public boolean onKeyUp(int paramInt, KeyEvent paramKeyEvent) { int i = 84; if (paramInt == i); for (boolean bool = onSearchRequested(); ; bool = super.onKeyUp(paramInt, paramKeyEvent)) return bool; } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH) { return onSearchRequested(); } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); }


if (this.mImportTask != null) { UserTask.Status localStatus1 = this.mImportTask.getStatus(); UserTask.Status localStatus2 = UserTask.Status.FINISHED; if (localStatus1 != localStatus2) break label57; } ImportTask localImportTask1 = new ImportTask(); Void[] arrayOfVoid = new Void[null]; ImportTask localImportTask2 = (ImportTask)localImportTask1.execute(arrayOfVoid); this.mImportTask = localImportTask2; while (true) { return; label57: UIUtilities.showToast(this, 2131230728); } if (mImportTask == null || mImportTask.getStatus() == ImportTask.Status.FINISHED) { mImportTask = (ImportTask) new ImportTask().execute(); } else { UIUtilities.showToast(this, R.string.error_import_in_progress); }


for (int k = j;; k = j + paramInt2) { while (true) { if (paramInt2 >= 0) { label44: k = ((List) this.mChildData.get(paramInt1)).size(); if (paramInt2 < k) break; } Log.e(TAG, "childPosition is out of range"); k = j; } }


view myView; if(------) break label 1; myview.set(---); while(true){ return myView; label1: String str4 = localFile.getName().toLowerCase(); ||||| view myView if(!-------){ myview.set(---); }else{ String str4 = localFile.getName().toLowerCase();s } return myView;


LayoutInflater localLayoutInflater = (LayoutInflater)getSystemService("layout_inflater"); ViewGroup localViewGroup = (ViewGroup)findViewById(2131230766); View localView = localLayoutInflater.inflate(2130903052, localViewGroup); AlertDialog.Builder localBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); String str1 = getString(2131099669); localBuilder.setTitle(str1); localBuilder.setView(localView); EditText localEditText1 = (EditText)localView.findViewById(2131230769); this.telNum = localEditText1; EditText localEditText2 = (EditText)localView.findViewById(2131230770); this.messageText = localEditText2; String str2 = ""; if (this.isOnline); LinkedList localLinkedList2; int j; for (str2 = this.madiaInfo.getText().toString(); ; str2 = ((MovieInfo)localLinkedList2.get(j)).displayName) { LinkedList localLinkedList1; int i; do { EditText localEditText3 = this.messageText; String str3 = String.valueOf(getString(2131099666)); String str4 = str3 + str2; localEditText3.setText(str4); LocalVideoPlayerActivity.12 local12 = new LocalVideoPlayerActivity.12(this); localBuilder.setPositiveButton(2131099667, local12); LocalVideoPlayerActivity.13 local13 = new LocalVideoPlayerActivity.13(this); localBuilder.setNegativeButton(2131099668, local13); localBuilder.create().show(); return; localLinkedList1 = playList; i = position; } while (localLinkedList1.get(i) == null); localLinkedList2 = playList; j = position; }


LayoutInflater inflater = ((LayoutInflater) getSystemService("layout_inflater")); View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.smsdialgo, (ViewGroup) findViewById(; Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); dialog.setTitle(getString(R.string.sendsms_title)); dialog.setView(layout); telNum = (EditText) layout.findViewById(; messageText = (EditText) layout.findViewById(; String name = ""; if(isOnline){ name = madiaInfo.getText().toString(); }else{ if (playList.get(position) != null) name = playList.get(position).displayName; } messageText.setText(getString(R.string.video_name) + name); dialog.setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { String telNumStr = telNum.getText().toString(); String messageStr = messageText.getText().toString(); if (null != telNumStr && null != messageStr) { try { SmsManager.getDefault().sendTextMessage(telNumStr,null, messageStr,null,null); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("SmsSending", "SendException", e); } } else { showDialog(getTaskId()); } dialog.dismiss(); } }); dialog.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); dialog.create().show(); }


