

long android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insert(String table, String nullColumnHack, ContentValues values)


table: 要插入数据的表的名称





 1 [java] view plaincopy/**  2     * General method for inserting a row into the database.  3     *  4     * @param table the table to insert the row into  5     * @param nullColumnHack SQL doesn't allow inserting a completely empty row,  6     *            so if initialValues is empty this column will explicitly be  7     *            assigned a NULL value  8     * @param initialValues this map contains the initial column values for the  9     *            row. The keys should be the column names and the values the 10     *            column values 11     * @param conflictAlgorithm for insert conflict resolver 12     * @return the row ID of the newly inserted row 13     * OR the primary key of the existing row if the input param 'conflictAlgorithm' = 14     * {@link #CONFLICT_IGNORE} 15     * OR -1 if any error 16     */  17    public long insertWithOnConflict(String table, String nullColumnHack,  18            ContentValues initialValues, int conflictAlgorithm) {  19        if (!isOpen()) {  20            throw new IllegalStateException("database not open");  21        }  22   23        // Measurements show most sql lengths <= 152  24        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(152);  25        sql.append("INSERT");  26        sql.append(CONFLICT_VALUES[conflictAlgorithm]);  27        sql.append(" INTO ");  28        sql.append(table);  29        // Measurements show most values lengths < 40  30        StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(40);  31   32        Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = null;  33        if (initialValues != null && initialValues.size() > 0) {  34            entrySet = initialValues.valueSet();  35            Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entriesIter = entrySet.iterator();  36            sql.append('(');  37   38            boolean needSeparator = false;  39            while (entriesIter.hasNext()) {  40                if (needSeparator) {  41                    sql.append(", ");  42                    values.append(", ");  43                }  44                needSeparator = true;  45                Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = entriesIter.next();  46                sql.append(entry.getKey());  47                values.append('?');  48            }  49   50            sql.append(')');  51        } else {  52            sql.append("(" + nullColumnHack + ") ");  53            values.append("NULL");  54        }  

这里我们可以看到,当我们的ContentValues类型的数据initialValues为null,或者size<=0时,就会再sql语句中添加nullColumnHack的设置。我们可以想象一下,如果我们不添加nullColumnHack的话,那么我们的sql语句最终的结果将会类似insert into tableName()values();这显然是不允许的。而如果我们添加上nullColumnHack呢,sql将会变成这样,insert into tableName (nullColumnHack)values(null);这样很显然就是可以的。


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