = listWindows(mClient);493                 } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_GET_FOCUS.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {494                     result = getFocusedWindow(mClient);495                 } else if (COMMAND_WINDOW_MANAGER_AUTOLIST.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {496                     result = windowManagerAutolistLoop();497                 } else {498                     result = windowCommand(mClient, command, parameters);499                 }500 501                 if (!result) {502                     Log.w(LOG_TAG, "An error occurred with the command: " + command);503                 }504             } catch (IOException e) {505                 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Connection error: ", e);506             } finally {507                 if (in != null) {508                     try {509                         in.close();510 511                     } catch (IOException e) {512                         e.printStackTrace();513                     }514                 }515                 if (mClient != null) {516                     try {517                         mClient.close();518                     } catch (IOException e) {519                         e.printStackTrace();520                     }521                 }522             }523         }524 525         private boolean windowCommand(Socket client, String command, String parameters) {526             boolean success = true;527             BufferedWriter out = null;528 529             try {530                 // Find the hash code of the window531                 int index = parameters.indexOf(' ');532                 if (index == -1) {533                     index = parameters.length();534                 }535                 final String code = parameters.substring(0, index);536                 int hashCode = (int) Long.parseLong(code, 16);537 538                 // Extract the command's parameter after the window description539                 if (index < parameters.length()) {540                     parameters = parameters.substring(index + 1);541                 } else {542                     parameters = "";543                 }544 545                 final View window = findWindow(hashCode);546                 if (window == null) {547                     return false;548                 }549 550                 // call stuff551                 final Method dispatch = ViewDebug.class.getDeclaredMethod("dispatchCommand",552                         View.class, String.class, String.class, OutputStream.class);553                 dispatch.setAccessible(true);554                 dispatch.invoke(null, window, command, parameters,555                         new UncloseableOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()));556 557                 if (!client.isOutputShutdown()) {558                     out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(client.getOutputStream()));559                     out.write("DONE\n");560                     out.flush();561                 }562 563             } catch (Exception e) {564                 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not send command " + command +565                         " with parameters " + parameters, e);566                 success = false;567             } finally {568                 if (out != null) {569                     try {570                         out.close();571                     } catch (IOException e) {572                         success = false;573                     }574                 }575             }576 577             return success;578         }579 580         private View findWindow(int hashCode) {581             if (hashCode == -1) {582                 View window = null;583                 mWindowsLock.readLock().lock();584                 try {585                     window = mFocusedWindow;586                 } finally {587                     mWindowsLock.readLock().unlock();588                 }589                 return window;590             }591 592 593             mWindowsLock.readLock().lock();594             try {595                 for (Entry<View, String> entry : mWindows.entrySet()) {596                     if (System.identityHashCode(entry.getKey()) == hashCode) {597                         return entry.getKey();598                     }599                 }600             } finally {601                 mWindowsLock.readLock().unlock();602             }603 604             return null;605         }606 607         private boolean listWindows(Socket client) {608             boolean result = true;609             BufferedWriter out = null;610 611             try {612                 mWindowsLock.readLock().lock();613 614                 OutputStream clientStream = client.getOutputStream();615                 out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(clientStream), 8 * 1024);616 617                 for (Entry<View, String> entry : mWindows.entrySet()) {618                     out.write(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(entry.getKey())));619                     out.write(' ');620                     out.append(entry.getValue());621                     out.write('\n');622                 }623 624                 out.write("DONE.\n");625                 out.flush();626             } catch (Exception e) {627                 result = false;628             } finally {629                 mWindowsLock.readLock().unlock();630 631                 if (out != null) {632                     try {633                         out.close();634                     } catch (IOException e) {635                         result = false;636                     }637                 }638             }639 640             return result;641         }642 643         private boolean getFocusedWindow(Socket client) {644             boolean result = true;645             String focusName = null;646 647             BufferedWriter out = null;648             try {649                 OutputStream clientStream = client.getOutputStream();650                 out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(clientStream), 8 * 1024);651 652                 View focusedWindow = null;653 654                 mFocusLock.readLock().lock();655                 try {656                     focusedWindow = mFocusedWindow;657                 } finally {658                     mFocusLock.readLock().unlock();659                 }660 661                 if (focusedWindow != null) {662                     mWindowsLock.readLock().lock();663                     try {664                         focusName = mWindows.get(mFocusedWindow);665                     } finally {666                         mWindowsLock.readLock().unlock();667                     }668 669                     out.write(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(focusedWindow)));670                     out.write(' ');671                     out.append(focusName);672                 }673                 out.write('\n');674                 out.flush();675             } catch (Exception e) {676                 result = false;677             } finally {678                 if (out != null) {679                     try {680                         out.close();681                     } catch (IOException e) {682                         result = false;683                     }684                 }685             }686 687             return result;688         }689 690         public void windowsChanged() {691             synchronized (mLock) {692                 mNeedWindowListUpdate = true;693                 mLock.notifyAll();694             }695         }696 697         public void focusChanged() {698             synchronized (mLock) {699                 mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = true;700                 mLock.notifyAll();701             }702         }703 704         private boolean windowManagerAutolistLoop() {705             addWindowListener(this);706             BufferedWriter out = null;707             try {708                 out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(mClient.getOutputStream()));709                 while (!Thread.interrupted()) {710                     boolean needWindowListUpdate = false;711                     boolean needFocusedWindowUpdate = false;712                     synchronized (mLock) {713                         while (!mNeedWindowListUpdate && !mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate) {714                             mLock.wait();715                         }716                         if (mNeedWindowListUpdate) {717                             mNeedWindowListUpdate = false;718                             needWindowListUpdate = true;719                         }720                         if (mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate) {721                             mNeedFocusedWindowUpdate = false;722                             needFocusedWindowUpdate = true;723                         }724                     }725                     if (needWindowListUpdate) {726                         out.write("LIST UPDATE\n");727                         out.flush();728                     }729                     if (needFocusedWindowUpdate) {730                         out.write("FOCUS UPDATE\n");731                         out.flush();732                     }733                 }734             } catch (Exception e) {735                 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Connection error: ", e);736             } finally {737                 if (out != null) {738                     try {739                         out.close();740                     } catch (IOException e) {741                         // Ignore742                     }743                 }744                 removeWindowListener(this);745             }746             return true;747         }748     }749 750     private static class UncloseableOutputStream extends OutputStream {751         private final OutputStream mStream;752 753         UncloseableOutputStream(OutputStream stream) {754             mStream = stream;755         }756 757         public void close() throws IOException {758             // Don't close the stream759         }760 761         public boolean equals(Object o) {762             return mStream.equals(o);763         }764 765         public void flush() throws IOException {766             mStream.flush();767         }768 769         public int hashCode() {770             return mStream.hashCode();771         }772 773         public String toString() {774             return mStream.toString();775         }776 777         public void write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)778                 throws IOException {779             mStream.write(buffer, offset, count);780         }781 782         public void write(byte[] buffer) throws IOException {783             mStream.write(buffer);784         }785 786         public void write(int oneByte) throws IOException {787             mStream.write(oneByte);788         }789     }790 791     /**792      * 一个空的ViewServer类793      */794     private static class NoopViewServer extends ViewServer {795         private NoopViewServer() {796         }797 798         @Override799         public boolean start() throws IOException {800             return false;801         }802 803         @Override804         public boolean stop() {805             return false;806         }807 808         @Override809         public boolean isRunning() {810             return false;811         }812 813         @Override814         public void addWindow(Activity activity) {815         }816 817         @Override818         public void removeWindow(Activity activity) {819         }820 821         @Override822         public void addWindow(View view, String name) {823         }824 825         @Override826         public void removeWindow(View view) {827         }828 829         @Override830         public void setFocusedWindow(Activity activity) {831         }832 833         @Override834         public void setFocusedWindow(View view) {835         }836 837         @Override838         public void run() {839         }840     }841 }


public class MyActivity extends Activity {      public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {          super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);          // Set content view, etc.          ViewServer.get(this).addWindow(this);      }       public void onDestroy() {          super.onDestroy();          ViewServer.get(this).removeWindow(this);      }       public void onResume() {          super.onResume();          ViewServer.get(this).setFocusedWindow(this);      }  }




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