if(mData.size() == 0){ position = 0; } else{ position %= mData.size(); } ImageView imageview = new ImageView(mContext); BookInfo bookinfo = mData.get(position); MyLog.e("bookinfo","myid=" + bookinfo.m_sID); Bitmap bp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(Utils.getImgFilePathByBID(bookinfo.m_sID)); if(bp == null) { imageview.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.unknown_cover); } else { double widthscale = 120f/bp.getWidth(); double heightscale = 200f/bp.getHeight(); Bitmap scalebp = null; if(widthscale > heightscale) { scalebp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bp,(int)(bp.getWidth()*heightscale), (int)(bp.getHeight()*heightscale), true); } else { scalebp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bp,(int)(bp.getWidth()*widthscale), (int)(bp.getHeight()*widthscale), true); } //Bitmap scalebp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bp,320, 400, true); imageview.setImageBitmap(scalebp); } imageview.setLayoutParams(new Gallery.LayoutParams(200, 300)); MyLog.e("ImageAdapter","get position=" + WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN + "," + WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); // 设置显示比例类型 imageview.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER); //imageview.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.MATRIX ); return imageview;


boolean bool = true; if (BookShelvesGallery.this.mData.size() == 0) paramInt = 0; ImageView localImageView; Bitmap localBitmap1; while (true) { Context localContext = this.mContext; localImageView = new ImageView(localContext); BookInfo localBookInfo = (BookInfo)BookShelvesGallery.this.mData.get(paramInt); StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder("myid="); String str1 = localBookInfo.m_sID; String str2 = str1; MyLog.e("bookinfo", str2); localBitmap1 = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(Utils.getImgFilePathByBID(localBookInfo.m_sID)); if (localBitmap1 != null) break; localImageView.setBackgroundResource(2130837568); label117: Gallery.LayoutParams localLayoutParams = new Gallery.LayoutParams(200, 300); localImageView.setLayoutParams(localLayoutParams); MyLog.e("ImageAdapter", "get position=1024,1024"); ImageView.ScaleType localScaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER; localImageView.setScaleType(localScaleType); return localImageView; int i = BookShelvesGallery.this.mData.size(); paramInt %= i; } float f1 = localBitmap1.getWidth(); double d1 = 1123024896 / f1; float f2 = localBitmap1.getHeight(); double d2 = 1128792064 / f2; Bitmap localBitmap2 = null; int j; int k; if (d1 > d2) { j = (int)(localBitmap1.getWidth() * d2); k = (int)(localBitmap1.getHeight() * d2); } int l; int i1; for (localBitmap2 = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(localBitmap1, j, k, bool); ; localBitmap2 = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(localBitmap1, l, i1, bool)) { localImageView.setImageBitmap(localBitmap2); break label117: l = (int)(localBitmap1.getWidth() * d1); i1 = (int)(localBitmap1.getHeight() * d1); }


int i = getCenterOfView(paramView); int j = paramView.getWidth(); Object localObject = null; paramTransformation.clear(); int l = Transformation.TYPE_MATRIX; paramTransformation.setTransformationType(l); int i1 = this.mCoveflowCenter; if (i == i1) { ImageView localImageView1 = (ImageView)paramView; transformImageBitmap(paramView, paramTransformation, 0); label54: return true; } float f1 = this.mCoveflowCenter - i; float f2 = j; float f3 = f1 / f2; float f4 = this.mMaxRotationAngle; int k = (int)(f3 * f4); int i2 = Math.abs(k); int i3 = this.mMaxRotationAngle; if (i2 > i3) if (k >= 0) break label141; for (k = -this.mMaxRotationAngle; ; k = this.mMaxRotationAngle) { ImageView localImageView2 = (ImageView)paramView; transformImageBitmap(paramView, paramTransformation, k); label141: break label54: }


final int childCenter = getCenterOfView(child); final int childWidth = child.getWidth(); int rotationAngle = 0; t.clear(); t.setTransformationType(Transformation.TYPE_MATRIX); if (childCenter == mCoveflowCenter) { transformImageBitmap((ImageView) child, t, 0); } else { rotationAngle = (int) (((float) (mCoveflowCenter - childCenter) / childWidth) * mMaxRotationAngle); if (Math.abs(rotationAngle) > mMaxRotationAngle) { rotationAngle = (rotationAngle < 0) ? -mMaxRotationAngle : mMaxRotationAngle; } transformImageBitmap((ImageView) child, t, rotationAngle); } return true;

----------------------------------------------------------for(1;;2) --- if(){break;}---}--------------------------------------------------------try { new SettingsActivity().initBeforeShare(); Weibo localWeibo = WeicoOAuthConstant.getInstance().getWeibo(); String str1 = GlobeConfData.getInstance().GetSinaWeicoToken(); String str2 = GlobeConfData.getInstance().GetSinaWeicoTokenSecret(); localWeibo.setToken(str1, str2); StringBuilder localStringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder("shared_page="); int i = paramInt; String str3 = i; MyLog.d("tag", str3); BookDataParse localBookDataParse = this.m_book_data_parse; int j = paramInt; byte[] arrayOfByte1 = localBookDataParse.getImageBytesAt(j); PrintStream localPrintStream1 = System.out; StringBuilder localStringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder("content length:"); int k = arrayOfByte1.length; String str4 = k; localPrintStream1.println(str4); ImageItem localImageItem1 = new com/snda/childbook/weibo4andriod/http/ImageItem; ImageItem localImageItem2 = localImageItem1; String str5 = "pic"; byte[] arrayOfByte2 = arrayOfByte1; localImageItem2.<init>(str5, arrayOfByte2); String str6 = null; String str7 = this.m_book_data_parse.GetBookName(); String str8 = str7; int l = 45; int i1 = str8.indexOf(l); if (i1 > 0) { String str9 = str7; int i2 = 0; int i3 = i1; str7 = str9.substring(i2, i3); } StringBuilder localStringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder(""); String str10 = this.m_bookinfo.m_sID; String str11 = str10; int i4 = paramString.length(); int i5 = 50; String str12; Object[] arrayOfObject1; if ((i4 < i5) && (paramInt > 0)) { BookReader localBookReader1 = this; int i6 = 2131230843; str12 = localBookReader1.getString(i6); arrayOfObject1 = new Object[4]; arrayOfObject1[0] = str7; Integer localInteger = Integer.valueOf(paramInt + 1); arrayOfObject1[1] = localInteger; arrayOfObject1[2] = paramString; arrayOfObject1[3] = str11; } label512: String str21; Object[] arrayOfObject2; for (str6 = String.format(str12, arrayOfObject1); ; str6 = String.format(str21, arrayOfObject2)) { String str13 = str6; String str14 = "UTF-8"; String str15 = URLEncoder.encode(str13, str14); PrintStream localPrintStream2 = System.out; StringBuilder localStringBuilder4 = new StringBuilder(); String str16 = str15; String str17 = str16; localPrintStream2.println(str17); Status localStatus = localWeibo.uploadStatus(str15, localImageItem1); PrintStream localPrintStream3 = System.out; StringBuilder localStringBuilder5 = new StringBuilder("Successfully upload the status to ["); String str18 = localStatus.getText(); String str19 = str18 + "]."; localPrintStream3.println(str19); int i7 = paramString.length(); int i8 = 5; if (i7 >= i8) break; BookReader localBookReader2 = this; int i9 = 2131230818; int i10 = 0; Toast.makeText(localBookReader2, i9, i10).show(); String str20 = localStatus.toString(); MyLog.e("Toast", str20); int i11 = 1; this.m_page_is_shared = i11; return; BookReader localBookReader3 = this; int i12 = 2131230844; str21 = localBookReader3.getString(i12); arrayOfObject2 = new Object[3]; arrayOfObject2[0] = str7; arrayOfObject2[1] = paramString; arrayOfObject2[2] = str11; } BookReader localBookReader4 = this; int i13 = 2131230817; String str22 = localBookReader4.getString(i13); StringBuilder localStringBuilder6 = new StringBuilder("["); String str23 = paramString; StringBuilder localStringBuilder7 = localStringBuilder6.append(str23).append("] "); String str24 = str22; String str25 = str24; BookReader localBookReader5 = this; String str26 = str25; int i14 = 0; Toast.makeText(localBookReader5, str26, i14).show(); } catch (WeiboException localWeiboException) { String str27 = String.valueOf(paramString); StringBuilder localStringBuilder8 = new StringBuilder(str27).append(" error: "); String str28 = localWeiboException.toString(); String str29 = str28; BookReader localBookReader6 = this; String str30 = str29; int i15 = null; Toast.makeText(localBookReader6, str30, i15).show(); String str31 = localWeiboException.toString(); MyLog.e("Toast", str31); break label512: } catch (Exception localException) { String str32 = String.valueOf(paramString); StringBuilder localStringBuilder9 = new StringBuilder(str32).append(" error: "); String str33 = localException.toString(); String str34 = str33; BookReader localBookReader7 = this; String str35 = str34; int i16 = null; Toast.makeText(localBookReader7, str35, i16).show(); String str36 = localException.toString(); MyLog.e("Toast", str36); break label512: }


try { SettingsActivity swbua = new SettingsActivity(); swbua.initBeforeShare(); Weibo weibo = WeicoOAuthConstant.getInstance().getWeibo(); weibo.setToken(GlobeConfData.getInstance().GetSinaWeicoToken(), GlobeConfData.getInstance().GetSinaWeicoTokenSecret()); MyLog.d("tag", "shared_page=" + shared_page); byte[] content = m_book_data_parse.getImageBytesAt(shared_page); System.out.println("content length:" + content.length); ImageItem pic = new ImageItem("pic", content); String code = null; String bookname = m_book_data_parse.GetBookName(); int nPos = bookname.indexOf('-'); if (nPos > 0) { bookname = bookname.substring(0, nPos); } String surl = "" + m_bookinfo.m_sID; if (usermsg.length() < 50 && shared_page > 0) { // code = "我正在看<" + bookname + ">第" + (shared_page + 1) + "页: " // + usermsg + ","; code = String.format(getString(R.string.bookread_is_reading), bookname, shared_page + 1, usermsg,surl); } else { // code = "我正在看<" + bookname + ">: " + usermsg // + ","; code = String.format(getString(R.string.bookread_is_reading_1), bookname, usermsg,surl); } String url1 =, "UTF-8"); System.out.println("" + url1); Status status = weibo.uploadStatus(url1, pic); System.out.println("Successfully upload the status to [" + status.getText() + "]."); if(usermsg.length() < 5){ Toast.makeText(BookReader.this, R.string.WEICOSINA_SEND_SUCC2, 0).show(); }else{ String msg= this.getString(R.string.WEICOSINA_SEND_SUCC); Toast.makeText(BookReader.this, "[" + usermsg + "] "+ msg, 0).show(); } MyLog.e("Toast", status.toString()); m_page_is_shared = true; // 成功分享 } catch (WeiboException e) { Toast.makeText(BookReader.this, usermsg + " error: " + e.toString(), 0).show(); MyLog.e("Toast", e.toString()); } catch (Exception e1) { Toast.makeText(BookReader.this, usermsg + " error: " + e1.toString(), 0).show(); MyLog.e("Toast", e1.toString()); }


ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); ServerBookListDb.Clear(contentResolver, nforClassify); for (String s : list) { String[] strData = s.split("~/~#/~"); if (strData.length < 5) { // 错误的信息 continue; } BookInfo bookinfo = new BookInfo(); bookinfo.m_sID = strData[0]; bookinfo.m_sBookname = strData[1]; bookinfo.m_PageNum = Utils.SafeParseInt(strData[2]); bookinfo.m_content_type = Utils.SafeParseInt(strData[3]); bookinfo.m_fileSize = Utils.SafeParseInt(strData[4]); if (bookinfo.m_PageNum < 2) { continue; } if (bookinfo.m_content_type == 0) { if (nforClassify > 0) { bookinfo.m_content_type = nforClassify; } else { bookinfo.m_content_type = 101; } } MyLog.d("1234", "get " + s + "== bookinfo.m_PageNum=" + bookinfo.m_PageNum + ",bookinfo.m_content_type=" + bookinfo.m_content_type); ServerBookListDb.serverBookSave(contentResolver, bookinfo); if (linsten != null) { linsten.onImportSize(1, 1); } } }


long l = 1L; int i = 2; ContentResolver localContentResolver = paramContext.getContentResolver(); ServerBookListDb.Clear(localContentResolver, paramInt); Iterator localIterator = paramList.iterator(); label28: String str1; BookInfo localBookInfo; do { String[] arrayOfString; do { if (!localIterator.hasNext()) return; str1 = (String); arrayOfString = str1.split("~/~#/~"); } while (arrayOfString.length < 5); localBookInfo = new BookInfo(); String str2 = arrayOfString[null]; localBookInfo.m_sID = str2; String str3 = arrayOfString[1]; localBookInfo.m_sBookname = str3; int j = Utils.SafeParseInt(arrayOfString[i]); localBookInfo.m_PageNum = j; int k = Utils.SafeParseInt(arrayOfString[3]); localBookInfo.m_content_type = k; int i1 = Utils.SafeParseInt(arrayOfString[4]); localBookInfo.m_fileSize = i1; } while (localBookInfo.m_PageNum < i); if (localBookInfo.m_content_type == 0) if (paramInt <= 0) break label271; for (localBookInfo.m_content_type = paramInt; ; localBookInfo.m_content_type = 101) { StringBuilder localStringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder("get ").append(str1).append("== bookinfo.m_PageNum="); int i2 = localBookInfo.m_PageNum; StringBuilder localStringBuilder2 = localStringBuilder1.append(i2).append(",bookinfo.m_content_type="); int i3 = localBookInfo.m_content_type; String str4 = i3; MyLog.d("1234", str4); ServerBookListDb.serverBookSave(localContentResolver, localBookInfo); if (paramImportProgressListener != null); paramImportProgressListener.onImportSize(l, l); label271: break label28: }


ContentResolver localContentResolver = paramContext.getContentResolver(); CategoryListDb.Clear(localContentResolver); Iterator localIterator = paramList.iterator(); while (true) { if (!localIterator.hasNext()) return; String[] arrayOfString = ((String)"~/~#/~"); if (arrayOfString.length < 4) continue; CategoryInfo localCategoryInfo = new CategoryInfo(); String str1 = arrayOfString[null]; localCategoryInfo.m_name = str1; int i = Utils.SafeParseInt(arrayOfString[1]); localCategoryInfo.m_type = i; String str2 = arrayOfString[2]; localCategoryInfo.m_booksurl = str2; String str3 = arrayOfString[3]; localCategoryInfo.m_imgurl = str3; if (localCategoryInfo.m_name.length() == 0) continue; CategoryListDb.SaveCategory(localContentResolver, localCategoryInfo); }


ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); CategoryListDb.Clear(contentResolver); for (String s : list) { String[] strData = s.split("~/~#/~"); if (strData.length < 4) { // 错误的信息 continue; } CategoryInfo category = new CategoryInfo(); category.m_name = strData[0]; category.m_type = Utils.SafeParseInt(strData[1]); category.m_booksurl = strData[2]; category.m_imgurl = strData[3]; if (category.m_name.length() == 0) { continue; } // MyLog.d("1234", "get " + s + "== i=" + i + // "== bookinfo.m_PageNum=" + bookinfo.m_PageNum); CategoryListDb.SaveCategory(contentResolver, category); }


  1. Android 编译错误解决----1
  2. Android接收信息操作
  3. android获取版本信息、屏幕信息和设备编号
  4. android的failed binder transcation错误
  5. android c 如何规避Wunused-parameter等警告错误
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  7. Android小程序之个人信息管理系统


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  5. Ubuntu下Android(安卓)NDK的安装及配置
  6. Activity之间传递类对象
  7. AndroidManifest.xml配置文件详解
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  10. android studio教程-创建第一个项目Hello